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We have previously shown that DNA from dying tumor cells may be transferred to living cells via the uptake of apoptotic bodies and may contribute to tumor progression. DNA encoding H-ras(V12) and c-myc oncogenes may be transferred to the nucleus of the phagocyte but will only integrate and propagate in p53- and p21-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts, whereas normal cells are resistant to transformation. Here, we show that this protective mechanism (activation of p53 and p21 after uptake of apoptotic bodies) is dependent on DNA fragmentation, where inhibition of the caspase-activated DNase in the apoptotic cells, in conjunction with genetic ablation of lysosomal DNase II in the phagocytes, completely blocks p53 activation and consequently allows DNA replication of transferred DNA. We, therefore, suggest that there is a causal relationship between DNA degradation during apoptosis and p53 activation. In addition, we could further show that Chk2-/- cells were capable of replicating the hyg(R) gene taken up from engulfed apoptotic cells, suggesting involvement of the DNA damage response. These data show that the phagocytosing cell is sensing the degraded DNA within the apoptotic cell, hence preventing these genes from being replicated, probably through activation of the DNA damage response. We, therefore, hypothesize that DNase II together with the Chk2, p53, and p21 pathway form a genetic barrier blocking the replication of potentially harmful DNA introduced via apoptotic bodies, thereby preventing transformation and malignant development.  相似文献   
Crk-associated substrate (Cas) is a tyrosine-phosphorylated docking protein that is indispensable for the regulation of the actin cytoskeletal organization and cell migration in fibroblasts. The function of Cas in neurons, however, is poorly understood. Here we report that Cas is dominantly enriched in the brain, especially the cerebellum, of postnatal mice. During cerebellar development, Cas is highly tyrosine phosphorylated and is concentrated in the neurites and growth cones of granule cells. Cas coimmunoprecipitates with Src family protein tyrosine kinases, Crk, and cell adhesion molecules and colocalizes with these proteins in granule cells. The axon extension of granule cells is inhibited by either RNA interference knockdown of Cas or overexpression of the Cas mutant lacking the YDxP motifs, which are tyrosine phosphorylated and thereby interact with Crk. These findings demonstrate that Cas acts as a key scaffold that links the proteins associated with tyrosine phosphorylation signaling pathways to the granule cell axon elongation.  相似文献   
In addition to replicative senescence, normal diploid fibroblasts undergo stress-induced premature senescence (SIPS) in response to DNA damage caused by oxidative stress or ionizing radiation (IR). SIPS is not prevented by telomere elongation, indicating that, unlike replicative senescence, it is triggered by nonspecific genome-wide DNA damage rather than by telomere shortening. ATM, the product of the gene mutated in individuals with ataxia telangiectasia (AT), plays a central role in cell cycle arrest in response to DNA damage. Whether ATM also mediates signaling that leads to SIPS was investigated with the use of normal and AT fibroblasts stably transfected with an expression vector for the catalytic subunit of human telomerase (hTERT). Expression of hTERT in AT fibroblasts resulted in telomere elongation and prevented premature replicative senescence, but it did not rescue the defect in G(1) checkpoint activation or the hypersensitivity of the cells to IR. Despite these remaining defects in the DNA damage response, hTERT-expressing AT fibroblasts exhibited characteristics of senescence on exposure to IR or H(2)O(2) in such a manner that triggers SIPS in normal fibroblasts. These characteristics included the adoption of an enlarged and flattened morphology, positive staining for senescence-associated beta-galactosidase activity, termination of DNA synthesis, and accumulation of p53, p21(WAF1), and p16(INK4A). The phosphorylation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK), which mediates signaling that leads to senescence, was also detected in both IR- or H(2)O(2)-treated AT and normal fibroblasts expressing hTERT. These results suggest that the ATM-dependent signaling pathway triggered by DNA damage is dispensable for activation of p38 MAPK and SIPS in response to IR or oxidative stress.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Clear cell carcinoma arising in a cesarean section scar is an extremely rare disease. To the best of our knowledge, there is no published report on the aspiration cytology. CASE: A 56-year-old woman presented with a mass in a cesarean section scar. Initially an abdominal desmoid was considered, but the features of fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology suggested an adenocarcinoma. The resected tumor was histologically composed of clear cell carcinoma showing cystic, solid and papillary patterns. CONCLUSION: FNA cytology of masses arising in a surgical scar can be a useful tool in obtaining an accurate pathologic diagnosis of a malignant neoplasm.  相似文献   
Abstract: To clarify the mechanism of cerebellar development, we have cloned a gene, named zic, encoding a zinc finger protein that is expressed abundantly in granule cells throughout development of the cerebellum. zic has a significant homology to the zinc finger domain of the Caenorhabditis elegans tra1 gene, the Drosophila cubitus interruptus Dominant gene, and the human GLI oncogene. An in situ hybridization study revealed that zic showed a restricted expression pattern in the granule cells and their putative precursor cells. It is also expressed at an early embryonic stage in the dorsal half of the neural tube. The expression pattern and nuclear localization were confirmed by immunohistochemical study. Furthermore, the bacterially expressed zic protein containing the zinc finger domains bound to the GLI -binding sequence. These findings suggest that zic is one of a number of nuclear factors involved in both differentiation in early development and maintenance of properties of the cerebellar granule cells.  相似文献   
Systemic amyloidosis of the amyloid A (AA) type, is occasionally associated with various neoplasms, but the cause is still unclear. We obtained interleukin 6 (IL-6)-producing cells designated YO from a primary culture of a malignant peritoneal mesothelioma of epithelial type obtained from a 62-year-old woman. Post mortem examination revealed that the patient had systemic amyloidosis of the AA type. The supernatant media of YO cells, as well as recombinant human IL-6, successfully induced nonneoplastic liver cells to produce serum AA (SAA). Our data suggest that IL-6 produced by the tumor cells may have played an important role in the paraneoplastic syndrome of AA amyloidosis in this patient.  相似文献   
Insoluble aggregates of polyglutamine-containing proteins are usually conjugated with ubiquitin in neurons of individuals with polyglutamine diseases. We now show that ataxin-3, in which the abnormal expansion of a polyglutamine tract is responsible for spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3), undergoes ubiquitylation and degradation by the proteasome. Mammalian E4B (UFD2a), a ubiquitin chain assembly factor (E4), copurified with the polyubiquitylation activity for ataxin-3. E4B interacted with, and thereby mediated polyubiquitylation of, ataxin-3. Expression of E4B promoted degradation of a pathological form of ataxin-3. In contrast, a dominant-negative mutant of E4B inhibited degradation of this form of ataxin-3, resulting in the formation of intracellular aggregates. In a Drosophila model of SCA3, expression of E4B suppressed the neurodegeneration induced by an ataxin-3 mutant. These observations suggest that E4 is a rate-limiting factor in the degradation of pathological forms of ataxin-3, and that targeted expression of E4B is a potential gene therapy for SCA3.  相似文献   
We isolated and characterized a histidine kinase gene (HIK1) from the rice blast fungus, Pyricularia oryzae (Magnaporthe grisea). The deduced amino acid sequence of HIK1 showed highest similarity (85.7%) to a hybrid-type histidine kinase, Os-1/Nik-1 of Neurospora crassa. Disruption of HIK1 caused no defect in cell growth on normal media and in pathogenicity to rice plants. The Deltahik1 strain acquired resistance to three groups of fungicides (phenylpyrroles, dicarboximides, and aromatic hydrocarbons) similar to os-1 mutants of N. crassa. The Deltahik1 strain showed increased sensitivity to high concentrations of sugars although its salt sensitivity was not elevated, suggesting that the rice blast fungus can distinguish osmostresses caused by high sugar concentrations and high salt concentrations. In contrast, os-1 mutants of N. crassa are sensitive to high concentrations of both salts and sugars. These findings suggest that P. oryzae and N. crassa partially differ in their os (osmosensitive) signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   
We isolated cDNAs encoding type 2 and type 3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3)) receptors (IP(3)R2 and IP(3)R3, respectively) from mouse lung and found a novel alternative splicing segment, SI(m2), at 176-208 of IP(3)R2. The long form (IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(+)) was dominant, but the short form (IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(-)) was detected in all tissues examined. IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(-) has neither IP(3) binding activity nor Ca(2+) releasing activity. In addition to its reticular distribution, IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(+) is present in the form of clusters in the endoplasmic reticulum of resting COS-7 cells, and after ATP or Ca(2+) ionophore stimulation, most of the IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(+) is in clusters. IP(3)R3 is localized uniformly on the endoplasmic reticulum of resting cells and forms clusters after ATP or Ca(2+) ionophore stimulation. IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(-) does not form clusters in either resting or stimulated cells. IP(3) binding-deficient site-directed mutants of IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(+) and IP(3)R3 fail to form clusters, indicating that IP(3) binding is involved in the cluster formation by these isoforms. Coexpression of IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(-) prevents stimulus-induced IP(3)R clustering, suggesting that IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(-) functions as a negative coordinator of stimulus-induced IP(3)R clustering. Expression of IP(3)R2 SI(m2)(-) in CHO-K1 cells significantly reduced ATP-induced Ca(2+) entry, but not Ca(2+) release, suggesting that the novel splice variant of IP(3)R2 specifically influences the dynamics of the sustained phase of Ca(2+) signals.  相似文献   
In this study we have attempted to quantify the thermal and photoperiodical responses of rice (Oryza sativa L.) flowering time QTLs jointly by a date-of-planting field experiment of a mapping population, and a phenological model analysis that separately parameterizes the two responses, based on daily temperature, daily photoperiod and flowering date. For this purpose, the three-stage Beta model, which parameterizes the sensitivity to temperature (parameter ), the sensitivity to photoperiod (parameter ), and earliness under optimal conditions (10 h photoperiod at 30°C) (parameter G), was applied to Nipponbare × Kasalath backcross inbred lines that were transplanted on five dates. QTLs for the value were detected in the four known flowering time QTL (Hd1, Hd2, Hd6 and Hd8) regions, while QTLs for the G value were detected only in the Hd1 and Hd2 regions. This result was consistent with previous reports on near-isogenic lines (NILs) of Hd1, Hd2 and Hd6, where these loci were involved in photoperiod sensitivity, and where Hd1 and Hd2 conferred altered flowering under both 10 and 14 h photoperiods, while Hd6 action was only affected by the 14 h photoperiod. Hd8 was shown to control photoperiod sensitivity for the first time. Interestingly, Hd1 and Hd2 were associated with a QTL for the value, which might support the previous hypothesis that the process of photoinduction depends on temperature. These results demonstrate that our approach can effectively quantify environmental responses of flowering time QTLs without controlled environments or NILs.  相似文献   
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