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Epidemiological study on strongyloidiasis in humans is currently lacking in Malaysia. Thus, a cross-sectional study was carried out to determine the prevalence of Strongyloides stercoralis infection among the inhabitants of longhouse indigenous communities in Sarawak. A single stool and blood sample were collected from each participant and subjected to microscopy, serological and molecular techniques. Five species of intestinal parasites were identified by stool microscopy. None of the stool samples were positive for S. stercoralis. However, 11% of 236 serum samples were seropositive for strongyloidiasis. Further confirmation using molecular technique on stool samples of the seropositive individuals successfully amplified 5 samples, suggesting current active infections. The prevalence was significantly higher in adult males and tended to increase with age. S. stercoralis should no longer be neglected in any intestinal parasitic survey. Combination of more than 1 diagnostic technique is necessary to increase the likelihood of estimating the ‘true’ prevalence of S. stercoralis.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The urosylid genus Pseudoamphisiella was established by Song (1996) with hitherto only two known congeners. In the present work, the morphology and infraciliature of a new member, Pseudoamphisiella quadrinucleata n. sp., a form with conspicuous alveolar layer and four macronuclear nodules isolated from the coastal waters both near Hong Kong and near Guangzhou, South China were investigated using living observation and protargol silver impregnation methods. Pseudoamphisiella quadrinucleata differs from other two known forms mainly by the number of macronuclear nodules: constantly four vs. two in Pseudoamphisiella alveolata and 24–57 in Pseudoamphisiella lacazei. To support this, the sequence of the small subunit rDNA of P. quadrinucleata n. sp. showed 14 and 74 nucleotides in comparison with that of the two known congeners, respectively, which hence firmly supports the validity of the new species.  相似文献   
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin are used for pain relief and chemoprevention against cancer, but frequently cause gastric mucosal injury. We examined whether combinations of aspirin and α-tocopherol (αT) or aspirin and γ-tocopherol (γT), with αT and γT being the two major forms of vitamin E, are better anti-inflammatory agents than aspirin alone, and whether these combinations alleviate aspirin-associated side effects. In the carrageenan-induced air-pouch inflammation model in the rat, aspirin (150 mg/kg) or a combination of aspirin and γT (33 mg/kg) inhibited proinflammatory prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) by 70% (P<.02) at the inflammation site 6 h after inflammation was initiated. However, at 18 h, only the combination decreased exudate volume (15%; P<.05) and showed modest inhibition of PGE2 (40%; P<.07) and lactate dehydrogenase activity (30%; P=.07) in the fluid collected at the inflammation site. γT, but not αT, spared aspirin-induced reduction in food intake, partially reversed aspirin-depressed gastric PGE2 and attenuated stomach lesions. Surprisingly, the combination of aspirin and αT (33 mg/kg) did not show more benefits than aspirin alone, but worsened gastric injury and food intake reduction. Our study demonstrated that a combination of aspirin and γT, but not a combination of aspirin and αT, has some advantage over aspirin alone in terms of anti-inflammatory effects and attenuation of aspirin-induced adverse effects. This combination may be useful in complementing aspirin in the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions and cancer.  相似文献   
The energy produced from the investment in biofuel crops needs to account for the environmental impacts on soil, water, climate change and ecosystem services. A regionalized approach is needed to evaluate the environmental costs of large-scale biofuel production. We present a regional pan-European simulation of rapeseed ( Brassica napus ) cultivation. Rapeseed is the European Union's dominant biofuel crop with a share of about 80% of the feedstock. To improve the assessment of the environmental impact of this biodiesel production, we performed a pan-European simulation of rapeseed cultivation at a 10 × 10 km scale with Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC). The model runs with a daily time step and model input consists of spatialized meteorological measurements, and topographic, soil, land use, and farm management practices data and information. Default EPIC model parameters were calibrated based on literature. Modelled rapeseed yields were satisfactory compared with yields at regional level reported for 151 regions obtained for the period from 1995 to 2003 for 27 European Union member countries, along with consistent modelled and reported yield responses to precipitation, radiation and vapour pressure deficit at regional level. The model is currently set up so that plant nutrient stress is not occurring. Total fertilizer consumption at country level was compared with IFA/FAO data. This approach allows us to evaluate environmental pressures and efficiencies arising from and associated with rapeseed cultivation to further complete the environmental balance of biofuel production and consumption.  相似文献   
Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase (Taq polymerase) made the polymerase chain reaction feasible and led to a paradigm shift in genomic analysis. Other Thermus polymerases were reported to have comparable performance in PCR and there was an analysis of their properties in the 1990s. We re-evaluated our earlier phylogeny of Thermus species on the basis of 16S rDNA sequences and concluded that the genus could be divided into eight clades. We examined 22 representative isolates and isolated their DNA polymerase I genes. The eight most diverse polymerase genes were selected to represent the eight clades and cloned into an expression vector coding for a His-tag. Six of the eight polymerases were expressed so that there was sufficient protein for purification. The proteins were purified to homogeneity and examination of the biochemical characteristics showed that although they were competent to perform PCR, none was as thermostable as commercially available Taq polymerase; all had similar error-frequencies to Taq polymerase and all showed the expected 5′–3′ exonuclease activity. We conclude that the initial selection of T. aquaticus for DNA polymerase purification was a far-reaching and fortuitous choice but simple mutagenesis procedures on other Thermus-derived polymerases should provide comparable thermostability for the PCR reaction.  相似文献   
The morphologically unique ciliate Psammomitra has long been considered as a systematically uncertain stichotrich. This is mainly because of its highly specialized morphology and a lack of either detailed information concerning its ontogenesis, or molecular data. Based on the small subunit rRNA (SSrRNA) gene and alpha‐tubulin gene sequences, we re‐evaluated the phylogenetic position of Psammomitra retractilis using multiple algorithms. Phylogenetic trees inferred from the SSrRNA gene sequences representing a total of 53 spirotrichs demonstrated the closest relationship of Psammomitra was with Holosticha‐like taxa, with strong support, which clearly suggested that Psammomitra should be placed into the order Urostylida although it branched at a rather deep level, and is likely to be closely related to Holostichidae. With consideration to molecular evidence and morphological characters, Psammomitra should be a clearly outlined taxon at about the rank of family, i.e. Psammomitridae stat. nov. , within the order Urostylida. The improved diagnosis for this family is as follows: Urostylida possessing extremely contractile, elongated body which consists of three parts: head, trunk, and slender tail; midventral complex composed of midventral pairs only and restricted to about anterior 1/3 of ventral surface; frontal, frontoterminal, and transverse cirri present; one left and one right marginal rows which commence near proximal end of adoral zone and extend to near rear body end.  相似文献   


Penicillium chrysogenum converts isopenicillin N (IPN) into hydrophobic penicillins by means of the peroxisomal IPN acyltransferase (IAT), which is encoded by the penDE gene. In silico analysis of the P. chrysogenum genome revealed the presence of a gene, Pc13g09140, initially described as paralogue of the IAT-encoding penDE gene. We have termed this gene ial because it encodes a protein with high similarity to IAT (IAL for IAT-Like). We have conducted an investigation to characterize the ial gene and to determine the role of the IAL protein in the penicillin biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   
We have discovered a novel, potent, and selective triazafluorenone series of metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (mGluR1) antagonists with efficacy in various rat pain models. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles of these triazafluorenone analogs revealed that brain/plasma ratios of these mGluR1 antagonists were important to achieve efficacy in neuropathic pain models. This correlation could be used to guide our in vivo SAR (structure-activity relationship) modification. For example, compound 4a has a brain/plasma ratio of 0.34, demonstrating only moderate efficacy in neuropathic pain models. On the other hand, antagonist 4b with a brain/plasma ratio of 2.70 was fully efficacious in neuropathic pain models.  相似文献   
In this study, the relationship between the concentration of extra-heavy crude petroleum in a clayey material and the toxicity, field capacity, temperature, and growth of a tropical forage grass (Brachiara humidicola) was determined empirically. For this type of petroleum the acute toxicity (Microtox®) was slight (CE50 = 63200 - 76400 mg/kg) even at high hydrocarbon concentrations (29279 mg/kg). Nonetheless, serious impacts were encountered in terms of an increase in soil temperature (+ 1.3 °C), reduction in field capacity (-10.7%) and reduction in aerial biomass (-97%). The relationship between hydrocarbon concentration and biomass resulted in a typical dose-response curve (r = 0.99), where a concentration of 2626 mg/kg of hydrocarbons corresponds to a maintenance of 90% biomass. Furthermore, during the duration of this study (one year) the biodegradation was proportional to the pasture biomass production (r = 0.997) indicating a synergistic relationship between the petroleum biodegrading microorganisms in the rhizosphere and the pasture.  相似文献   
Willows (Salix spp.) are a very diverse group of catkin-bearing trees and shrubs that are widely distributed across temperate regions of the globe.Some species respond well to being grown in short rotation coppice (SRC) cycles,which are much shorter than conventional forestry.Coppicing reinvigorates growth and the biomass rapidly accumulated can be used as a source of renewable carbon for bioenergy and biofuels.As SRC willows re-distribute nutrients during the perennial cycle they require only minimal nitro...  相似文献   
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