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The nucleotide sequence of ornithine aminotransferase mRNA from rat liver, including the entire coding and 3' untranslated regions, was determined from two overlapping cDNA clones. The mRNA encodes a precursor polypeptide of 439 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 48,332. The deduced amino acid composition of the proposed mature enzyme sequence (residues 35 through 439) was in good agreement with that reported for the purified protein. The amino-terminal segment of the precursor corresponding to residues 1 through 34 has an overall positive charge, containing 6 basic residues and only a single acidic residue, and is postulated to be the mitochondrial leader sequence. The first 22 amino acid residues of the proposed leader sequences share 54% homology with the leader peptide of rat ornithine transcarbamylase precursor and more limited homology to the leader peptides of other nuclear-encoded mitochondrial matrix proteins. Homology was also observed between residues 286 through 362 ornithine aminotransferase precursor and a region containing the pyridoxyl phosphate binding domain of mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase.  相似文献   
The phytochrome photoreceptors play important roles in the photoperiodic control of vegetative bud set, growth cessation, dormancy induction, and cold-hardiness in trees. Interestingly, ecotypic differences in photoperiodic responses are observed in many temperate- zone tree species. Northern and southern ecotypes of black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray), for example, exhibit marked differences in the timing of short-day-induced bud set and growth cessation, and these responses are controlled by phytochrome. Therefore, as a first step toward determining the molecular genetic basis of photoperiodic ecotypes in trees, we characterized the phytochrome gene (PHY) family in black cottonwood. We recovered fragments of one PHYA and two PHYB using PCR-based cloning and by screening a genomic library. Results from Southern analyses confirmed that black cottonwood has one PHYA locus and two PHYB loci, which we arbitrarily designated PHYB1 and PHYB2. Phylogenetic analyses which included PHY from black cottonwood, Arabidopsis thaliana and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) suggest that the PHYB/D duplications in these species occurred independently. When Southern blots were probed with PHYC, PHYE, and PHYE heterologous probes, the strongest bands that we detected were those of black cottonwood PHYA and/or PHYB. These results suggest that black cottonwood lacks members of the PHYC/F and PHYE subfamilies. Although black cottonwood could contain additional PHY that are distantly related to known angiosperm PHY, our results imply that the PHY family of black cottonwood is less complex than that of other well-characterized dicot species such as Arabidopsis and tomato. Based on Southern analyses of five black cottonwood genotypes representing three photoperiodic ecotypes, substantial polymorphism was detected for at least one of the PHYB loci but not for the PHYA locus. The novel character of the PHY family in black cottonwood, as well as the differences in polymorphism we observed between the PHYA and PHYB subfamilies, indicates that a number of fundamental macro- and microevolutionary questions remain to be answered about the PHY family in dicots.   相似文献   
The pathogenesis of many lung diseases involves neutrophilic inflammation. Neutrophil functions, in turn, are critically dependent on glucose uptake and glycolysis to supply the necessary energy to meet these functions. In this study, we determined the effects of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1, as well as their potential interaction, on the expression of membrane glucose transporters and on glucose uptake in murine neutrophils. Neutrophils were harvested and purified from C57BL/6 mice and stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the presence or absence of specific p38 and HIF-1 inhibitors. Glucose uptake was measured as the rate of [3H]deoxyglucose (DG) uptake. We identified GLUT-1 in mouse neutrophils, but neither GLUT-3 nor GLUT-4 were detected using Western blot analysis, even after LPS stimulation. LPS stimulation did not increase GLUT-1 protein levels but did cause translocation of GLUT-1 from the cell interior to the cell surface, together with a dose-dependent increase in [3H]DG uptake, indicating that glucose uptake is regulated in these cells. LPS also activated both p38 and the HIF-1 pathway. Inhibitors of p38 and HIF-1 blocked GLUT-1 translocation and [3H]DG uptake. These data suggest that LPS-induced increases in neutrophil glucose uptake are mediated by GLUT-1 translocation to the cell surface in response to sequential activation of neutrophil p38 and HIF-1alpha in neutrophils. Given that neutrophil function and glucose metabolism are closely linked, control of the latter may represent a new target to ameliorate the deleterious effects of neutrophils on the lungs.  相似文献   
The Glut1 glucose transporter is one of over 300 members of the major facilitator superfamily of membrane transporters. These proteins are extremely diverse in substrate specificity and differ in their transport mechanisms. The two most common features shared by many members of this superfamily are the presence of 12 predicted transmembrane segments and an amino acid motif, R-X-G-R-R, present at equivalent positions within the cytoplasmic loops joining transmembrane segments 2-3 and 8-9. The structural and functional roles of the arginine residues within these motifs in Glut1 were investigated by expression of site-directed mutant transporters in Xenopus oocytes followed by analyses of intrinsic transport activity and the membrane topology of mutant glycosylation-scanning reporter Glut1 molecules. Substitution of lysine residues for the cluster of 3 arginine residues in each of the 2 cytoplasmic pentameric motifs of Glut1 revealed no absolute requirement for arginine side chains at any of the 6 positions for transport of 2-deoxyglucose. However, removal of the 3 positive charges at either site by substitution of glycines for the arginines completely abolished transport activity as the result of a local perturbation in the membrane topology in which the cytoplasmic loop was aberrantly translocated into the exoplasm along with the two flanking transmembrane segments. Substitution of lysines for the arginines had no affect on membrane topology. We conclude that the positive charges in the R-X-G-R-R motif form critical local cytoplasmic anchor points involved in determining the membrane topology of Glut1. These data provide a simple explanation for the presence of this conserved amino acid motif in hundreds of functionally diverse membrane transporters that share a common predicted membrane topology.  相似文献   
Galectins, beta-galactoside-binding lectins, are extensively distributed in the animal kingdom and share some basic molecular properties. Galectin-3, a member of this family, is generally associated with differentiation, morphogenesis, and metastasis. In this study, galectin-3 was isolated from ovine placental cotyledons round the middle of the gestation period by lactose extraction followed by affinity chromatography on lactosyl-agarose, and separated from galectin-1 by size exclusion chromatography on a Superose 12 column. Under native conditions this lectin behaved as a monomer with an apparent molecular weight of approximately 29,000 and an isoelectric point of 9.0. The partial amino acid sequence of the peptides obtained by tryptic digestion of this protein followed by HPLC separation showed striking homology with other members of the galectin-3 subfamily. Furthermore, ovine placental galectin-3 exhibited specific mitogenic activity toward rat spleen mononuclear cells. Besides, this protein strongly reacted with a rabbit antiserum raised against a chicken galectin. Results obtained by Western blot analysis showed that its expression was greatly decreased in term placenta with respect to the middle of the gestation period, suggesting a regulated expression throughout development.   相似文献   
Testing the covarion hypothesis of molecular evolution   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6  
The covarion hypothesis of molecular evolution states that the fixation of mutations may alter the probability that any given position will fix the next change. Tests of this hypothesis using the divergence of real sequences are compromised because models of rate variation among sites (e.g., the gamma version of the one-parameter equation) predict sequence divergence values similar to those for the covarion process. This study therefore focuses on the extent to which the varied and unvaried codons of two well-diverged taxa are the same, because fewer are expected by the covarion hypothesis than by the gamma model. The data for these tests are the protein sequences of Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) for mammals and plants. Simulation analyses show that the covarion hypothesis makes better predictions about the frequencies of varied and unhit positions in common between these two taxa than does the gamma version of the one-parameter model. Furthermore, the analysis of SOD tertiary structure demonstrates that mammal and plant variabilities are distributed differently on the protein. These results support the conclusions that the variable and invariable codons of mammal and plant SODs are different and that the covarion model explains the evolution of this protein better than the gamma version of the one-parameter process. Unlike other models, the covarion hypothesis accounts for rate fluctuations among positions over time, which is an important parameter of molecular evolution.   相似文献   
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