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Hepatitis C virus is a human pathogen responsible for liver diseases including acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Its high prevalence, the absence of a prophylactic vaccine and the poor efficiency of current therapies are huge medical problems. Since the discovery of the hepatitis C virus, our knowledge of its biology has been largely punctuated by the development of original models of research. At the end of the 1980s, the chimpanzee model led to cloning of the viral genome and the definition of infectious molecular clones. In 1999, a breakthrough was achieved with the development of a robust in vitro replication model named 'replicon'. This system allowed intensive research into replication mechanisms and drug discovery. Later, in 2003, pseudotyped retroviruses harbouring surface proteins of hepatitis C virus were produced to specifically investigate the viral entry process. It was only in 2005 that infectious viruses were produced in vitro, enabling intensive investigations into the entire life cycle of the hepatitis C virus. This review describes the different in vitro models developed to study hepatitis C virus, their contribution to current knowledge of the virus biology and their future research applications.  相似文献   
Endogenous progenitor cells may participate in cardiac repair after a myocardial infarction (MI). The beta 2 adrenergic receptor (ß2-AR) pathway induces proliferation of c-kit+ cardiac progenitor cells (CPC) in vitro. We investigated if ß2-AR pharmacological stimulation could ameliorate endogenous CPC-mediated regeneration after a MI. C-kit+ CPC ß1-AR and ß2-AR expression was evaluated in vivo and in vitro. A significant increase in the percentage of CPCs expressing ß1-AR and ß2-AR was measured 7 days post-MI. Accordingly, 24 hrs of low serum and hypoxia in vitro significantly increased CPC ß2-AR expression. Cell viability and differentiation assays validated a functional role of CPC ß2-AR. The effect of pharmacological activation of ß2-AR was studied in C57 mice using fenoterol administered in the drinking water 1 week before MI or sham surgery or at the time of the surgery. MI induced a significant increase in the percentage of c-kit+ progenitor cells at 7 days, whereas pretreatment with fenoterol prolonged this response resulting in a significant elevated number of CPC up to 21 days post-MI. This increased number of CPC correlated with a decrease in infarct size. The immunofluorescence analysis of the heart tissue for proliferation, apoptosis, macrophage infiltration, cardiomyocytes surface area, and vessel density showed significant changes on the basis of surgery but no benefit due to fenoterol treatment. Cardiac function was not ameliorated by fenoterol administration when evaluated by echocardiography. Our results suggest that ß2-AR stimulation may improve the cardiac repair process by supporting an endogenous progenitor cell response but is not sufficient to improve the cardiac function.  相似文献   
A new Early Triassic marine fauna is described from an exotic block (olistolith) from the Ad Daffah conglomerate in eastern Oman (Batain), which provides new insights into the ecology and diversity during the early aftermath of the Permian–Triassic Boundary mass extinction. Based on conodont quantitative biochronology, we assign a middle Griesbachian age to the upper part of this boulder. It was derived from an offshore seamount and yielded both nektonic and benthic faunas, including conodonts, ammonoids, gastropods and crinoid ossicles in mass abundance. This demonstrates that despite the stratigraphically near extinction at the Permian–Triassic Boundary, Crinoidea produced enough biomass to form crinoidal limestone as early as middle Griesbachian time. Baudicrinus, previously placed in Dadocrinidae, is now placed in Holocrinidae; therefore, Dadocrinidae are absent in the Early Triassic, and Holocrinidae remains the most basal crown‐group articulates, originating during the middle Griesbachian in the Tethyan Realm. Abundant gastropods assigned to Naticopsis reached a shell size larger than 20 mm and provide another example against any generalized Lilliput effect during the Griesbachian. Whereas the benthic biomass was as high as to allow the resumption of small carbonate factories, the taxonomic diversity of the benthos remained low compared to post‐Early Triassic times. This slow benthic taxonomic recovery is here attributed to low competition within impoverished post‐extinction faunas.  相似文献   
Modularity and integration are variational properties expressed at various levels of the biological hierarchy. Mismatches among these levels, for example developmental modules that are integrated in a functional unit, could be informative of how evolutionary processes and trade‐offs have shaped organismal morphologies as well as clade diversification. In the present study, we explored the full, integrated and modular spaces of two developmental modules in phacopid trilobites, the cephalon and the pygidium, and highlight some differences among them. Such contrasts reveal firstly that evolutionary processes operating in the modular spaces are stronger in the cephalon, probably due to a complex regime of selection related to the numerous functions ensured by this module. Secondly, we demonstrate that the same pattern of covariation is shared among species, which also differentiate along this common functional integration. This common pattern might be the result of stabilizing selection acting on the enrolment and implying a coordinate variation between the cephalon and the pygidium in a certain direction of the morphospace. Finally, we noticed that Austerops legrandi differs slightly from other species in that its integration is partly restructured in the way the two modules interact. Such a divergence can result from the involvement of the cephalon in several vital functions that may have constrained the response of the features involved in enrolment and reorganized the covariation of the pygidium with the cephalon. Therefore, it is possible that important evolutionary trade‐offs between enrolment and other functions on the cephalon might have partly shaped the diversification of trilobites.  相似文献   
The biosynthesis of many sulfur-containing molecules depends on cysteine as a sulfur source. Both the cysteine desulfurase (CD) and rhodanese (Rhd) domain–containing protein families participate in the trafficking of sulfur for various metabolic pathways in bacteria and human, but their connection is not yet described in plants. The existence of natural chimeric proteins containing both CD and Rhd domains in specific bacterial genera, however, suggests a general interaction between these proteins. We report here the biochemical relationships between two cytosolic proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana, a Rhd domain–containing protein, the sulfurtransferase 18 (STR18), and a CD isoform referred to as ABA3, and compare these biochemical features to those of a natural CD–Rhd fusion protein from the bacterium Pseudorhodoferax sp. We observed that the bacterial enzyme is bifunctional exhibiting both CD and STR activities using l-cysteine and thiosulfate as sulfur donors but preferentially using l-cysteine to catalyze transpersulfidation reactions. In vitro activity assays and mass spectrometry analyses revealed that STR18 stimulates the CD activity of ABA3 by reducing the intermediate persulfide on its catalytic cysteine, thereby accelerating the overall transfer reaction. We also show that both proteins interact in planta and form an efficient sulfur relay system, whereby STR18 catalyzes transpersulfidation reactions from ABA3 to the model acceptor protein roGFP2. In conclusion, the ABA3–STR18 couple likely represents an uncharacterized pathway of sulfur trafficking in the cytosol of plant cells, independent of ABA3 function in molybdenum cofactor maturation.  相似文献   
An increasing number of mammalian secreted phospholipases A(2) (sPLA(2)s) has been identified over the past few years. Here, we report the identification and recombinant expression of a novel sPLA(2)-like protein in mouse and human species that has been called group XIIB (GXIIB). The mature protein has a molecular mass of 19.7 kDa and structural features similar to those of the previously identified GXII sPLA(2), now called GXIIA. Strikingly, the GXIIB sPLA(2) has a mutation in the active site, replacing the canonical histidine by a leucine, suggesting that this sPLA(2) is catalytically inactive. Recombinant expression of human (hGXIIB) and mouse (mGXIIB) sPLA(2)s in Escherichia coli indicates that GXIIB sPLA(2)s display no measurable lipolytic activity on various types of phospholipid substrates. Furthermore, these sPLA(2)-like proteins display relatively weak affinity to phospholipid vesicles. Binding experiments indicate that these proteins are also unable to bind to the well-known M-type sPLA(2) receptor. The RNA tissue distribution of GXIIB sPLA(2)s is distinct from that of other sPLA(2)s including the homologous GXIIA. Strong expression was observed in liver, small intestine, and kidney in both human and mouse species. Interestingly, the expression of the novel sPLA(2) is dramatically decreased in human tumors from the same tissues. The absence of enzymatic activity suggests that the GXIIB sPLA(2)-like proteins probably exert their biological roles by acting as ligands for as yet unidentified receptors.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to identify new compounds from venoms able to modulate sperm physiology and more particularly sperm motility. For this purpose, we screened the effects of 16 snake venoms cleared of molecules higher than 15 kDa on sperm motility. Venoms rich in neurotoxins like those from Oxyuranus scutellatus scutellatus or Daboia russelii, were highly potent inhibitors of sperm motility. In contrast, venoms rich in myotoxins like those from Echis carinatus, Bothrops alternatus and Macrovipera lebetina, were inactive. From the main pharmacologically-active fraction of the Taipan snake O. scutellatus s., a proteomic approach allowed us to identify 16 different proteins, among which OS1 and OS2, two secreted phospholipases A2 (sPLA2). Purified OS1 and OS2 mimicked the inhibitory effect on sperm motility and were likely responsible for the inhibitory effect of the active fraction. OS1 and OS2 triggered sperm acrosome reaction and induced lipid rearrangements of the plasma membrane. The catalytic activity of OS2 was required to modulate sperm physiology since catalytically inactive mutants had no effect. Finally, sperm treated with OS2 were less competent than control sperm to initiate in vitro normal embryo development. This is the first report characterizing sPLA2 toxins that modulate in vitro sperm physiology.  相似文献   
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