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Earlier studies have shown that transferrin binds to specific receptors on the reticulocyte surface, clusters in coated pits and is then internalized via endocytic vesicles. Guinea-pig reticulocytes also have specific receptors for ferritin. In this paper ferritin and transferrin endocytosis by guinea-pig reticulocytes was studied by electron microscopy using the natural electron density of ferritin and colloidal gold-transferrin (AuTf). At 4 degrees C both ligands bound to the cell surface. At 37 degrees C progressive uptake occurred by endocytosis. AuTf and ferritin clustered in the same coated pits and small intracellular vesicles. After 60 min incubations the ligands colocalized to large multivesicular endosomes (MVE), still membrane-bound. MVE subsequently fused with the plasma membrane and released AuTf, ferritin and inclusions by exocytosis. All endocytic structures labelled with AuTf contained ferritin, but 23 to 35% of ferritin-labelled endocytic structures contained no AuTf. These data suggest that ferritin and transferrin are internalized through the same pathway involving receptors, coated pits and vesicles, but that these proteins are recycled only partly in common.  相似文献   
Photocopying was found to be a rapid method of making a permanent record of a root sample. The method used produced a copy with white roots against a black background. Manual estimates of root length were made from photocopies using a light box. The number of intersections visible when laid over a copy of a white on black regular square grid was counted. Automated estimates of root length were made by scanning a photocopy with a bar code reader in place of a pen in a computer-driven graph plotter. Roots >0.2 mm diameter were resolved with precision and speed.  相似文献   
The role of cytotoxicity in digital maldevelopment in CD-1 mouse embryos was examined following dosage with ethylene glycol monomethyl ether (EGME) on gestation day (gd) 11. Patterns of cell necrosis in the forelimb buds of embryos collected from dams given EGME orally at doses of 100, 250 or 350 mg/kg were characterized by staining with Nile blue A. Cell death was induced in the mesenchymal tissue and to some extent in the limb bud ectoderm, including the apical ectodermal ridge in a dose-related manner. The area of preaxial physiological cell necrosis was enlarged by EGME, and the shape of the limb buds was altered 24 hr after treatment. Preaxial tissue and the predigital chondrocyte condensations were reduced or missing following 250 and 350 mg EGME per 1 kg. Light and electron microscope evaluations of forelimb buds revealed the presence of phagocytic vacuoles and condensed, fragmented cytoplasm, which indicate cytotoxicity, as early as 2 hr following EGME, a maximum effect being observed 6 hr after the dose was administered. Although the severity of the cytotoxic response appeared to be dose-related, comparison with the incidence of digital malformations in near-term fetuses indicates that the loss of mesenchymal tissue is partially compensated for as formation of the limb progresses.  相似文献   
5-Aminolaevulinate administration to rats inhibits cerebral 5-hydroxytryptamine synthesis by decreasing tryptophan availability to the brain secondarily to activation of hepatic tryptophan pyrrolase. The results show that tryptophan metabolism and disposition can be influenced by changes in liver haem concentration, and are discussed briefly in relation to mood disorders in the hepatic porphyrias.  相似文献   
A phospholipid, 1,2-bis(4-(n-butyl)phenylazo-4'-phenylbutyroyl)phosphatidylcholine (Bis-Azo PC), has been synthesised and shown to form stable bilayer vesicles. Light-scattering measurements and differential scanning calorimetry show that a dispersion of the lipid has a cooperative phase transition at a similar temperature to that of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, which Bis-Azo PC resembles in overall size. The phase behaviour of Bis-Azo PC has been investigated by fluorescence spectroscopy and using a series of spin-labelled fatty acid probes. Fluorescence measurements using chlorophyll a as probe sense the onset of the cooperative phase transition, but this is not clearly revealed by any of the spin probes tested. Hysteresis in the phase transition is detected both by light scattering measurements and by fluorescence spectroscopy. No transition is observed for a lipid analogue having a palmitic acid chain and a single azo-containing substituent. Bis-Azo PC is reversibly photochromic, isomerising on exposure to ultraviolet light to a photostationary state mixture where cis isomer predominates. Electron microscopy shows that photoisomerisation decreases average vesicle size, and light scattering and calorimetry demonstrate that the cooperative phase transition is abolished. Illumination with visible light establishes a new photostationary state where trans isomer predominates, and the phase transition is restored. The ability to modulate bilayer phase behaviour reversibly has possible application to relaxation studies of bilayer membrane function, and to drug delivery research.  相似文献   
We compared the results of loading the bioluminescent Ca++ indicator aequorin by standard microinjection techniques to those obtained with two new chemical approaches to loading that utilize low concentrations of Ca++ chelator; i.e., 1) Immersion and 2) Macroinjection. After loading with the immersion and macroinjection methods, twitch tension returned to pre-load values indicating lack of damage to the muscles. The aequorin signals obtained with all three methods were similar and converted to similar quantitative values for [Ca++]i. Our data suggest that chemical loading (in particular macroinjection) may be preferable to microinjection, particularly in muscles with increased connective tissue content.  相似文献   
The ahp genes encoding the two proteins (F52a and C22) that make up an alkyl hydroperoxide reductase were mapped and cloned from Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli. Two classes of oxidant-resistant ahp mutants which overexpress the two proteins were isolated. ahp-1 was isolated in a wild-type background and is dependent on oxyR, a positive regulator of defenses against oxidative stress. ahp-2 was isolated in an oxyR deletion background and is oxyR independent. Transposons linked to ahp-1 and ahp-2 or inserted in ahp mapped the genes to 13 min on the S. typhimurium chromosome, 59% linked to ent. Deletions of ahp obtained in both S. typhimurium and E. coli resulted in hypersensitivity to killing by cumene hydroperoxide (an alkyl hydroperoxide) and elimination of the proteins F52a and C22 from two-dimensional gels and immunoblots. ahp clones isolated from both S. typhimurium and E. coli complemented the cumene hydroperoxide sensitivity of the ahp deletion strains and restored expression of the F52a and C22 proteins. A cis-acting element required for oxyR-dependent, rpoH-independent heat shock induction of the F52a protein was present at the S. typhimurium but not the E. coli ahp locus.  相似文献   
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