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Adenylate cyclase regulates elongation of mammalian primary cilia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The primary cilium is a non-motile microtubule-based structure that shares many similarities with the structures of flagella and motile cilia. It is well known that the length of flagella is under stringent control, but it is not known whether this is true for primary cilia. In this study, we found that the length of primary cilia in fibroblast-like synoviocytes, either in log phase culture or in quiescent state, was confined within a range. However, when lithium was added to the culture to a final concentration of 100 mM, primary cilia of synoviocytes grew beyond this range, elongating to a length that was on average approximately 3 times the length of untreated cilia. Lithium is a drug approved for treating bipolar disorder. We dissected the molecular targets of this drug, and observed that inhibition of adenylate cyclase III (ACIII) by specific inhibitors mimicked the effects of lithium on primary cilium elongation. Inhibition of GSK-3β by four different inhibitors did not induce primary cilia elongation. ACIII was found in primary cilia of a variety of cell types, and lithium treatment of these cell types led to their cilium elongation. Further, we demonstrate that different cell types displayed distinct sensitivities to the lithium treatment. However, in all cases examined primary cilia elongated as a result of lithium treatment. In particular, two neuronal cell types, rat PC-12 adrenal medulla cells and human astrocytes, developed long primary cilia when lithium was used at or close to the therapeutic relevant concentration (1–2 mM). These results suggest that the length of primary cilia is controlled, at least in part, by the ACIII–cAMP signaling pathway.  相似文献   
This study evaluated five commercial extraction kits for their ability to recover DNA from Bacillus anthracis spores and spiked environmental samples. The kits evaluated represent the major types of methodologies which are commercially available for DNA or total nucleic acid extraction, and included the ChargeSwitch gDNA Mini Bacteria Kit, NucliSens Isolation Kit, Puregene Genomic DNA Purification Kit, QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit, and the UltraClean Microbial DNA Isolation Kit. Extraction methods were performed using the spores of eight virulent strains of B. anthracis. Viability testing of nucleic acid extracts showed that the UltraClean kit was the most efficient at depleting samples of live B. anthracis spores. TaqMan real-time PCR analysis revealed that the NucliSens, QIAamp and UltraClean kits yielded the best level of detection from spore suspensions. Comparisons of processed samples from spiked swabs and three powder types indicated that DNA extraction using the UltraClean kit resulted in the most consistently positive results and the lowest limit of detection. This study demonstrated that different nucleic extraction methodologies, represented here by various commercial extraction kits, differ in their ability to inactivate live B. anthracis spores as well as DNA yield and purity. In addition, the extraction method used can influence the sensitivity of real-time PCR assays for B. anthracis.  相似文献   
Serpentine soils, rich in iron, magnesium, and heavy metals, select for unique plant communities and for endemic species. Because mycorrhizal fungi mediate the interaction between plants and soil, we hypothesized that distinct ectomycorrhizal fungi would colonize Quercus garryana roots on serpentine and nonserpentine soils. We sampled roots of Q. garryana on serpentine soils at two locations in the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains of southwestern Oregon and identified ectomycorrhizas by morphological and molecular methods. The same six most abundant and most frequent mycorrhizal species, Cenococcum geophilum, Tuber candidum, Genea harknessii, Tomentella sp., Sebacina sp., and Inocybe sp., were found on serpentine and nonserpentine soils. Based on similarities calculated using the Sørensen index in Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling, mycorrhizal communities on serpentine and nonserpentine soils were not significantly different. This study showed that ectomycorrhizal species associated with Q. garryana exhibit edaphic tolerance and were neither reduced nor excluded by serpentinite or peridotite parent materials.  相似文献   
Muscat flavor is a relevant trait both in winemaking and in fresh grape consumption. From a chemical point of view, it is strongly related to the accumulation of monoterpenes in berries. However, knowledge of the genetic mechanisms underlying its regulation is still limited. The objective of this study was to dissect the genetic determinism of aroma in grapevine by applying the analysis of quantitative trait loci (QTL) and the candidate gene (CG) approach. Two F1 segregating progenies were evaluated through high-resolution gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (HRGC–MS) for the amounts of individual monoterpenes over 3 and 2 years. In the Italia × Big Perlon cross 34 CGs, chosen according to gene ontology (GO) terms, were placed on a complete map and tested for linkage with QTLs for linalool, nerol and geraniol levels. Two CGs mapped within a QTL for linalool content on LG 10. A third one co-localized with a major QTL for the level of the three monoterpenes on LG 5; this gene encodes 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate synthase (DXS), which is the first enzyme in the plastidial pathway of terpene biosynthesis. Depending on these findings, we report the first in silico analysis of grapevine DXS genes based on the whole genome sequence. Further research on the functional significance of these associations might help to understand the genetic control of Muscat flavor. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. J. Battilana and L. Costantini equally contributed to the work.  相似文献   
p53 is required for DNA damage‐induced apoptosis, which is central to its function as a tumour suppressor. Here, we show that the apoptotic defect of p53‐deficient cells is nearly completely rescued by inactivation of any of the three subunits of the DNA repair holoenzyme DNA‐dependent protein kinase (DNA‐PK). Intestinal crypt cells from p53 nullizygous mice were resistant to radiation‐induced apoptosis, whereas apoptosis in DNA‐PKcs/p53, Ku80/p53 and Ku70/p53 double‐null mice was quantitatively equivalent to that seen in wild‐type mice. This p53‐independent apoptotic response was specific to the loss of DNA‐PK, as it was not seen in ligase IV (Lig4)/p53 or ataxia telangiectasia mutated (Atm)/p53 double‐null mice. Furthermore, it was associated with an increase in phospho‐checkpoint kinase 2 (CHK2), and cleaved caspases 3 and 9, the latter indicating engagement of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. This shows that there are two separate, but equally effective, apoptotic responses to DNA damage: one is p53 dependent and the other, engaged in the absence of DNA‐PK, does not require p53.  相似文献   
Promoter selection is of utmost importance for the study of in vivo gene function using transgenic models. In the present study, we have analyzed the expression of the GFP marker under the control of the composite CAG promoter in the lymphoid compartment of several transgenic mouse strains. Despite the ability of the CAG promoter to drive gene expression in almost all tissues examined to date, its activity appears to be developmentally regulated within the T lymphocyte cell lineage. In particular, CD4 and CD8‐expressing, thymic immature T cells displayed lower levels of the GFP marker when compared with both bone marrow precursors and mature circulating T cells, suggesting a transient downregulation of CAG activity during T cell development. Alternative promoters may therefore be preferred for the study of T cell development in vivo using a transgenic approach. genesis 47:799–804, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Biological electron transfer is designed to connect catalytic clusters by chains of redox cofactors. A review of the characterized natural redox proteins with a critical eye for molecular scale measurement of variation and selection related to physiological function shows no statistically significant differences in the protein medium lying between cofactors engaged in physiologically beneficial or detrimental electron transfer. Instead, control of electron tunnelling over long distances relies overwhelmingly on less than 14 A spacing between the cofactors in a chain. Near catalytic clusters, shorter distances (commonly less than 7 A) appear to be selected to generate tunnelling frequencies sufficiently high to scale the barriers of multi-electron, bond-forming/-breaking catalysis at physiological rates. We illustrate this behaviour in a tunnelling network analysis of cytochrome c oxidase. In order to surmount the large, thermally activated, adiabatic barriers in the 5-10 kcal mol-1 range expected for H+ motion and O2 reduction at the binuclear centre of oxidase on the 10(3)-10(5) s-1 time-scale of respiration, electron access with a tunnelling frequency of 10(9) or 10(10) s-1 is required. This is provided by selecting closely placed redox centres, such as haem a (6.9 A) or tyrosine (4.9 A). A corollary is that more distantly placed redox centres, such as CuA, cannot rapidly scale the catalytic site barrier, but must send their electrons through more closely placed centres, avoiding direct short circuits that might circumvent proton pumping coupled to haems a to a3 electron transfer. The selection of distances and energetic barriers directs electron transfer from CuA to haem a rather than a3, without any need for delicate engineering of the protein medium to 'hard wire' electron transfer. Indeed, an examination of a large number of oxidoreductases provides no evidence of such naturally selected wiring of electron tunnelling pathways.  相似文献   
The jojoba plant (Simmondsia chinensis L.) produces seeds that contain around 50 to 60 wt.% of inedible long-chain wax esters that are suitable as a potential feedstock for biodiesel (BD) production. Jojoba oil methyl esters (JME) were prepared from acid-catalyzed pretreated jojoba oil in order to evaluate important fuel properties of jojoba-based BD, including kinematic viscosity, cloud point (CP), pour point (PP), cold filter plugging point (CFPP), acid value (AV), oxidative stability, and lubricity. A comparison was made with soybean oil methyl esters (SME) and relevant BD fuel standards such as ASTM D6751 and EN 14214. JME was characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance. The CP, PP, and CFPP of JME were ?13°C, ?16°C, and ?14°C, respectively, which were superior to SME. The kinematic viscosity (40°C) of JME was 6.67 mm2/s, which was higher than observed for SME. Blends (B5 and B20) of JME in ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel (ULSD) were also evaluated for the aforementioned fuel properties and compared to an analogous set of blends of SME in ULSD and relevant petro diesel fuel standards such as ASTM D975 and D7467. JME blends in ULSD displayed improved low-temperature properties in comparison to neat ULSD and blends of SME in ULSD. In summary, jojoba oil has potential as an alternative, nonfood feedstock for BD production.  相似文献   
Viral pathogens represent a significant public health threat; not only can viruses cause natural epidemics of human disease, but their potential use in bioterrorism is also a concern. A better understanding of the cellular factors that impact infection would facilitate the development of much-needed therapeutics. Recent advances in RNA interference (RNAi) technology coupled with complete genome sequencing of several organisms has led to the optimization of genome-wide, cell-based loss-of-function screens. Drosophila cells are particularly amenable to genome-scale screens because of the ease and efficiency of RNAi in this system 1. Importantly, a wide variety of viruses can infect Drosophila cells, including a number of mammalian viruses of medical and agricultural importance 2,3,4. Previous RNAi screens in Drosophila have identified host factors that are required for various steps in virus infection including entry, translation and RNA replication 5. Moreover, many of the cellular factors required for viral replication in Drosophila cell culture are also limiting in human cells infected with these viruses 4,6,7,8, 9. Therefore, the identification of host factors co-opted during viral infection presents novel targets for antiviral therapeutics. Here we present a generalized protocol for a high-throughput RNAi screen to identify cellular factors involved in viral infection, using vaccinia virus as an example.  相似文献   


The cytoskeletal adaptor protein vinculin plays a fundamental role in cell contact regulation and affects central aspects of cell motility, which are essential to both embryonal development and tissue homeostasis. Functional regulation of this evolutionarily conserved and ubiquitously expressed protein is dominated by a high-affinity, autoinhibitory head-to-tail interaction that spatially restricts ligand interactions to cell adhesion sites and, furthermore, limits the residency time of vinculin at these sites. To date, no mutants of the vinculin protein have been characterized in animal models.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we investigate vinculin-ΔEx20, a splice variant of the protein lacking the 68 amino acids encoded by exon 20 of the vinculin gene VCL. Vinculin-ΔEx20 was found to be expressed alongside with wild type protein in a knock-in mouse model with a deletion of introns 20 and 21 (VCL-ΔIn20/21 allele) and shows defective head-to-tail interaction. Homozygous VCL-ΔIn20/21 embryos die around embryonal day E12.5 showing cranial neural tube defects and exencephaly. In mouse embryonic fibroblasts and upon ectopic expression, vinculin-ΔEx20 reveals characteristics of constitutive head binding activity. Interestingly, the impact of vinculin-ΔEx20 on cell contact induction and stabilization, a hallmark of the vinculin head domain, is only moderate, thus allowing invasion and motility of cells in three-dimensional collagen matrices. Lacking both F-actin interaction sites of the tail, the vinculin-ΔEx20 variant unveils vinculin''s dynamic binding to cell adhesions independent of a cytoskeletal association, and thus differs from head-to-tail binding deficient mutants such as vinculin-T12, in which activated F-actin binding locks the protein variant to cell contact sites.


Vinculin-ΔEx20 is an active variant supporting adhesion site stabilization without an enhanced mechanical coupling. Its presence in a transgenic animal reveals the potential of splice variants in the vinculin gene to alter vinculin function in vivo. Correct control of vinculin is necessary for embryonic development.  相似文献   
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