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The dog is the main reservoir of Leishmania infantum, the causative agent of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in humans in Southern Europe. In order to identify the risk of dogs from a Leishmania non-endemic area traveling to a Leishmania -endemic area becoming infected and the risk of transmitting infection to humans in non-endemic areas an investigation was performed, in which the results of a questionnaire were combined with the results of a serologic survey.  相似文献   
Arcelin-1 and α-amylase inhibitor are two lectin-like glycoproteins expressed in the seeds of the kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). They display insecticidal activities and protect the seeds from predation by larvae of various bruchids through different biological actions. Solution-state investigations by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) show the dimeric structure of arcelin-1, a requirement for its hemagglutinating properties. Anions were found to have specific properties in their effectiveness to disrupt protein aggregates, affect solubility, and improve crystallizability. The SAXS results were used to improve crystallization conditions, and single crystals diffracting beyond 1.9 Å resolution were obtained. X-ray diffraction data analysis shows that noncrystallographic symmetry-related arcelin-1 molecules form a lectin-like dimer and reveals the presence of a solvent-exposed anion binding site on the protein, at a crystal-packing interface. The solution state properties of arcelin-1 and crystal twinning may be explained by the anion specificity of this binding site. Proteins 29:433–442, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Mitotic‐spindle organizing protein associated with a ring of γ‐tubulin 1 (MOZART1) is an 8.5 kDa protein linked to regulation of γ‐tubulin ring complexes (γTuRCs), which are involved in nucleation of microtubules. Despite its small size, MOZART1 represents a challenging target for detailed characterization in vitro. We described herein a protocol for efficient production of recombinant human MOZART1 in Escherichia coli and assessed the properties of the purified protein using a combination of size exclusion chromatography coupled with multiangle light scattering (SEC‐MALS), dynamic light scattering (DLS), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments. MOZART1 forms heterogeneous oligomers in solution. We identified optimal detergent and buffer conditions for recording well resolved NMR experiments allowing nearly full protein assignment and identification of three distinct alpha‐helical structured regions. Finally, using NMR, we showed that MOZART1 interacts with the N‐terminus (residues 1–250) of GCP3 (γ‐tubulin complex protein 3). Our data illustrate the capacity of MOZART1 to form oligomers, promoting multiple contacts with a subset of protein partners in the context of microtubule nucleation.  相似文献   
Bark of elderberry (Sambucus nigra) contains a galactose (Gal)/N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc)-specific lectin (SNA-II) corresponding to slightly truncated B-chains of a genuine Type-II ribosome-inactivating protein (Type-II RIPs, SNA-V), found in the same species. The three-dimensional X-ray structure of SNA-II has been determined in two distinct crystal forms, hexagonal and tetragonal, at 1.90 A and 1.35 A, respectively. In both crystal forms, the SNA-II molecule folds into two linked beta-trefoil domains, with an overall conformation similar to that of the B-chains of ricin and other Type-II RIPs. Glycosylation is observed at four sites along the polypeptide chain, accounting for 14 saccharide units. The high-resolution structures of SNA-II in complex with Gal and five Gal-related saccharides (GalNAc, lactose, alpha1-methylgalactose, fucose, and the carcinoma-specific Tn antigen) were determined at 1.55 A resolution or better. Binding is observed in two saccharide-binding sites for most of the sugars: a conserved aspartate residue interacts simultaneously with the O3 and O4 atoms of saccharides. In one of the binding sites, additional interactions with the protein involve the O6 atom. Analytical gel filtration, small angle X-ray scattering studies and crystal packing analysis indicate that, although some oligomeric species are present, the monomeric species predominate in solution.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Two-component signal transduction pathways are sophisticated phosphorelay cascades widespread in prokaryotes and also found in fungi, molds and plants. FixL/FixJ is a prototypical system responsible for the regulation of nitrogen fixation in the symbiotic bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti. In microaerobic conditions the membrane-bound kinase FixL uses ATP to transphosphorylate a histidine residue, and the response regulator FixJ transfers the phosphoryl group from the phosphohistidine to one of its own aspartate residues in a Mg(2+)-dependent mechanism. RESULTS: Seven X-ray structures of the unphosphorylated N-terminal receiver domain of FixJ (FixJN) have been solved from two crystal forms soaked in different conditions. Three conformations of the protein were found. In the first case, the protein fold impairs metal binding in the active site and the structure reveals a receiver domain that is self-inhibited for catalysis. In the second conformation, the canonical geometry of the active site is attained, and subsequent metal binding to the protein induces minimal conformational changes. The third conformation illustrates a non-catalytic form of the protein where unwinding of the N terminus of helix alpha 1 has occurred. Interconversion of the canonical and self-inhibited conformations requires a large conformational change of the beta 3-alpha 3 loop region. CONCLUSIONS: These unphosphorylated structures of FixJN stress the importance of flexible peptide segments that delineate the active site. Their movements may act as molecular switches that define the functional status of the protein. Such observations are in line with structural and biochemical results obtained on other response regulator proteins and may illustrate general features that account for the specificity of protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   
Mycolic acids are essential components of the mycobacterial cell envelope, and their biosynthetic pathway is one of the targets of first-line antituberculous drugs. This pathway contains a number of potential targets, including some that have been identified only recently and have yet to be explored. One such target, FadD32, is required for activation of the long meromycolic chain and is essential for mycobacterial growth. We report here an in-depth biochemical, biophysical, and structural characterization of four FadD32 orthologs, including the very homologous enzymes from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium marinum. Determination of the structures of two complexes with alkyl adenylate inhibitors has provided direct information, with unprecedented detail, about the active site of the enzyme and the associated hydrophobic tunnel, shedding new light on structure-function relationships and inhibition mechanisms by alkyl adenylates and diarylated coumarins. This work should pave the way for the rational design of inhibitors of FadD32, a highly promising drug target.  相似文献   


Effective mating between laboratory-reared males and wild females is paramount to the success of vector control strategies aiming to decrease disease transmission via the release of sterile or genetically modified male mosquitoes. However mosquito colonization and laboratory maintenance have the potential to negatively affect male genotypic and phenotypic quality through inbreeding and selection, which in turn can decrease male mating competitiveness in the field. To date, very little is known about the impact of those evolutionary forces on the reproductive biology of mosquito colonies and how they ultimately affect male reproductive fitness.


Here several male reproductive physiological traits likely to be affected by inbreeding and selection following colonization and laboratory rearing were examined. Sperm length, and accessory gland and testes size were compared in male progeny from field-collected females and laboratory strains of Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto colonized from one to over 25 years ago. These traits were also compared in the parental and sequentially derived, genetically modified strains produced using a two-phase genetic transformation system. Finally, genetic crosses were performed between strains in order to distinguish the effects of inbreeding and selection on reproductive traits.


Sperm length was found to steadily decrease with the age of mosquito colonies but was recovered in refreshed strains and crosses between inbred strains therefore incriminating inbreeding costs. In contrast, testes size progressively increased with colony age, whilst accessory gland size quickly decreased in males from colonies of all ages. The lack of heterosis in response to crossing and strain refreshing in the latter two reproductive traits suggests selection for insectary conditions.


These results show that inbreeding and selection differentially affect reproductive traits in laboratory strains overtime and that heterotic ‘supermales’ could be used to rescue some male reproductive characteristics. Further experiments are needed to establish the exact relationship between sperm length, accessory gland and testes size, and male reproductive success in the laboratory and field settings.  相似文献   
Analysis of the heat-shock proteins (hsps) of six closely related species of Poeciliopsis demonstrated the existence of biochemical diversity in the hsp100, hsp70, hsp60, and hsp30 protein families among species. Each species expressed five to seven hsp70-related isoforms. Constitutive 70-kD isoforms were identical among species, but four different patterns of heat-inducible isoforms were seen in these six species. Members of the hsp70 family of molecular chaperones are included among the most highly conserved proteins known, and the possibility of variation in hsp70 among closely related species has rarely been addressed. The hsp30 family is known to be less conserved than the hsp70 family, and, as expected, the Poeciliopsis hsp30 patterns showed more variation. Most of the hsp30 isoforms characteristic of a particular species were unique to that species. Hsp100 and hsp60 were identical in five of the species, but alternate isoforms were found in P. monacha. The small size and limited geographical distribution of the P. monacha population have probably contributed to the uniqueness of the monacha pattern. Two of the species were shown to acquire thermotolerance, the ability to withstand normally lethal temperatures when subjected to a gradual temperature increase. Rapid-heating protocols commonly used to establish critical thermal maxima of organisms do not include this inducible component of thermoresistance and therefore do not adequately assess an organism's capacity to withstand thermal stress.   相似文献   
Crystals of bovine antithrombin III were obtained in the presence of metal ions with ammonium sulphate as precipitating agent. Crystals belong to space group P4(1)2(1)2 or P4(3)2(1)2 with cell parameters a = b = 91.4 A, c = 383.1 A; there are two molecules per asymmetric unit. Electrophoresis experiments and amino acid sequence analysis of the N-terminal part of redissolved crystals suggest that the protein molecules are cleaved at the active site.  相似文献   
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