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A suite of small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) composed of mixtures of phospholipids and cholesterol (CH) or the synthetic surfactant dihexadecyl phosphate (DHP) and cholesterol was investigated using a homologous series of solvatochromic pi* indicators coupled with size exclusion methods and photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS). The solvatochromic method, which is based on the measurement of solvent-dependent shifts in lambda(max) from UV-Vis spectra of solubilized indicators, was used to quantify the dipolarity and polarizability (pi*) of probe solvation environments. The partitioning of the series of individual di-n-alkyl-p-nitroaniline (DNAP) pi* indicators in PG(24)PC(46)Chol(30) and DHP(70)Chol(30) SUVs was examined as a function of the head group structure as well as the method of dye-vesicle preparation. Solubilization of the larger more hydrophobic probes in the bilayer portion of PG(24)PC(46)Chol(30) SUVs was aided through physical entrapment. Such physical methods were not needed for the smaller indicators or for the range of indicators in the DHP(70)Chol(30) dispersions. Extrusion and size-exclusion chromatographic methodologies for the preparation of physically entrapped dopants in SUVs of fixed size range demonstrated that the larger (longer alkyl chain) dopants in the series resided in PG(24)PC(46)Chol(30) liposomes with a wider range of sizes, while the smaller more polar solutes tended to be entrapped in smaller vesicles with a narrower size range.  相似文献   
Boxfishes (Teleostei: Ostraciidae) are rigid-body, multi-propulsorswimmers that exhibit unusually small amplitude recoil movementsduring rectilinear locomotion. Mechanisms producing the smoothswimming trajectories of these fishes are unknown, however.Therefore, we have studied the roles the bony carapaces of thesefishes play in generating this dynamic stability. Features ofthe carapaces of four morphologically distinct species of boxfisheswere measured, and anatomically-exact stereolithographic modelsof the boxfishes were constructed. Flow patterns around eachmodel were investigated using three methods: 1) digital particleimage velocimetry (DPIV), 2) pressure distribution measurements,and 3) force balance measurements. Significant differences inboth cross-sectional and longitudinal carapace morphology weredetected among the four species. However, results from the threeinterrelated approaches indicate that flow patterns around thevarious carapaces are remarkably similar. DPIV results revealedthat the keels of all boxfishes generate strong longitudinalvortices that vary in strength and position with angle of attack.In areas where attached, concentrated vorticity was detectedusing DPIV, low pressure also was detected at the carapace surfaceusing pressure sensors. Predictions of the effects of both observedvortical flow patterns and pressure distributions on the carapacewere consistent with actual forces and moments measured usingthe force balance. Most notably, the three complementary experimentalapproaches consistently indicate that the ventral keels of allboxfishes, and in some species the dorsal keels as well, effectivelygenerate self-correcting forces for pitching motions—acharacteristic that is advantageous for the highly variablevelocity fields in which these fishes reside.  相似文献   

Sensitization to psychostimulant drugs, as well as morphine, subjected to cross-sensitization with stress. The development of morphine sensitization is associated with enhancements in dopamine overflow in the Nucleus accumbens (NAc). This study aimed to examine the role of accumbal D1/D2-like dopamine receptors in restraint stress (RS) induced sensitization to morphine antinociceptive effects. Adult male Wistar rats weighing 220–250 g underwent stereotaxic surgery. Two stainless steel guide cannulae were bilaterally implanted, 1 mm above the NAc injection site. Different solutions of SCH-23390, as a D1-like receptor antagonist or sulpiride, as a D2-like receptor antagonist, were microinjected into the NAc five min before exposure to RS. Restraint stress lasted for 3 h, 10 min after RS termination; animals received a subcutaneous injection of morphine (1 mg/kg) for 3 consecutive days. The procedure was followed by a 5-day drug and/or stress-free period. After that, on the 9th day, the nociceptive response was evaluated by the tail-flick test. The results revealed that intra-NAc administration of D1/D2-like dopamine receptor antagonists, SCH-23390 or sulpiride, respectively, blocked morphine sensitization-induced by RS and morphine co-administration in rats for three consecutive days. This work provides new insight into the determinant role of accumbal dopamine receptors in morphine sensitization produced by RS-morphine co-administration.

We use the Reciprocal Smallest Distance (RSD) algorithm to identify amino acid sequence orthologs in the Chinese and Indian rhesus macaque draft sequences and estimate the evolutionary distance between such orthologs. We then use GOanna to map gene function annotations and human gene identifiers to the rhesus macaque amino acid sequences. We conclude methodologically by cross-tabulating a list of amino acid orthologs with large divergence scores with a list of genes known to be involved in SIV or HIV pathogenesis. We find that many of the amino acid sequences with large evolutionary divergence scores, as calculated by the RSD algorithm, have been shown to be related to HIV pathogenesis in previous laboratory studies. Four of the strongest candidate genes for SIVmac resistance in Chinese rhesus macaques identified in this study are CDK9, CXCL12, TRIM21, and TRIM32. Additionally, ANKRD30A, CTSZ, GORASP2, GTF2H1, IL13RA1, MUC16, NMDAR1, Notch1, NT5M, PDCD5, RAD50, and TM9SF2 were identified as possible candidates, among others. We failed to find many laboratory experiments contrasting the effects of Indian and Chinese orthologs at these sites on SIVmac pathogenesis, but future comparative studies might hold fertile ground for research into the biological mechanisms underlying innate resistance to SIVmac in Chinese rhesus macaques.  相似文献   
In this study, the use of trimethylchitosan (TMC), by higher solubility in comparison with chitosan, in alginate/chitosan nanoparticles containing cationic β-cyclodextrin polymers (CPβCDs) has been studied, with the aim of increasing insulin uptake by nanoparticles. Firstly, TMCs were synthesized by iodomethane, and CPβCDs were synthesized within a one-step polycondensation reaction using choline chloride (CC) and epichlorohydrine (EP). Insulin–CβCDPs complex was prepared by mixing 1:1 portion of insulin and CPβCDs solutions. Then, nanoparticles prepared in a three-step procedure based on the iono-tropic pregelation method. Nanoparticles screened using experimental design and Placket Burman methodology to obtain minimum size and polydispercity index (pdI) and the highest entrapment efficiency (EE). CPβCDs and TMC solution concentration and pH and alginate and calcium chloride solution concentrations are found as the significant parameters on size, PdI, and EE. The nanoparticles with proper physicochemical properties were obtained; the size, PdI, and EE% of optimized nanoparticles were reported as 150.82 ± 21 nm, 0.362 ± 0.036, and 93.2% ± 4.1, respectively. The cumulative insulin release in intestinal condition achieved was 50.2% during 6 h. By SEM imaging, separate, spherical, and nonaggregated nanoparticles were found. In the cytotoxicity studies on Caco-2 cell culture, no significant cytotoxicity was observed in 5 h of incubation, but after 24 h of incubation, viability was decreased to 50% in 0.5 mμ of TMC concentration. Permeability studies across Caco-2 cells had been carried out, and permeability achieved in 240 min was 8.41 ± 0.39%, which shows noticeable increase in comparison with chitosan nanoparticles. Thus, according to the results, the optimized nanoparticles can be used as a new insulin oral delivery system.KEY WORDS: alginate, cationic β-cyclodextrin, insulin nanoparticle, oral delivery, trimethyl chitosan  相似文献   
In relation to the growing recent interest in the establishment of sperm‐mediated gene transfer (SMGT) technology as a convenient and effective method for the simple production of transgenic animals, in this study the possibility of using SMGT to produce transgenic caprine embryos was investigated for the first time. Buck sperm were directly incubated with different concentrations (0–500 ng) of pcDNA/his/Lac‐Z plasmid and used for IVF or ICSI. Sperm used for ICSI were categorized into motile or live‐immotile group before being injected into oocytes. In a separate experiment, dead sperm prepared by repeated freezing/thawing were used for DNA‐incubation before ICSI. Sham injection was carried out by intracytoplasmic injection of approximately the same volume of media containing different doses of DNA using an ICSI needle. Transgene expression and transmission were detected by X‐Gal staining and PCR analysis of developed embryos, respectively. A reasonable blastocyst rate was observed in all the groups. Only embryos in the sham group were negative for transgene transmission. Transgene expression was completely dependent on the delivery technique and status of sperm, and was only observed in the live‐immotile and dead ICSI groups. The results of this study showed that the technique (IVF vs. ICSI vs. sham injection), sperm status (motile vs. live‐immotile vs. dead) and to some extent DNA concentration affect embryo development, transgene transmission and expression. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 77:868–875, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
In this paper, partitioning behaviors of typical neutral (Alanine), acidic (Glutamic acid) and basic (Lysine) amino acids into imidazolium-based ionic liquids [C4mim][PF6], [C6mim][PF6], [C8mim][PF6], [C6mim][BF4] and [C8mim][BF4] as extracting solvents were examined. [C6mim][BF4] showed the best efficiency for partitioning of amino acids. The partition coefficients of amino acids in ionic liquids were found to depend strongly on pH of the aqueous solution, amino acid and ionic liquid chemical structures. Different chemical forms of amino acids in aqueous solutions were pH dependent, so the pH value of the aqueous phase was a determining factor for extraction of amino acids into ionic liquid phase. Both water content of ionic liquids and charge densities of their anionic and cationic parts were important factors for partitioning of cationic and anionic forms of amino acids into ionic liquid phase. Extracted amino acids were back extracted into phosphate buffer solutions adjusted on appropriate pH values. The results showed that ionic liquids could be used as suitable modifiers on the stationary phase of an HPLC column for efficient separation of acidic, basic, and neutral amino acids.  相似文献   
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