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Restoration of the longleaf pine ecosystems of the southeastern United States has focused interest on the regeneration and establishment of Aristida sp. (wiregrass) as a means to reestablish ecological function and structure of the ecosystem. This study examined dispersal distance from planted adults and canopy cover and density effects on establishment and reproduction. In 1994 wiregrass plugs were planted in two densities (500 seedlings/100 m2 and 49 seedlings/100 m2) and three canopy‐thinning treatments (25 m2 basal area/ha, 16 m2 basal area/ha, and 8 m2 basal area/ha) were implemented in a 20‐year‐old longleaf plantation in southwestern Georgia. Due to the intense site preparation and the density of pines planted, virtually no understory vegetation was present. The site was burned in June 1995, which promoted seed production of the planted wiregrass. Results indicate that the 8 m2 basal area/ha treatment results in larger plants that in turn produce a greater number of seedling recruits. No seedling recruitment occurred in control plots. Dispersal distances of up to 594 cm were recorded. Natural seedling recruitment occurred at low‐density transplanting (5 plants/10 m2), denoting that high‐density planting similar to natural density (5 plants/m2) is not required for successful establishment or reproduction. However, overstory thinning in dense pine plantations is required for reproduction and increases the survival of individual plants due to changes in the environmental conditions at the forest floor.  相似文献   
Malachite green, an N-methylated diaminotriphenylmethane dye, has been widely used as an antifungal agent in commercial fish hatcheries. Malachite green is reduced to and persists as leucomalachite green in the tissues of fish. Female and male B6C3F1 mice and Fischer 344 rats were fed up to 1200 ppm malachite green or 1160 ppm leucomalachite green for 28 days to determine the toxicity and metabolism of the dyes. Apoptosis in the transitional epithelium of the urinary bladder occurred in all mice fed the highest dose of leucomalachite green. This was not observed with malachite green. Hepatocyte vacuolization was present in rats administered malachite green or leucomalachite green. Rats given leucomalachite green also had apoptotic thyroid follicular epithelial cells. Decreased T4 and increased TSH levels were observed in male rats given leucomalachite green. A comparison of adverse effects suggests that exposure of rats or mice to leucomalachite green causes a greater number of and more severe changes than exposure to malachite green. N-Demethylated and N-oxidized malachite green and leucomalachite green metabolites, including primary arylamines, were detected by high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry in the livers of treated rats. 32P-Postlabeling analyses indicated a single adduct or co-eluting adducts in the liver DNA. These data suggest that malachite green and leucomalachite green are metabolized to primary and secondary arylamines in the tissues of rodents and that these derivatives, following subsequent activation, may be responsible for the adverse effects associated with exposure to malachite green.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of the non-ionic surfactant, Pluronic F-68, on growth and structure ofSolanum dulcamara cells in suspension culture have been studied. Growth of cells, as measured by dry weight, was unaffected by low concentrations (0.01–1.0% w/v) of pluronic, while culture with higher concentrations (2.5–10.0%) resulted in cell death. It is suggested that low concentrations of pluronic may be valuable supplements in plant cell cultures to protect against mechanical damage and to manipulate membrane systems.  相似文献   


We re-assess support for our three stage model for the peopling of the Americas in light of a recent report that identified nine non-Native American mitochondrial genome sequences that should not have been included in our initial analysis. Removal of these sequences results in the elimination of an early (i.e. ∼40,000 years ago) expansion signal we had proposed for the proto-Amerind population.


Bayesian skyline plot analysis of a new dataset of Native American mitochondrial coding genomes confirms the absence of an early expansion signal for the proto-Amerind population and allows us to reduce the variation around our estimate of the New World founder population size. In addition, genetic variants that define New World founder haplogroups are used to estimate the amount of time required between divergence of proto-Amerinds from the Asian gene pool and expansion into the New World.


The period of population isolation required for the generation of New World mitochondrial founder haplogroup-defining genetic variants makes the existence of three stages of colonization a logical conclusion. Thus, our three stage model remains an important and useful working hypothesis for researchers interested in the peopling of the Americas and the processes of colonization.  相似文献   
Introduction  Fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology of the thyroid is a well-established test in the clinical work-up of patients with solitary nodules of the thyroid. Thyroid FNA does however have limitations and audit of diagnostic performance is important.
Methods  The histopathology archives of the Royal Victoria Hospital were searched for all thyroid resections and the histopathological diagnosis was correlated with the pre-operative cytological diagnosis, where available. Special emphasis was placed on the accuracy of tumour diagnosis.
Results  A total of 173 cases were identified during the 2-year period, of these 93 had available pre-operative FNA. A total of 57 tumours were identified. A small number (six of 57) of significant discrepancies were identified. These included a malignant lymphoma diagnosed as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, a metastasis which the FNA had suggested was a medullary carcinoma and an insular carcinoma diagnosed as medullary carcinoma on FNA. False positives included a colloid cyst diagnosed as suspicious of malignancy and a cytological diagnosis of papillary carcinoma not confirmed on histology.
Discussion  At present, the majority of thyroid FNAs in our clinics are performed by surgeons and material is not routinely available for immunocytochemistry. In spite of these limitations, there were few major discrepancies. These might be reduced if pathologist aspirators were able to perform FNAs and collect material for further studies, where necessary. This would allow identification of medullary carcinomas and malignant lymphomas.
Conclusion  FNA of thyroid lesions is a useful investigation in our clinical setting, however, some areas of potential for improvement have been identified.  相似文献   
Hexavalent chromium in industrial wastewater is a major concern due to its extreme toxicity. This study investigates the removal of Cr(VI) using viable anaerobic granular biomass as a biosorbent. The effect of Cr(VI) concentration on biogas content and COD removal using batch studies indicated that the phase II (methanogenic-rich) culture was more sensitive than the phase I (acidogenic-rich) culture. Toxicity indices for both cultures using COD removal were developed based on linear-log interpolation. The median inhibition Cr(VI) concentration (IC(50)), for phase II cultures was found to be 263mg/L, while that for phase I cultures was 309mg/L. A sorption study was conducted on viable and non-viable (dried) phase I-rich biomass: both followed the Langmuir model. In addition, the biosorption capacity for metabolically inhibited biomass was 25% less indicating some level of cellular uptake associated with Cr(VI) removal. This study demonstrated the potential for a two-phase anaerobic treatment system for a Cr(VI)-contaminated effluent.  相似文献   
We investigated neighboring plant effects (competition and facilitation)on wiregrass establishment in two frequently encountered restoration situationsof former longleaf pine-wiregrass habitats in the Southeastern United States:longleaf pine plantations and previously cultivated fields. In the plantationexperiment, we specifically examined canopy removal, neighboring wiregrassdensity, and aboveground and belowground effects on establishment and growth ofwiregrass seedlings at two different ages (3 weeks and 6 months) with 3competitive exclusion treatments (aboveground exclusion, belowground exclusion,or no exclusion). Competition treatment effects were age-dependent forsurvivorship and growth. Survival of 6 month old seedlings was unaffected bycompetition treatment; whereas, three week old seedling survival was greatestwhere roots were excluded. Seedling size increased with root exclusion for 6month seedlings, but not for 3 week old seedlings in plots lacking neighboringwiregrass. Where wiregrass was present, both 3 week and 6 month old seedlingsincreased growth with root exclusion. Furthermore, where neighboring wiregrassplants were absent, increasing canopy density resulted in decreased seedlingsize, but did not affect survivorship. In old fields, fertilizer treatments andweeding effects were also assessed using 3 week and 6 month old seedlings.Fertilizer application did not benefit seedling survival or growth and reducedsurvivorship of 3 week old seedlings. Seedlings were smaller where neighboringold field, weedy vegetation was present regardless of wiregrass seedling age;whereas, survival was dependent on seedling age at time of planting. Six monthold seedling survivorship remained high regardless of weeding treatment. It isstill unclear whether fertilizer application is beneficial to the successfulestablishment of wiregrass.  相似文献   
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