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Arginine decarboxylase (ADC) is an important enzyme in the production of putrescine and polyamines in plants. It is encoded by a single or low-copy nuclear gene that lacks introns in sequences studied to date. The rate of Adc amino acid sequence evolution is similar to that of ndhF for the angiosperm family studied. Highly conserved regions provide several target sites for PCR priming and sequencing and aid in nucleotide and amino acid sequence alignment across a range of taxonomic levels, while a variable region provides an increased number of potentially informative characters relative to ndhF for the taxa surveyed. The utility of the Adc gene in plant molecular systematic studies is demonstrated by analysis of its partial nucleotide sequences obtained from 13 representatives of Brassicaceae and 3 outgroup taxa, 2 from the mustard oil clade (order Capparales) and 1 from the related order Malvales. Two copies of the Adc gene, Adc1 and Adc2, are found in all members of the Brassicaceae studied to data except the basal genus Aethionema. The resulting Adc gene tree provides robust phylogenetic data regarding relationships within the complex mustard family, as well as independent support for proposed tribal realignments based on other molecular data sets such as those from chloroplast DNA.   相似文献   
Genomic DNA of Crypthecodinium cohnii has been extracted in the presence of cetylmethylammonium bromide and hydrolysed by 13 restriction enzymes. No typical ladder-like pattern or isolated band of satellite sequences were found with any of these enzymes. A "mini" genomic DNA library had been made and screened by reverse hybridization to isolate highly repeated sequences. Seven such DNA fragments were sequenced. The copy number of one of them (Cc18), 226 bp long, was estimated at around 25,000, representing 0.06% of the total genome. Cc18 was found to be included in a higher fragment of 3.0 kb by Southern blot analysis after cleavage by PstI. This higher molecular weight fragment could be composed either of tandemly repeated Cc18 sequences, or by only one or a very low copy number of Cc18. In this latter case, these fragments, also repeated 25,000 times would represent 1 to 2% of the total genome. Genomic localization of Cc18 by in situ hybridization on squashed C. cohnii cells showed that it was widely distributed on the different chromosomes. All the chromosomes observed displayed Cc18 labeling, which appeared homogeneously distributed. The ability of Cc18 to be a specific molecular marker to distinguish sibling C. cohnii species is discussed.  相似文献   
Previous attempts to liberate T kinin from T kininogen [Moreau et al. (1986) Eur. J. Biochem. 159, 341-346; Gutman et al. (1988) Eur. J. Biochem. 171, 577-582] have shown that complete fragmentation of the precursor molecule into inhibitory peptides was achieved before any vasoactive peptide was released, suggesting a possible physiological significance for this phenomenon. In this study, cysteine-proteinase-inhibiting properties of rat T kininogen and of its proteolytic fragments issuing from trypsin and submaxillary gland endopeptidase k hydrolysis, have been investigated using rat lysosomal cathepsins B, H and L, papain and bovine calpains I and II. All three lysosomal cathepsins were inhibited by T kininogen but tighter interactions were observed with cathepsin L and papain. Though higher Ki values were obtained for cathepsins B and H, rate constants for association were found to have high and almost similar values (in the 10(6) M-1 s-1 range) whatever the enzyme used. Proteolytic fragments also inhibited cathepsin L and papain very strongly and even better than the entire molecule for some of them, but no significant inhibition of cathepsins B and H was observed. Bovine calpains were not inhibited by T kininogen nor by its proteolytic fragments. From the results of this kinetic analysis, which indicates that both the association and the dissociation of lysosomal cysteine proteinases with T kininogen may occur rapidly, an hypothesis has been put forward on the possible in vivo functioning of T kininogen as a proteinase inhibitor.  相似文献   
Seven-day-old leek seedlings actively synthesize lipids in vivo from [1-14C]acetate, both in the light and in the dark. In the dark, phospholipid synthesis is more effective than galactolipid synthesis. Whatever the time of acetate incorporation by the etiolated seedlings, very long chain fatty acids having from 20 to 26 carbon atoms are found in all the polar lipids, including the acyl-CoAs. All of the labelled very long chain fatty acids incorporated into the polar lipids are saturated. On the other hand, the labelled C18-fatty acids are unsaturated in phospholipids and galactolipids and almost no label is found in the saturated or unsaturated C18-fatty acids of the acyl-CoAs.  相似文献   
A long mosaic repetitive sequence (LMRS) was isolated from a mouse liver genome library using a mouse repetitive DNA as a probe. LMRS exhibits the following features: (1) it is almost 15 kb in length; (2) it is partly organized in tandem array and frequently interrupted by other repeated sequences; and (3) it is located predominantly on the A3 band of the mouse X Chromosome (Chr). One fragment of LMRS (B6) shows restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) between different mouse strains, and is thus potentially useful for mapping studies. The nucleotide sequence confirms a mosaic organization of LMRS which includes three repeats in the 5 part, showing similarity with the 5 end of L1Md-A2, and seven long A+T rich segments in the central part of the element. Our findings suggest that this sequence may have arisen from the duplication of an ancestral motif and has expanded by successive waves of amplification and invasion by foreign sequences.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to EMBL and have been assigned the accession number X55036.  相似文献   
This report concerns development of a cell-free system from rat liver to study transport of membrane constituents from the Golgi apparatus to the plasma membrane. Highly purified Golgi apparatus as donor and a mixture of sheets and vesicles as plasma membrane acceptor fractions were combined to analyze requirements for lipid and protein transport. In the reconstituted system, the Golgi apparatus donor was in suspension. To measure transfer, membrane constituents of the donor membranes were radiolabeled with [3H]acetate (lipids) or [3H]leucine (proteins). The plasma membrane vesicles were used as the acceptor and were unlabeled and immobilized on nitrocellulose for ease of recovery and analysis. The reconstituted cell-free transfer was dependent on temperature, but even at 37 degrees C, the amount of transfer did not increase with added ATP, was not specific for any particular membrane fraction or subfraction nor was it facilitated by cytosol. ATP was without effect both in the presence or absence of a cytosolic fraction capable of the support of cell-free transfer in other systems. In contrast to results with ATP, NADH added to the reconstituted system resulted in an increased amount of transfer. A further increase in transfer was obtained with NADH plus a mixture of ascorbate and dehydroascorbate to generate ascorbate free radical. The transfer of labeled membrane constituents from the Golgi apparatus to the plasma membrane supported by NADH plus ascorbate radical was stimulated by a cytosol fraction enriched in less than 10 kDa components. This was without effect in the absence of NADH/ascorbate radical or with ATP as the energy source. Specific transfer was inhibited by both N-ethylmaleimide and GTP gamma S. The findings point to the possibility of redox activities associated with the trans region of the Golgi apparatus as potentially involved in the transport of membrane vesicles from the Golgi apparatus to the cytoplasmic surface of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
125I-Aminopotentidine (125I-APT), a reversible probe of high specific radioactivity and high affinity and selectivity for the H2 receptor, was used to characterize and localize this histamine receptor subtype in human brain samples obtained at autopsy. On membranes of human caudate nucleus, specific 125I-APT binding at equilibrium revealed a single component, with a dissociation constant of 0.3 nM and maximal capacity of about 100 fmol/mg of protein. At 0.2 nM, 125I-APT specific binding, as defined with tiotidine, an H2-receptor antagonist chemically unrelated to iodoaminopotentidine, represented 40-50% of the total. Specific 125I-APT binding was inhibited by a series of typical H2-receptor antagonists that displayed apparent dissociation constants closely similar to corresponding values at the reference biological system, i.e., guinea pig atrium. This indicates that the pharmacology of the H2 receptor is the same in the human brain as on this reference system. However, histamine was about 10-fold more potent in inhibiting 125I-APT binding to membranes of human brain than of guinea pig brain. 125I-APT binding was also inhibited by amitriptyline and mianserin, two antidepressant drugs, in micromolar concentrations corresponding to effective plasma concentrations of treated patients. The distribution of H2 receptors was established autoradiographically with 125I-APT on a series of coronal sections of human brain after assessing the pharmacological specificity of the labeling. The highest density of 125I-APT sites was found in the basal ganglia, various parts of the limbic system, e.g., hippocampus or amygdaloid complex, and the cerebral cortex. H2 receptors displayed a laminar distribution in cerebral cortex and hippocampal formation. A low density of sites was found in cerebellum as well as in hypothalamus, the brain area where all the perikarya and the largest number of axons of histaminergic neurons are found. The widespread distribution of H2 receptors in the human brain is consistent with the alleged modulatory role of histamine mediated by this subtype of receptor.  相似文献   
Irradiation by pulsed microwaves (9.4 GHz, 1 microsecond pulses at 1,000/s), both with and without concurrent amplitude modulation (AM) by a sinusoid at discrete frequencies between 14 and 41 MHz, was assessed for effects on the immune system of Balb/C mice. The mice were immunized either by sheep red blood cells (SRBC) or by glutaric-anhydride conjugated bovine serum albumin (GA-BSA), then exposed to the microwaves at a low rms power density (30 microW/cm2; whole-body-averaged SAR approximately 0.015 W/kg). Sham exposure or microwave irradiation took place during each of five contiguous days, 10 h/day. The antibody response was evaluated by the plaque-forming cell assay (SRBC experiment) or by the titration of IgM and IgG antibodies (GA-BSA experiment). In the absence of AM, the pulsed field did not greatly alter immune responsiveness. In contrast, exposure to the field under the combined-modulation condition resulted in significant, AM-frequency-dependent augmentation or weakening of immune responses.  相似文献   
Summary A 2.3-kb cDNA probe for the human bek fibroblast growth factor receptor was used to determine the chromosomal localization of the corresponding gene by in situ hybridization. The results show that this gene, a form of which is amplified in some poorly differentiated stomach cancers, is localized on chromosome region 10q26. The two previously identified fibroblast growth factor receptor genes are thus not on the same chromosome, as the related fig (fms-like gene) fibrovblast growth factor receptor gene has previously been mapped to human chromosome region 8p12.  相似文献   
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