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A collaborative research effort was undertaken to evaluate the robustness of a recently developed genetic tool for species identification of members in the morphologically variable Daphnia longispina species complex. This genetic method, based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) with restriction enzymes Mwo I and Sau96 I [Billiones et al., 2004. Hydrobiologia 526: 43–53], was applied to many different European populations. Results were compared with two or more independently obtained characters (morphology, allozymes, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), or cloned rDNA-ITS sequences). Individuals of most taxa were readily identified, but unexpected ITS-RFLP patterns were found in many individuals indicated by other markers to be D. galeata or one of its hybrids. Among 43 investigated D. galeata populations (902 specimen analysed by ITS-RFLP), deviant RFLP fragment patterns occurred in 26 (i.e., more than half) of the populations. The deviant patterns could be attributed to the loss of one single restriction site in the ITS2 region. This loss made the distinction of D. galeata from other species unreliable, and F1 hybrids could not be identified. Future users should be aware of this shortcoming of the Billions et al. [2004. Hydrobiologia 526: 43–53] protocol. As a solution to this problem, we present an improved genetic identification protocol based on a simple double digestion of the rDNA-ITS region with the restriction enzymes BsrB I and EagI. Sequence analyses of rDNA-ITS clones and preliminary testing indicate that the new protocol is unaffected by the rDNA variation which troubled the Mwo I/Sau96 I protocol. Further, the new protocol identifies all European species of the D. longispina complex, as well as their F1 hybrids. However, a wider screening is required to verify its general utility for all species, since yet unknown variation may occur. Guest editor: Piet Spaak Cladocera: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Cladocera  相似文献   
Using an electrical measurement known as electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS), we have recorded the dynamics of viral infections in cell culture. With this technique, cells are cultured on small gold electrodes where the measured impedance mirrors changes in attachment and morphology of cultured cells. As the cells attach and spread on the electrode, the measured impedance increases until the electrode is completely covered. Viral infection inducing cytopathic effect results in dramatic impedance changes, which are mainly due to cell death. In the current study, two different fish cell lines have been used: chinook salmonid embryonic (CHSE-214) cells infected with infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) and epithelioma papulosum cyprini (EPC) carp cells infected with infectious hematopoeitic necrosis virus (IHNV). The impedance changes caused by cell response to virus are easily measured and converted to resistance and capacitance. An approximate linear correlation between log of viral titer and time of cell death was determined.  相似文献   
This study investigates the validity of current theory for predicting ecological and allometric effects on space use, social structure and mating systems of poorly known solitary cervids, based on a comparative analysis of radio-telemetry data on hog deer Axis porcinus (N=32) and Indian muntjac Muntiacus muntjak (N=28). The larger and sexually size-dimorphic hog deer inhabit highly productive alluvial floodplains, where resource distribution is patchy and spatiotemporally unpredictable. As predicted for this species, site fidelity was low and range sizes varied among sex and age groups and among seasons. Hog deer were probably non-territorial, as home range sizes seemed too large to be exclusive when taking into account their high population density. Extensive movements of adult males during the rut implied "roaming" as a mating strategy. The smaller, forest-dwelling and sexually size-monomorphic muntjacs inhabit a more uniform and stable habitat. As predicted, muntjacs exhibited higher site fidelity than hog deer, and no seasonal variations in home range sizes. Adults exhibited relatively large home range overlap, both inter- and intrasexually. Hence, strict territoriality did not occur, but their well-defined home ranges and high site fidelity indicated some form of site-specific dominance. In conclusion, habitat characteristics were appropriate predictors of home range sizes and site fidelity. Body mass appeared to be a suitable predictor of intraspecific patterns in space use but a poor predictor of interspecific patterns, probably due to a confounding effect of habitat productivity.  相似文献   
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has shown remarkable therapeutic benefits for patients with otherwise treatment-resistant movement and affective disorders. This technique is not only clinically useful, but it can also provide new insights into fundamental brain functions through direct manipulation of both local and distributed brain networks in many different species. In particular, DBS can be used in conjunction with non-invasive neuroimaging methods such as magnetoencephalography to map the fundamental mechanisms of normal and abnormal oscillatory synchronization that underlie human brain function. The precise mechanisms of action for DBS remain uncertain, but here we give an up-to-date overview of the principles of DBS, its neural mechanisms and its potential future applications.  相似文献   


To identify the pattern of protein expression in the retina from a patient with Leber's Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) secondary to a mutation in the AIPL1 gene. The retina from one eye of a patient with LCA and 7 control eyes were studied. The tissue was subjected to high resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, image analysis and mass spectrometry, in an effort to identify differentially regulated proteins.  相似文献   
Ants and termites have independently evolved obligate fungus-farming mutualisms, but their gardening procedures are fundamentally different, as the termites predigest their plant substrate whereas the ants deposit it directly on the fungus garden. Fungus-growing termites retained diverse gut microbiota, but bacterial gut communities in fungus-growing leaf-cutting ants have not been investigated, so it is unknown whether and how they are specialized on an exclusively fungal diet. Here we characterized the gut bacterial community of Panamanian Acromyrmex species, which are dominated by only four bacterial taxa: Wolbachia, Rhizobiales, and two Entomoplasmatales taxa. We show that the Entomoplasmatales can be both intracellular and extracellular across different gut tissues, Wolbachia is mainly but not exclusively intracellular, and the Rhizobiales species is strictly extracellular and confined to the gut lumen, where it forms biofilms along the hindgut cuticle supported by an adhesive matrix of polysaccharides. Tetracycline diets eliminated the Entomoplasmatales symbionts but hardly affected Wolbachia and only moderately reduced the Rhizobiales, suggesting that the latter are protected by the biofilm matrix. We show that the Rhizobiales symbiont produces bacterial NifH proteins that have been associated with the fixation of nitrogen, suggesting that these compartmentalized hindgut symbionts alleviate nutritional constraints emanating from an exclusive fungus garden diet reared on a substrate of leaves.  相似文献   
The nuclease-based gene editing tools are rapidly transforming capabilities for altering the genome of cells and organisms with great precision and in high throughput studies. A major limitation in application of precise gene editing lies in lack of sensitive and fast methods to detect and characterize the induced DNA changes. Precise gene editing induces double-stranded DNA breaks that are repaired by error-prone non-homologous end joining leading to introduction of insertions and deletions (indels) at the target site. These indels are often small and difficult and laborious to detect by traditional methods. Here we present a method for fast, sensitive and simple indel detection that accurately defines indel sizes down to ±1 bp. The method coined IDAA for Indel Detection by Amplicon Analysis is based on tri-primer amplicon labelling and DNA capillary electrophoresis detection, and IDAA is amenable for high throughput analysis.  相似文献   
Archaea are renowned for their ability to thrive in extreme environments, although they can be found in virtually all habitats. Their adaptive success is linked to their unique cell envelopes that are extremely resistant to chemical and thermal denaturation and that resist proteolysis by common proteases. Here we employ amyloid-specific conformation antibodies and biophysical techniques to show that the extracellular cell wall sheaths encasing the methanogenic archaea Methanosaeta thermophila PT are functional amyloids. Depolymerization of sheaths and subsequent MS/MS analyses revealed that the sheaths are composed of a single major sheath protein (MspA). The amyloidogenic nature of MspA was confirmed by in vitro amyloid formation of recombinant MspA under a wide range of environmental conditions. This is the first report of a functional amyloid from the archaeal domain of life. The amyloid nature explains the extreme resistance of the sheath, the elastic properties that allow diffusible substrates to penetrate through expandable hoop boundaries, and how the sheaths are able to split and elongate outside the cell. The archaeal sheath amyloids do not share homology with any of the currently known functional amyloids and clearly represent a new function of the amyloid protein fold.  相似文献   
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