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Injection of DNA isolated from the wild type of barley into grains of recipient mutant plants (waxy mutants) at the milk stage of maturity leads to a change in starch synthesis; type of spikes and hordein composition. In the first generation of injected plants the wild type starch synthesis was observed in some separate plants (these observations were made at a haploid level in pollen cells). In the second generation of transformed plants along with the change in starch and hordein synthesis a modification of the type of spikes was also revealed. Recipient plants had six-rowded (hexastichous) spikes, and donor plants--two rowded (distichous) spikes. Disc-electrophoresis of hordeins of the wild type barley (Yuzhny var.), hordeins of the waxy mutant (defected in synthesis of normal starch) and barley plants transformed under the action of wild type exogenous DNA reveals differences in the protein spectrum between donor, recipient and transformants. In the second generation in many of the transformed plants starch synthesis reverted to the recipient mutant type. Simultaneously a reversion of hordein composition to the initial mutant type was observed, and the distichous pikes became hexastichous. Analysis of the components of starch revealed that donor plant that have amilose and amilopectin in starch, and the recipient plants that lack amilose, can be distinguished by the spectra of light absorption of starch. For characterizing these differences the plot of absoprtions at 490 versus that at 590 nm was used. The tangens of angles of these curves for the waxy mutant were equal to 1.05 +/- 0.07 and 1.81 +/- 0.04 for the wild type barley. All transformants have a 1.78 ratio and for revertants this value was 1.02.  相似文献   
Binding of [26,27-(3)H]25-hydroxycholesterol (25HC) to human hepatoma Hep G2 cells was saturated within 120 min. Two intracellular pools of 25HC were identified in a pulse-chase experiment: (i) an exchangeable pool which was in dynamic equilibrium with 25HC in the medium (t(1/2) of reversible exchange 15 min) and (ii) an unexchangeable pool which remained in cells during incubation in medium containing LPDS. 25HC from the exchangeable pool inhibits cholesterol biosynthesis, decreases the HMG CoA reductase mRNA level and stimulates cholesterol acylation. 25HC from the unexchangeable pool was partially bound to cytosolic proteins and apparently utilized for metabolic transformation. Incubation of Hep G2 cells with [26,27-(3)H]25HC in the presence of a 30-fold molar excess of 3beta-hydroxy-5alpha-cholest-8(14)-en-15-one was found to cause (i) 2-fold decrease in the binding of [26,27-(3)H]25HC to cytosolic proteins (sedimentation constant of radioactive complex was 4-5 S) and (ii) the 35% inhibition of 25HC transformation to polar metabolites.  相似文献   
DNA sequences of the complete cytochrome b gene are shown to contain robust phylogenetic signal for the strepsirrhine primates (i.e., lemurs and lorises). The phylogeny derived from these data conforms to other molecular studies of strepsirrhine relationships despite the fact that uncorrected nucleotide distances are high for nearly all intrastrepsirrhine comparisons, with most in the 15%-20% range. Cytochrome b sequences support the hypothesis that Malagasy lemuriforms and Afro-Asian lorisiforms each comprise clades that share a sister- group relationship. A study (Adkins and Honeycutt 1994) of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII) gene placed one Malagasy primate (Daubentonia) at the base of the strepsirrhine clade, thereby suggesting a diphyletic Lemuriformes. The reanalysis of COII third- position transversions, either alone or in combination with cytochrome b third-position transversions, however, yields a tree that is congruent with phylogenetic hypotheses derived from cytochrome b and other genetic data sets.   相似文献   
Alternative splicing and protein function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Alternative splicing is a major mechanism of generating protein diversity in higher eukaryotes. Although at least half, and probably more, of mammalian genes are alternatively spliced, it was not clear, whether the frequency of alternative splicing is the same in different functional categories. The problem is obscured by uneven coverage of genes by ESTs and a large number of artifacts in the EST data.  相似文献   
Complexes of Salmonella typhimurium lipopolysaccharide toxin (LPS) with low density lipoproteins (LDL) prepared in vitro have been analyzed. LPS-LDL complexes were found to comprise approx. 0.24 mg LPS/mg LDL protein. The major protein of complexes was apolipoprotein apoB-100 (greater than or equal to 90-95%). Incorporation of LPS molecules into LDL was accompanied by small changes in lipid composition, i.e. the phosphatidylcholine content was diminished by approx. 11% and the free fatty acid concentration was raised 2-fold. Analytical ultracentrifugation showed that insertion of LPS into LDL results in the increase of a portion of particles with higher density (lower flotation coefficient) compared to initial LDL. As was evidenced by ESR, in LPS-LDL complexes, the phospholipid hydrocarbon chains are more ordered than in LDL. 31P-NMR spectra indicated that in LPS-LDL complexes the mobility of phospholipid polar headgroups is restricted in comparison with LDL. Application of the shift reagent (Pr3+) revealed that phospholipid molecules form a monolayer structure on the surface of complexes. Upon binding of LPS to LDL, a maximum of the apoB intrinsic fluorescence was slightly red-shifted (1-2 nm) which may testify that the localization of apoB remains nearly unchanged. For LPS-LDL complexes, the accessibility of apoB fluorophores to quenchers (I-, Cs+, acrylamide) did not dramatically differ from that of LDL. It is concluded that rather large amounts of LPS (about 9-10 molecules) can accommodate in one LDL particle without severely perturbing its original composition and structure. Moreover, in the LPS-LDL complexes, oligosaccharide chains of LPS screen notably neither phospholipid polar headgroups nor, what is very important, apoB. LPS-LDL complexes are suggested to be able in vivo to bind to cellular apoB/E receptors, possible LPS receptors and scavenger-receptors of macrophages (monocytes).  相似文献   
The components of hard tissues including dentin, enamel, cementum, bone and other calcified deposits, and mature and immature collagen pose problems for identification in routine hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) stained sections. Use of combinations of stains can demonstrate the components of hard tissues and soft tissues distinctly. We assessed the efficacy of the Verde Luz-orange G-acid fuchsin (VOF) stain for differentiating hard and soft connective tissues and compared results with other histochemical staining techniques. Eighty tissue sections comprising developing tooth (30), ossifying fibroma (30) and miscellaneous pathologies (20) expected to contain varying types of calcified tissues were stained with H & E, VOF, and Masson's trichrome (MT). In developing tooth, VOF demonstrated better differentiation of hard tissues, while it was comparable to MT for ossifying fibroma and miscellaneous pathologies. The intensity of staining was greater with VOF than with the other stains studied. VOF stains hard tissue components distinctly and gives good contrast with the surrounding connective tissue. VOF is comparable to MT, but has added advantages including single step staining, rapid and easy procedures, and it distinguishes the maturity of the tissues.  相似文献   
Procedure of polydispersity determinations of low density lipoproteins (LDL) on low concentration scale (0.04%) using analytical ultracentrifuge with absorption optics was produced. No corrections for Johnston-Ogston effect and hydrostatic compressibility effect are required. Isothermal compressibility of LDL particles was estimated to be equal to 1.9 X 10(-5) Bar-1. An equation was obtained relating the flotation coefficients of LDL from different sources with solvent density and buoyant density of their particles. It was revealed that LDL particles from individual human plasma are divided into three-four subgroups having specific flotation characteristics and particular quantities of the material in these subgroups.  相似文献   
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