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Several mechanistic alternatives have been proposed for the enzyme-catalyzed, electrophilic cyclization of farnesyl pyrophosphate to the tricyclic sesquiterpene alcohol patchoulol, which is the characteristic component of the essential oil of Pogostemon cablin (patchouli). These alternatives include schemes involving deprotonation-reprotonation steps and the intermediacy of the monocyclic and bicyclic olefins germacrene and bulnesene, respectively, and involving a 1,3-hydride shift with only tertiary cationic intermediates and without any deprotonation-reprotonation steps. Analytical studies, based on analyses of P. cablin leaf oil at different stages of plant development, and in vivo time-course investigations, using 14CO2 and [14C]sucrose, gave no indication that germacrene and bulnesene were intermediates in patchoulol biosynthesis. A soluble enzyme system from P. cablin leaves was prepared, which was capable of converting farnesyl pyrophosphate to patchoulol, and isotopic dilution experiments with both labeled and unlabeled olefins were carried out with this system to confirm that sesquiterpene olefins did not participate as fre intermediates in the transformation of the acyclic precursor to patchoulol. Patchoulol derived biosynthetically from [12,13-14C;1-3H]farnesyl pyrophosphate was chemically degraded to establish the overall construction pattern of the product. Similar studies with [12,13-14C;6-3H]farnesyl pyrophosphate as a precursor eliminated deprotonation steps to form bound olefinic intermediates in the biosynthesis of patchoulol, while providing supporting evidence for the hydride shift mechanism.  相似文献   
The jejuno-ileal variation of amino and imino acid transport across the brush-border membrane of intact rabbit small intestine was studied. For the amino acids tested--beta-alanine, leucine, lysine, MeAIB, proline--and for D-glucose, the rates of transport at constant concentrations increase from very low values in the proximal jejunum to maximum values in the most distal 30 cm of the ileum. The apparent affinity constant for jejunal taurine transport is identical to that of the distal ileum, while the jejunal transport capacity is less than half. In the jejunum, as in the distal ileum, leucine and lysine share both sodium-dependent and sodium-independent carriers. Approx. 50% of the quantitative difference in transport capacity is accounted for by the absence of the beta-alanine carrier in the jejunum. These data indicate that the gradients of transport along the small intestine reflect gradients of transport capacities rather than affinities. In comparison with hamster, man and rat, the rabbit seems unique with respect to the location of transport maximum and the steepness of the gradient along the intestine.  相似文献   
We report the purification of two glycosyl hydrolase family 18 chitinases, Chit33 and Chit42, from the filamentous fungus Trichoderma harzianum and characterization using a panel of different soluble chitinous substrates and inhibitors. We were particularly interested in the potential of these (alpha/beta)(8)-barrel fold enzymes to recognize beta-1,4-galactosylated and alpha-1,3-fucosylated oligosaccharides, which are animal-type saccharides of medical relevance. Three-dimensional structural models of the proteins in complex with chito-oligosaccharides were built to support the interpretation of the hydrolysis data. Our kinetic and inhibition studies are indicative of the substrate-assisted catalysis mechanism for both chitinases. Both T. harzianum chitinases are able to catalyze some transglycosylation reactions and cleave both simple chito-oligosaccharides and synthetically modified, beta-1,4-galactosylated and alpha-1,3-fucosylated chito-oligosaccharides. The cleavage data give experimental evidence that the two chitinases have differences in their substrate-binding sites, Chit42 apparently having a deeper substrate binding groove, which provides more tight binding of the substrate at subsites (-2-1-+1+2). On the other hand, some flexibility for the sugar recognition at subsites more distal from the cleavage point is allowed in both chitinases. A galactose unit can be accepted at the putative subsites -4 and -3 of Chit42, and at the subsite -4 of Chit33. Fucose units can be accepted as a branch at the putative -3 and -4 sites of Chit33 and as a branch point at -3 of Chit42. These data provide a good starting point for future protein engineering work aiming at chitinases with altered substrate-binding specificity.  相似文献   
Hu-K4 is a human protein homologous to the K4L protein of vaccinia virus. Due to the presence of two HKD motifs, Hu-K4 was assigned to the family of Phospholipase D proteins although so far no catalytic activity has been shown. The Hu-K4 mRNA is found in many human organs with highest expression levels in the central nervous system. We extended the ORF of Hu-K4 to the 5' direction. As a consequence the protein is 53 amino acids larger than originally predicted, now harbouring a putative transmembrane domain. The exon/intron structure of the Hu-K4 gene reveals extensive alternative splicing in the 5' untranslated region. Due to the absence of G/C-rich regions and upstream ATG codons, the mRNA isoform in brain may be translated with higher efficacy leading to a high Hu-K4 protein concentration in this tissue. Using a specific antiserum produced against Hu-K4 we found that Hu-K4 is a membrane-bound protein colocalizing with protein disulfide isomerase, a marker of the endoplasmic reticulum. Glycosylation of Hu-K4 as shown by treatment with peptide N-glycosidase F or tunicamycin indicates that Hu-K4 has a type 2 transmembrane topology.  相似文献   
Third harmonic generation (THG) microscopy is a label‐free imaging technique that shows great potential for rapid pathology of brain tissue during brain tumor surgery. However, the interpretation of THG brain images should be quantitatively linked to images of more standard imaging techniques, which so far has been done qualitatively only. We establish here such a quantitative link between THG images of mouse brain tissue and all‐nuclei‐highlighted fluorescence images, acquired simultaneously from the same tissue area. For quantitative comparison of a substantial pair of images, we present here a segmentation workflow that is applicable for both THG and fluorescence images, with a precision of 91.3 % and 95.8 % achieved respectively. We find that the correspondence between the main features of the two imaging modalities amounts to 88.9 %, providing quantitative evidence of the interpretation of dark holes as brain cells. Moreover, 80 % bright objects in THG images overlap with nuclei highlighted in the fluorescence images, and they are 2 times smaller than the dark holes, showing that cells of different morphologies can be recognized in THG images. We expect that the described quantitative comparison is applicable to other types of brain tissue and with more specific staining experiments for cell type identification.


Several lines of evidence have suggested that glucocorticoid receptor function may be regulated by phosphorylation-dephosphorylation reactions, and it has been proposed that dephosphorylation accompanies activation to the DNA-binding form. The phosphate content of the approximately 100-kDa steroid-binding protein has been determined directly and was found not to change during activation in intact cells (Mendel, D.B., Bodwell, J.E., and Munck, A. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 5644-5648). We have now determined the effect of interaction with the receptor and of activation on the phosphate content of the approximately 90-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp 90), which is thought to be a non-steroid-binding subunit of nonactivated glucocorticoid receptors that dissociates on activation. Monoclonal antibodies AC88 and BuGR2 were used to purify free Hsp 90 and cytosolic nonactivated glucocorticoid-receptor complexes, respectively, from WEHI-7 cells grown in the presence of 32Pi and [35S] methionine. Cell-free activation of the nonactivated receptor-antibody complexes immobilized on protein A-Sepharose minicolumns allowed the recovery of the Hsp 90 dissociated from the complexes during activation. Proteins were separated by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and the 32P/35S ratio, which was used as a measure of the phosphate content relative to protein, was determined for the free, receptor-associated, and dissociated forms of the Hsp 90, as well as for the approximately 100-kDa steroid-binding protein of non-activated and activated receptors. The three forms of the Hsp 90 had the same phosphate contents, as did the approximately 100-kDa steroid-binding protein before and after activation. Based upon these results, we conclude that no net change in the phosphorylation occurs when the Hsp 90 associates with the approximately 100-kDa steroid-binding protein to form nonactivated receptors and that neither protein component of nonactivated complexes is dephosphorylated when they dissociate during thermal activation under cell-free conditions.  相似文献   
A continuous line of mouse macrophages (P388D1) has been shown to secrete elastase, collagenase, and plasminogen activator at activities comparable to those of macrophages elicited by an inflammatory stimulus in vivo. At physiologic concentrations anti-inflammatory glucocorticoids selectively and reversibly inhibited secretion of the three proteinases but did not inhibit secretion of lysozyme, a constitutive enzyme produced by the P388D1 cells. The secretion of the neutral proteinases was inhibited 50% by 2 to 10 nM dexamethasone. Proliferation of the macrophages was also glucocorticoid sensitive. The P388D1 macrophages contained about 4000 saturable glucocorticoid-binding sites per cell. Concentrations of hormone saturating the high affinity receptor site (for dexamethasone the dissociation constant for steroid-receptor binding, Kd, was 4 nM) correlated well with concentrations inhibiting secretion of the proteinases. Only glucocorticoids and progesterone competed for binding to the specific receptors. Temperature-sensitive translocation of hormone-receptor complexes from "cytoplasm" to nucleus similar to that found with rat thymocytes was demonstrated. Thus, the interaction between glucocorticoids and the P388D1 cell line provides a model for the regulation of macrophage secretion of neutral proteinases under normal and stress conditions.  相似文献   
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