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Phylogenetic analysis has led to the classification of hepatitis B virus into eight genotypes, designated A to H. The genotypes have differences in biological properties and show heterogeneity in their global distribution. These attributes of the genotypes may account not only for differences in the prevalence of hepatitis B virus mutants in various geographic regions, but also makes them responsible for differences in the clinical outcome and response to antiviral treatment in different population groups. Africa is one of the highly endemic regions of HBV with five genotypes (A–E) identified. Almost all patients in the Mediterranean area are infected with genotype D. However, there is little information of genotype distribution in Egypt. A total of 140 Egyptian patients with hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positive were enrolled in this study. Of the 140 patients, only 100 patients were HBV DNA positive and only these were included in the study. They were classified into 20 patients with acute hepatitis (AH), 75 patients with chronic active hepatitis (CAH) and 5 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). HBV genotypes were determined using INNO-LiPA methodology which is based on the reversed hybridization principle. This study showed that genotype D constituted 87% of the total infections (75 CAH cases, 7 AH cases and 5 HCC cases). The other 13% showed mixed infections of D/F. These findings show that the most prevalent genotype in Egypt is genotype D especially in CAH and HCC patients while the mixed type D/F is only encountered in AH.  相似文献   
Green microalga Ankistrodesmus convolutus Corda is a fast growing alga which produces appreciable amount of carotenoids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the construction of cDNA library and preliminary analysis of ESTs for this species. The titers of the primary and amplified cDNA libraries were 1.1 × 106 and 6.0 × 109 pfu/ml respectively. The percentage of recombinants was 97% in the primary library and a total of 337 out of 415 original cDNA clones selected randomly contained inserts ranging from 600 to 1,500 bps. A total of 201 individual ESTs with sizes ranging from 390 to 1,038 bps were then analyzed and the BLASTX score revealed that 35.8% of the sequences were classified as strong match, 38.3% as nominal and 25.9% as weak match. Among the ESTs with known putative function, 21.4% of them were found to be related to gene expression, 14.4% ESTs to photosynthesis, 10.9% ESTs to metabolism, 5.5% ESTs to miscellaneous, 2.0% to stress response, and the remaining 45.8% were classified as novel genes. Analysis of ESTs described in this paper can be an effective approach to isolate and characterize new genes from A. convolutus and thus the sequences obtained represented a significant contribution to the extensive database of sequences from green microalgae.  相似文献   
The present study was done to determine the modulation effect(s) of polymorphisms of XRCC1, GSTM1, and GSTT1 on concentration of serum testosterone in females exposed to natural sour gas. Also we examine whether chronic exposure to natural gas containing sulfur compounds act as natural selection force on XRCC1 polymorphisms. The present study was performed on 68 healthy unrelated female students living in polluted areas of MIS. Also for investigating the effect of natural selection on XRCC1 polymorphism, a study was performed on two groups of healthy individuals of MIS citizens. The first and second groups including 94 (age range 30–85 years) and 187 individuals (age range 5–20 years), respectively. First and second groups were born and were not born in contaminated areas of the MIS, respectively. There was no significant difference between genotypes of XRCC1 for concentration of serum testosterone. Although GSTT1-null genotype had higher level of serum testosterone in comparison with the present genotype (t = 2.392, df = 66, P = 0.023), a borderline difference between genotypes of GSTM1 for serum testosterone was observed (t = 1.928, df = 66, P = 0.058). Analysis of variance revealed significant difference between combination genotypes of GSTM1 and GSTT1 for serum testosterone (F = 4.167; df = 3, 64; P = 0.009). The Duncan post hoc test indicated that the combination genotype of “present GSTM1/null GSTT1” had significant higher level of testosterone. There is no evidence that XRCC1 polymorphisms have advantage/disadvantage when population exposed to natural sour gas. The polymorphisms of GSTM1 and GSTT1 modulate serum testosterone concentration in young females exposed to natural sour gas.  相似文献   
Molecular Biology Reports - Muscle contraction stimulates a transient change of myogenic factors, partly related to the mode of contractions. Here, we assessed the response of IGF-1Ea, IGF-1Eb,...  相似文献   
Melanoma is a kind of skin cancer that is begun by the alteration of melanocytes. miRNAs are small non-coding RNA molecules that regulate a variety of biological processes. KISS1, the metastasis-suppressor gene, encodes kisspeptins which inhibits migration and proliferation of cancers. This study was aimed to determine the role of Let-7i and KISS1 in melanoma cell migration and proliferation. At first, the expression of Let-7i and KISS1 was determined in patients with melanoma. In the in vitro part of the study, Let-7i mimics were transfected and the impact of its restoration on target gene expression, proliferation, migration and apoptosis of SK-MEL-3 melanoma cell line was assessed by real-time PCR and Western blotting, MTT assay, wound-healing assay and flow cytometry, respectively. Besides, KISS1 inhibitor siRNA alone and along with Let-7i was transfected to determine their probable correlation. The results revealed that either Let-7i or KISS1 were down-regulated in patients with melanoma. The results obtained from the in vitro part of the study revealed that restoration of Let-7i reduced the expression of metastasis- and proliferation-related target genes. Moreover, it was revealed that up-regulation of Let-7i attenuated migration and proliferation capability of SK-MEL-3 cells. Besides, it was demonstrated that Let-7i restoration induced apoptosis in melanoma cells. More importantly, the KISS1 inhibitor caused a prominent cell migration and proliferation, attenuated by Let-7i re-expression. To sum up, the present study revealed the impressive role of Let-7i restoration along with its correlation with KISS1 on melanoma carcinogenicity which may be applicable in future in vivo studies.  相似文献   
COVID-19 can present with a variety of clinical features, ranging from asymptomatic or mild respiratory symptoms to fulminant acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) depending on the host's immune responses and the extent of the associated pathologies. This implies that several measures need to be taken to limit severely impairing symptoms caused by viral-induced pathology in vital organs. Opioids are most exploited for their analgesic effects but their usage in the palliation of dyspnoea, immunomodulation and lysosomotropism may represent potential usages of opioids in COVID-19. Here, we describe the mechanisms involved in each of these potential usages, highlighting the benefits of using opioids in the treatment of ARDS from SARS-CoV-2 infection.  相似文献   
Plasmonics - Lung failure is the main reason for mortality in COVID-19 patients, caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). To date, no drug has been clinically...  相似文献   
The regulatory approval of a biosimilar product is contingent on the favorable comparability of its safety and efficacy to that of the innovator product. As such, it is important to match the critical quality attributes of the biosimilar product to that of the innovator product. The N-glycosylation profile of a monoclonal antibody (mAb) can influence effector function activities such as antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) and complement-dependent cytotoxicity. In this study, we describe efforts to modulate the high-mannose (HM) levels of a biosimilar mAb produced in a Chinese hamster ovary cell fed-batch process. Because the HM level of the mAb was observed to impact ADCC activity, it was desirable to match it to the innovator mAb's levels. Several cell culture process related factors known to modulate the HM content of N-glycosylation were investigated, including osmolality, ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) addition, glutamine concentration, monensin addition, and the addition of alternate sugars and amino sugars to the feed medium. The process conditions evaluated varied in impact on HM levels, process performance and product quality. One condition, the addition of alternate sugars and amino sugars to feed medium, was identified as the preferred method for increasing HM levels with minimal disruptions to process performance or other product quality attributes. Interestingly, a secondary interaction between sugar and amino sugar supplemented feeds and osmolality was observed during process scale-up. These studies demonstrate sugar and amino sugar concentrations and osmolality are critical variables to evaluate to match HM content in biosimilar and their innovator mAbs.  相似文献   
With the quality by design (QbD) initiative, regulatory authorities demand a consistent drug quality originating from a well-understood manufacturing process. This study demonstrates the application of a previously published mechanistic chromatography model to the in silico process characterization (PCS) of a monoclonal antibody polishing step. The proposed modeling workflow covered the main tasks of traditional PCS studies following the QbD principles, including criticality assessment of 11 process parameters and establishment of their proven acceptable ranges of operation. Analyzing effects of multi-variate sampling of process parameters on the purification outcome allowed identification of the edge-of-failure. Experimental validation of in silico results demanded approximately 75% less experiments compared to a purely wet-lab based PCS study. Stochastic simulation, considering the measured variances of process parameters and loading material composition, was used to estimate the capability of the process to meet the acceptance criteria for critical quality attributes and key performance indicators. The proposed workflow enables the implementation of digital process twins as QbD tool for improved development of biopharmaceutical manufacturing processes.  相似文献   
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