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Dendritic cells (DC) are the most potent antigen-presenting cells and during their life cycle they are exposed to different oxygen tensions. Similarly to inflamed and tumor tissues, lymphoid organs are characterized by a hypoxic microenvironment; thus, the modality by which hypoxia may affect DC is important for regulating both the quality and the intensity of the immune response. Here, we show that human monocyte-derived DC, exposed to hypoxia, expressed high levels of the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α, associated with upregulation of BNIP3 and BAX expression. This was paralleled with downregulation of the anti-apoptotic molecule Bcl-2, enhanced caspase-3 activity and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage, along with cell death. Transfection of HIF-1α siRNA protected DC from the effects of hypoxia. Of interest, when hypoxic DC were maturated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), we did not observe an increased cell death, while HIF-1α accumulation and BNIP3 expression were still significantly upregulated. In contrast with immature DC, mature DC expressed higher levels of Bcl-2, and, more importantly, of phosphorylated Akt. Transfection of HIF-1α siRNA to mature DC resulted in a significant upregulation of Akt phosphorylation as well. Moreover, inhibition of PI3K/Akt pathway resulted in an increased cell death of hypoxic mature DC. We may conclude that a prolonged exposure to hypoxia induces a cell death program which could be prevented by HIF-1α inhibition and/or LPS maturation. Our results may contribute to further understand the physiology of DC and the molecular mechanisms involved in the survival of DC, with important implications in the regulation of the immune response.  相似文献   
At the desert oasis of Cuatro Ciénegas in Coahuila, México, more than 300 oligotrophic pools can be found and a large number of endemic species of plants and animals. The most divergent taxa of diatoms, snail and fishes are located in the Churince hydrological system, where we analyzed the local diversification of cultivable Firmicutes and Actinobacteria. The Churince hydrological system is surrounded by gypsum dunes and has a strong gradient for salinity, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen. In August 2003, surface water samples were taken in 10 sites along the Churince system together with the respective environmental measurements. 417 thermo-resistant bacteria were isolated and DNA was extracted to obtain their BOX-PCR fingerprints, revealing 55 different patterns. In order to identify similarities and differences in the diversity of the various sampling sites, an Ordination Analysis was applied using Principal Component Analysis. This analysis showed that conductivity is the environmental factor that explains the distribution of most of the microbial diversity. Phylogenetic reconstruction from their 16S rRNA sequences was performed for a sample of 150 isolates. Only 17 sequences had a 100% match in the Gene Bank (NCBI), representing 10 well known cosmopolitan taxa. The rest of the sequences cluster in 22 clades for Firmicutes and another 22 clades for Actinobacteria, supporting the idea of high diversity and differentiation for this site.  相似文献   
The reach-to-grasp movement in children with autism spectrum disorder   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Autism is associated with a wide and complex array of neurobehavioural symptoms. Examination of the motor system offers a particularly appealing method for studying autism by providing information about this syndrome that is relatively immune to experimental influence. In this article, we considered the relationship between possible movement disturbance and symptoms of autism and introduced an experimental model that may be useful for rehabilitation and diagnostic purposes: the reach-to-grasp movement. Research is reviewed that characterizes kinematically the reach-to-grasp movement in children with autism compared with age-matched 'controls'. Unlike the age-matched children, autistic children showed differences in movement planning and execution, supporting the view that movement disturbances may play a part in the phenomenon of autism.  相似文献   
A rapid and simple high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of the R-(-)- and S-(+)-enantiomers of the antiepileptic drug vigabatrin in human plasma is described. After adding the internal standard (1-aminomethyl-cycloheptyl-acetic acid), plasma samples (200 microL) are deproteinized with acetonitrile and the supernatant is derivatized with 2,4,6 trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBSA). Separation is achieved on a reversed-phase cellulose-based chiral column (Chiralcel-ODR, 250 mm x 4.6 mm i.d.) using 0.05 M potassium hexafluorophosphate (pH 4.5)/acetonitrile/ethanol (50:40:10 vol/vol/vol) as mobile phase at a flow-rate of 0.9 mL/min. Chromatographic selectivity is improved by concentrating the derivatives on High Performance Extraction Disk Cartridges prior to injection. Detection is at 340 nm. Calibration curves are linear (r(2)> or =0.999) over the range of 0.5-40 microg/mL for each enantiomer, with a limit of quantification of 0.5 microg/mL for both analytes. The assay is suitable for therapeutic drug monitoring and for single-dose pharmacokinetic studies in man.  相似文献   
A series of novel aryl-substituted triazolyl d-galactosamine derivatives was synthesized as ligands for the carbohydrate recognition domain of the major subunit H1 (H1-CRD) of the human asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGP-R). The compounds were biologically evaluated with a newly developed competitive binding assay, surface plasmon resonance and by a competitive NMR binding experiment. With compound 1b, a new ligand with a twofold improved affinity to the best so far known d-GalNAc was identified. This small, drug-like ligand can be used as targeting device for drug delivery to hepatocytes.  相似文献   
Studies on the elasmobranch inner ear have focused predominantly on a small group of sharks, particularly, carcharhinids. As a result, subsequent studies in other species have subdivided species into two main groups: those typical and those atypical of carcharhinid sharks. This study proposes a different set of inner‐ear morphology groupings to those previously suggested. The inner ears from 17 species of elasmobranchs (representing both sharks and rays) are examined in this study and based on morphometric data some groups include both rays and sharks. Four groups are now proposed based predominantly on the shape and dimensions of the membranous otoconial organs, and characteristics of the semicircular canals. Evident morphological differences between the ear types belonging to the new groups include the membranes of the semicircular canals being bound to the otoconial organs in some species, while only being connected via the canal ducts in others, as well as clear variation present in saccular organ size. Previous studies examining variation in the inner ear have attributed differences to either phylogeny or functional significance. Results from this study suggest that neither phylogeny nor feeding strategy solely accounts for the morphological diversity present in the external morphology of the elasmobranch inner ear. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Nuclear envelope-related muscular dystrophies, in particular those referred to as laminopathies, are relatively novel and unclear diseases, also considering the increasing number of mutations identified so far in genes of the nuclear envelope. As regard LMNA gene, only tentative relations between phenotype, type and localization of the mutations have been established in striated muscle diseases, while laminopathies affecting adipose tissue, peripheral nerves or progerioid syndromes could be linked to specific genetic variants. This study describes the biochemical phenotype of neuromuscular laminopathies in samples derived from LMNA mutant patients. Since it has been reported that nuclear alterations, due to LMNA defects, are present also in fibroblasts from Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy and familial partial lipodystrophy patients, we analyzed 2D-maps of skin fibroblasts of patients carrying 12 different LMNA mutations spread along the entire gene. To recognize distinctive proteins underlying affected biochemical pathways, we compared them with fibroblasts from healthy controls and, more importantly, fibroblasts from patients with non-lamin related neuromuscular disorders. We found less abundance of cytoskeletal/structural proteins, confirming a dominant role for Lamin A/C in structural support of nuclear architecture. Interestingly, we also established significant changes in the expression of proteins involved in cellular energy production and oxidative stress response. To our knowledge, this is the first report where proteomics was applied to characterize ex-vivo cells from LMNA patients, suggesting that this may represent a new approach to better understand the molecular mechanisms of these rare diseases and facilitate the development of novel therapeutic treatments.  相似文献   
To evaluate photodynamic therapy with verteporfin combined with intravitreal bevacizumab in minimally classic and occult choroidal neovascularization secondary to age-related macular degeneration. 46 eyes of 46 patients (mean age 74.5) included in this prospective, noncomparative, interventional case series. Median follow-up was 24 weeks (12-36). Verteporfin photodynamic therapy (PDT) was followed by 0.05 mL (1.25 mg) of bevacizumab injected intravitreally within 24 hours and again after 6 weeks. Whole procedure was repeated in 3-month intervals in case of leakage. Visual acuity (VA) improved in majority of patients (baseline VA 1.041 log MAR) by mean increase of 1.45 lines (last follow-up) (p = 0.001). Central foveal thickness (CFT) and total macular volume (TMV) decreased by 53 microm (p = 0.03) and 1.04 mm3 (p < 0.001) respectively. No serious complications were observed. Combined treatment may improve outcome of monotherapy. Significant improvement in VA, CFT and TMA was noted in majority of patients and maintained during follow-up.  相似文献   


Several studies have reported an increased risk of wheezing in the children of mothers who used paracetamol during pregnancy. We evaluated to what extent this association is explained by confounding.


We investigated the association between maternal paracetamol use in the first and third trimester of pregnancy and ever wheezing or recurrent wheezing/asthma in infants in the NINFEA cohort study. Risks ratios (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated after adjustment for confounders, including maternal infections and antibiotic use during pregnancy.


The prevalence of maternal paracetamol use was 30.6% during the first and 36.7% during the third trimester of pregnancy. The prevalence of ever wheezing and recurrent wheezing/asthma was 16.9% and 5.6%, respectively. After full adjustment, the RR for ever wheezing decreased from 1.25 [1.07–1.47] to 1.10 [0.94–1.30] in the first, and from 1.26 [1.08–1.47] to 1.10 [0.93–1.29] in the third trimester. A similar pattern was observed for recurrent wheezing/asthma. Duration of maternal paracetamol use was not associated with either outcome. Further analyses on paracetamol use for three non-infectious disorders (sciatica, migraine, and headache) revealed no increased risk of wheezing in children.


The association between maternal paracetamol use during pregnancy and infant wheezing is mainly, if not completely explained by confounding.  相似文献   
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