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Antibiotic netropsin is known to bind specifically to A and T regions in DNA; the mode of binding being non-intercalative. Obviously, H-bonding between the proton donors of netropsin and acceptors N3 of A and 02 of T comes as a strong possibility which might render this specificity. In netropsin there could be 8 proton donors: four terminal amino groups and four internal imino groups. However, methylation of the terminal amino groups does not alter the binding affinity of netropsin to DNA—but the modification of the internal imino groups significantly lowers the binding affinity. Hence, the logical conclusion is that netropsin may specifically interact with A and T through H-bonding and in order to do so, it should approach the helix from the minor groove. The present paper provides experimental data which verify the conclusion mentioned above.

Using poly(dA-dT)? poly(dA-dT) as a model system it was observed following a thorough theoretical stereochemical analysis that netropsin could bind to -(T-A-T) sequence of the polymer in the B-form through the minor groove by forming specific B-bonding. Models could be either right or left-handed B-DNA with a mono or dinucleotide repeat.

By monitoring the 31P signals of free poly(dA-dT) ? poly(dA-dT) and netropsin-poly(dA-dT)? poly(dA-dT) complex we show that the drug changes the DNA structure from essentially a mononucleotide repeat to that of very dominant dinucleotide repeat; however the base- pairing in the DNA-drug complex remain to be Watson-Crick. Whether H-bonding is the specific mode of interaction was judged by monitoring the imino protons of netropsin in the presence of poly(dA-dT) ? poly(dA-dT). This experiment was conducted in 90% H2O + 10% D2O Using the time-shared long pulse. It was found that exchangeable imino protons of netropsin appear in the drug-DNA complex and disappear upon increasing the D2O content; thus confirming that H-bonding is indeed the specific mode of interaction. From these and several NOE measurements, we propose a structure for poly(dA-dT)? poly(dA-dT(-netropsin complex.

In summary, experimental data indicate that netropsin binds to poly(dA-dT)? poly(dA-dT) by forming specific hydrogen bonds and that the binding interaction causes the structure to adopt a Watson-Crick paired dinucleotide repeat motif. The proposed hydrogen bonds can form only if the drug approaches the DNA from the minor groove. Within the NMR time scale the interaction between the ligand and DNA is a fast one. From the NOE experimental data, it appears that poly(dA-dT)? poly(dA-dT) in presence of netropsin exists as an equilibrium mixture of right- and left-handed B-DNA duplexes with a dinucleotide repeat—with a predominance of the left-handed form. The last conclusion is a soft one because it was very difficult to make sure the absence of spin diffusion. In a 400 base pairs long DNA duplex- drug complex (as used in this study), equilibrium between right and left-handed helices can also mean the existence of both helical domains in the same molecule with fast interchange between these domains or/and unhindered motion/propagation of these domains along the helix axis.  相似文献   
With advances in therapeutic methods, there is a high survival rate among leukemia patients, of an extent more than 80%. However, chemotherapeutic drugs used to treat these patients have adverse effects on their overall health profile including fertility. The primary aim of this study was to identify differentially expressed proteins in seminal plasma of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) survivors compared to age-matched healthy controls, which can provide molecular basis of idiopathic infertility in such survivors. Differential proteome profiling was performed by 2D–differential in-gel electrophoresis, protein spots were identified by mass spectrometry and selective differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) were validated by western blotting and ELISA method. Out of eight DEPs identified, five proteins (isocitrate dehydrogenase 1, semenogelin 1, lactoferrin, prolactin-inducible protein, and human serum albumin) were upregulated and three (pepsinogen, prostate specific antigen and prostatic acid phosphatase) were downregulated. Expression profiles of these proteins are suggestive of reduction in semen quality in ALL survivors and can further be explored to determine their fertility status.  相似文献   
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a deadly parasitic infection which affects poorest to poor population living in the endemic countries. Increasing resistant to existing drugs, disease burden and a significant number of deaths, necessitates the need for an effective vaccine to prevent the VL infection. This study employed a combinatorial approach to develop a multi-epitope subunit vaccine by exploiting Leishmania donovani membrane proteins. Cytotoxic T- and helper T-lymphocyte binding epitopes along with suitable adjuvant and linkers were joined together in a sequential manner to design the subunit vaccine. The occurrence of B-cell and IFN-γ inducing epitopes approves the ability of subunit vaccine to develop humoral and cell-mediated immune response. Physiochemical parameters of vaccine protein were also assessed followed by homology modeling, model refinement and validation. Moreover, disulfide engineering was performed for the increasing stability of the designed vaccine and molecular dynamics simulation was performed for the comparative stability purposes and to conform the geometric conformations. Further, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation study of a mutated and non-mutated subunit vaccine against TLR-4 immune receptor were performed and respective complex stability was determined. In silico cloning ensures the expression of designed vaccine in pET28a(+) expression vector. This study offers a cost-effective and time-saving way to design a novel immunogenic vaccine that could be used to prevent VL infection.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

The Zika virus is a rapidly spreading Aedes mosquito‐borne sickness, which creates an unanticipated linkage birth deformity and neurological turmoil. This study represents the use of the combinatorial immunoinformatics approach to develop a multiepitope subunit vaccine using the structural and nonstructural proteins of the Zika virus. The designed subunit vaccine consists of cytotoxic T‐lymphocyte and helper T‐lymphocyte epitopes accompanied by suitable adjuvant and linkers. The presence of humoral immune response specific B‐cell epitopes was also confirmed by B‐cell epitope mapping among vaccine protein. Further, the vaccine protein was characterized for its allergenicity, antigenicity, and physiochemical parameters and found to be safe and immunogenic. Molecular docking and molecular dynamics studies of the vaccine protein with the toll‐like receptor‐3 were performed to ensure the binding affinity and stability of their complex. Finally, in silico cloning was performed for the effective expression of vaccine construct in the microbial system (Escherichia coli K12 strain). Aforementioned approaches result in the multiepitope subunit vaccine which may have the ability to induce cellular as well as humoral immune response. Moreover, this study needs the experimental validation to prove the immunogenic and protective behavior of the developed subunit vaccine.  相似文献   
The continuous advancements in cancer research have contributed to the overwhelming evidence of the presence of telomerase in primary and secondary tumours together with hsp90 and c-Myc. This review will discuss the important role of telomerase together with hsp90 and c-Myc within the initiation and progression of gliomas. Also it will review the differential expression of these genes in the different grades of gliomas and the possibility of new treatments targeting these specific genes.  相似文献   
The entry of dengue viruses is mediated by pH triggering in the host cells. Here we have studied the DENV E protein stability and binding of its units at low and normal pH using MD and MM-PB/SA method for the first time. To investigate the role of pH in dissociation of dimeric protein, we have performed a concise study of hydrogen bonding and other interactions between units of dimer at low and normal pH. The Generalized Born calculation connotes that dimeric unit was relatively less stable and less proned for dimerisation at low pH. Our results provide a theoretical verification for previous assumptions of pH triggering mechanism of dengue envelope protein. During the pH alteration, we found a large decrement in salt bridges which were observed at normal pH. We also compared the flexibility of each unit and found that they exhibit different fluctuations during molecular dynamics simulations.  相似文献   
A polysaccharide (PS-I) isolated from the aqueous extract of the unripe (green) tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) consists of d-galactose, d-methyl galacturonate, d-arabinose, l-arabinose, and l-rhamnose. Structural investigation of the polysaccharide was carried out using total acid hydrolysis, methylation analysis, periodate oxidation study, and NMR studies (1H, 13C, DQF-COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, ROESY, HMQC, and HMBC). On the basis of above-mentioned experiments the structure of the repeating unit of the polysaccharide (PS-I) was established as:

Effectiveness of selenium in different forms like sodium selenite, selenocysteine and selenomethionine has been compared in four different doses, namely 4, 6, 8 and 10 ppm of each, in terms of their bioavailability and prolongation of survival of Dalton's lymphorna (DL) bearing mice. Selenomethionine, at a dose of 8 ppm, was found to be the most bioavailable and least cytotoxic form that was capable of increasing the life span of the tumour bearing hosts maximally (almost two-fold). Benef iciality of selenomethionine has also been studied by observing continuous changes brought about by this compound on the glutathione (GSH) level, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity and extent of lipid peroxidation in the hepatic tissue of the tumour bearing hosts, which are indispensable for a cell to function normally and are found to exhibit significantly altered behaviour in neoplastic cells. Selenomethionine caused the maintenance of high steady state GSH level and a normal GPx activity during the fist phase of tumour growth. It also controlled lipid peroxidation during the first 15-20 days following tumour transplantation. These conditions helped in the maintenance of intracellular redox balance, cellular integrity and metabolic rhythms of cells in DL bearing mice receiving selenomethionine.Affiliation  相似文献   
Actinobacillus suis is an opportunistic pathogen of high health status swine and is associated with fatal septicemia, especially in neonatal pigs. A practical model of A. suis is unavailable currently. However, some evidence suggests that A. suis can infect nonporcine species. We therefore hypothesized that a mouse model of A. suis infection might be possible. To test this idea, we challenged CD1 mice with 3 strains of A. suis (2 porcine [SO4 and H91-0380] and 1 feline [96-2247]) by intranasal and intraperitoneal routes. We also evaluated the effects of coadministration of hemoglobin and immunosuppression by dexamethasone on the susceptibility of mice to A. suis infection. The feline and H91-0380 porcine strains induced clinical signs of acute disease and necrotizing pneumonia in mice similar to those seen in pigs. Although few bacteria were recovered, dissemination of A. suis was widespread. Generally, mice infected with the feline A. suis isolate had more severe clinical signs and higher bacterial titers than did mice infected with either of the porcine strains. Pretreatment of the mice with dexamethasone or addition of 2% porcine hemoglobin to the challenge inoculum appeared to hasten the onset of clinical signs by the porcine strains but had no significant effect on moribundity. These experiments demonstrate that mice can be infected with A. suis and subsequently develop pneumonia and bacteremia comparable to that seen in pigs, suggesting that mice may be used as a model for studying infection in swine.  相似文献   
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