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OBJECTIVE: One of the key performance measures in the monitoring of the NHS cervical screening programme is the targeting of laboratories with very high or low percentages (outside the 10th-90th percentile) of adequate smears that have moderate dyskaryosis or worse. These laboratories are assumed to include those laboratories that may have extremes of sensitivity and specificity. A clear limitation with this methodology is that laboratories do not examine smears from women with the same underlying risk, age distribution or screening interval and adjustment for these factors should considerably improve the method. METHODS: This paper describes a method that allows for these confounding variables and a new age-risk-interval adjusted moderate dyskaryosis or worse rate (ARI-adjusted mod+ rate) can be calculated. The adjusted rate is the rate of moderate or worse dyskaryotic smears that the laboratory would have detected had it been screening women with an English 'average' age-risk-interval. All laboratories can therefore be compared using this method. RESULTS: The methodology is illustrated using data from the NHSCSP South West Region. The particularly low percentage of moderate or worse smears detected by one or two laboratories can be shown to be due to a local screened population with a very low risk because of a high mean age, relatively short screening interval and census variables associated with a low risk, rather than any under-calling by the associated laboratories. CONCLUSIONS: The ARI-adjusted mod+ rate requires to be calculated for all laboratories in England if it is to be used as a primary performance indicator. Alternatively, it can be used to further examine laboratories that are deemed to be outliers using the current methodology.  相似文献   
The advantages of the organism Dictyostelium discoideum as an expression host for recombinant glycoproteins have been exploited for the production of an isotopically labeled cell surface protein for NMR structure studies. Growth medium containing [15N]NH4Cl and [13C]glycerol was used to generate isotopically labeled Escherichia coli, which was subsequently introduced to D. discoideum cells in simple Mes buffer. A variety of growth conditions were screened to establish minimal amounts of nitrogen and carbon metabolites for a cost-effective protocol. Following single-step purification by anion-exchange chromatography, 8 mg of uniformly 13C,15N-labeled protein secreted by approximately 1010D. discoideum cells was isolated from 3.3 liters of supernatant. Mass spectrometry showed the recombinant protein of 16 kDa to have incorporated greater than 99.9% isotopic label. The two-dimensional 1H-13C HSQC spectrum confirms 13C labeling of both glycan and amino acid residues of the glycoprotein. All heteronuclear NMR spectra showed a good dispersion of cross-peaks essential for high-quality structure determination.  相似文献   
This paper describes the creation and psychometric properties of two independent measures of aspects of appearance schematicity – appearance salience and valence, assessed by the CARSAL and CARVAL, and their relation to appearance self-consciousness. Five hundred and ninety two participants provided data in a web based task. The results demonstrate the sound psychometric properties of both scales. This was demonstrated by good item total characteristics, good internal reliability of each scale, and the independence of the two scales shown through principal components analysis. Furthermore, the scales show independent and moderated relationships with valid measures of appearance related psychosocial distress. Negatively valenced appearance information was associated with increased appearance self-consciousness. More crucially, the impact of negative valence on appearance self-consciousness was exacerbated by the moderating effect increased salience of appearance.  相似文献   
Models have shown that population cycles might be driven by time lags resulting from positive feedback between kin structure and population change, coupled with negative feedback between density and population change. One such model operates through kin favouritism facilitating the recruitment of young cock red grouse. We investigated whether recruitment by young cocks depended on the presence and spatial arrangement of elder relatives in the territorial population. We used molecular genetic estimates of relatedness, and checked for effects of covariates including natal territory size, hatching date, body size, parasite burdens and local density. Philopatric recruitment by cock red grouse led to the formation of clusters of contiguous territories owned by kin. The probability that an individual young cock would establish a territory increased with the number of kin in his father's cluster. This pattern might have been due to genetic quality determining both recruitment success and the size of the paternal cluster. If so, there should have been a positive correlation between a young cock's probability of recruitment and the number of his relatives in the population, irrespective of their spatial distribution. This did not occur and so the effect of cluster size is unlikely to have been confounded by genetic quality. The only morphological measure correlated with recruitment success was supraorbital comb size. The results are consistent with the prediction that kin tolerance affects recruitment but were at the level of the individual within years, rather than the population among years. Hence an experimental test of the kin favouritism hypothesis for population cycles, by manipulation of relatedness in populations among years, is now required.  相似文献   
Guanylyl- and methyltransferases, isolated from purified vaccinia virus, were used to specifically label the 5′ ends of the genome RNAs of influenza A and B viruses. All eight segments were labeled with [α-32P]guanosine 5′-triphosphate or S-adenosyl[methyl-3H]methionine to form “cap” structures of the type m7G(5′)pppNm-, of which unmethylated (p)ppN- represents the original 5′ end. Further analyses indicated that m7G(5′)pppAm, m7G(5′)pppAmpGp, and m7G(5′)pppAmpGpUp were released from total and individual labeled RNA segments by digestion with nuclease P1, RNase T1, and RNase A, respectively. Consequently, the 5′-terminal sequences of most or all individual genome RNAs of influenza A and B viruses were deduced to be (p)ppApGpUp. The presence of identical sequences at the ends of RNA segments of both types of influenza viruses indicates that they have been specifically conserved during evolution.  相似文献   
Echolocating bats are auditory specialists, with exquisite hearing that spans several octaves. In the ultrasonic range, bat audiograms typically show highest sensitivity in the spectral region of their species-specific echolocation calls. Well-developed hearing in the audible range has been commonly attributed to a need to detect sounds produced by prey. However, bat pups often emit isolation calls with low-frequency components that facilitate mother-young reunions. In this study, we examine whether low-frequency hearing in bats exhibits correlated evolution with (i) body size; (ii) high-frequency hearing sensitivity or (iii) pup isolation call frequency. Using published audiograms, we found that low-frequency hearing sensitivity is not dependent on body size but is related to high-frequency hearing. After controlling for high-frequency hearing, we found that low-frequency hearing exhibits correlated evolution with isolation call frequency. We infer that detection and discrimination of isolation calls have favoured enhanced low-frequency hearing because accurate parental investment is critical: bats have low reproductive rates, non-volant altricial young and must often identify their pups within large crèches.  相似文献   
Akita S  Moss DN 《Plant physiology》1973,52(6):601-603
Stomata of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves failed to open in the light and close in the dark or respond to changes in the CO2 concentration of the atmosphere in either light or dark when the leaves were in an O2-free atmosphere. In contrast, the expected responses to environmental changes were found in atmospheres containing 1.5% O2. It appears that O2 is necessary for both opening and closing of wheat and barley stomata.  相似文献   
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