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Heart failure is the common final pathway of several cardiovascular conditions and a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Aberrant activation of the adaptive immune system in response to myocardial necrosis has recently been implicated in the development of heart failure. The ß-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol hydrochloride is used for its cardiac effects in a variety of different dosing regimens with high doses causing acute cardiomyocyte necrosis. To assess whether isoproterenol-induced cardiomyocyte necrosis triggers an adaptive immune response against the heart, we treated C57BL/6J mice with a single intraperitoneal injection of isoproterenol. We confirmed tissue damage reminiscent of human type 2 myocardial infarction. This is followed by an adaptive immune response targeting the heart as demonstrated by the activation of T cells, the presence of anti-heart auto-antibodies in the serum as late as 12 weeks after initial challenge and IgG deposition in the myocardium. All of these are hallmark signs of an established autoimmune response. Adoptive transfer of splenocytes from isoproterenol-treated mice induces left ventricular dilation and impairs cardiac function in healthy recipients. In summary, a single administration of a high dose of isoproterenol is a suitable high-throughput model for future studies of the pathological mechanisms of anti-heart autoimmunity and to test potential immunomodulatory therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   
One hundred fifteen wolf (Canis lupus) feces were collected between 1980 and 1984 from northeastern Minnesota and were examined for canine parvovirus by negative contrast electron microscopy. Of these, seven (6%) samples revealed the presence of parvovirus. Some of these viruses were able to grow in cell cultures forming intranuclear inclusion bodies and giant cells.  相似文献   
One of the essential factors to be addressed in the development of aquaculture is the feeding regime. This study was investigated to assess the effects of feeding rate on growth performance, feed utilization, chemical body composition survival rate, cannibalism and morphological indices of Asian Seabass, Lates calcarifer. Intended for the trial, one hundred forty sea bass individuals with an average weight 5.47 ± 0.11 g were randomly distributed in 4 concrete tanks (914 cm × 183 cm 122 cm) each; length × width × depth) and volume 18,399 L, for total 68 days. The fishes were fed with a pelleted diet containing 46% crude protein for different feeding groups designated as (T1, T2, T3 and T4). The feed was supplied with a rate of (T1) 3%, (T2) 4%, (T3) 6%, and (T4) 9% of fish biomass per day and feeding frequency were maintained three times per day to all the groups. At the end of the trial water physicochemical parameters was in acceptable range for Asian sea bass growth. The average daily weight gain (g), weight gain (g) and specific growth rate (%) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in T3 and T4 as compared to T1 and T2 group. The poorest feed conversion ratio was recorded in T1 group with 3% biomass per day. The cannibalism rate was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in T1 (3%) compared to T3 and T4 treatment. The morphological indices, condition factors (CF), viscerosomatic index and hepatosomatic index (HSI) was significantly higher in T4 group as compared to other treatments. The protein, moisture and ash contents of the whole biomass of the Asian sea bass were not significantly influenced by feeding rate. The fat levels in the fish bodies increased significantly (p < 0.05) with increasing feeding ratio. The phenomenal regression indicates that 6.5% feeding rate per day is optimum for best growth performance, survival and minimum cannibalism rate for Asian sea bass in captivity. The outcome of the finding will help in promotion for not only the coastal aquaculture in Pakistan abut also elsewhere.  相似文献   
Methamphetamine (METH), an addictive psycho-stimulant drug exerts euphoric effects on users and abusers. It is also known to cause cognitive impairment and neurotoxicity. Here, we hypothesized that METH exposure impairs the glucose uptake and metabolism in human neurons and astrocytes. Deprivation of glucose is expected to cause neurotoxicity and neuronal degeneration due to depletion of energy. We found that METH exposure inhibited the glucose uptake by neurons and astrocytes, in which neurons were more sensitive to METH than astrocytes in primary culture. Adaptability of these cells to fatty acid oxidation as an alternative source of energy during glucose limitation appeared to regulate this differential sensitivity. Decrease in neuronal glucose uptake by METH was associated with reduction of glucose transporter protein-3 (GLUT3). Surprisingly, METH exposure showed biphasic effects on astrocytic glucose uptake, in which 20 μM increased the uptake while 200 μM inhibited glucose uptake. Dual effects of METH on glucose uptake were paralleled to changes in the expression of astrocytic glucose transporter protein-1 (GLUT1). The adaptive nature of astrocyte to mitochondrial β-oxidation of fatty acid appeared to contribute the survival of astrocytes during METH-induced glucose deprivation. This differential adaptive nature of neurons and astrocytes also governed the differential sensitivity to the toxicity of METH in these brain cells. The effect of acetyl-L-carnitine for enhanced production of ATP from fatty oxidation in glucose-free culture condition validated the adaptive nature of neurons and astrocytes. These findings suggest that deprivation of glucose-derived energy may contribute to neurotoxicity of METH abusers.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the protective role of Fe in providing tolerance against Cd-stress in root nodules of Vigna radiata, because Cd may be more deleterious in the absence of Fe. Biochemical, histological and proteomic responses to Cd-exposure (50?μM CdCl2) were examined under Fe-sufficient (+Fe/+Cd) or Fe-deficient (?Fe/+Cd) soils by comparing non ?Cd exposed control (+Fe/?Cd) plants with additional control of Fe-deficient and non-exposed Cd plants (?Fe/?Cd). Cd-exposure negatively affected on growth and some physiological parameters of host plant and nodules, and also induced oxidative stress with the decline of antioxidative enzyme activities. The negative effects of Cd-exposure in +Fe/+Cd plants were much less than those in ?Fe/+Cd and ?Fe/?Cd ones. When compared with ?Fe/Cd and ?Fe/?Cd plants, a marked improvement of bacteriod development and cell division was observed and deformation of cell wall remarkably alleviated in the nodules of (+Fe/Cd) plants. Proteomic study revealed that 20 proteins were differentially expressed by Fe/Cd combined treatment. Eleven proteins of interest were identified and classified as precursor for RNA metabolism, storage of seeds, hypothetical proteins, and unknown proteins. These results indicate that Fe plays a pivotal role in alleviating Cd-stress, as evidence by reduction in oxidative damage and protection of cell wall and bacteriods in nodules.  相似文献   
Hyperhydric disorders occur frequently in plant tissues cultured in vitro and cause several morphological and physiological abnormalities. However, a systematic defense response is triggered by hyperhydric conditions. The accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), activities of antioxidant enzymes and their immunoblots, and the proteome-level changes in normal versus hyperhydric shoots of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) cultured in vitro were investigated. Total proteins were also extracted from the shoot and analyzed by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Among a total of 700 spots detected, only 40 had significant changes in abundance in the hyperhydric compared to the normal shoots, which were further identified by a mass spectrometer (MALDI-TOF MS). Most of them were involved in photosynthesis, RNA processing, and general metabolisms, while the rest were involved in secondary metabolic processes. These identified proteins in carnation shoots may provide novel evidences for stress tolerance against hyperhydricity.  相似文献   
BOT-2 cells (human breast tumor origin) have an impaired ability to utilize exogenous thymidine. Previous studies revealed this deficiency to be the permeation event rather than phosphorylation, since the cells have active thymidine kinase. Chromosome-mediated gene transfer was used to transfer genetic information in the form of metaphase chromosomes, from HeLa-65 cells to the BOT-2 cells, correcting the permease deficiency. Poly-L-ornithine or lipochromes were used for facilitation of chromosome uptake. After selection on HAT medium, transferant clones were isolated at a frequency of 4 X 10?5 and 1 X 10?5, respectively. Transferants MGP-1 and MGL-1 are stable after 18 months and have been characterized on the bases of purine and pyrimidine nucleoside uptake, relative thymidine kinase activities, alkaline phosphatase activities, and hydrocortisone-induced alkaline phosphatase activity. MGP-1 demonstrates positive thymidine uptake and incorporates radiolabeled thymidine into DNA. MGL-1 remains thymidine transport-deficient and survives on HAT by increasing endogenous dihydrofolate reductase activity. Alkaline phosphatase activity in MGL-1 is similar to HeLa-65, 2% of that in BOT-2, and in addition, is inducible 25-30-fold by 3 μM hydrocortisone. We have separated, genetically, a thymidine permease function from phosphorylation in cells of human origin and have transferred genetic information for the regulation of alkaline phosphatase.  相似文献   
The assembly and maintenance of cilia require intraflagellar transport (IFT), a microtubule-dependent bidirectional motility of multisubunit protein complexes along ciliary axonemes. Defects in IFT and the functions of motile or sensory cilia are associated with numerous human ailments, including polycystic kidney disease and Bardet-Biedl syndrome. Here, we identify a novel Caenorhabditis elegans IFT gene, IFT-associated gene 1 (ifta-1), which encodes a WD repeat-containing protein with strong homology to a mammalian protein of unknown function. Both the C. elegans and human IFTA-1 proteins localize to the base of cilia, and in C. elegans, IFTA-1 can be observed to undergo IFT. IFTA-1 is required for the function and assembly of cilia, because a C. elegans ifta-1 mutant displays chemosensory abnormalities and shortened cilia with prominent ciliary accumulations of core IFT machinery components that are indicative of retrograde transport defects. Analyses of C. elegans IFTA-1 localization/motility along bbs mutant cilia, where anterograde IFT assemblies are destabilized, and in a che-11 IFT gene mutant, demonstrate that IFTA-1 is closely associated with the IFT particle A subcomplex, which is implicated in retrograde IFT. Together, our data indicate that IFTA-1 is a novel IFT protein that is required for retrograde transport along ciliary axonemes.  相似文献   
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