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The correlation between cellular resistance to radiation and to chemotherapeutic drugs has been investigated in a number of solid tumour cell lines, and preliminary results indicate no direct relationship. The acquisition of a multidrug resistance (MDR) profile by adriamycin-selected variants of a human squamous lung carcinoma, an ovarian carcinoma, a cervical carcinoma and by a colchicine-selected variant of a Chinese hamster ovarian carcinoma resulted in alterations to their radiosensitivity. However, the degree of change in the radiosensitivity of the MDR cell lines could not be predicted from their level of resistance to adriamycin. Clonal populations derived from DLKP-A, an adriamycin-selected MDR variant of the human lung carcinoma cell line DLKP, exhibited individual radiosensitivity profiles, which did not correlate with their chemoresistance. Exposure of DLKP to consecutive increasing doses of radiation did not confer cross-resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs.Abbreviations LD50 Radiation dose which kills 50% of the cell population - IC50 Chemotherapeutic drug concentration which kills 50% of the cell population - MDR Multidrug resistance - Gy Gray - EMS Ethyl methanesulfonate  相似文献   
Many variables must be considered in seeking to describe differences in population sizes for native aquatic bacterial populations. In this study of seagrass- and nearby plant-free sediments, seasonal effects on total bacterial counts were found to be highly significant, outweighing the significance of factors such as geographic variability, but on populations of a chosen Alteromonas sp., they were not significant at the 5% level. Summer counts for both populations were higher than those for winter; this result is likely to reflect the higher productivity of the host Zostera capricomi in summer months, resulting in the exudation of increased amounts of organic nutrients. The Alteromonas sp. occurred in greatest abundance (1.8% of the total population) at the seagrass sediment site from which it was originally isolated and formed up to 1.5% of the population in adjacent plant-free sediments. In fluorescent microscopy studies with labeled antibodies, the Alteromonas sp. was found to be ubiquitous in seagrass and plant-free sediments but was found closely associated in much higher numbers with seagrass root-rhizome tissue, suggesting a possible nutritional relationship between plant and bacterium. In associated trials of sediment preservation techniques, bacterial counts of replicate sediments preserved with glutaraldehyde (3% v/v) were higher than those obtained using Lugol's iodine or freezing. Correspondence to: P.W. Glazebrook  相似文献   
Nasal colonization with antibiotic resistant bacteria represents both a risk factor for the colonized individual and their immediate contacts. Despite the fact that healthcare workers such as orthopedic surgeons are at a critical interface between the healthcare environment and an at-risk patient population, the prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria within the surgical profession remains unclear. This study offers a snapshot of the rate of nasal colonization of orthopedic surgeons with multi-resistant staphylococci including methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci (MRCoNS). We performed a prospective, observational study obtained at a single time point in late 2013. The participants were active orthopedic, spine and head & neck surgeons from 75 countries. The prevalence of nasal carriage of the different bacteria and the corresponding 95% confidence interval were calculated. From a cohort of 1,166 surgeons, we found an average S. aureus nasal colonization rate of 28.0% (CI 25.4;30.6) and MRSA rate of 2.0% (CI 1.3;2.9), although significant regional variations were observed. The highest rates of MRSA colonization were found in Asia (6.1%), Africa (5.1%) and Central America (4.8%). There was no MRSA carriage detected within our population of 79 surgeons working in North America, and a low (0.6%) MRSA rate in 657 surgeons working in Europe. High rates of MRCoNS nasal carriage were also observed (21.4% overall), with a similar geographic distribution. Recent use of systemic antibiotics was associated with higher rates of carriage of resistant staphylococci. In conclusion, orthopedic surgeons are colonized by S. aureus and MRSA at broadly equivalent rates to the general population. Crucially, geographic differences were observed, which may be partially accounted for by varying antimicrobial stewardship practices between the regions. The elevated rates of resistance within the coagulase-negative staphylococci are of concern, due to the increasing awareness of their importance in hospital acquired and device-associated infection.  相似文献   
IntroductionThere is a consistent body of evidence supporting the role of cognitive functions, particularly executive function, in the elderly and in neurological conditions which become more frequent with ageing. The aim of our study was to assess the role of different domains of cognitive functions to predict balance and fall risk in a sample of adults with various neurological conditions in a rehabilitation setting.MethodsThis was a prospective, cohort study conducted in a single centre in the UK. 114 participants consecutively admitted to a Neuro-Rehabilitation Unit were prospectively assessed for fall accidents. Baseline assessment included a measure of balance (Berg Balance Scale) and a battery of standard cognitive tests measuring executive function, speed of information processing, verbal and visual memory, visual perception and intellectual function. The outcomes of interest were the risk of becoming a faller, balance and fall rate.ResultsTwo tests of executive function were significantly associated with fall risk, the Stroop Colour Word Test (IRR 1.01, 95% CI 1.00–1.03) and the number of errors on part B of the Trail Making Test (IRR 1.23, 95% CI 1.03–1.49). Composite scores of executive function, speed of information processing and visual memory domains resulted in 2 to 3 times increased likelihood of having better balance (OR 2.74 95% CI 1.08 to 6.94, OR 2.72 95% CI 1.16 to 6.36 and OR 2.44 95% CI 1.11 to 5.35 respectively).ConclusionsOur results show that specific subcomponents of executive functions are able to predict fall risk, while a more global cognitive dysfunction is associated with poorer balance.  相似文献   
The reciprocal position of sexual organs in complementary floral morphs is central to our understanding of heterostyly. Reciprocity indices are used to quantify the spatial match between complementary sex organs, but previous indices fail to appropriately account for intra-population variation in sex organ positions. In this study, we examine how an increase in intra-population variation in sex organ heights affects reciprocity and consequently reproductive success. We formulated a reciprocity index that incorporates this variation and asked if estimates of reciprocity can predict reproductive success in naturally occurring heterostylous populations. We developed a reciprocity index that assumed pollen transfer success equalled one for a perfectly matched stigma–anther pair, and decreased to zero with increasing mismatch. We examined the relationship between intra-population variation in organ position and reciprocity, compared previously proposed indices using simulated populations and empirical data from natural populations, and tested the ability of the indices to predict reproductive success. We observed that when differences between mean complementary sex-organ heights are small, increasing intra-population variation in heights resulted in a decrease in reciprocity. However, when this difference is larger, reciprocity increased, reached a peak, and then decreased with increasing variation. Previous indices failed to capture this behavior. Seed set was positively related to reciprocity for our index. These results challenge the current understanding that increasing variation in sex-organ heights will always decrease reciprocity in heterostylous populations. This may help explain why heterostylous systems exhibit and tolerate high amounts of intra-population variation in sex organ heights.  相似文献   
Summary A method, which depends on the measurement of muramic acid content to estimate bacterial biomass, has been improved in sensitivity by two orders of magnitude. It is now applicable to any aquatic sediment, whereas previously it was mainly useful in the analysis of gut contents of deposit-feeding animals. Reduced NAD, a product of the oxidation of d-lactate derived from muramic acid, is assayed using bacterial luciferase. The amount of muramic acid in a number of terrestrial and marine bacteria was measured, and found to be lower than that obtained with the previous, less specific, assay procedure. The muramic acid content of a blue-green alga has been measured, thus allowing blue-green algae to be taken into account when estimating bacterial biomass. Experimental evidence is presented which shows that muramic acid in cell wall fragments of bacteria is rapidly degraded by microorganisms in a marine sediment.  相似文献   
Although the trilling chorus frogs (subclade within Pseudacris: Hylidae) have been important in studies of speciation, continental patterns of genetic diversity within and among species have not been elucidated. As a result, this North American clade has been the subject of substantial taxonomic debate. In this study, we examined the phylogenetic relationships among the trilling Pseudacris and tested previously hypothesized scenarios for speciation using 2.4 kb of mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes from 253 populations. Bayesian phylogenetic analyses, in combination with published morphological and behavioral data, support recognition of at least nine species, including an undescribed species from the south-central United States. Evidence is presented for substantial geographic subdivision within P. brachyphona (northern and southern clades) and P. feriarum (coastal and inland clades). Discordance between morphology/behavior and molecular data in several individuals suggests occasional hybridization between sympatric species. These results require major revision of range limits for several taxa, in particular, P. maculata, P. triseriata, and P. feriarum. Hypothesis tests using parametric bootstrapping strongly reject previously proposed scenarios for speciation in the group. The tests also support recognition of the geographically restricted taxon P. kalmi as a distinct species. Results of this study provide both a firm phylogenetic basis for future studies of speciation in the trilling Pseudacris and a taxonomic framework for conservation efforts.  相似文献   
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