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Whiteflies (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) are sap-sucking insects that harbor “Candidatus Portiera aleyrodidarum,” an obligatory symbiotic bacterium which is housed in a special organ called the bacteriome. These insects are also home for a diverse facultative microbial community which may include Hamiltonella, Arsenophonus, Fritchea, Wolbachia, and Cardinium spp. In this study, the bacteria associated with a B biotype of the sweet potato whitefly Bemisia tabaci were characterized using molecular fingerprinting techniques, and a Rickettsia sp. was detected for the first time in this insect family. Rickettsia sp. distribution, transmission and localization were studied using PCR and fluorescence in situ hybridizations (FISH). Rickettsia was found in all 20 Israeli B. tabaci populations screened but not in all individuals within each population. A FISH analysis of B. tabaci eggs, nymphs, and adults revealed a unique concentration of Rickettsia around the gut and follicle cells, as well as a random distribution in the hemolymph. We postulate that the Rickettsia enters the oocyte together with the bacteriocytes, leaves these symbiont-housing cells when the egg is laid, multiplies and spreads throughout the egg during embryogenesis and, subsequently, disperses throughout the body of the hatching nymph, excluding the bacteriomes. Although the role Rickettsia plays in the biology of the whitefly is currently unknown, the vertical transmission on the one hand and the partial within-population infection on the other suggest a phenotype that is advantageous under certain conditions but may be deleterious enough to prevent fixation under others.  相似文献   
Characterization of a novel virus causing a lethal disease in carp and koi.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since 1998 a lethal disease of carp and ornamental koi (Cyprinus carpio) has afflicted fisheries in North America, Europe, and Asia, causing severe economic losses to the fish farming industry. This review summarizes the isolation and identification of the disease-causing agent and describes the currently known molecular characteristics of this newly isolated virus, distinguishing it from other known large DNA viruses. In addition, we summarize the clinical and histopathological manifestations of the disease. Providing information on the immune response to this virus and evaluating the available means of diagnosis and protection should help to reduce the damage induced by this disease. This review does not discuss the economic aspects of the disease or the debate on whether the disease should be registered; both of these issues were recently reviewed in detail (O. L. M. Haenen, K. Way, S. M. Bergmann, and E. Ariel, Bull. Eur. Assoc. Fish Pathol. 24:293-307, 2004; D. Pokorova, T. Vesely, V. Piackova, S. Reschova, and J. Hulova, Vet. Med. Czech. 50:139-147, 2005).  相似文献   
Septins comprise a conserved family of GTPases important in cytokinesis. These proteins polymerize into filaments from rod-shaped heteromeric septin complexes. Septins interact with one another at two interfaces (NC and G) that alternate within the complex. Here, we show that small mutations at the N terminus greatly enhance the formation of SEPT2 homopolymers. Taking advantage of this mutation to examine polymer formation using SEPT2 alone, we show that both NC and G interfaces are required for filament formation. However, co-expression of wild type SEPT2 with SEPT2 containing mutations at either NC or G interfaces revealed that only the NC mutant suppressed filament formation. NC mutants are able to interact with one another at putative G interfaces, whereas G mutants fail to interact at NC interfaces. In addition, all promiscuous septin pairwise interactions occur at the G interface. These findings suggest that G interface interactions must occur before NC interactions during polymer formation.  相似文献   
The wheat group has evolved through allopolyploidization, namely, through hybridization among species from the plant genera Aegilops and Triticum followed by genome doubling. This speciation process has been associated with ecogeographical expansion and with domestication. In the past few decades, we have searched for explanations for this impressive success. Our studies attempted to probe the bases for the wide genetic variation characterizing these species, which accounts for their great adaptability and colonizing ability. Central to our work was the investigation of how allopolyploidization alters genome structure and expression. We found in wheat that allopolyploidy accelerated genome evolution in two ways: (1) it triggered rapid genome alterations through the instantaneous generation of a variety of cardinal genetic and epigenetic changes (which we termed “revolutionary” changes), and (2) it facilitated sporadic genomic changes throughout the species’ evolution (i.e., evolutionary changes), which are not attainable at the diploid level. Our major findings in natural and synthetic allopolyploid wheat indicate that these alterations have led to the cytological and genetic diploidization of the allopolyploids. These genetic and epigenetic changes reflect the dynamic structural and functional plasticity of the allopolyploid wheat genome. The significance of this plasticity for the successful establishment of wheat allopolyploids, in nature and under domestication, is discussed.  相似文献   
Age-related division of labor in honey bees is associated with plasticity in circadian rhythms. Forager bees that are typically older than 3 weeks of age show strong behavioral and molecular circadian rhythms with higher activity during the day. Younger bees that typically care for ("nurse") the brood are active around the clock with similar brain clock gene levels throughout the day. However, nurses that are caged on brood-less combs inside or outside the hive show robust circadian rhythms with higher activity during the day, suggesting that direct contact with the brood mediates the plasticity in the circadian system. The nature of the brood signals affecting the workers' circadian system and the modalities by which they are detected are unknown. Given that the antennae are pivotal sensory organs in bees, we hypothesized that they are involved in mediating the brood influence on the plasticity in circadian rhythms. The flagella of the antennae are densely covered with diverse sensory structures able to detect a wide range of signals. To test our hypothesis, we removed the flagella of nurses and observed their behavior in isolation and in free-foraging colonies. We found that individually-isolated flagella-less bees under constant laboratory conditions show robust circadian rhythms in locomotor activity. In observation hives, flagella-less bees cared for the brood, but were more active during the day. By contrast, sham-treated bees were active around the clock as typical of nurses. Detailed video recordings showed that the brood-tending behavior of flagella-less and sham-treated bees is similar. These observations suggest that the difference in the patterns of brood care activity is not because the flagella-less bees did not contact the brood. Our results suggest that nurses are able to find the brood in the dark environment of the hive without their flagella, perhaps by using other sensory organs. The higher activity of flagella-less bees during the day further suggests that the flagella are involved in mediating the brood signals modulating plasticity in the circadian system.  相似文献   
The Na(+)-Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX) mediated Ca(2+) fluxes are essential for handling Ca(2+) homeostasis in many cell-types. Eukaryotic NCX variants contain regulatory CBD1 and CBD2 domains, whereas in distinct variants the Ca(2+) binding to Ca3-Ca4 sites of CBD1 results either in sustained activation, inhibition or no effect. CBD2 contains an alternatively spliced segment, which is expressed in a tissue-specific manner although its impact on allosteric regulation remains unclear. Recent studies revealed that the Ca(2+) binding to Ca3-Ca4 sites results in interdomain tethering of CBDs, which rigidifies CBDs movements with accompanied slow dissociation of "occluded" Ca(2+). Here we investigate the effects of CBD2 variants on Ca(2+) occlusion in the two-domain construct (CBD12). Mutational studies revealed that both sites (Ca3 and Ca4) contribute to Ca(2+) occlusion, whereas after dissociation of the first Ca(2+) ion the second Ca(2+) ion becomes occluded. This mechanism is common for the brain, kidney and cardiac splice variants of CBD12, although the occluded Ca(2+) exhibits 20-50-fold difference in off-rates among the tested variants. Therefore, the spliced exons on CBD2 affect the rate-limiting step of the occluded Ca(2+) dissociation at the primary regulatory sensor to shape dynamic features of allosteric regulation in NCX variants.  相似文献   
As recently demonstrated in patients with factor IX deficiency, adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated liver-directed therapy is a viable option for inherited metabolic liver disorders. Our aim is to treat Crigler-Najjar syndrome type I (CN I), an inherited severe unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia, as a rare recessive inherited disorder. Because the number of patients eligible for this approach is small, the efficacy can only be demonstrated by a beneficial effect on the pathophysiology in individual patients. Serum bilirubin levels in potential candidates have been monitored since birth, providing an indication of their pathophysiology. Adjuvant phototherapy to prevent brain damage reduces serum unconjugated bilirubin (UCB) levels in CN I patients to the level seen in the milder form of the disease, CN type II. This therapy increases the excretion of UCB, thereby complicating the use of UCB and conjugated bilirubin levels in serum as biomarkers for the gene therapy we try to develop. Therefore, a suitable biomarker that is not affected by phototherapy is currently needed. To this end, we have investigated whether estradiol, ethinylestradiol or ezetimibe could be used as markers for uridine 5'-di-phospho-glucuronosyltransferase isoform 1A1 (UGT1A1) activity restored by AAV gene therapy in Gunn rats, a relevant animal model for CN I. Of these compounds, ezetimibe appeared most suitable because its glucuronidation rate in untreated control Gunn rats is low. Subsequently, ezetimibe glucuronidation was studied in both untreated and AAV-treated Gunn rats and the results suggest that it may serve as a useful serum marker for restored hepatic UGT1A1 activity.  相似文献   
Despite the clear major contribution of hyperlipidemia to the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in the developed world, the direct effects of lipoproteins on endothelial cells have remained obscure and are under debate. Here we report a previously uncharacterized mechanism of vessel growth modulation by lipoprotein availability. Using a genetic screen for vascular defects in zebrafish, we initially identified a mutation, stalactite (stl), in the gene encoding microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (mtp), which is involved in the biosynthesis of apolipoprotein B (ApoB)-containing lipoproteins. By manipulating lipoprotein concentrations in zebrafish, we found that ApoB negatively regulates angiogenesis and that it is the ApoB protein particle, rather than lipid moieties within ApoB-containing lipoproteins, that is primarily responsible for this effect. Mechanistically, we identified downregulation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 (VEGFR1), which acts as a decoy receptor for VEGF, as a key mediator of the endothelial response to lipoproteins, and we observed VEGFR1 downregulation in hyperlipidemic mice. These findings may open new avenues for the treatment of lipoprotein-related vascular disorders.  相似文献   
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