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Many regulatory processes in biology involve reversible association of proteins with membranes. Clotting proteins bind to phosphatidylserine (PS) on cell surfaces, but a clear picture of this interaction has yet to emerge. We present a novel explanation for membrane binding by GLA domains of clotting proteins, supported by biochemical studies, solid-state NMR analyses, and molecular dynamics simulations. The model invokes a single "phospho-L-serine-specific" interaction and multiple "phosphate-specific" interactions. In the latter, the phosphates in phospholipids interact with tightly bound Ca(2+) in GLA domains. We show that phospholipids with any headgroup other than choline strongly synergize with PS to enhance factor X activation. We propose that phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin (the major external phospholipids of healthy cells) are anticoagulant primarily because their bulky choline headgroups sterically hinder access to their phosphates. Following cell damage or activation, exposed PS and phosphatidylethanolamine collaborate to bind GLA domains by providing phospho-L-serine-specific and phosphate-specific interactions, respectively.  相似文献   
There is increasing concern about the potential effects of noise pollution on marine life in the world’s oceans. For marine mammals, anthropogenic sounds may cause behavioral disruption, and this can be quantified using a risk function that relates sound exposure to a measured behavioral response. Beaked whales are a taxon of deep diving whales that may be particularly susceptible to naval sonar as the species has been associated with sonar-related mass stranding events. Here we derive the first empirical risk function for Blainville’s beaked whales (Mesoplodon densirostris) by combining in situ data from passive acoustic monitoring of animal vocalizations and navy sonar operations with precise ship tracks and sound field modeling. The hydrophone array at the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center, Bahamas, was used to locate vocalizing groups of Blainville’s beaked whales and identify sonar transmissions before, during, and after Mid-Frequency Active (MFA) sonar operations. Sonar transmission times and source levels were combined with ship tracks using a sound propagation model to estimate the received level (RL) at each hydrophone. A generalized additive model was fitted to data to model the presence or absence of the start of foraging dives in 30-minute periods as a function of the corresponding sonar RL at the hydrophone closest to the center of each group. This model was then used to construct a risk function that can be used to estimate the probability of a behavioral change (cessation of foraging) the individual members of a Blainville’s beaked whale population might experience as a function of sonar RL. The function predicts a 0.5 probability of disturbance at a RL of 150dBrms re µPa (CI: 144 to 155) This is 15dB lower than the level used historically by the US Navy in their risk assessments but 10 dB higher than the current 140 dB step-function.  相似文献   
A better understanding of the origin and natural reservoirs of resistance determinants is fundamental to efficiently tackle antibiotic resistance. This paper reports the identification of a novel 5.8 kb erythromycin resistance plasmid, from Bacillus sp. HS24 isolated from the marine sponge Haliclona simulans. pBHS24B has a mosaic structure and carries the erythromycin resistance gene erm(T). This is the first report of an erythromycin resistance plasmid from a sponge associated bacteria and of the Erm(T) determinant in the genus Bacillus.  相似文献   
Ethylene glycol (EG), a chemical which causes skeletal malformations in rats, was administered by gavage to sperm positive CD rats on gestational days (gd) 6 through 15 at doses of 0 or 2,500 mg/kg/day to assess its effects on the pre- and postnatal skeletal development. Dams and fetuses/pups were killed on gd 18, 20, postnatal day (pnd) 1, 4, 14, 21, or 63, and offspring were double-stained for examination of skeletal malformations and degree of ossification of rapidly developing skeletal districts. No difference in gestational day of delivery between controls and the EG-treated dams was seen. Fetal weights per litter were significantly decreased with EG treatment in both the gd 18 and 20 groups. Pup body weight on pnd 1 was significantly below controls; however, EG had no effect on pup body weight on pnd 4-63. The percentage of fetuses/pups with skeletal malformations per litter was significantly increased after EG exposure for all time points except at pnd 63, with a predominance of axial skeletal defects. The percentages of total ossification, of sternabrae ossified, and of vertebral centra ossified were significantly reduced in the EG groups on gd 20 and on pnd 1-21, but not on gd 18 or on pnd 63. When the ossification data were subjected to statistical analysis with fetal/pup weights as a covariate, the values for EG-exposed pups on gd 20 were not statistically significantly different from the control values. The reduced ossification values for EG-exposed pups on pnd 1-21 retained statistical significance even after covariate analysis. There was no effect of dose or body weight on ossification of fore- or hindlimb digits. In conclusion, the differences in incidence of skeletal alterations observed prenatally and through pnd 21 were not evident by pnd 63, suggesting that perinatal skeletal abnormalities may not always be permanent.  相似文献   
Analysis of reaction norms, the functions by which the phenotype produced by a given genotype depends on the environment, is critical to studying many aspects of phenotypic evolution. Different techniques are available for quantifying different aspects of reaction norm variation. We examine what biological inferences can be drawn from some of the more readily applicable analyses for studying reaction norms. We adopt a strongly biologically motivated view, but draw on statistical theory to highlight strengths and drawbacks of different techniques. In particular, consideration of some formal statistical theory leads to revision of some recently, and forcefully, advocated opinions on reaction norm analysis. We clarify what simple analysis of the slope between mean phenotype in two environments can tell us about reaction norms, explore the conditions under which polynomial regression can provide robust inferences about reaction norm shape, and explore how different existing approaches may be used to draw inferences about variation in reaction norm shape. We show how mixed model‐based approaches can provide more robust inferences than more commonly used multistep statistical approaches, and derive new metrics of the relative importance of variation in reaction norm intercepts, slopes, and curvatures.  相似文献   
A diet containing 20 ppm (micrograms/g) of purified deoxynivalenol (DON) was fed to male and female Sprague-Dawley rats for 60 and 15 days, respectively, before breeding. Rats consuming feed amended with DON throughout pregnancy and lactation showed no clinical signs of toxicity, nor did the control or pair-fed control groups. Male rats in the DON treatment group showed no feed refusal but were less efficient than males in control groups in converting feed into body mass. Feed refusal in female rats varied with stage of pregnancy. Before breeding, overall feed consumption was similar in all groups, but in the DON treatment group there was significant feed refusal for the first 2 days. Feed conversion efficiency was reduced in the DON treatment group. Pregnant and lactating rats fed DON-treated feed ate 6% less than did control rats fed solvent-treated feed. Although pair-fed control rats ate 14 to 21% less than rats in the DON treatment group, their body weights were greater than those of the DON group rats throughout most of the feeding trials, indicating that DON has a toxic effect. Only 50% of the matings between DON group rats resulted in pregnancy, compared with 80% in the control groups. There were no differences detected among groups in ratio of male to female pups, survival rate, or average litter number and weight. Pup weight gains in all groups were comparable through postnatal day 14.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments are presented for the extracellular domain of tissue factor. Tissue factor is the integral membrane protein that initiates blood coagulation through the formation an enzymatic complex with the plasma serine protease, factor VIIa.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas spp. that can colonise the roots of crop plants and produce antifungal metabolites represent a real alternative to the application of chemical fungicides. Presently, much research is aimed at understanding, at the molecular level, the mechanisms that enable Pseudomonas strains to act as efficient biological control agents. This approach is facilitating the development of novel strains with modified traits for enhanced biocontrol efficacy. However, without solving some inherent problems associated with the effective delivery of microbial inoculants to seeds and without knowledge on the biosafety aspects of novel biocontrol agents, the commercial potential of Pseudomonas spp. for plant disease control will not be realised.  相似文献   
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