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Two different H2-based, denitrifying membrane-biofilm reactors (MBfRs) initially reduced Se(VI) or Cr(VI) stably to Se0 or Cr(III). When the oxidized contaminants in the influent were switched, each new oxidized contaminant was reduced immediately, and its reduction soon was approximately the same or greater than it had been in its original MBfR. The precipitation of reduced selenium and chromium in the biofilm was verified by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. These results on selenate and chromate reduction are consistent with the interpretation that the H2-based biofilm community had a high level of functional diversity. The communities’ structures were assessed by cloning analysis. Dechloromonas spp., a known perchlorate-reducing bacteria, dominated the clones from both reactors during selenate and chromate reductions, which suggests that it may have functional diversity capable of reducing selenate and chromate as secondary and dissimilatory acceptors.  相似文献   
The poor survival of adenocarcinomas of the gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) makes them clinically important. Discovery of host genetic factors that affect outcome may guide more individualized treatment. This study tests whether constitutional genetic variants in matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP) genes are associated with outcome of GEJ adenocarcinoma. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at four TIMP (TIMP1-4) and three MMP genes (MMP2, MMP7 and MMP9) were genotyped in DNA samples from a prospective cohort of patients with primary adenocarcinoma of the GEJ admitted to the British Columbia Cancer Agency. Cox proportional hazards regression, with adjustment for patient, disease and treatment variables, was used to estimate the association of SNPs with survival. Genotypes for 85 samples and 48 SNPs were analyzed. Four SNPs across TIMP3, (rs130274, rs715572, rs1962223 and rs5754312) were associated with survival. Interaction analyses revealed that the survival associations with rs715572 and rs5754312 are specific and significant for 5FU+cisplatin treated patients. Sanger sequencing of the TIMP3 coding and promoter regions revealed an additional SNP, rs9862, also associated with survival. TIMP3 genetic variants are associated with survival and may be potentially useful in optimizing treatment strategies for individual patients.  相似文献   
Boxfishes (Teleostei: Ostraciidae) are rigid-body, multi-propulsorswimmers that exhibit unusually small amplitude recoil movementsduring rectilinear locomotion. Mechanisms producing the smoothswimming trajectories of these fishes are unknown, however.Therefore, we have studied the roles the bony carapaces of thesefishes play in generating this dynamic stability. Features ofthe carapaces of four morphologically distinct species of boxfisheswere measured, and anatomically-exact stereolithographic modelsof the boxfishes were constructed. Flow patterns around eachmodel were investigated using three methods: 1) digital particleimage velocimetry (DPIV), 2) pressure distribution measurements,and 3) force balance measurements. Significant differences inboth cross-sectional and longitudinal carapace morphology weredetected among the four species. However, results from the threeinterrelated approaches indicate that flow patterns around thevarious carapaces are remarkably similar. DPIV results revealedthat the keels of all boxfishes generate strong longitudinalvortices that vary in strength and position with angle of attack.In areas where attached, concentrated vorticity was detectedusing DPIV, low pressure also was detected at the carapace surfaceusing pressure sensors. Predictions of the effects of both observedvortical flow patterns and pressure distributions on the carapacewere consistent with actual forces and moments measured usingthe force balance. Most notably, the three complementary experimentalapproaches consistently indicate that the ventral keels of allboxfishes, and in some species the dorsal keels as well, effectivelygenerate self-correcting forces for pitching motions—acharacteristic that is advantageous for the highly variablevelocity fields in which these fishes reside.  相似文献   
Molecular Biology Reports - This study was aimed to evaluate the antibiotic resistance, biofilm formation, and genetic diversity of carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CRPA) strains...  相似文献   
The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is involved in compulsive drug seeking and drug relapse. Its involvement in cue‐, context‐, and stress‐induced reinstatement of drug seeking has also been confirmed in animal models. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) was proposed to be an effective intervention for patients with treatment‐refractory addiction. Therefore, in the present study, we investigated the potential efficacy of DBS in the OFC for controlling addictive‐like behaviors in rats. Rats were bilaterally implanted with electrodes in the OFC and trained to the morphine conditioned place preference (CPP; 3, 5, and 7 mg/kg). High‐frequency (HF; 130 Hz) or low‐frequency (LF; 13 Hz) DBS‐like stimulation was applied during the conditioning (40 minutes, once daily, 3 days) or extinction (20 minutes, once daily, 6‐10 days) trials. Following the extinction, morphine preference was reinstated by a priming dose of morphine (2 mg/kg). When applied during the conditioning phase, HF‐DBS significantly decreased preference for the morphine‐associated context. HF‐DBS during the extinction phase of morphine CPP reduced the number of days to full extinction of morphine preference and prevented morphine priming–induced recurrence of morphine preference. LF‐DBS did not change any of these addictive behaviors. HF‐DBS had no significant effect on novel object recognition memory. In conclusion, HF‐DBS of the OFC prevented morphine preference, facilitated extinction of morphine preference, and blocked drug priming–induced reinstatement of morphine seeking. These findings may indicate a potential applicability of DBS in the treatment of relapse to drug use. Further studies will be necessary to assess the translatability of these findings to the clinic.  相似文献   
Eye color is determined as a polymorphism and polygenic trait. Brown is the most common eye color in the world, accounting for about 79%, blue eye color for about 8–10%, hazel for 5%, and green for 2%. Rare-colored eyes include gray and red/violet. Different factors are involved in determining eye color. The two most important factors are the iris pigment and the way light is scattered from the iris. Gene expression determines the iris pigmentation and how much melanin is present in the eye, which is the number of melanin subunits that identify eye color. The genes involved in the pigmentation of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) have a significant role; and even some genes are included only in the eye color through SNP. MicroRNAs also affect melanocyte synthesis, which is usually affected by the downregulation of essential genes involved in pigmentation. In this study, we assess the biochemical pathways of melanin synthesis, and the role of each gene in this pathway also has been examined in the signaling pathway that stimulates melanin synthesis.  相似文献   

Sensitization to psychostimulant drugs, as well as morphine, subjected to cross-sensitization with stress. The development of morphine sensitization is associated with enhancements in dopamine overflow in the Nucleus accumbens (NAc). This study aimed to examine the role of accumbal D1/D2-like dopamine receptors in restraint stress (RS) induced sensitization to morphine antinociceptive effects. Adult male Wistar rats weighing 220–250 g underwent stereotaxic surgery. Two stainless steel guide cannulae were bilaterally implanted, 1 mm above the NAc injection site. Different solutions of SCH-23390, as a D1-like receptor antagonist or sulpiride, as a D2-like receptor antagonist, were microinjected into the NAc five min before exposure to RS. Restraint stress lasted for 3 h, 10 min after RS termination; animals received a subcutaneous injection of morphine (1 mg/kg) for 3 consecutive days. The procedure was followed by a 5-day drug and/or stress-free period. After that, on the 9th day, the nociceptive response was evaluated by the tail-flick test. The results revealed that intra-NAc administration of D1/D2-like dopamine receptor antagonists, SCH-23390 or sulpiride, respectively, blocked morphine sensitization-induced by RS and morphine co-administration in rats for three consecutive days. This work provides new insight into the determinant role of accumbal dopamine receptors in morphine sensitization produced by RS-morphine co-administration.

Due to the association of oxidative stress and telomere shortening, it was aimed in the present study to investigate the possibility whether cyclosporine‐A exerts its nephrotoxic side effects via induction of oxidative stress‐induced renal telomere shortening and senescent phenotype in renal tissues of rats. Renal oxidative stress markers, 8‐hydroxydeoxyguanosine, malondialdehyde, and protein carbonyl groups were measured by standard methods. Telomere length and telomerase activity were also evaluated in kidney tissue samples. Results showed that cyclosporine‐A treatment significantly (< 0.05) enhanced renal malondialdehyde, 8‐hydroxydeoxyguanosine, and protein carbonyl groups levels, decreased renal telomere length, and deteriorated renal function compared with the controls. Renal telomerase activity was not affected by cyclosporine‐A. Renal telomere length could be considered as an important parameter of both oxidative stress and kidney function. Telomere shortening and accelerated kidney aging may be caused by cyclosporine‐induced oxidative stress, indicating the potential mechanism of cyclosporine‐induced nephrotoxicity.  相似文献   
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