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Evolution of resistance during clonal expansion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Iwasa Y  Nowak MA  Michor F 《Genetics》2006,172(4):2557-2566
Acquired drug resistance is a major limitation for cancer therapy. Often, one genetic alteration suffices to confer resistance to an otherwise successful therapy. However, little is known about the dynamics of the emergence of resistant tumor cells. In this article, we consider an exponentially growing population starting from one cancer cell that is sensitive to therapy. Sensitive cancer cells can mutate into resistant ones, which have relative fitness alpha prior to therapy. In the special case of no cell death, our model converges to the one investigated by Luria and Delbrück. We calculate the probability of resistance and the mean number of resistant cells once the cancer has reached detection size M. The probability of resistance is an increasing function of the detection size M times the mutation rate u. If Mu < 1, then the expected number of resistant cells in cancers with resistance is independent of the mutation rate u and increases with M in proportion to M(1-1/alpha) for advantageous mutants with relative fitness alpha>1, to l nM for neutral mutants (alpha = 1), but converges to an upper limit for deleterious mutants (alpha<1). Further, the probability of resistance and the average number of resistant cells increase with the number of cell divisions in the history of the tumor. Hence a tumor subject to high rates of apoptosis will show a higher incidence of resistance than expected on its detection size only.  相似文献   
A wide range of cellular developmental processes employ intercellular signaling via the Delta/Notch lateral inhibitory pathway to achieve stable spatial patterning. Recent genetic experiments have shown the importance of Delta/Notch lateral inhibition for regulating the number of tip cells in the tracheal primary branching of Drosophila. To examine the role of Delta/Notch regulation in the tip-cell selection, we analyzed a mathematical model of a simple lateral inhibitory system having input signals. Mathematical and numerical analyses revealed that the lateral inhibition did not amplify the signal difference between neighboring cells over the parameter ranges in which the spatial pattern of tip selection was realized. We also show that the number of tip cells becomes less affected by a fluctuation of the input gradient signal as the lateral inhibition becomes stronger. In addition, we demonstrate that the lateral inhibitory regulation enhances the robustness of the tip-cell selection compared with a system regulated by self-inhibition, an alternative means of inhibitory regulation. These results suggest that the lateral inhibition promotes the robustness of tip-cell selection in the tracheal development of Drosophila.  相似文献   
Genetic divergence among three morphs of a goby, Acentrogobius pflaumii, was investigated on the basis of sequence variations in a partial section of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit?I gene. A total of 95 specimens, representing the three morphs, collected almost sympatrically from three sites around the Japanese archipelago, were sequenced, the sequence divergences between the morphs (8.62–15.50%) being much greater than within each morph (0.44–0.57%). In addition, each morph formed a distinct cluster in a neighbor-joining tree. Together with an earlier morphological study, such evidence indicated that each morph clearly represented a distinct species. Based on the determined gene sequences, three morph-specific primers were designed for multiplex haplotype-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to enable quick and easy identification of each morph in future studies, especially for early life ecology given morphological similarities at these stages.  相似文献   
Synaptosomal associated protein of 23 kDa (SNAP-23), a plasma membrane–localized soluble N-ethylmaleimide–sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE), has been implicated in phagocytosis by macrophages. For elucidation of its precise role in this process, a macrophage line overexpressing monomeric Venus–tagged SNAP-23 was established. These cells showed enhanced Fc receptor–mediated phagocytosis. Detailed analyses of each process of phagocytosis revealed a marked increase in the production of reactive oxygen species within phagosomes. Also, enhanced accumulation of a lysotropic dye, as well as augmented quenching of a pH-sensitive fluorophore were observed. Analyses of isolated phagosomes indicated the critical role of SNAP-23 in the functional recruitment of the NADPH oxidase complex and vacuolar-type H+-ATPase to phagosomes. The data from the overexpression experiments were confirmed by SNAP-23 knockdown, which demonstrated a significant delay in phagosome maturation and a reduction in uptake activity. Finally, for analyzing whether phagosomal SNAP-23 entails a structural change in the protein, an intramolecular Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) probe was constructed, in which the distance within a TagGFP2-TagRFP was altered upon close approximation of the N-termini of its two SNARE motifs. FRET efficiency on phagosomes was markedly enhanced only when VAMP7, a lysosomal SNARE, was coexpressed. Taken together, our results strongly suggest the involvement of SNAP-23 in both phagosome formation and maturation in macrophages, presumably by mediating SNARE-based membrane traffic.  相似文献   
Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is a mediator of brain injury induced by ischemia, trauma, and chronic neurodegenerative disease. IL-1 also has a protective role by preventing neuronal cell death from glutamate neurotoxicity. However, the cellular mechanisms of IL-1 action remain unresolved. In the mammalian retina, glutamate/aspartate transporter (GLAST) is a Na(+)-dependent, major glutamate transporter localized to Müller glial cells, and loss of GLAST leads to glaucomatous retinal degeneration (T. Harada, C. Harada, K. Nakamura, H. A. Quah, A. Okumura, K. Namekata, T. Saeki, M. Aihara, H. Yoshida, A. Mitani, and K. Tanaka, J. Clin. Investig. 117:1763-1770, 2007). We show here that IL-1 increases glutamate uptake in Müller cells by a mechanism that involves increased membrane Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase localization, required for counteracting the Na(+)-glutamate cotransport. IL-1 activated the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/capase 11 pathway, which destabilizes the actin cytoskeleton allowing Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase membrane redistribution. Furthermore, pretreatment with IL-1 protected retinal neurons from glutamate neurotoxicity through p38 MAPK signaling. Our observations suggested that IL-1 acts as a potential neuroprotective agent by modulating the functions of the glia-neuron network.  相似文献   
In the development of organs, multiple morphogen sources are often involved, and interact with each other. For example, the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) and the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) are major morphogen sources in the limb bud formation of vertebrates. Fgf expression in the AER and Shh expression in the ZPA are maintained by their positive feedback regulation mediated by diffusible molecules, FGF and SHH. A recent experimental observation suggests that the FGF-signal regulates the Shh expression in a feed-forward manner with activation and repression regulatory pathways. We study the coupled dynamics of Shh expression in the ZPA and Fgf expression in the AER, and the relationship of the relative position between AER and ZPA. We first show that with the feed-forward regulation only, the peak of ZPA activity can be formed distant from the AER as observed experimentally. Then, we clarify that the robustness of the ZPA spatial pattern to changes in system parameters is enhanced by adding the feedback regulation between the AER and the ZPA. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis shows that there exists the optimal feedback strength where the robustness is the most improved.  相似文献   
We study the establishment probability of invaders in stochastically fluctuating environments and the related issue of extinction probability of small populations in such environments, by means of an inhomogeneous branching process model. In the model it is assumed that individuals reproduce asexually during discrete reproduction periods. Within each period, individuals have (independent) Poisson distributed numbers of offspring. The expected numbers of offspring per individual are independently identically distributed over the periods. It is shown that the establishment probability of an invader varies over the reproduction periods according to a stable distribution. We give a method for simulating the establishment probabilities and approximations for the expected establishment probability. Furthermore, we show that, due to the stochasticity of the establishment success over different periods, the expected success of sequential invasions is larger then that of simultaneous invasions and we study the effects of environmental fluctuations on the extinction probability of small populations and metapopulations. The results can easily be generalized to other offspring distributions than the Poisson.  相似文献   
Molecular techniques provide ancestral phylogenies of extant taxa with estimated branching times. Here we studied the pattern of ancestral phylogeny of extant taxa produced by branching (or cladogenesis) and extinction of taxa, assuming branching processes with time-dependent rates. (1) If the branching rate b and extinction rate c are constant, the semilog plot of the number of ancestral lineages over time is not a straight line but is curvilinear, with increasing slope toward the end, implying that ancestral phylogeny shows apparent increase in the branching rate near the present. The estimate of b and c based on nonlinear fitting is examined by computer simulation. The estimate of branching rate can be usable for a large phylogeny if b is greater than c, but the estimate of extinction rate c is unreliable because of large bias and variance. (2) Gradual decrease in the slope of the semilog plot of the number of ancestral lineages over time, as was observed in a phylogeny of bird families based on DNA hybridization data, can be explained equally well by either the decreasing branching rate or the increasing extinction rate. Infinitely many pairs of branching and extinction rates as functions of time can produce the same ancestral phylogeny. (3) An explosive branching event in the past would appear as a quick increase in the number of ancestral lineages. In contrast, mass extinction occurring in a brief period, if not accompanied by an increase in branching rate, does not produce any rapid change in the number of ancestral lineages at the time. (4) The condition in which the number of ancestral lineages of extant species changes in parallel with the actual number of species in the past is derived.  相似文献   
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