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Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) is a conserved post-translational modification to anchor cell surface proteins to plasma membrane in all eukaryotes. In yeast, GPI mediates cross-linking of cell wall mannoproteins to beta1,6-glucan. We reported previously that the GWT1 gene product is a target of the novel anti-fungal compound, 1-[4-butylbenzyl]isoquinoline, that inhibits cell wall localization of GPI-anchored mannoproteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Tsukahara, K., Hata, K., Sagane, K., Watanabe, N., Kuromitsu, J., Kai, J., Tsuchiya, M., Ohba, F., Jigami, Y., Yoshimatsu, K., and Nagasu, T. (2003) Mol. Microbiol. 48, 1029-1042). In the present study, to analyze the function of the Gwt1 protein, we isolated temperature-sensitive gwt1 mutants. The gwt1 cells were normal in transport of invertase and carboxypeptidase Y but were delayed in transport of GPI-anchored protein, Gas1p, and were defective in its maturation from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi. The incorporation of inositol into GPI-anchored proteins was reduced in gwt1 mutant, indicating involvement of GWT1 in GPI biosynthesis. We analyzed the early steps of GPI biosynthesis in vitro by using membranes prepared from gwt1 and Deltagwt1 cells. The synthetic activity of GlcN-(acyl)PI from GlcN-PI was defective in these cells, whereas Deltagwt1 cells harboring GWT1 gene restored the activity, indicating that GWT1 is required for acylation of inositol during the GPI synthetic pathway. We further cloned GWT1 homologues in other yeasts, Cryptococcus neoformans and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and confirmed that the specificity of acyl-CoA in inositol acylation, as reported in studies of endogenous membranes (Franzot, S. P., and Doering, T. L. (1999) Biochem. J. 340, 25-32), is due to the properties of Gwt1p itself and not to other membrane components.  相似文献   
In the present study, we showed that SPA-1, a Rap1 GTPase-activating protein (GAP), was bound to a cytoskeleton-anchoring protein AF-6. SPA-1 and AF-6 were co-immunoprecipitated in the 293T cells transfected with both cDNAs as well as in normal thymocytes. In vitro binding studies using truncated fragments and their mutants suggested that SPA-1 was bound to the PDZ domain of AF-6 via probable internal PDZ ligand motif within the GAP-related domain. The motif was conserved among Rap1 GAPs, and it was shown that rapGAP I was bound to AF-6 comparably with SPA-1. RapV12 was also bound to AF-6 via the N-terminal domain, and SPA-1 and RapV12 were co-immunoprecipitated only in the presence of AF-6, indicating that they could be brought into close proximity via AF-6 in cells. Immunostaining analysis revealed that SPA-1 and RapV12 were co-localized with AF-6 at the cell attachment sites. In HeLa cells expressing SPA-1 in a tetracycline-regulatory manner, expression of AF-6 inhibited endogenous Rap1GTP and beta(1) integrin-mediated cell adhesion to fibronectin in SPA-1-induced conditions, whereas it affected neither of them in SPA-1-repressed conditions. These results suggested that AF-6 could control integrin-mediated cell adhesion by regulating Rap1 activation through the recruitment of both SPA-1 and Rap1GTP via distinct domains.  相似文献   
Procarbazine [N-isopropyl-alpha-(2-methylhydrazino)-p-toluamide], a hydrazine derivative, which has been shown to have effective antineoplastic activity, induces cancer in some experimental animals and humans. To clarify a new mechanism for its carcinogenic effect, we examined DNA damage induced by procarbazine in the presence of metal ion, using 32P-5'-end-labeled DNA fragments obtained from the human p53 tumor suppressor gene and the c-Ha-ras-1 protooncogene. Procarbazine plus Cu(II) induced piperidine-labile and formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase-sensitive lesions at the 5'-ACG-3' sequence, complementary to a hotspot of the p53 gene, and the 5'-TG-3' sequence. Catalase partially inhibited DNA damage, suggesting that not only H(2)O(2) but also other reactive species are involved. Procarbazine plus Cu(II) significantly increased the formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine, which was completely inhibited by calatase. Electron spin resonance spin-trapping experiments revealed that methyl radicals were generated from procarbazine and Cu(II). On the basis of these findings, it is considered that procarbazine causes DNA damage through non-enzymatic formation of the Cu(I)-hydroperoxo complex and methyl radicals. In conclusion, in addition to alkylation, oxidative DNA damage may play important roles in not only antitumor effects but also mutagenesis and carcinogenesis induced by procarbazine.  相似文献   
Ethylbenzene, widely used in human life, is a non-mutagenic carcinogen. Sunlight-irradiated ethylbenzene caused DNA damage in the presence of Cu2+, but unirradiated ethylbenzene did not. A Cu+ -specific chelator bathocuproine inhibited DNA damage and catalase showed a little inhibitory effect. The scopoletin assay revealed that peroxides and H(2)O(2) were formed in ethylbenzene exposed to sunlight. These results suggest that Cu+ and alkoxyl radical mainly participate in DNA damage, and H(2)O(2) partially does. When catalase was added, DNA damage at thymine and cytosine was inhibited. Ethylbenzenehydroperoxide, identified by GC/MS analysis, induced the formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine and caused DNA damage at consecutive guanines, as observed with cumenehydroperoxide. Equimolar concentrations of H(2)O(2) and acetophenone were produced by the sunlight-irradiation of 1-phenylethanol, a further degraded product of ethylbenzene. These results indicate a novel pathway that oxidative DNA damage induced by the peroxide and H(2)O(2) derived from sunlight-irradiated ethylbenzene may lead to expression of the carcinogenicity.  相似文献   
Smad3 is an intracellular signaling molecule that mediates the signal from transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) and activin receptors. In this study, we reveal hypomineralized enamel in mice with the targeted deletion of the Smad3 gene. The Smad3 (-/-) mice had chalky white incisor enamel, while the enamel of the wild-type or Smad3 (+/-) mice was yellow-brown. Histological analysis of the undecalcified sections showed that the enamel thickness of the maxillary incisors in the Smad3 (-/-) mice was similar to that of the wild-type and Smad3 (+/-) mice while that the enamel of the maxillary molars in Smad3 (-/-) mice was disrupted in places. Microcomputed tomography (microCT) analysis revealed that the mineralization of the maxillary incisors and mandibular molars in the Smad3 (-/-) mice showed significant reduction in the degree of mineralization when compared to that of the wild-type and Smad3 (+/-) mice. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) analysis of the mandibular incisors revealed that the enamel surface of the Smad3 (-/-) mice was irregular and disrupted in places and showed images similar to decalcified mature enamel. The histological analysis of the decalcified sections showed that distinct morphological changes in the ameloblasts at the secretory and maturational stages were not observed between the Smad3 (-/-) and Smad3 (+/-) or wild-type mice, while the enamel matrix was observed in the decalcified sections of the mandibular molars in the Smad3 (-/-) mice. These results suggested that Smad3 was required for enamel biomineralization, and TGF-beta and activin signaling might be critical for its process.  相似文献   
Two interleukin 13 receptors (IL-13Rs) have been identified as IL-13Ralpha1 and IL-13Ralpha2. IL-13Ralpha1 is composed of a heterodimer consisting of IL-13Ralpha1 and IL-4 receptor alpha (IL-4Ralpha) as a signaling subunit. In contrast, IL-13Ralpha2 is known as a decoy receptor for IL-13. In this study, we investigated the expression of IL-13Rs on human fibroblasts. IL-13Ralpha2 was significantly up-regulated after stimulation with tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and/or IL-4. In contrast, IL-13Ralpha1 was constitutively detectable and was not up-regulated. After the induction of IL-13alpha2 by IL-4, STAT6 phosphorylation through IL-13Ralpha1 by IL-13 was inhibited. We also detected large intracellular pools of IL-13Ralpha2 in fibroblasts quantitatively. Furthermore, mobilization of the IL-13Ralpha2 protein stores from the cytoplasm to the cell surface was prevented by an inhibitor of protein transport, brefeldin-A. These results indicate that TNF-alpha and IL-4 synergistically up-regulate the expression of IL-13Ralpha2 decoy receptor on human fibroblasts by inducing gene expression and mobilizing intracellular receptors, and thus may down-regulate the IL-13 signaling.  相似文献   
Despite the heteroplasmic lower population of mitochondrial (mt) DNA deletion, mtDNA deletion is significantly related to the loss of atrial adenine nucleotides. To elucidate its mechanism, we examined the frequency of a 7.4-kb mtDNA deletion, the concentration of adenine nucleotides, and the activity of AMP catabolic enzymes in 10 human right atria obtained from cardiac surgery, using quantitative PCR, HPLC, and immunoprecipitations. The atrial concentrations of ATP, ADP, AMP, and the total adenine nucleotides were significantly lower in patients with deletion than those in patients without deletion, despite the lower frequency of their deletion. The activities of total AMP deaminase (AMPD), liver-type (AMPD 2), and heart-type isoform (AMPD 3) were significantly higher in patients with deletion than in patients without deletion, although there was no significant difference in the cytosolic 5(')-nucleotidase among them. In conclusion, mtDNA deletion coordinately induces AMP deaminase to contribute to the loss of atrial adenine nucleotides through degrading AMP excessively.  相似文献   
Cardiac neural crest contributes to cardiomyogenesis in zebrafish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In birds and mammals, cardiac neural crest is essential for heart development and contributes to conotruncal cushion formation and outflow tract septation. The zebrafish prototypical heart lacks outflow tract septation, raising the question of whether cardiac neural crest exists in zebrafish. Here, results from three distinct lineage-labeling approaches identify zebrafish cardiac neural crest cells and indicate that these cells have the ability to generate MF20-positive muscle cells in the myocardium of the major chambers during development. Fate-mapping demonstrates that cardiac neural crest cells originate both from neural tube regions analogous to those found in birds, as well as from a novel region rostral to the otic vesicle. In contrast to other vertebrates, cardiac neural crest invades the myocardium in all segments of the heart, including outflow tract, atrium, atrioventricular junction, and ventricle in zebrafish. Three distinct groups of premigratory neural crest along the rostrocaudal axis have different propensities to contribute to different segments in the heart and are correspondingly marked by unique combinations of gene expression patterns. Zebrafish will serve as a model for understanding interactions between cardiac neural crest and cardiovascular development.  相似文献   
Nck-interacting kinase (NIK)-related kinase (NRK)/NIK-like embryo-specific kinase (NESK) is a protein kinase that belongs to the germinal center kinase family, and activates the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling pathway. In this study, we examined the effect of NRK/NESK on actin cytoskeletal organization. Overexpression of NRK/NESK in COS7 cells induced accumulation of polymerized actin at the perinuclear. Phosphorylation of cofilin, an actin-depolymerizing factor, was increased in NRK/NESK-expressing HEK 293T cells. In addition, in vitro phosphorylation of cofilin was observed on NRK/NESK immunoprecipitates from HEK 293T cells expressing the kinase domain of NRK/NESK. The cofilin phosphorylation occurred at the serine residue of position 3 (Ser-3). Since the phosphorylation at Ser-3 inactivates the actin-depolymerizing activity of cofilin, these results suggest that NRK/NESK induces actin polymerization through cofilin phosphorylation. The cofilin phosphorylation did not appear to be mediated through activation of LIM-kinasel, a cofilin-phosphorylating kinase, or through the activation of JNK. Thus, cofilin is likely to be a direct substrate of NRK/NESK. NRK/NESK is predominantly expressed in skeletal muscle during the late stages of mouse embryogenesis. Thus, NRK/NESK may be involved in the regulation of actin cytoskeletal organization in skeletal muscle cells through cofilin phosphorylation.  相似文献   
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