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Murine transforming growth factor-beta 2 (TGF-beta 2) cDNAs were isolated from cDNA libraries derived from a differentiated murine embryonic carcinoma cell line, PCC3. The composite cDNA sequence is 4267 nucleotides long, including a 1217 nucleotides 5'-untranslated sequence, and encodes a murine TGF-beta 2 precursor of 414 amino acids with 96% identity to its human counterpart. Several consensus polyadenylation sequences are present in the 1807 nucleotides 3'-untranslated sequence. Five TGF-beta 2 mRNA species are observed in the developing mouse fetus and they show different patterns of expression during development. TGF-beta 2 mRNA expression was also examined in adult mouse tissues, in which four of the five RNA species were observed. TGF-beta 2 mRNAs were present in all adult mouse tissues examined, except liver, and was most abundant in placenta, the male submaxillary gland and lung. The patterns of expression suggest a physiological role for TGF-beta 2 both in embryonic development and in the maintenance of adult tissues.  相似文献   
The repair response of Escherichia coli to hydrogen peroxide has been examined in mutants which show increased sensitivity to this agent. Four mutants were found to show increased in vivo sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide compared with wild type. These mutants, in order of increasing sensitivity, were recA, polC, xthA, and polA. The polA mutants were the most sensitive, implying that DNA polymerase I is required for any repair of hydrogen peroxide damage. Measurement of repair synthesis after hydrogen peroxide treatment demonstrated normal levels for recA mutants, a small amount for xthA mutants, and none for polA mutants. This is consistent with exonuclease III being required for part of the repair synthesis seen, while DNA polymerase I is strictly required for all repair synthesis. Sedimentation analysis of cellular DNA after hydrogen peroxide treatment showed that reformation was absent in xthA, polA, and polC(Ts) strains but normal in a recA cell line. By use of a lambda phage carrying a recA-lacZ fusion, we found hydrogen peroxide does not induce the recA promoter. Our findings indicate two pathways of repair for hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage. One of these pathways would utilize exonuclease III, DNA polymerase III, and DNA polymerase I, while the other would be DNA polymerase I dependent. The RecA protein seems to have little or no direct function in either repair pathway.  相似文献   
The gene le25 is an abscisic acid (ABA)-induced gene of tomatowhich is expressed both in wilted vegetative organs and developingseeds. Spatial and temporal expression was analysed in tobaccoplants transformed with a chimeric gene in which 5'-upstreamDNA sequences of le25 were fused to the E. coli uidA gene, whichencodes ß-glucuronidase (GUS). Histochemical stainingrevealed that GUS was expressed in all tissues of vegetativeorgans in response to water deficit. Exogenous ABA induced expressionto a lesser extent, even though ABA content was the same asdroughtstressed leaves, indicating a difference in responseto endogenous ABA compared to exogenous ABA. Water-deficit-inducedGUS expression in floral tissues was examined in pre-anthesisfloral buds from four different stages (I–IV; 11, 16,33, 49 mm bud length, respectively). While non-stressed floralorgans showed no GUS activity except in pollen at stages IIIand IV, GUS activity was water-deficit-induced in sepals ofall stages, petals of stage II, and stigmas of stage II andIII. In seeds, GUS activity was detected in both the embryoand endosperm at 15 d post-anthesis, which coincided with alarge increase in the concentration of ABA in the seed. In transgenicplants, the le25 5'-flanking DNA drove expression of GUS duringwater deficit in two modes: non-tissue-specific expression invegetative organs, and tissue-specific expression in reproductiveorgans. The location of GUS activity indicated that ABA concentrationis elevated throughout the tissues of the leaf during periodsof water deficit. Key words: Tomato, ABA, drought stress, lea gene, water deficit  相似文献   
Cells from a dihydrofolate reductase-deficient Chinese hamster ovary cell line were hybridized to human fetal skin fibroblast cells. Nineteen dihydrofolate reductase-positive hybrid clones were isolated and characterized. Cytogenetic and biochemical analyses of these clones have shown that the human dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene is located on chromosome 5. Three of these hybrid cell lines contained different terminal deletions of chromosome 5. An analysis of the breakpoints of these deletions has demonstrated that the DHFR gene resides in the q11----q22 region.  相似文献   
DNA synthesis after ultraviolet irradiation is low in wild type toluene-treated cells. The level of repair incorporation is greater in strains deficient in DNA polymerase I. The low level of repair synthesis is attributable to the concerted action of DNA polymerase I and polynucleotide ligase. Repair synthesis is stimulated by blocking ligase activity with the addition of nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) or the use of a ligase temperature-sensitive mutant. NMN stimulation is specific for DNA polymerase I-mediated repair synthesis, as it is absent in isogenic strains deficient in the polymerase function or the 5' leads to 3' exonuclease function associated with DNA polymerase I. DNA synthesis that is stimulated by NMN is proportional to the ultraviolet exposure at low doses, nonconservative in nature, and is dependent on the uvrA gene product but is independent of the recA gene product. These criteria place this synthesis in the excision repair pathway. The NMN-stimulated repair synthesis requires ATP and is N-ethylmaleimide-resistant. The use of NMN provides a direct means for evaluating the involvement of DNA polymerase I in excision repair.  相似文献   
An in vitro procedure for labeling of RNA in the excised rat nodose ganglion was used to evaluate the changes in incorporation of [3H]uridine into ganglionic RNA following transection of the abdominal vagus nerves. Significant increases in the incorporation into 28S, 18S and 4S RNA were observed at 1 day after injury, which were maximal at 4 days before returning to unoperated control level by 7 days. A second transient increase in the labelling of these RNA species occurred between 9 and 11 days after injury. Comparison of the time course of these increases with those seen previously following cervical vagus nerve crush injury indicate that the time of onset of the increase in incorporation is independent of the site of injury, but that the maximal response is delayed by 1 day with the more distal lesion. These data are consistent with the existence of separate signals for initiating and modulating the cell body response to axon injury, which are transported retrogradely from the site of injury at rates exceeding the slow component of axoplasmic transport.  相似文献   
The IFN-gamma regulation of the HLA-DRA gene was examined in a primary cell type, the astrocyte. Site-specific mutagenesis of the DRA promoter reveals that three known sequences, S, X, and Y, are required for an optimal IFN-gamma response. Specifically for the X sequence, the X1, but not the X2, site is involved in IFN-gamma regulation of HLA-DRA in the astrocyte. Most interesting, a novel IFN-gamma-enhanced protein (IFNEX) with specificity for the X element has consistently been observed in nuclear extracts made from primary astrocytes. The correlation of the functional importance of X1 in IFN-gamma-regulated DRA expression and the enhancement of IFNEX by IFN-gamma strongly suggests that IFNEX may play a crucial role in IFN-gamma-regulated class II MHC gene expression.  相似文献   
Nasally administered (IN) insulin has been advocated as a potentially useful alternative to subcutaneously administered regular insulin because of its more rapid onset and time to peak action and its shorter duration of action. This study further defines the pharmacodynamics of IN insulin by using a euglycemic clamp technique to determine the bioavailability of IN insulin as compared with intravenous (IV) insulin, and to ascertain whether multiple sequentially administered doses of IN insulin alter pharmacodynamics. Eight normal volunteers received 2 control doses of IV insulin (0.05 U/kg), and 3 high doses (0.7 U/kg) and 3 low doses (0.35 U/kg) of IN insulin with an absorption enhancer (tauro-24,25 dihydrofusidate) given sequentially over a 2 day period. A euglycemic clamp was performed with a Biostator (Ames) that infused dextrose to keep the subject's blood glucose at his fasting level. Analysis of dextrose infusion curves for the low and high doses of IN insulin revealed an onset of action of 9.4 +/- 0.4 and 10.5 +/- 0.3 minutes, time to peak action of 20.6 +/- 5.6 and 23.7 +/- 4.4 minutes and duration of action of 82.1 +/- 5.2 and 95 +/- 5.7 minutes respectively. Both the onset of action and time to peak action were slightly longer (P less than .05) for the high as compared with the low dose IN insulin, although this should not represent a clinically significant difference. The total dextrose requirement was 21.9 +/- 2.3 g for the low dose IN insulin and 34.1 +/- 3.3 g for the high dose IN insulin, the latter value being significantly greater (P less than .01) than the former.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
O Niwa  R E Moses 《Biochemistry》1981,20(2):238-244
phi X174 RFI DNA treated with bleomycin (BLM) under conditions permitting nicking does not serve as a template-primer for Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I. Purified exonuclease III from E. coli and extracts from wild-type E. coli strains are able to convert the BLM-treated DNA to suitable template-primer, but extracts from exonuclease III deficient strains are not. Brief digestion by exonuclease III is enough to create the template-primer, suggesting that the exonuclease III is converting the BLM-treated DNA by a modification of 3' termini. The exonucleolytic rather than the phosphatase activity of exonuclease III appears to be involved in the conversion. Comparative studies with micrococcal nuclease indicate that BLM-created nicks do not have a simple 3'-P structure. Bacterial alkaline phosphatase does not convert BLM-treated DNA to template-primer. The endonuclease VI activity associated with exonuclease III does not incise DNA treated with BLM under conditions not allowing nicking, in contrast to DNA with apurinic sites made by acid treatment, arguing that conversion does not require the endonuclease VI action on uncleaved sites.  相似文献   
Nuclei from Chinese hamster testicular cells in suspension were prepared in a sucrose gradient. Following the basic procedure of Blobel and co-workers for separating a fibrous lamina-nuclear pore complex, synaptonemal complexes (SCs) from spermatocytes were isolated free of other nuclear structures, except for fibrillar tufts at the attachment plaques in which annuli were observed. All the major morphological components of the SC appeared to be intact, showing that the structure could survive the procedure and was not dispersed by the removal of DNA with DNase and solubilization of membranes and some proteins with Triton X-100. Isolated sex bodies were also well preserved, as were various structures from other cell types in the mixed cell suspension, such as spermatid manchettes, acrosomal ‘ghosts’, axonemes, etc. While no nuclear matrix was found associated with autosomal SCs, a residual material was present in the sex body, in which the X and Y axes were embedded. The results indicate the feasibility of isolating and fractionating SCs from testicular cell suspensions enriched for pachytene spermatocytes. The association between SC attachment plaques and annuli that is seen in spreads of whole nuclei persists through the isolation procedure and implies an integrated structural relationship.  相似文献   
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