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Childhood-onset proximal spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a heritable neurological disorder, which has been mapped by genetic linkage analysis to chromosome 5q13, in the interval between markers D5S435 and D5S557. Here, we present gene sequences that have been isolated from this interval, several of which show sequence homologies to exons of beta-glucuronidase. These gene sequences are repeated several times across the candidate region and are also present on chromosome 5p. The arrangement of these repetitive gene motifs is polymorphic between individuals. The high degree of variability observed may have some influence on the expression of the genes in the region. Since SMA is not inherited as a classical autosomal recessive disease, novel genomic rearrangements arising from aberrant recombination events between the complex repeats may be associated with the phenotype observed.  相似文献   
A cDNA for human thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) receptor has been isolated from a human pituitary cDNA library. By using this cDNA as a biotinylated probe, the gene encoding the TRH receptor has been localized to chromosome 8q23 by in situ hybridization.  相似文献   
An improved 13C-density-labeling method was used to study cell wall synthesis in rapidly expanding, slowly expanding and recently mature internodes of Nitella translucens var axillaris (A.Br.) R.D.W. As cells matured, the rate of wall synthesis slowed and the deposition of cellulose microfibrils changed from a predominantly transverse direction in the primary wall of rapidly expanding internodes to a helicoidal array in the secondary wall of mature internodes. The secondary wall was characterized by relatively higher rates of cellulose synthesis and lower rates of pectin synthesis than the primary wall. The synthesis of xyloglucan also decreased markedly at the transition to secondary wall synthesis, while the synthesis of mannose-rich hemicellulose increased. Even though structural differences were striking between the primary and secondary walls of Nitella, compositional differences between the two types of wall were quantitative rather than qualitative. The authors appreciate the assistance of Martin Yousef with the electron microscopy.  相似文献   
Determination of anterior and posterior terminal structures of Drosophila embryos requires activation of two genes encoding putative protein kinases, torso and D-raf. In this study, we demonstrate that Torso has intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity and show that it is transiently tyrosine phosphorylated (activated) at syncytial blastoderm stages. Torso proteins causing a gain-of-function phenotype are constitutively tyrosine phosphorylated, while Torso proteins causing a loss-of-function phenotype lack tyrosine kinase activity. The D-raf gene product, which is required for Torso function, is identified as a 90-kDa protein with intrinsic serine/threonine kinase activity. D-Raf is expressed throughout embryogenesis; however, the phosphorylation state of the protein changes during development. In wild-type embryos, D-Raf is hyperphosphorylated at 1 to 2 h after egg laying, and thereafter only the most highly phosphorylated form is detected. Embryos lacking Torso activity, however, show significant reductions in D-Raf protein expression rather than major alterations in the protein's phosphorylation state. This report provides the first biochemical analysis of the terminal signal transduction pathway in Drosophila embryos.  相似文献   
We studied the frequency of an SstI polymorphism in 70 patients with chronic B-cell leukaemia (CLL) and 100 normal controls. There was a highly significant difference in the distribution of the three genotypes between the CLL patients and the normal controls (2= 13.46, 2 df, P<0.001). The C2 allele was found more frequently in CLL patients and may be a marker for a predisposition to develop CLL.  相似文献   
Autosomal recessive spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) has been mapped to a 6-cM interval on chromosome 5q12–13.3, flanked proximally by locus D5S6 and distally by locus D5S112. In this study we describe the isolation of two new microsatellite markers (EF1/2a and EF13/14) near locus D5S125, which lies 2 cM distal to D5S6. We show by linkage analysis and the study of the recombinants in 55 SMA pedigrees that the disease lies in the 4-cM interval between EF1/2a and D5S112. Fluorescence in situ analysis of cosmids from D5S6, EF1/2a and D5S112 confirms the genetic order and relative distance of markers. The microsatellites EF1/2a and EF13/14 are the first highly polymorphic PCR based proximal markers in SMA to be described, and will be of value in prental prediction of the disorder.  相似文献   
Site fidelity—the tendency to return to previously visited locations—is widespread across taxa. Returns may be driven by several mechanisms, including memory, habitat selection, or chance; however, pattern-based definitions group different generating mechanisms under the same label of ‘site fidelity’, often assuming memory as the main driver. We propose an operational definition of site fidelity as patterns of return that deviate from a null expectation derived from a memory-free movement model. First, using agent-based simulations, we show that without memory, intrinsic movement characteristics and extrinsic landscape characteristics are key determinants of return patterns and that even random movements may generate substantial probabilities of return. Second, we illustrate how to implement our framework empirically to establish ecologically meaningful, system-specific null expectations for site fidelity. Our approach provides a conceptual and operational framework to test hypotheses on site fidelity across systems and scales.  相似文献   
Male zebra finches normally learn their song from adult models during a restricted period of juvenile development. If song models are not available then, juveniles develop an isolate song which can be modified in adulthood. In this report we investigate the features of juvenile experience that underly the timing of song learning. Juvenile males raised in soundproof chambers or in visual isolation from conspecifics developed stable isolate song. However, whereas visual isolate song notes were similar to those of colony-reared males, soundproof chamber isolates included many phonologically abnormal notes in their songs. Despite having stable isolate songs, both groups copied new notes from tutors presented to them in adulthood (2.7 notes per bird for soundproof chamber isolates, 4.4 notes per bird for visual isolates). Old notes were often modified or eliminated. We infer that social interactions with live tutors are normally important for closing the sensitive period for song learning. Lesions of a forebrain nucleus (IMAN) had previously been shown to disrupt juvenile song learning, but not maintenance of adult song for up to 5 weeks after surgery. In this study, colony-reared adult males given bilateral lesions of IMAN retained all their song notes for up to 4–7.5 months after lesioning. However, similar lesions blocked all song note acquisition in adulthood by both visual and soundproof chamber isolates. Other work has shown that intact hearing is necessary for the maintenance of adult zebra finch song. We infer that auditory pathways used for song maintenance and acquisition differ: IMAN is necessary for auditorily guided song acquisition—whether by juveniles or adults—but not for adult auditorily guided song maintenance. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
An unmodified heptadecapeptide pheromone capable of eliciting competence for genetic transformation in Streptococcus pneumoniae has recently been identified and characterized. In considering possible signaltransduction mechanisms for the peptide, the previously characterized Ami oligopeptide permease and the three highly homologous oligopeptide-binding lipoproteins, AmiA. AliA, and AliB, appeared to be good candidates for receptors. We therefore compared the spontaneous transformability of Ami, AliA and AliB mutants to that of an isogenic wild-type strain and we investigated the response of the various mutants to treatment with synthetic competence-stimulating peptide (CSP). Our results clearly demonstrate that neither Ami nor any of the three highly homologous oligopeptide-binding lipoproteins identified so far in S. pneumoniae are required for competence induction following treatment with synthetic CSP. Although the existence of a fourth unidentified oligopeptide-binding lipoprotein and/or a second oligopeptide permease operon could not be completely ruled out, we favour the hypothesis that CSP signal transmission rather involves a two-component regulatory system. Although none of the single or double Ami and Ali mutants tested appeared severely affected for competence, an exceptional aliB plasmid-insertion mutation abolished competence completely. In addition, the triple AmiA-AliA-AliB mutant differed from wild type in showing no sharp peak of competence but exhibiting transformability throughout the exponential phase of growth. These and previous observations are discussed and a general hypothesis is proposed to account for the modulation of competence by peptide permease mutants in S. pneumoniae.  相似文献   
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