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Sperm storage organs allow females to temporally separate insemination from fertilization, manipulate ejaculates and control fertilization. In the reproductive tract of female fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae), sperm are found in two different organs--a pair or triplet of spermathecae, and a "fertilization chamber". In order to understand the specific function of each of these organs, we tested the following hypotheses: (1) Sperm are distributed equally amongst the various sperm storage organs; (2) Both organ types maintain sperm viability; and (3) Sperm used in fertilization come from the fertilization chamber. We counted sperm in spermathecae and fertilization chamber of Mediterranean fruit flies (Ceratitis capitata) every 3 days for 18 days following insemination, and used a live/dead staining technique to determine the viability of sperm in these organs. Finally, by extirpating spermathecae from inseminated females and allowing them to oviposit, we were able to identify the fertilization chamber as the source of fertilizing sperm. Numbers of sperm in the spermathecae declined from an average of 3575 on the day of copulation to 649, 18 days later. Conversely, the fertilization chamber maintained a fairly constant level of sperms, ranging between an average of 207 cells on day 3 to 115 sperms on day 18. Throughout the period we monitored, we found high levels of sperm viability in both organs (> 80%). Sperm viability was similarly high in the fertilization chambers of females without spermathecae. However, fertility of eggs laid by these females declined rapidly, as did the number of sperm in the fertilization chamber. We conclude that both the spermathecae and the fertilization chamber are active sperm storage organs, with separate functions: the spermathecae for long-term storage and the fertilization chamber, periodically filled by the spermathecae, a staging point for fertilizing sperm. We suggest that the use of both organs by females results in sperm economy, which adaptively prolongs the intervals between copulations.  相似文献   
The size of the protein database (PDB) makes it now feasible to arrive at statistical conclusions regarding structural effects of crystal packing. These effects are relevant for setting upper practical limits of accuracy on protein modeling. Proteins whose crystals have more than one molecule in the asymmetric unit or whose structures were determined at least twice by X-ray crystallography were paired and their differences analyzed. We demonstrate a clear influence of crystal environment on protein structure, including backbone conformations, hinge-like motions and side-chain conformations. The positions of surface water molecules tend to be variable in different crystal environments while those of ligands are not. Structures determined by independent groups vary more than structures determined by the same authors. The use of different refinement methods is a major source for this effect. Our pair-wise analysis derives a practical limit to the accuracy of protein modeling. For different crystal forms, the limit of accuracy (C(alpha), root-mean-square deviation (RMSD)) is approximately 0.8A for the entire protein, which includes approximately 0.3A due to crystal packing. For organized secondary elements, the upper limit of C(alpha) RMSD is 0.5-0.6A while for loops or protein surface it reaches 1.0A. Twenty percent of exposed side- chains exhibit different chi(1+2) conformations with approximately half of the effect also resulting from crystal packing. A web based tool for analysis and graphic presentation of surface areas of crystal contacts is available (http://ligin.weizmann.ac.il/cryco).  相似文献   
The aim of the research: the examination of the state of woven blood flow in women with pelvis minor varicosis. The study of woven blood flow by the method of radioisotope clearance in 72 women of reproductive age is carry ouied. In patients with the varicose expansion of the veins of pelvis minor was revealed significant reduction in the indices of blood flow in the organs of pelvis minor, which plays the leading part in the genesis of painful sidroma.  相似文献   
Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) deficiency results in severe immune dysfunction and early death from infections. Lymphopenia, reduced serum uric acid, and abnormal PNP enzymatic activity assist in the diagnosis of PNP-deficient patients. Analysis of the gene encoding PNP in these patients reveals several recurring mutations. Identification of these hot-spots for mutation may allow faster confirmation of the diagnosis in suspected cases.  相似文献   
Peripheral subunit binding domains (PSBDs) are integral parts of large multienzyme complexes involved in carbohydrate metabolism. PSBDs facilitate shuttling of prosthetic groups between different catalytic subunits. Their protein surface is characterized by a high density of positive charges required for binding to subunits within the complex. Here, we investigated folding thermodynamics and kinetics of the human PSBD (HSBD) using circular dichroism and tryptophan fluorescence experiments. HSBD was only marginally stable under physiological solvent conditions but folded within microseconds via a barrier‐limited apparent two‐state transition, analogous to its bacterial homologues. The high positive surface‐charge density of HSBD leads to repulsive Coulomb forces that modulate protein stability and folding kinetics, and appear to even induce native‐state movement. The electrostatic strain was alleviated at high solution‐ionic‐strength by Debye‐Hückel screening. Differences in ionic‐strength dependent characteristics among PSBD homologues could be explained by differences in their surface charge distributions. The findings highlight the trade‐off between protein function and stability during protein evolution.  相似文献   
Barth syndrome is an X-linked mitochondrial disease, symptoms of which include neutropenia and cardiac myopathy. These symptoms are the most significant clinical consequences of a disease, which is increasingly recognised to have a variable presentation. Mutation in the Taz gene in Xq28 is thought to be responsible for the condition, by altering mitochondrial lipid content and mitochondrial function. Male chimeras carrying a targeted mutation of Taz on their X-chromosome were infertile. Testes from the Taz knockout chimeras were smaller than their control counterparts and this was associated with a disruption of the progression of spermatocytes through meiosis to spermiogenesis. Taz knockout ES cells also showed a defect when differentiated to germ cells in vitro. Mutant spermatocytes failed to progress past the pachytene stage of meiosis and had higher levels of DNA double strand damage and increased levels of endogenous retrotransposon activity. Altogether these data revealed a novel role for Taz in helping to maintain genome integrity in meiosis and facilitating germ cell differentiation. We have unravelled a novel function for the Taz protein, which should contribute to an understanding of how a disruption of the Taz gene results in the complex symptoms underlying Barth Syndrome.  相似文献   
The phenomenon of coral fluorescence in mesophotic reefs, although well described for shallow waters, remains largely unstudied. We found that representatives of many scleractinian species are brightly fluorescent at depths of 50–60 m at the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences (IUI) reef in Eilat, Israel. Some of these fluorescent species have distribution maxima at mesophotic depths (40–100 m). Several individuals from these depths displayed yellow or orange-red fluorescence, the latter being essentially absent in corals from the shallowest parts of this reef. We demonstrate experimentally that in some cases the production of fluorescent pigments is independent of the exposure to light; while in others, the fluorescence signature is altered or lost when the animals are kept in darkness. Furthermore, we show that green-to-red photoconversion of fluorescent pigments mediated by short-wavelength light can occur also at depths where ultraviolet wavelengths are absent from the underwater light field. Intraspecific colour polymorphisms regarding the colour of the tissue fluorescence, common among shallow water corals, were also observed for mesophotic species. Our results suggest that fluorescent pigments in mesophotic reefs fulfil a distinct biological function and offer promising application potential for coral-reef monitoring and biomedical imaging.  相似文献   
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