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Choleragen catalyzed the hydrolysis of NAD to ADP-ribose and nicotinamide; nicotinamide production was dramatically increased by L-arginine methyl ester and to a lesser extent by D- or L-arginine, but not by other basic amino acids. Guanidine was also effective. Nicotinamide formation in the presence of L-arginine methyl ester was greatest under conditions previously shown to accelerate the hydrolysis of NAD by choleragen (Moss, J., Manganiello, V. C., and Vaughan, M. (1976) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 73, 4424-4427). After incubation of [adenine-U14C]NAD and L[3H]arginine with coleragen, a product was isolated by thin layer chromatography that contained adenine and arginine in a 1:1 ratio and has been tentatively identified as ADP-ribose-L-arginine. Parallel experiments with [carbonyl-14C]NAD have demonstrated that formation of the ADP-ribosyl-L-arginine derivative was associated with the production of [carbonyl-14C]nicotinamide. As guanidine itself was active and D- and L-arginine was equally effective in promoting nicotinamide production, whereas citrulline, which possesses a ureido rather than a guanidino function, was inactive, it seems probable that the guanidino group rather than the alpha-amino moiety participated in the linkage to ADP-ribose. Based on the assumption that the ADP-ribosylation of L-arginine by choleragen is a model for the NAD-dependent activation of adenylate cyclase by choleragen, it is proposed that the active A protomer of choleragen catalyzes the ADP-ribosylation of an arginine, or related amino acid residue in a protein, which is the cyclase itself or is critical to its activation by choleragen.  相似文献   
The mechanical properties of the resting, whole semitendinosus muscle of the frog have been characterized as functions of both muscle length and temperature. Measurements were made of pseudorandom white noise (PRWN) displacements (less than 10 A/half-sarcomere) applied to the muscle and the force responses to these movements. Signal correlation techniques were then used to obtain the dynamic modulus function for the muscle in the frequency range 2.44-320 Hz. This function was represented by a series combination of a Voigt element and a time delay element for tension propagation along the muscle. A dynamic elastic modulus (E), coefficient of damping (B), and tension transmission velocity (V) were measured for resting muscle on the basis of this model. For each of these parameters, a marked variation with sarcomere length (s) was found. The mean values for E and B at LO (s=2.25 mum) were 1.84+/-0.24 X 10(5) N/m2 and 2.33+/-0.25 X 10(2) Ns/m2, respectively. Further, B demonstrated a negative temperature dependence, Q10=0.78 (P less than 0.05), in the range s=2.6-3.0 mum, while E was not significantly temperature dependent. The length-dependent variations of E and B are interpreted as deriving from both passive muscle elements and attached crossbridges. Velocity was calculated at a single displacing frequency for every experiment; the mean value at LO and all temperatures was v=11.7+/-0.6 m/s. Velocity was also calculated as a function of frequency within several experiments: the results indicate considerable variation of v with frequency.  相似文献   
Two strains of Histoplasma capsulatum were required to prepare maximum yields of H and of M antigen from histoplasmin. The antigens were separated and partially purified by a series of procedures yielding an overall recovery of 70 to 90% of the individual antigens. Stable products suitable for use as reference products were obtained when the final purification step employed DEAE-cellulose with phosphate buffer elution at increasing molarity and decreasing pH. A final step of purification of each antigen with slab acrylamide gel electrophoresis gave products which were highly reactive and specific in a variety of serological tests with sera from persons with proven cases of histoplasmosis and with natural infections of heterologous deep mycoses. These antigens were maximally active at concentrations of 2 to 16 g protein in the complement fixation, capillary precipitin, microimmunodiffusion, or immunoelectrophoresis tests; 0.5 g gave a maximum delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity reaction in homologously infected animals and caused no appreciable reaction in control animals. Although these antigens appeared to be specific when tested with sera from persons with natural infections, the M and H antigens demonstrated the presence of an additional antigen reacting with sera of rabbits immunized with cell membrane and cell particulate fractions of Blastomyces dermatitidis. After purification by electrophoresis, both the H and M antigens of some preparations showed some decomposition and loss of reactivity after storage at 5 C for more than six months. The overall results suggest that the purified H and M antigens of Heiner (12) have multiple serological reactivity and may function in precipitin reactions, complementfixing reactions, hemagglutination of formalin-fixed goose red blood cells, and as antigens for delayed cutaneous tests.  相似文献   
A F Gazdar  H Oie  P Lalley  W W Moss  J D Minna 《Cell》1977,11(4):949-956
The replication patterns of five ecotropic and two amphotropic strains of murine leukemia virus (MuLV) were studied by infecting 41 Chinese hamster x mounse hybrid primary clones segregating mouse (Mus musculus) chromosomes. Ecotropic and amphotropic strains replicated in mouse and some hybrid cells, but not in hamster cells, indicating that replication of exogenous virus requires dominantly expressed mouse cellular genes. The patterns of replication of the five ecotropic strains in hybrid clones were similar; the patterns of replication of the two amphotropic strains were also similar. When compared to each other, however, the replication patterns of ecotropic and amphotropic viruses were dissimilar, indicating that these two classes of MuLV require different mouse chromosomes for replication. Chromosome and isozyme analyses assigned a gene, Rec-1 (replication of ecotropic virus), to mouse chromosome 5 that is necessary and may be sufficient for ecotropic virus replication. Because of preferential retention of mouse chromosomes 15 and 17 in the hybrid clones, however, the possibility that these chromosomes carry genes that are necessary but not sufficient for ecotropic virus replication cannot be excluded. Similarly, the data indicate that mouse chromosome 8 (or possibly 19) carried a gene we have designated Ram-1 (replication of amphotropic virus) which is necessary and may be sufficient for amphotropic virus replication. Because chromosomes 8 and 19 tended to segregate together and two of the three clones excluding 19 have chromosome reaggrangements, we cannot exclude 19 as being independent of amphotropic virus replication. In addition, because of preferential retention, chromosomes 7, 12, 15, 16 and 17 cannot be excluded as being necessary but not sufficient. Hybrid cell genetic studies confirm the assignment of the Fv-1 locus to chromosome 4 previously made by sexual genetics. In addition, our results demonstrate that hybrid cells which have segregated mouse chromosome 4 but have retained 5 become permissive for replication of both N and B tropic strains of MuLV.  相似文献   
Guanylyl- and methyltransferases, isolated from purified vaccinia virus, were used to specifically label the 5′ ends of the genome RNAs of influenza A and B viruses. All eight segments were labeled with [α-32P]guanosine 5′-triphosphate or S-adenosyl[methyl-3H]methionine to form “cap” structures of the type m7G(5′)pppNm-, of which unmethylated (p)ppN- represents the original 5′ end. Further analyses indicated that m7G(5′)pppAm, m7G(5′)pppAmpGp, and m7G(5′)pppAmpGpUp were released from total and individual labeled RNA segments by digestion with nuclease P1, RNase T1, and RNase A, respectively. Consequently, the 5′-terminal sequences of most or all individual genome RNAs of influenza A and B viruses were deduced to be (p)ppApGpUp. The presence of identical sequences at the ends of RNA segments of both types of influenza viruses indicates that they have been specifically conserved during evolution.  相似文献   
In a companion report (Moss and Ward: J. Cell. Physiol 149:313-318, 1991) evidence was presented for multiple pathways for insulin internalization based on differences between the internalization of insulin and that of two other ligands, asialofetuin (Afet) and epidermal growth factor (EGF), in the presence of several perturbations of endocytosis. In the present study we have explored the characteristics of three internalization pathways and the contribution of each to overall insulin uptake. Freshly isolated hepatocytes were incubated with radiolabeled ligands in the presence of hyperosmolar sucrose, treatment that is thought to inhibit the coated pit pathway of endocytosis. Insulin internalization was decreased approximately 39%, but much greater decreases were observed with Afet (86%) and EGF (62%). Competition between uptake of radiolabeled and unlabeled insulin was observed in hyperosmolar-treated cells, suggestive of endocytosis by a receptor-mediated noncoated-pit pathway. Uptake of radiolabeled insulin that persisted in the presence of hyperosmolarity and high concentrations of unlabeled insulin suggested a third uptake pathway: fluid-phase endocytosis. A rate of fluid-phase endocytosis of 7.2 microL/hr/10(6) cells was determined from the uptake of the fluid-phase marker lucifer yellow. At high insulin concentrations (greater than or equal to 250 ng/ml), fluid-phase endocytosis appears to be the predominant pathway for insulin uptake, but at lower insulin concentrations (physiological) the coated pit and noncoated pit pathways are the primary routes for insulin internalization.  相似文献   
Summary The lysosomal compartment has been examined in activated T-lymphocytes by immunogold electron microscopy and subcellular fractionation. Immunoprecipitation and sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel, electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of radiolabelled extracts of the T-cells showed that they contained three antigens which are fundamental to normal lysosomal function: a representative lysosomal enzyme -glucuronidase, a lysosomal associated membrane protein (LAMP-1), and the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate lysosomal enzyme targeting receptor (MPR). Immunogold labelling showed that -glucuronidase was present in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi complex and Golgi-associated vesicles. The enzyme was also found to accumulate in distinct, non-Golgi organelles in which LAMP-1 was co-localized, probably lysosomes. LAMP-1 was also found in tubular elements of the golgi and in a complex of vesicles clustered near the nucleus where MPR was also present at high density.Fractionation of homogenates from lymphocytes on Percoll gradients revealed that -glucuronidase was distributed throughout the low density region containing rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi and plasma membrane components, and the high density region which contained only lysosomal activity. Multiple immunogold electron microscopy of the latter fraction showed the presence of homogenous vesicles which had large amounts of -glucuronidase within the lumen, LAMP-1 at the periphery and no MPR. These vesicles were probably mature lysosomes, arising from pre-lysosomal organelles enriched for LAMP-1 and MPR.  相似文献   
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