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Increasing crop productivity to meet rising demands for food and energy, but doing so in an environmentally sustainable manner, is one of the greatest challenges for agriculture to date. In Ireland, Miscanthus × giganteus has the potential to become a major feedstock for bioenergy production, but the economic feasibility of its cultivation depends on high yields. Miscanthus fields can have a large number of gaps in crop cover, adversely impacting yield and hence economic viability. Predominantly positive effects of Miscanthus on biodiversity reported from previous research might be attributable to high crop patchiness, particularly during the establishment phase. The aim of this research was to assess crop patchiness on a field scale and to analyse the relationship between Miscanthus yield and species richness and abundance of selected taxa of farmland wildlife. For 14 Miscanthus fields at the end of their establishment phase (4–5 years after planting), which had been planted either on improved grassland (MG) or tilled arable land (MT), we determined patchiness of the crop cover, percentage light penetration (LP) to the lower canopy, Miscanthus shoot density and height, vascular plants and epigeic arthropods. Plant species richness and noncrop vegetation cover in Miscanthus fields increased with increasing patchiness, due to higher levels of LP to the lower canopy. The species richness of ground beetles and the activity density of spiders followed the increase in vegetation cover. Plant species richness and activity density of spiders on both MT and MG fields, as well as vegetation cover and activity density of ground beetles on MG fields, were negatively associated with Miscanthus yield. In conclusion, positive effects of Miscanthus on biodiversity can diminish with increasing productivity. This matter needs to be considered when assessing the relative ecological impacts of developing biomass crops in comparison with other land use.  相似文献   
Myostatin, a transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) super-family member, has been well characterized as a negative regulator of muscle growth and development. Myostatin has been implicated in several forms of muscle wasting including the severe cachexia observed as a result of conditions such as AIDS and liver cirrhosis. Here we show that Myostatin induces cachexia by a mechanism independent of NF-kappaB. Myostatin treatment resulted in a reduction in both myotube number and size in vitro, as well as a loss in body mass in vivo. Furthermore, the expression of the myogenic genes myoD and pax3 was reduced, while NF-kappaB (the p65 subunit) localization and expression remained unchanged. In addition, promoter analysis has confirmed Myostatin inhibition of myoD and pax3. An increase in the expression of genes involved in ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis is observed during many forms of muscle wasting. Hence we analyzed the effect of Myostatin treatment on proteolytic gene expression. The ubiquitin associated genes atrogin-1, MuRF-1, and E214k were upregulated following Myostatin treatment. We analyzed how Myostatin may be signaling to induce cachexia. Myostatin signaling reversed the IGF-1/PI3K/AKT hypertrophy pathway by inhibiting AKT phosphorylation thereby increasing the levels of active FoxO1, allowing for increased expression of atrophy-related genes. Therefore, our results suggest that Myostatin induces cachexia through an NF-kappaB-independent mechanism. Furthermore, increased Myostatin levels appear to antagonize hypertrophy signaling through regulation of the AKT-FoxO1 pathway.  相似文献   
Identification of signaling pathways that maintain and promote adult pancreatic islet functions will accelerate our understanding of organogenesis and improve strategies for treating diseases like diabetes mellitus. Previous work has implicated transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) signaling as an important regulator of pancreatic islet development, but has not established whether this signaling pathway is required for essential islet functions in the adult pancreas. Here we describe a conditional system for expressing Smad7, a potent inhibitor of TGF-beta signaling, to identify distinct roles for this pathway in adult and embryonic beta cells. Smad7 expression in Pdx1+ embryonic pancreas cells resulted in striking embryonic beta cell hypoplasia and neonatal lethality. Conditional expression of Smad7 in adult Pdx1+ cells reduced detectable beta cell expression of MafA, menin, and other factors that regulate beta cell function. Reduced pancreatic insulin content and hypoinsulinemia produced overt diabetes that was fully reversed upon resumption of islet TGF-beta signaling. Thus, our studies reveal that TGF-beta signaling is crucial for establishing and maintaining defining features of mature pancreatic beta cells.  相似文献   
A systematic, comprehensive strategy that optimizes sample preparation and chromatography to minimize matrix effects in bioanalytical LC/MS/MS assays was developed. Comparisons were made among several sample preparation methods, including protein precipitation (PPT), liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), pure cation exchange solid-phase extraction (SPE), reversed-phase SPE and mixed-mode SPE. The influence of mobile phase pH and gradient duration on the selectivity and sensitivity for both matrix components and basic analytes was investigated. Matrix effects and overall sensitivity and resolution between UPLC technology and HPLC were compared. The amount of specific matrix components, or class of matrix components, was measured in the sample preparation extracts by LC/MS/MS with electrospray ionization (ESI) using both precursor ion scanning mode and multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). PPT is the least effective sample preparation technique, often resulting in significant matrix effects due to the presence of many residual matrix components. Reversed-phase and pure cation exchange SPE methods resulted in cleaner extracts and reduced matrix effects compared to PPT. The cleanest extracts, however, were produced with polymeric mixed-mode SPE (both reversed-phase and ion exchange retention mechanisms). These mixed-mode sorbents dramatically reduced the levels of residual matrix components from biological samples, leading to significant reduction in matrix effects. LLE also provided clean final extracts. However, analyte recovery, particularly for polar analytes, was very low. Mobile phase pH was manipulated to alter the retention of basic compounds relative to phospholipids, whose retention tends to be relatively independent of pH. In addition to the expected resolution, speed and sensitivity benefits of UPLC technology, a paired t-test demonstrated a statistically significant improvement with respect to matrix effects when this technology was chosen over traditional HPLC. The combination of polymeric mixed-mode SPE, the appropriate mobile phase pH and UPLC technology provides significant advantages for reducing matrix effects resulting from plasma matrix components and in improving the ruggedness and sensitivity of bioanalytical methods.  相似文献   
Erin A. Mordecai 《Oikos》2015,124(4):414-420
Environmental variability can promote species diversity when species respond differently to environmental conditions, via the storage effect. Pathogens, predators and other shared consumers can also facilitate coexistence when they differentially limit common species. However, it remains unclear how environmental variation and consumers interact to determine species diversity. Here, I use a model based on California annual grassland plants to show that a generalist pathogen with no host specificity can enhance the positive effect of environmental variability on diversity. The model predicts that pathogens can promote diversity by increasing the covariance between the environment and competition, enhancing the storage effect. However, pathogen impacts depend on life history. Pathogens that infect germinating seeds or plants tend to increase the storage effect, whereas those that infect dormant seeds can undermine the storage effect by eliminating population buffering during unfavorable years. These results suggest that pathogens may mediate plant responses to environmental variability and change, and in doing so may maintain diversity.  相似文献   
Northern ecosystems are experiencing some of the most dramatic impacts of global change on Earth. Rising temperatures, hydrological intensification, changes in atmospheric acid deposition and associated acidification recovery, and changes in vegetative cover are resulting in fundamental changes in terrestrial–aquatic biogeochemical linkages. The effects of global change are readily observed in alterations in the supply of dissolved organic matter (DOM)—the messenger between terrestrial and lake ecosystems—with potentially profound effects on the structure and function of lakes. Northern terrestrial ecosystems contain substantial stores of organic matter and filter or funnel DOM, affecting the timing and magnitude of DOM delivery to surface waters. This terrestrial DOM is processed in streams, rivers, and lakes, ultimately shifting its composition, stoichiometry, and bioavailability. Here, we explore the potential consequences of these global change‐driven effects for lake food webs at northern latitudes. Notably, we provide evidence that increased allochthonous DOM supply to lakes is overwhelming increased autochthonous DOM supply that potentially results from earlier ice‐out and a longer growing season. Furthermore, we assess the potential implications of this shift for the nutritional quality of autotrophs in terms of their stoichiometry, fatty acid composition, toxin production, and methylmercury concentration, and therefore, contaminant transfer through the food web. We conclude that global change in northern regions leads not only to reduced primary productivity but also to nutritionally poorer lake food webs, with discernible consequences for the trophic web to fish and humans.  相似文献   
We used captive European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) to test whether corticosterone responses differed in birds held under normal laboratory conditions or conditions of chronic stress. Surprisingly, both basal corticosterone concentrations and corticosterone responses to acute stress were significantly reduced when birds were chronically stressed. To determine the mechanism underlying this reduced response, animals under both conditions were injected with lactated Ringer's solution (control), adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), arginine vasotocin (AVT), or dexamethasone (DEX). ACTH increased corticosterone concentrations above stress-induced levels in both cases, although maximum responses were lower in chronically stressed birds. AVT did not augment the corticosterone response under nonchronically stressed conditions, but it did under chronically stressed conditions. DEX reduced maximal corticosterone concentrations in both cases. Neither ovine nor rat corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) altered normal stress responses. These data indicate that changes in responsiveness of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to ACTH and AVT serve to downregulate corticosterone responses during chronic stress. Furthermore, these data lead to the following hypothesis: ACTH output from the pituitary limits maximum corticosterone concentrations under normal conditions, but reduced AVT release from the hypothalamus regulates lower corticosterone concentrations under chronic stress conditions.  相似文献   
Understanding the behavior of pests targeted with Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) crops is important to define resistance management strategies. Particularly the study of larval movement between plants is important to determine the feasibility of refuge configurations. Exposure to Bt maize, Zea mays L. (Poaceae), has been suggested to increase larval movement in lepidopteran species but few studies have examined the potential for resistance to interact with behavioral responses to Bt toxins. Choice and no‐choice experiments were conducted with Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) to determine whether Cry1F resistance influences neonate movement. Leaf discs of Cry1F maize and the corresponding isoline were used to characterize behavioral responses. In both experiments, the location (on or off of plant tissues) and mortality of susceptible and Cry1F resistant neonates was recorded for 5 days, but the analysis of larvae location was performed until 7 h. Our results indicated no strong difference between resistant and susceptible phenotypes in S. frugiperda and O. nubilalis, although a small percentage of susceptible neonates in both species abandoned maize tissue expressing Cry1F. However, significant behavioral differences were observed between species. Ostrinia nubilalis exhibited increased movement between leaf discs, whereas S. frugiperda selected plant tissue within the first 30 min and remained on the chosen plant regardless of the presence of Cry1F. Spodoptera frugiperda reduced larval movement may have implications to refuge configuration. This study represents the first step toward understanding the effects of Cry1F resistance on Lepidoptera larval behavior. Information regarding behavioral differences between species could aid in developing better and more flexible resistance management strategies.  相似文献   
Although the Dasycladalean alga Acetabularia acetabulum has long been known to contain mannan-rich walls, it is not known to what extent wall composition varies as a function of the elaborate cellular differentiation of this cell, nor has it been determined what other polysaccharides accompany the mannans. Cell walls were prepared from rhizoids, stalks, hairs, hair scars, apical septa, gametophores and gametangia, subjected to nuclear magnetic resonance and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and analyzed for monosaccharide composition and linkage, although material limitations prevented some cell regions from being analyzed by some of the methods. In diplophase, walls contain a para-crystalline mannan, with other polysaccharides accounting for 10-20% of the wall mass; in haplophase, gametangia have a cellulosic wall, with mannans and other polymers representing about a quarter of the mass. In the walls of the diplophase, the mannan appears less crystalline than typical of cellulose. The walls of both diploid and haploid phases contain little if any xyloglucan or pectic polysaccharides, but appear to contain small amounts of a homorhamnan, galactomannans and glucogalactomannans, and branched xylans. These ancillary polysaccharides are approximately as abundant in the cellulose-rich gametangia as in the mannan-rich diplophase. In the diplophase, different regions of the cell differ modestly but reproducibly in the composition of the cell wall. These results suggest unique cell wall architecture for the mannan-rich cell walls of the Dasycladales.  相似文献   
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