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The group of brain tumors with mature components encompasses several pathological entities including: the ganglioneuroma; the gangliocytoma; the ganglioglioma; the desmoplastic ganglioglioma; the neurocitoma and a group of glioneuronal hamartomatous tumorous lesions, such as meningoangiomatosis. The dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor is characterized by the presence of multiple cortical nodules made up of small, oligo-like cells and a myxoid pattern rich in mucopolysaccharides. Mature neuronal cells are frequently detected throughout the tumor. Most of them are associated with microhamartias in the adjacent brain and pharmacoresistant epilepsy. The excellent prognosis of the majority of these tumors and the potential for malignant transformation of the glial component in the ganglioglioma are the two most remarkable findings. Histological signs of anaplasia and greater mitotic and proliferative activities are associated with local recurrences. Atypical neurocytomas occur only exceptionally. Treatment choices are surgical resectioning and, in those cases presenting greater proliferative activity and cytological atypia, postoperative radiotherapy may be recommended. This paper reviews this heterogeneous group of neoplasms and hamartomatous lesions, pointing out presumable transitions among the different types of mixed neuronal and glial brain tumors. A single term of "mixed neuronal-glial tumors" is defended, distinguishing different subgroups of tumors, depending on the predominant cellular component.  相似文献   
In Central-Western Spain, forests and woodlands composed of Quercus sp. support outstanding levels of biodiversity, but there is increasing concern about their long-term persistence due to a lack of regeneration. We hypothesize that this regenerative lack is operating on a large geographic scale; that there are differences in the abundance of regeneration between three oak species; that oak regeneration is governed mainly by forest management and structure; and that shrubs act as important physical protectors of seedlings and saplings. We analyzed whether densities of oak seedlings and saplings in several size classes were related to stand-structure, understory, and physiographic variables potentially affecting regeneration. Data collected at a regional level (1 km × 1 km grid) by the Spanish Forest Inventory were evaluated from 2,816 plots. Results revealed that regeneration failure was common for all size categories, from small seedlings to large saplings, and for the three oak species studied, especially the evergreens. Of the Quercus ilex, Q. suber, and Q. pyrenaica plots studied, 49%, 62%, and 20% were lacking any small seedlings, and 82%, 96%, and 56% did not have any large saplings, respectively. Regeneration was positively correlated with tree cover and density, especially of small and medium-sized trees, and negatively correlated with the presence of large trees, indicating that regeneration failure is mostly associated with more open, uniform, and/or aged woodlands. Regeneration densities of Q. ilex and Q. suber were positively correlated with all understory variables, suggesting that the presence of pioneer shrubs represent a major safe site for early tree recruitment, independent from specific shrub species.  相似文献   
Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response resulting from local infection due, at least in part, to impaired neutrophil migration. IL-12 and IL-18 play an important role in neutrophil migration. We have investigated the mechanism and relative role of IL-12 and IL-18 in polymicrobial sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) in mice. Wild-type (WT) and IL-18(-/-) mice were resistant to sublethal CLP (SL-CLP) sepsis. In contrast, IL-12(-/-) mice were susceptible to SL-CLP sepsis with high bacteria load in peritoneal cavity and systemic inflammation (serum TNF-alpha and lung neutrophil infiltration). The magnitude of these events was similar to those observed in WT mice with lethal CLP sepsis. The inability of IL-12(-/-) mice to restrict the infection was not due to impairment of neutrophil migration, but correlated with decrease of phagocytosis, NO production, and microbicidal activities of their neutrophils, and with reduction of systemic IFN-gamma synthesis. Consistent with this observation, IFN-gamma(-/-) mice were as susceptible to SL-CLP as IL-12(-/-) mice. Moreover, addition of IFN-gamma to cultures of neutrophils from IL-12(-/-) mice restored their phagocytic, microbicidal activities and NO production. Mortality of IL-12(-/-) mice to SL-CLP was prevented by treatment with IFN-gamma. Thus we show that IL-12, but not IL-18, is critical to an efficient host defense in polymicrobial sepsis. IL-12 acts through induction of IFN-gamma and stimulation of phagocytic and microbicidal activities of neutrophils, rather than neutrophil migration per se. Our data therefore provide further insight into the defense mechanism against this critical area of infectious disease.  相似文献   
The success of invasive species is tightly linked to their fitness in a putatively novel environment. While quantitative components of fitness have been studied extensively in the context of invasive species, fewer studies have looked at qualitative components of fitness, such as behavioral plasticity, and their interaction with quantitative components, despite intuitive benefits over the course of an invasion. In particular, learning is a form of behavioral plasticity that makes it possible to finely tune behavior according to environmental conditions. Learning can be crucial for survival and reproduction of introduced organisms in novel areas, for example, for detecting new predators, or finding mates or oviposition sites. Here we explored how oviposition performance evolved in relation to both fecundity and learning during an invasion, using native and introduced Drosophila subobscura populations performing an ecologically relevant task. Our results indicated that, under comparable conditions, invasive populations performed better during our oviposition task than did native populations. This was because invasive populations had higher fecundity, together with similar cognitive performance when compared to native populations, and that there was no interaction between learning and fecundity. Unexpectedly, our study did not reveal an allocation trade‐off (i.e., a negative relationship) between learning and fecundity. On the contrary, the pattern we observed was more consistent with an acquisition trade‐off, meaning that fecundity could be limited by availability of resources, unlike cognitive ability. This pattern might be the consequence of escaping natural enemies and/or competitors during the introduction. The apparent lack of evolution of learning may indicate that the introduced population did not face novel cognitive challenges in the new environment (i.e., cognitive “pre‐adaptation”). Alternatively, the evolution of learning may have been transient and therefore not detected.  相似文献   
Staphylococcal protein A (SPA)-based vectors were constructed to direct secretion of the E1alpha and E1beta subunits of Pisum sativum mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase from Bacillus subtilis. These proteins were not exported when the signal peptide from levansucrase (SacBSP) was fused to their N-termini. Both SacBSP-E1alpha and SacBSP-E1beta fusion proteins were insoluble in the cytoplasm. However, when the SPA open-reading frame was inserted between SacBSP and E1alpha or E1beta, corresponding fusion proteins were secreted from the cells. The first (E) IgG-binding domain of SPA was sufficient to direct low level secretion of both fusion proteins (SacBSP-E-E1alpha and SacBSP-E-E1beta). Adding the second (D) IgG-binding domain improved extracellular protein yields 3- to 4-fold over E alone, but was not as efficient as secretion of the full-length (EDABC) SPA-fusion proteins. All constructs were based on the pUB110-derived multicopy plasmid pWB705. Separate B. subtilis strains transformed with SacBSP-E-E1alpha-His(6) or SacBSP-E1beta were cocultivated in the presence of Ni-NTA agarose. The native pyruvate dehydrogenase alpha2beta2 structure was bound to the affinity matrix, demonstrating assembly after secretion. The use of SPA as a fusion partner during expression of heterologous proteins by B. subtilis provides the basis of a versatile system that can be used to study both secretion and protein:protein interactions.  相似文献   
Animals optimize the trade-off between the cost of not fleeing and the benefits of staying because the factors that influence flight decisions and the disturbance level of a particular stimulus can vary both spatially and temporally. Different factors (human impact and habitat characteristics) likely to modify anti-predator behaviour in different types of guanaco social groups were analysed. We found that group size was conditioned by high poaching, vehicle traffic, predation risk and vegetation density. Solitary adult males showed shorter alert and flight initiation distances than bachelor and mixed groups. Alert distance was greater during the summer season, and assessment times were shorter when young were present in the groups. In high-predation-risk environments, guanacos detected threats at greater distances and flight initiation distance was longer. Alert distances were shorter on steeper sloped hills and assessment times were shorter in areas with irregular topography than on flat sites. In high traffic areas, flight initiation distance was longer and assessment times were shorter. And in areas with low poaching intensity, assessment times were greater than in those with high poaching levels. Therefore, guanacos may be able to evaluate a true threat. Social group and anti-predator responses were conditioned by habitat characteristics and human impact. We consider that plasticity of responses could be key to the survival of guanacos.  相似文献   
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