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Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 isolates of envelope genotype E are contributing substantially to the global pandemic. These strains appear to be mosaics, with the gag gene from clade A and the envelope from clade E; the parental clade E strain has not been found. Here we report the first full genomic sequence of one such mosaic virus, isolate CM240 from Thailand. Multiple breakpoints between the two parental genotypes have been found in a CM240 virus. The entire gag-pol region and most, if not all, of the accessory genes vif, vpr, tat, rev, and vpu appear to derive from clade A. The genotype switches to E shortly after the signal peptide of the envelope and back to clade A near the middle of gp41; thus, the portion of the envelope that lies on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane appears to be principally derived not from clade E, as previously thought, but from clade A. Another small segment not belonging to any recognized clade and presumably also contributed by the parental E strain has been found in the long terminal repeat. It may be significant that the implied virion structure resembles a pseudotype virus with the matrix and core from one clade and the outer envelope from another. In the long terminal repeat, differences were observed between CM240 and other clades in the number of NF-kappa B binding sites, the sequence of the TATA box, and the putative secondary structure of the transactivation response region stem-loop. The mosaic structure of a CM240 virion is suggestive of phenotypic differences which might have contributed to the emergence of this variant.  相似文献   
S Tieman  A Koch    D White 《Journal of bacteriology》1996,178(12):3480-3485
A method was devised to construct stable and steep chemical gradients in slide cultures to study the movements of gliding cells. The movement of Myxococcus xanthus individual cells and small swarms was studied in these gradients. There was no response to gradients of Casitone and yeast extract that were previously reported to stimulate a positive chemotactic response with M. xanthus.  相似文献   
The growth rates and buoyant densities of a Salmonella typhimurium mutant, TL126 (proB74A+), with enhanced osmotolerance caused by proline overproduction were measured and compared with the growth rates and buoyant densities of an isogenic (wild-type) strain, TL128 (proB+ A+), with normal control of proline production. Growth rates were determined in a rich medium (Luria broth) with added NaCl to produce various osmotic strengths ranging from 300 to 2,000 mosM. At low concentrations of NaCl, there was little variation in doubling times between the two strains. However, as the osmotic strength of the medium approached and exceeded 1,300 mosM, the doubling times of TL126 (osmotolerant) were 1.5 to 2 times faster than those of TL128 (wild type), confirming the osmotolerance of TL126. Buoyant densities were determined by equilibrium sedimentation in a Percoll gradient of osmotic strength equal to that of the growth medium. The osmolarity of the Percoll gradient was adjusted by the addition of NaCl. At low osmolarities (300 to 500 mosM), the buoyant density of TL126 (osmotolerant) was slightly but consistently lower than that of TL128 (wild type). As the osmotic strength was increased, the buoyant density of TL126 (osmotolerant) increased in proportion to the osmotic strength. In contrast, the buoyant density of strain TL128 (wild type) did not increase as much. At high osmolarities (1,600 to 2,000 mosM), the buoyant density of TL126 (osmotolerant) was consistently higher than that of TL128 (wild type). These results suggest that the intracellular accumulation of proline by TL126, the osmotolerant strain, increases both the growth rates and buoyant densities at osmolarities of 1,300 mosM and above.  相似文献   
Eighteen German families with a history of paramyotonia congenita (PC) were characterised by genetic und mutational analysis at the SCN4A locus, which encodes the -subunit of the adult skeletal muscle sodium channel. We concentrated our analysis primarily on these families to test the hypothesis that a predominance of one common mutation occurs in all German PC families and that this mutation arose in a common ancestor originating in the North-West of the country. The present eighteen PC families exhibit two different mutations (R1448C and R1448H) on various SCN4A dinucleotide repeat haplotypes and therefore the majority of the mutations probably occurred independently. However, the R1448H mutation is extremely frequent in the North-West of Germany (Ravensberger Land) on a specific SCN4A microsatellite haplotype, indicating a founder effect within this subpopulation. Our results suggest that the R1448C/R1448H mutations are by far the most common to be associated with the PC phenotype in the German population.This paper is dedicated to Professor Dr. Dr. Peter Emil Becker on the occasion of this 85th birthday  相似文献   
Koch  E. W. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,260(1):457-462
Photosynthetic rates of aquatic macrophytes are affected by the diffusion of carbon through the boundary layer which decreases with increasing flow velocities. This is shown by a significant increase in photosynthetic rates of Ulva lactuca fronds exposed to friction velocities (u *) between 0.0 and 0.3 cm s–1. No further increase in photosynthetic rates is observed at u * values between 0.3 and 1.0 cm s–1. Stagnating flow conditions at saturating light levels caused a 29% reduction in photosynthetic rates. Experiments in a closed system indicate that Ulva may utilize internal carbon sources during periods of stagnation. On a subtidal rock directly exposed to wave action, Ulva lactuca is not exposed to such conditions while in a wave flushed intertidal pool stagnation occurs during very short time intervals based on in situ measurements of u * levels on fronds of this species using a microprocessor-controlled, autonomous recorder and hot-film sensors.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Einfluß des Kobalts im Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel von Bac. asterosporus wird untersucht. Bei der optimalen Konzentration von 4 Co/ml wird die Kohlensäurebildung bei den untersuchten Kohlenstoffquellen Dextrose, Saccharose, Fructose und Mannit durchschnittlich um 80% reduziert. Der ökonomische Koeffizient erfährt bei Dextrose eine Erhöhung um 100%, bei Saccharose um 30%, der Atmungskoeffizient bei allen vier Kohlenstoffquellen eine Erniedrigung von 55–89%. Ascorbinsäure zeigt die gleiche Reduktion der Kohlensäurebildung wie Kobalt, während Aneurin darauf keine Wirkung ausübt. Der rH-Wert wird durch Kobalt vermindert. Aus den Ergebnissen wird im Zusammenhang mit anderen Arbeiten geschlossen, daß der Stoffwechsel des fakultativ anaeroben Bac. asterosporus durch Kobalt mehr zur anaeroben Seite hin und zu homolaktischer Gärung verschoben wird. Die Untersuchungen zur Aufklärung des Wirkungsmechanismus von Kobalt werden fortgesetzt.Teilweise vorgetragen am 20. September 1954 anläßlich der österreichischen Mikrobiologentagung in Innsbruck (Dedic 1955).  相似文献   
Restriction endonuclease analyses were performed on mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) representing unisexual parthenogenetic (cytotypes A, B, and C) and bisexual (cytotypes D and E) populations of Amazonian lizards presently regarded as Cnemidophorus lemniscatus. The results of mtDNA cleavage map comparisons among these C. lemniscatus indicated that (1) there was no cleavage site variation among the unisexuals, (2) mtDNAs from the bisexual cytotypes D and E differed in sequence from one another by about 13%, and (3) mtDNAs from cytotypes A–C differed from those of cytotype D by about 5% and from those of cytotype E by about 13%. Higher resolution restriction fragment size comparisons confirmed the high degree of similarity among the unisexual mtDNAs, but identified 12 cleavage site variants among the 13 cytotype D mtDNAs examined. Both cladistic and phenetic (UPGMA) analyses of the data indicate that the unisexual and cytotype D mtDNAs form a single clade, suggesting that a female of cytotype D was the maternal progenitor of the unisexuals. The similarity among the unisexual mtDNAs and the variability among those of cytotype D suggest that the three unisexual cytotypes arose recently from a common maternal lineage. The mtDNA variability observed among cytotype D individuals has a strong geographic component, suggesting that the unisexuals arose from one or a few geographically proximal populations. The mtDNA comparisons also support the conclusion, based on allozyme comparisons (Sites et al., 1990, this issue), that cytotypes D and E, although presently allocated to C. lemniscatus, are separate species.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) of two unisexual, parthenogenetically reproducing species of whiptail lizards (Cnemidophorus velox and C. exsanguis) and their bisexual relatives were compared by restriction-enzyme analysis to assess levels of mtDNA variation and to establish the maternal ancestry of the unisexuals. No cleavage-site differences were found to be diagnostic between C. velox and C. exsanguis mtDNAs, suggesting an ancestry rooted in the same maternal lineage. The mtDNA of the unisexuals is relatively homogeneous, indicating that these lineages are of recent origin. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the maternal ancestor of both C. velox and C. exsanguis was most probably C. burti stictogrammus, C. costatus barrancorum, or an unidentified taxon closely related to them. In addition, the mtDNA analyses demonstrate conclusively that the triploid species C. velox could not have been formed by the fertilization of an unreduced (diploid) C. inornatus egg, further strengthening the hypothesis that parthenogenesis in Cnemidophorus results from hybridization.  相似文献   
Variation at 18 allozyme loci was assayed among representatives of the geographically widespread, triploid parthenogenetic form of Heteronotia binoei. A minimum of 52 different genotypes were observed among 143 individuals. Virtually all localities sampled had multiple genotypes among the unisexuals. This represents unusually high genotypic diversity for a unisexual vertebrate. Heterozygosity in the triploids was higher than in diploid bisexual populations of H. binoei. Comparison with the alleles present in the diploid bisexuals confirms that the parthenogens are hybrids and indicates that most of the genotypic diversity stems from repetitive hybrid origins. However, the presence of some alleles unique to the parthenogens suggests that mutation adds to their genetic diversity. The genetic structure of this geographically widespread parthenogen suggests the hypothesis that the persistence and spread of the unisexual lineages is facilitated by genotypic diversity.  相似文献   
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