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Polymorphism of variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) in the promoter region of X-ray repair cross-complementing 5 (MIM: 194364, XRCC5; rs6147172) was reported. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the influence of this polymorphism on XRCC5 mRNA levels. Genotypes of XRCC5 VNTR were determined by high resolution of melting analysis (HRMA). The quantitative XRCC5 mRNA expression (compared to ß-actin expression) among 0R/1R, 1R/2R, and 1R/3R genotypes was investigated. There was a negative correlation between the overall number of tandem repeats and XRCC5 expression (r = ?0.965, df = 7, P < 0.001). The mRNA level of XRCC5 decreased as function of number of tandem repeats. The 3R allele of the VNTR polymorphism in the XRCC5 promoter region dramatically decreases the gene expression.  相似文献   
Forty silage samples were collected from Assiut and Sohag governorates in Egypt to measure the presence of fungal population in silage. Forty-three species and 2 species varieties belonging to 17 genera were isolated using glucose Czapeks and Sabourauds dextrose agar media at 28 °C. The most prevalent genera were Aspergillus (57.5 and 100 of the samples), Penicillium (100 and 55%) on the two mentioned media, respectively. Also, Fusarium oxysporum and Gibberella fujikurori were recovered in moderate incidences. Mycotoxin profiles were also determined in these samples: Aflatoxins showed the highest incidence rates of occurrence, it occurred in 22.5% of all samples analyzed. Other mycotoxins were detected from all samples (T2 toxins and sterigmatocystin at incidence of 7.5 and 5%, respectively). The screening of the characteristics mycotoxins of different isolates of Aspergillus isolated from silage samples was tested. The results clarified that some mycotoxins (aflatoxins – aspergillic acid – beta nitro propionic acid – cyclopiazonic acid– kojic acid and sterigmatocystin) were produced by some isolates of A. flavus. Some isolates of A.fumigatus could produce gliotoxin and verrucologen. All of A. niger isolates tested were able to produce kojic acid. One isolate of A. ochraceous formed ochratoxin A and other isolate produced penicillic acid. Concerning A. terreus isolates, the results showed that 5 isolates were able to produce citrinin and 4 isolates had ability to produce patulin. A. versicolor isolates showed the ability to produce ochratoxin A.  相似文献   
The microeukaryotic community in Zodletone Spring, a predominantly anaerobic sulfide and sulfur-rich spring, was examined using an 18S rRNA gene cloning and sequencing approach. The majority of the 288 clones sequenced from three different locations at Zodletone Spring belonged to the Stramenopiles, Alveolata, and Fungi, with members of the phylum Cercozoa, order Diplomonadida, and family Jakobidae representing a minor fraction of the clone library. No sequences suggesting the presence of novel kingdom level diversity were detected in any of the three libraries. A large fraction of stramenopile clones encountered were monophyletic with either members of the genus Cafeteria (order Bicosoecida) or members of the order Labyrinthulida (slime nets), both of which have so far been encountered mainly in marine habitats. The majority of the observed fungal clone sequences belonged to the ascomycetous yeasts (order Saccharomycetales), were closely related to yeast genera within the Hymenobasidiomycetes (phylum Basidiomycetes), or formed a novel fungal lineage with several previously published or database-deposited clones. To determine whether the unexpected abundance of fungal sequences in Zodletone Spring clone libraries represents a general pattern in anaerobic habitats, we generated three clone libraries from three different anaerobic settings (anaerobic sewage digester, pond sediment, and hydrocarbon-exposed aquifer sediments) and partially sequenced 210 of these clones. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that clone sequences belonging to the kingdom Fungi represent a significant fraction of all three clone libraries, an observation confirmed by phospholipid fatty acid and ergosterol analysis. Overall, this work reveals an unexpected abundance of Fungi in anaerobic habitats, describes a novel, yet-uncultured group of Fungi that appears to be widespread in anaerobic habitats, and indicates that several of the previously considered marine protists could also occur in nonmarine habitats.  相似文献   
A metagenomic library was constructed from the anaerobic sediments of a mesophilic sulfur spring. Thirty-five bacterial 16S rRNA gene-containing clones were identified in this library. Analysis of a genomic fragment belonging to candidate division OD1 provided useful insights into the physiology and biochemistry of this novel, yet-uncultured candidate division.  相似文献   
Ca2+-dependent contractility was found to exist in the nucleus of the heliozoon protozoan Actinophrys sol. Upon addition of Ca2+ ([Ca2+]free = 2.0 x 10(-3) M), diameters of isolated and detergent-extracted nuclei became reduced from 16.5+/-1.7 microm to 11.0+/-1.3 microm. The threshold level of [Ca2+]free for the nuclear contraction was 2.9 x 10(-7) M. The nuclear contraction was not induced by Mg2+, and was not inhibited by colchicine or cytochalasin B. Contracted nuclei became expanded when Ca2+ was removed by EGTA; thus cycles of contraction and expansion could be repeated many times by alternating addition of Ca2+ and EGTA. The Ca2+-dependent nuclear contractility remained even after high salt treatment, suggesting a possible involvement of nucleoskeletal components in the nuclear contraction. Electron microscopy showed that, in the relaxed state, filamentous structures were observed to spread in the nucleus to form a network. After addition of Ca2+, they became aggregated and constructed a mass of thicker filaments, followed by re-distribution of the filaments spread around inside of the nucleus when Ca2+ was removed. These results suggest that the nuclear contraction is induced by Ca2+-dependent transformation of the filamentous structures in the nucleus.  相似文献   
Pyrosequencing is a real-time bioluminometric technique for determination of nucleic acid sequence. Here, we review recent advances and discuss new applications of this technique. Cost reduction efforts and future potentials of this technique for large-scale genotyping applications will also be discussed.  相似文献   
Ellis-van Creveld (EVC) syndrome (chondroectodermal dysplasia, mesoectodermal dysplasia, OMIM 225500) is an autosomal recessive skeletal dysplasia characterized by short limbs, short ribs, postaxial polydactyly and dysplastic nails and teeth. Oral manifestations tend to be pathognomonic such as multiple broad labial frenula and congenital missing teeth. In this study we report three Egyptian families with six cases of EVC syndrome. An unusual pattern of inheritance with father to son or to daughter transmission was observed in 2 consanguineous families thus demonstrating pseudo-dominant inheritance, probably for the first time in the literature. A new consistent orodental anomaly found in all our cases was bifid tip of the tongue. We emphasize study of orodental anomalies in future cases for accurate diagnosis of Ellis-van Creveld syndrome and its probable differential diagnosis from Weyers acrodental dysostosis.  相似文献   
Atlantic coast in mice. Preliminary studies showed that seawater contains heavy metals from domestic, agricultural and industrial wastes. Marine bivalves concentrate these pollutants by filtration and serve as vectors in human exposure. The objective of this study was to determine the concentration of heavy metals; cadmium (Cd); chromium (Cr), and lead (Pb) in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) collected in two coastal sites; Jorf Lasfar (JL) (neighbouring a phosphate processing platform) and Oualidia (OL) (a vegetable growing area) located at 120 and 190 km south of Casablanca, respectively. Another objective was to test and compare the toxicity of these mussels on mice. The results indicated the presence of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, and Pb) in mussels at different concentrations, depending on the collection period. Higher concentrations were obtained at JL than at OL: for example, Cd concentrations were 80 +/- 15 to 199 +/- 28 versus 23 +/- 5 microg/g mussel dry weight, respectively. Cramming with mussel powder did not increase Cd, Cr, or Pb concentration in either liver or kidneys of treated mice. The relative kidney weights were reduced. Increased glucose urea was observed in animals' urine. Treatment with mussels from OL induced significant reduction (20%) in mice body weight, together with an increase in creatinuria. These results indicate that mussels collected from OL are more harmful than those obtained from JL are. All these mussels should not be recommended for human consumption.  相似文献   
Adenylate kinases occur classically as cytoplasmic and mitochondrial enzymes, but the expression of seven adenylate kinases in the flagellated protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei (order, Kinetoplastida; family, Trypanosomatidae) easily exceeds the number of isoforms previously observed within a single cell and raises questions as to their location and function. We show that a requirement to target adenylate kinase into glycosomes, which are unique kinetoplastid-specific microbodies of the peroxisome class in which many reactions of carbohydrate metabolism are compartmentalized, and two different flagellar structures as well as cytoplasm and mitochondrion explains the expansion of this gene family in trypanosomes. The three isoforms that are selectively built into either the flagellar axoneme or the extra-axonemal paraflagellar rod, which is essential for motility, all contain long N-terminal extensions. Biochemical analysis of the only short form trypanosome adenylate kinase revealed that this enzyme catalyzes phosphotransfer of gamma-phosphate from ATP to AMP, CMP, and UMP acceptors; its high activity and specificity toward CMP is likely to reflect an adaptation to very low intracellular cytidine nucleotide pools. Analysis of some of the phosphotransfer network using RNA interference suggests considerable complexity within the homeostasis of cellular energetics. The anchoring of specific adenylate kinases within two distinct flagellar structures provides a paradigm for metabolic organization and efficiency in other flagellates.  相似文献   
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