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matK gene, which is located in the chloroplast genome and evolves more quickly than the rbcL gene. A total of 31 species representing 31 of the 59 genera in the family were examined in this study. We also used 21 species from another ten families of Asparagales, four species from three families of Liliales and Acorus as outgroups. We obtained partial sequences of matK with lengths of 1,109–1,148 bp, corresponding to positions 230 to 1,343 of the Oryza sativa matK gene. The pairwise percentage sequence divergence ranged from 0 to 19.1% for all the species examined except Acorus, and 0 to 4.6% within Amaryllidaceae. Two methods of phylogenetic analysis, the Maximum Parsimony and Neighbor-Joining methods, were used. The trees obtained from these two analyses were fundamentally consistent. In both trees, the Amaryllidaceae sensu Dahlgren et al. formed a well-supported monophyletic clade with 100% bootstrap support. Amaryllidaceae were included in the Asparagales; however, its phylogenetic position within the Asparagales was not clearly resolved. Judging from the NJ tree, Agapanthus might be a sister group of the Amaryllidaceae, although bootstrap support for this was low. Character-state mapping was used to infer a center of origin and the biogeographic history of Amaryllidaceae. The result supports the hypothesis that the family evolved in Africa and subsequently spread to other continents, further suggesting that South America is the center of secondary diversification. Received 6 January 1999/ Accepted in revised form 8 April 1999  相似文献   
The extracellular deposition of amyloid β (Aβ) is known to be the fundamental cause of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Aβ1-42, generated by β-secretases from the amyloid precursor protein (APP), is the main component of neuritic plaque, and the aggregation of this protein is shown to be dependent to an extent on metal ions such as copper and zinc. However, the mechanism by which Cu2+ affects the physicochemical properties of Aβ1-42 or the central nervous system is still under debate. A recent series of studies have demonstrated that both the soluble-type matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-2 and MMP-9) and the membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) are capable of degrading Aβ peptides. MMP-7, one of the soluble-type matrix metalloproteinases, is expressed in hippocampal tissue; however, less information is available concerning the pathophysiological roles of this enzyme in the process and/or progress of Alzheimer’s disease. In this study, we examined the degradation activity of MMP-7 against various Aβ1-42’s fragment peptides and the effect of Cu2+. Although Aβ22-40 was degraded by MMP-7 regardless of Cu2+, Cu2+ inhibited the degradation of Aβ1-19, Aβ11-20, and Aβ11-29 by MMP-7. These results indicate that MMP-7 is capable of degrading Aβ1-42, and that Aβ1-42 acquired resistance against MMP-7 cleavage through Cu2+-binding and structure changes. Our results demonstrate that MMP-7 may play an important role in the defensive mechanism against the aggregation of Aβ1-42, which gives rise to the pathology of AD.  相似文献   
We have recently shown in non‐human primates that caloric restriction (CR) initiated during adulthood can delay T‐cell aging and preserve naïve CD8 and CD4 T cells into advanced age. An important question is whether CR can be initiated at any time in life, and whether age at the time of onset would modulate the beneficial effects of CR. In the current study, we evaluated the impact of CR started before puberty or during advanced age on T‐cell senescence and compared it to the effects of CR started in early adulthood. Our data demonstrate that the beneficial effects of adult‐onset CR on T‐cell aging were lost by both early and late CR onset. In fact, some of our results suggest that inappropriate initiation of CR may be harmful to the maintenance of T‐cell function. This suggests that there may be an optimal window during adulthood where CR can delay immune senescence and improve correlates of immunity in primates.  相似文献   
Regioselective synthesis of methylated epigallocatechin gallate from epigallocatechin was accomplished using a 2-nitrobenzenesulfonyl (Ns) group as a protecting group for phenols. This methodology provided several methylated catechins, which are naturally scarce catechin derivatives.  相似文献   
Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) regulate a number of major developmental processes, but their roles in synovial joint formation remain unknown. Here we created conditional mouse embryo mutants lacking Ext1 in developing joints by mating Ext1f/f and Gdf5-Cre mice. Ext1 encodes a subunit of the Ext1/Ext2 Golgi-associated protein complex responsible for heparan sulfate (HS) synthesis. The proximal limb joints did form in the Gdf5-Cre;Ext1f/f mutants, but contained an uneven articulating superficial zone that expressed very low lubricin levels. The underlying cartilaginous epiphysis was deranged as well and displayed random patterns of cell proliferation and matrillin-1 and collagen IIA expression, indicative of an aberrant phenotypic definition of the epiphysis itself. Digit joints were even more affected, lacked a distinct mesenchymal interzone and were often fused likely as a result of local abnormal BMP and hedgehog activity and signaling. Interestingly, overall growth and lengthening of long bones were also delayed in the mutants. To test whether Ext1 function is needed for joint formation at other sites, we examined the spine. Indeed, entire intervertebral discs, normally composed by nucleus pulposus surrounded by the annulus fibrosus, were often missing in Gdf5-Cre;Ext1f/f mice. When disc remnants were present, they displayed aberrant organization and defective joint marker expression. Similar intervertebral joint defects and fusions occurred in Col2-Cre;β-cateninf/f mutants. The study provides novel evidence that local Ext1 expression and HS production are needed to maintain the phenotype and function of joint-forming cells and coordinate local signaling by BMP, hedgehog and Wnt/β-catenin pathways. The data indicate also that defects in joint formation reverberate on, and delay, overall long bone growth.  相似文献   
Microbiological characterization of gut symbiotic bacteria in a limited number of stinkbugs of the families Acanthosomatidae, Plataspidae, Pentatomidae, Scutelleridae, Parastrachiidae, Alydidae and Pyrrhocoridae has shown symbiotic association with midgut bacteria to be common in phytophagous taxa of these heteropteran insects. Here we investigated the midgut bacterial symbiont of Eucorysses grandis, a stinkbug of the family Scutelleridae. A specific gammaproteobacterium was consistently identified in insects from five different geographic origins. The bacterium was detected in 64 of 64 insects sampled from three host populations. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the bacterium constitutes a distinct lineage in the Gammaproteobacteria, neither closely related to the gut symbiont of another scutellerid stinkbug, Cantao ocellatus, nor to gut symbionts of other stinkbugs. Diagnostic PCR, in situ hybridization and electron microscopy demonstrated that the bacterium is located extracelluarly, in the midgut fourth section, which possesses crypts. These results indicate that the primary gut symbionts have multiple evolutionary origins in the Scutelleridae. A Sodalis-allied facultative symbiont was also identified in some insects from natural populations. Biological aspects of the primary gut symbiont and the secondary Sodalis-allied symbiont are discussed.  相似文献   
Partial nucleotide sequences of the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rubisco) gene (1333 base pairs: about 90% of the gene) from several seed plants were determined. Phylogenetic trees based on amino acid sequences were inferred by using the neighbor joining and maximum likelihood methods. The results indicate (1) monophyly of gnetum group (Ephedra, Gnetum, Welwitschia), (2) monophyly of extant gymnosperms containing gnetum group, which contradicts the results of morphological data.  相似文献   
STM (RaSTM) and YAB2 (RaYAB2) homologues were isolated from Ruscus aculeatus (Asparagaceae, monocots), and their expressions were analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to assess hypotheses on the evolutionary origin of the phylloclade in the Asparagaceae. In young shoot buds, RaSTM is expressed in the shoot apex, while RaYAB2 is expressed in the scale leaf subtending the shoot bud. This expression pattern is shared by other angiosperms, suggesting that the expression patterns of RaSTM and RaYAB2 are useful as molecular markers to identify the shoot and leaf, respectively. RaSTM and RaYAB2 are expressed concomitantly in phylloclade primordia. These results suggest that the phylloclade is not homologous to either the shoot or leaf, but that it has a double organ identity.  相似文献   
The bamboo is usually classified as a subfamily Bambusoideae of Poaceae, and includes approximately 20 genera and 300 species. To estimate phylogenetic relationships among these genera, we examined restriction site mutations of cpDNA for 16 Asian genera. In the cladogram obtained, the Bambosoideae was divided into two major lineages, one includingPleioblastus, Pseudosasa, Semiarundinaria, Shibataea, Phyllostachys, Sasa, Sinobambusa, Chimonobambusa, Arthrostylidium, andYushania, and the other consisting ofBambusa, Gigantochloa, Dendrocalamus, Thyrostachys, Melocanna, andSchizostachyum. Monophylly of each clade was supported by 83% and 98% bootstrap probability, respectively. The present result supports monophylly of Arundinarieae of Potztal's (1964) classical system, but does not support his treatment to recognize Dendrocalameae.  相似文献   
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