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Abstract:  A revision of thelodont scales from the Lower Devonian of the Iberian Chains enables their grouping into two taxa: Turinia pagei and T. nachoi sp. nov. These taxa are clearly distinguishable by morphological and histological features; they also have a different stratigraphic range ( T. pagei is restricted to Lochkovian strata, whereas T. nachoi sp. nov. occurs within lower–middle Pragian rocks). The new species is represented by head, transitional (cephalopectoral) and trunk scales.  相似文献   
Microorganisms in dental plaque live in constant association with saliva. The role of saliva in the adherence of bacteria to the teeth and the antibacterial properties of saliva have been well investigated; less interest has been shown in the possible role of saliva as a substrate for oral microorganisms. In this study it was shown that saliva can serve as a growth medium for oral Streptococcus spp. and Actinomyces viscosus. The cell production of these organisms on saliva was carbohydrate limited. The doubling times for growth on glucose-supplemented saliva (4 to 5 mmol/liter) ranged from 1.6 to 4.0 h. The availability of carbohydrate sources for the oral microflora is discussed in relation to microbial growth in the oral cavity.  相似文献   
The induction of an S phase in the host cell is a prerequisite for the lytic replication cycle of polyomavirus. This function was attributed to proteins coded for by the early region of the viral DNA, the T antigens. A consideration of the role of the T antigens in the initiation of a mitogenic response of the host cell has to take into account the recent discovery that virus adsorption is sufficient to induce the synthesis of proteins which are known to appear early after quiescent cells are stimulated by the addition of serum, namely fos, jun, and myc (J. Zullo, C.D. Stiles, and R.L. Garcea, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:1210-1214, 1987; G. M. Glenn and W. Eckhart, J. Virol. 64:2193-2201, 1990). This induction is followed by an initiation of DNA synthesis. It is therefore important to dissociate the effects of the T antigens on the host cell from those of virus adsorption. To do so, we used dexamethasone-regulated versions of the large and small T antigens of polyomavirus stably integrated into the genome of Swiss 3T3 cells to study their function in S-phase induction. When the production of the large or small T antigen in serum-starved 3T3 mouse fibroblasts was activated, only a small fraction of cells was able to leave G0/G1 despite the synthesis of considerable amounts of the respective T antigen. Activation of both T antigens within the same cell, on the other hand, resulted in S-phase induction in a notable percentage of cells, suggesting that the two proteins cooperate in this activity. Polyomavirus T antigens appear to bypass the pathway of growth regulation involving the activation of c-fos. These results are discussed in relation to other known functions of the two virally coded proteins.  相似文献   
The effects of modifying boron (B) and calcium (Ca2+) concentrations on the establishment and development of rhizobial symbiosis in Pisum sativum plants grown under salt stress were investigated. Salinity almost completely inhibited the nodulation of pea plants by Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 3841. This effect was prevented by addition of Ca2+ during plant growth. The capacity of root exudates derived from salt‐treated plants to induce Rhizobium nod genes was not significantly decreased. However, bacterial adsorption to roots was highly inhibited in plants grown with 75 mM NaCl. Moreover, R. leguminosarum 3841 did not grow in minimal media containing such salt concentration. High Ca2+ levels enhanced both rhizobial growth and adsorption to roots, and increased nodule number in the presence of high salt. Nevertheless, the nodules developed were not functional unless the B concentration was also increased. Because B has a strong effect on infection and cell invasion, these processes were investigated by fluorescence microscopy in pea nodules harbouring a R. leguminosarum strain that expresses green fluorescent protein. Salt‐stressed plants had empty nodules and only those treated with high B and high Ca2+ developed infection threads and exhibited enhanced cell and tissue invasion by Rhizobium. Overall, the results indicate that Ca2+ promotes nodulation and B nodule development leading to an increase of salt tolerance of nodulated legumes.  相似文献   
Mammalian telomeres contain long tandem (TTAGGG)n repeats, which are protected by a complex of different proteins. Telomeric repeat-binding factors TRF1 and TRF2 play the key role in protection of telomeres through the formation of terminal loops (called T-loop). A T-loop isolates the 3' strand telomeric end and with this mechanism protects telomeres from the influence of enzymes of DNA reparation and telomere fusions and also interferes with the interaction of telomerase with telomeres. Many vertebrate species also contain large blocks of (TTAGGG)n sequences in pericentric and interstitial chromosome bands. The Chinese hamster genome contains a total of 18 arrays of these non-telomeric internal (TTAGGG)n sequences (ITs). Chromosome bands containing these arrays are unstable and should be protected with the help of another mechanism, rather than that using telomeres. In this study we analysed association of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)-tagged TRF1 in Chinese hamster V79 cells with ITs. We found that in these cells GFP-TRF1 associates with ITs in the interphase nucleus. We detected a little overlap between IT-associated GFP-TRF1 and random DSB sites visualized after the treatment of V79 cells with ionizing radiation. We found that the treatment of V79 cells with WM significantly increases the frequency of spontaneous chromosome aberrations. These WM effects are possible due to inhibiting phosphorylation of TRF1 by ATM. TRF1 is known to be eliminated from telomeres by overexpression of TANK1, which induces TRF1 poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation. We transfected V79 cells by plasmid encoding TANK1 and found that the frequency of chromosome rearrangements increased in these cells independently of their treatment by IR. Taken together, our results suggest that TRF1 may be involved in the sequence-specific protection of internal non-telomeric (TTAGGG)n repeats.  相似文献   
Small insertions or deletions that alter the reading frame of a gene typically occur in simple repeats such as mononucleotide runs and are thought to reflect spontaneous primer-template misalignment during DNA replication. The resulting extrahelical repeat is efficiently recognized by the mismatch repair machinery, which specifically replaces the newly replicated strand to restore the original sequence. Frameshift mutagenesis is most easily studied using reversion assays, and previous studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae suggested that the length threshold for polymerase slippage in mononucleotide runs is 4N. Because the probability of slippage is strongly correlated with run length, however, it was not clear whether shorter runs were unable to support slippage or whether the resulting frameshifts were obscured by the presence of longer runs. To address this issue, we removed all mononucleotide runs >3N from the yeast lys2ΔBgl and lys2ΔA746 frameshift reversion assays, which detect net 1-bp deletions and insertions, respectively. Analyses demonstrate that 2N and 3N runs can support primer-template misalignment, but there is striking run-specific variation in the frequency of slippage, in the accumulation of +1 vs. -1 frameshifts and in the apparent efficiency of mismatch repair. We suggest that some of this variation reflects the role of flanking sequence in initiating primer-template misalignment and that some reflects replication-independent frameshifts generated by the nonhomologous end-joining pathway. Finally, we demonstrate that nonhomologous end joining is uniquely required for the de novo creation of tandem duplications from noniterated sequence.  相似文献   
Culex (Culex) pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) has two recognized biotypes, pipiens and molestus, which differ in physiology and behaviour; this difference may influence vectorial capacity for West Nile virus (WNV). Our goal was first to determine the presence of Cx. pipiens populations in 31 locations in Portugal and to subsequently analyse their host‐feeding preferences and habitat determinants. Molecular identification of Cx. pipiens forms and their hybrids was performed in 97 females; bloodmeal sources were identified in 59 engorged specimens. Overall, 61.9% of specimens were identified as Cx. pipiens f. pipiens, 20.6% as Cx. pipiens f. molestus, and 17.5% as hybrid forms. Culex pipiens f. pipiens fed preferentially on birds, and Cx. pipiens f. molestus on humans. Hybrid forms fed mostly on birds, but human bloodmeals were common. With reference to habitat, Cx. pipiens f. pipiens and hybrid forms were positively correlated with peri‐urban habitats. Our results confirm the sympatric presence of different Cx. pipiens biotypes in 14 of the 31 locations studied. Peri‐urban areas were a common habitat of all biotypes and may represent zones of hybridization. The feeding preferences and sympatric distribution of the Cx. pipiens biotypes observed in Portugal favour the epizootic circulation of WNV and the occurrence of disease outbreaks of WNV.  相似文献   
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