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A new temperature-sensitive mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was isolated. Arrested cells grown at the nonpermissive temperature were of dumb-bell shape and contained large vacuoles. A DNA fragment was cloned based on its ability to complement this temperature sensitivity. The HTR1 gene encodes a putative protein of 93 kDa without significant homology to any known proteins. The gene was mapped between ade5 and lys5 on the left arm of chromosome VII. The phenotype of the gene disruptant appeared to be strain-specific; disruption of the gene in strain W303 caused the cells to become temperature sensitive. The arrested phenotype here was similar to that of the original is mutant and cells in G2/M phase predominated at high temperature. Another disruptant in a strain YPH background grew slowly at high temperature due to slow progression through G2/M phase, and morphologically abnormal (elongated) cells accumulated. A single-copy suppressor that alleviated the temperature-sensitive defects in both strains was identified as MCS1/SSD1. The wild-type strains W303 and YPH are known to carry defective MCS1/SSD1 alleles; hence HTR1 may function redundantly with MCS1/SSD1 to suppress the temperature-sensitive phenotypes. In addition, based on a halo bioassay, the disruptant strains appeared to be defective in recovery from, or adaptive response to G1 arrest mediated by mating pheromone, even at the permissive temperature. Thus the gene has at least two functions and is designated HTR1 (required for high temperature growth and recovery from G1 arrest induced by mating pheromone).  相似文献   
To sequence a DNA segment inserted into a cosmid vector underthe directed sequencing strategy, we established a simple andrapid method for generating nested deletions which uses thein vitro packaging system of bacteriophage T3 DNA. The principleis based on the previous finding that this system can translocateany linear double-stranded DNA up to 40 kb into the phage capsidin a time-dependent manner and the encapsulated DNA becomesDNase-resistant. For this purpose, we constructed a cosmid vectorthat carries two different antibiotic selection markers at bothsides of the multiple cloning site, and after insertion of aDNA segment, the clone was linearized by -terminase at the cossite. After the packaging reaction in vitro followed by DNasetreatment, the encapsulated DNA was introduced into Escherichiacoli cells to give clones with unidirectional deletions by differentialantibiotic selection. Restriction and sequence analyses of deletionclones demonstrated that an ordered set of clones with nesteddeletions, ranging from less than 1 kb to 25 kb, was createdfrom either the end of the DNA segment. Thus, nested deletionclones that cover the entire region of a 40-kb cosmid insertcan be obtained by a single packaging reaction, and its restrictionmap can be simultaneously obtained.  相似文献   
Abstract: We have analyzed free chiral amino acids (aspartate and serine) in the human frontal cortex at different ontogenic stages (from 14 weeks of gestation to 101 years of age) by HPLC with fluorometric detection after derivatization with N-tert -butyl-oxycarbonyl- l -cysteine and o -phthaldialdehyde. Exceptionally high levels of free d -aspartate and d -serine were demonstrated in the fetal cortex at gestational week 14. The ratios of d -aspartate and of d -serine to the total corresponding amino acids were also high, at 0.63 and 0.27, respectively. The concentration of d -aspartate dramatically decreased to a trace level by gestational week 41 and then remained very low during all postnatal stages. In contrast, the frontal tip contained persistently high levels of d -serine throughout embryonic and postnatal life, whereas the d -amino acid content in adolescents and aged individuals was about half of that in the fetuses. Because d -aspartate and d -serine are known to have selective actions at the NMDA-type excitatory amino acid receptor, the present data suggest that these d -amino acids might play a pivotal role in cerebral development and functions that are related to the NMDA receptor.  相似文献   
Summary A human anaplastic thyroid cancer cell line K-119, derived from a 77-yr-old woman who had developed marked neutrophilia and underwent surgery for anaplastic thyroid cancer, has been established. The spindlelike and polygonal cells in shape are stably proliferating since the beginning of its culture 2 yr ago. The cells grow rapidly and the population doubling time is 26 h. The chromosomes show many abnormalities and many marker chromosomes have been observed. Heterotransplantation of the cells into nude mice has resulted in the formation of tumors that are histologically interpreted as anaplastic cancer. The most noteworthy characteristics of the cell line are the many Ki-67-positive cells (86.3%) and that the cell line spontaneously secretes granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and releases increased amounts of G-CSF in response to the stimulation of tumor necrosis factor, interleukin 1α, and interleukin 1β. The conditioned medium obtained from K-119 cells contains an autocrine factor stimulating the proliferation of themselves.  相似文献   
The distribution of an antihypertensive dipeptide, Val-Tyr (VY), in the tissues of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) was investigated in this study. A single oral administration of VY (10 mg/kg) to 18-week-old SHR resulted in a prolonged reduction of systolic blood pressure (SBP) up to 9 h (SBP0h 198.0+/-3.6 mmHg; SBP9h 154.6+/-3.5 mmHg). As a result of VY determination, a roughly 10-fold higher increment of plasma VY level was observed at 1 h than that at 0 h, whereas thereafter the level declined rapidly. In tissues, VY was widely accumulated in the kidney, lung, heart, mesenteric artery and abdominal aorta with the area under the curve over 9 h of more than 40 pmol h/g tissue; of these a higher VY level was observed in the kidney and lung. In addition, a mean resident time (MRT) for each tissue (>5 h except for liver) revealed that VY preferably accumulated in the tissues rather than in the plasma (MRT 3.8 h). Significant reductions of tissue angiotensin I-converting enzyme activity and angiotensin II level were found in the abdominal aorta as well as in the kidney, suggesting that these organs could be a target site associated with the antihypertensive action of VY.  相似文献   
Twelve Japanese rice cultivars were converted to CMS by asymmetric protoplast fusion with MTC-5A, the cytoplasm of which was derived from an indica rice, Chinsurah Boro II. With the exception of the cybrids that had a nucleus from Hoshiyutaka, most of these cybrid plants were sterile. The unique sequence downstream from the mitochondrial atp6 of MTC-5A was specifically amplified in the sterile cybrid plants by PCR. All progenies of the cybrid plants carrying this unique sequence were sterile. On the other hand, in some of the sterile cybrid plants in which the unique sequence was not amplified by PCR, fertility was recovered in their progenies. Somaclonal mutation may have caused sterility in these cybrids. Only the cybrid plants that had the unique sequence detected by PCR were CMS. Thus, the CMS plants can be selected rapidly and easily by PCR, at an early stage of plant regeneration. Soon after transplanting the regenerated plants to a green house, fertile cybrids and sterile cybrids produced by somaclonal mutation can be removed. These findings also show that the unique region downstream from atp6 is tightly linked with the CMS phenotype.  相似文献   
Callus was induced from immature and mature embryos of barley(cv. Haruna Nijo) on Murashige and Skoog medium containing 2mg l-1 2,4-D and 5 mg l-1 picloram, respectively. Paraffin sections(10 µm thick) were prepared for histology during callusinitiation and plant regeneration. Meristems were regeneratedfrom nodular compact callus (NC) derived from scutellar epidermisin immature embryos, whereas they were regenerated from NC derivedfrom epidermal cells of leaf or coleoptile bases in mature embryos.Regardless of the explant source, regeneration was predominantlythrough organogenesis, although regeneration through somaticembryogenesis infrequently occurred. Thus, the callus inducedfrom immature and mature embryos of barley was regarded as 'nodularcompact' rather than 'embryogenic'.Copyright 1995, 1999 AcademicPress Barley, callus, Hordeum vulgare, histology, immature embryo, mature embryo, regeneration  相似文献   
Abstract The serodiagnosis of melioidosis is commonly performed with tests using protein or polysaccharide as antigen. However, due to the low sensitivity, specificity and difficulty in the preparation of the antigens, more simple, precise and reproducible diagnostic tests were required. A purified glycolipid antigen (GL) which is a specific lipid component of Burkholderia pseudomallei has been used in an ELISA. With this antigen, specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) was detected in 49 out of 50 melioidosis sera. IgG was also detected in 2 out of 185 (Japanese) and 16 out of 181 (Vietnamese) control sera. Thus, the sensitivity was 98.0%, and specificity was 98.9% and 91.1% in the Japanese and Vietnamese sera, respectively. When the ELISA and indirect haemagglutination (IHA) tests were combined, a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 97.8% were achieved. The advantages of the glycolipid antigen are ease of preparation, stability, high sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   
Summary The organ culture of the mammary gland of lactating mice was used to examine the response of the differentiated gland to lactogenic stimuli, insulin, cortisol, and prolactin. Time course studies showed that casein synthesis in cultured tissue decreased rapidly during the first 2 d despite the presence of the three hormones, but on the 3rd d tissue cultured with either insulin and prolactin or all three hormones regained the ability to synthesize milk proteins, casein, and α-lactalbumin: a greater increase occurred in the three hormone system. The delayed addition of prolactin on Day 2 to the culture system containing insulin and cortisol also stimulated casein synthesis. The addition of cytarabine, which inhibited insulin-dependent cell proliferation in cultured explants, did not block the rebound of milk protein synthesis. The results indicate that in the presence of insulin, cortisol, and prolactin mammary epithelial cells in culture first lose and then regain the ability of synthesizing milk protein without requiring the formation of new daughter cells.  相似文献   
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