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We have previously shown that TPA activates HTLV-1 LTR in Jurkat T-cells by inducing the binding of Sp1-p53 complex to the Sp1 site residing within the Ets responsive region 1 (ERR-1) of the LTR and that this activation is inhibited by PKCalpha and PKCepsilon. However, in H9 T-cells TPA has been noted to activate the LTR in two consecutive stages. The first stage is activation is mediated by PKCetta and requires the three 21 bp TRE repeats. The second activation mode resembles that of Jurkat cells, except that it is inhibited by PKCdelta. The present study revealed that the first LTR activation in H9 cells resulted from PKCetta-induced elevation of non-phosphorylated c-Jun which bound to the AP-1 site residing within each TRE. In contrast, this TRE-dependent activation did not occur in Jurkat cells, since there was no elevation of non-phosphorylated c-Jun in these cells. However, we found that PKCalpha and PKCepsilon, in Jurkat cells, and PKCetta and PKCdelta, in H9 cells, increased the level of phosphorylated c-Jun that interacted with the Sp1-p53 complex. This interaction prevented the Sp1-p53 binding to ERR-1 and blocked, thereby, the ERR-1-mediated LTR activation. Therefore, this PKC-inhibited LTR activation started in both cell types after depletion of the relevant PKCs by their downregulation. In view of these variable activating mechanisms we assume that there might be additional undiscovered yet modes of HTLV-1 LTR activation which vary in different cell types. Moreover, in line with this presumption we speculate that in HTLV-1 carriers the LTR of the latent provirus may also be reactivated by different mechanisms that vary between its different host T-lymphocyte subclones. Since this reactivation may initiate the ATL process, understanding of these mechanisms is essential for establishing strategies to block the possibility of reactivating the latent virus as preventive means for ATL development in carriers.  相似文献   
Uropathogenic Escherichia coli is the primary cause of urinary tract infections, which affects over 60% of women during their lifetime. UPEC exhibits a number of virulence traits that facilitate colonization of the bladder, including inhibition of cytokine production by bladder epithelial cells. The goal of this study was to identify the mechanism of this inhibition. We observed that cytokine suppression was associated with rapid cytotoxicity toward epithelial cells. We found that cytotoxicity, cytokine suppression and alpha-hemolysin production were all tightly linked in clinical isolates. We screened a UPEC fosmid library and identified clones that gained the cytotoxicity and cytokine-suppression phenotypes. Both clones contained fosmids encoding a PAI II(J96)-like domain and expressed the alpha-hemolysin (hlyA) encoded therein. Mutation of the fosmid-encoded hly operon abolished cytotoxicity and cytokine suppression. Similarly, mutation of the chromosomal hlyCABD operon of UPEC isolate F11 also abolished these phenotypes, and they could be restored by introducing the PAI II(J96)-like domain-encoding fosmid. We also examined the role of alpha-hemolysin in cytokine production both in the murine UTI model as well as patient specimens. We conclude that E. coli utilizes alpha-hemolysin to inhibit epithelial cytokine production in vitro. Its contribution to inflammation during infection requires further study.  相似文献   
Maina  Godfrey G.  Brown  Joel S.  Gersani  Mordechai 《Plant Ecology》2002,160(2):235-247
Root competition inhibits root proliferation. All else equal, a plant should invest roots in a nutrient patch devoid of roots rather than one already occupied by roots. Less clear is how a plant should respond to intra-plant versus inter-plant root competition. We consider three responses for how a plant may select habitats based on intra-versus inter-plant root competition: inter-plant avoidance, resource matching, or intra-plant avoidance. The first assumes that plants prefer to have their own space and preferentially proliferate roots away from neighboring plants. The second response, based on the ideal free distribution, assumes that plants invest so as to equalize average returns from roots, regardless of the identity of the neighboring roots. The third, based on game theory, assumes that the plant proliferates roots so as to maximize whole-plant fitness, in which case it is better to proliferate plants among a neighbor's roots than to continue proliferating amongst one's own roots. To test among these models we grew beans (Phaseolus varigaris, var. Kenya) in a greenhouse under two planting scenarios. Both scenario were tested under 0.5 and 0.1 strength of nutrient solution. Under scenario A (fence-sitters), two split-root plants each shared two patches by virtue of having roots in each. Under scenario B (owners) two plants each had their own patch. The results supported the game theory model of intra-plant avoidance (whole plant habitat selection). Fence-sitters produced 150% more root mass per individual than owners. Owners produced 90% more yield (dry mass of pods) than fence-sitters. Furthermore, owners had significantly higher shoot-root ratios than fence-sitters. These effects did not vary with high or low nutrient levels. The over-proliferation of roots under inter-plant competition (fence-sitters) was manifest by the tenth day after planting. In short, the fence-sitters engaged in a tragedy of the commons in which they competed with each other through root proliferation. At the ESS, the fitness maximizing strategy of the individual is to sacrifice collective yield in a quest to `steal' nutrients from its neighbor. The research has three implications. First, plants may be able to assess and respond to local opportunities in a manner that maximizes the good of the whole plant. Second, nutrient foraging as a game may provide a fresh perceptive for viewing root competition either intra-specifically or inter-specifically. Third, it may be possible to increase the yield of certain crop species by breeding more `docile' cultivars that do not overproduce roots in response to inter-plant competition.  相似文献   
Progress in cellular biology based on fluorescent microscopy techniques, shows that the spatial organization of the nucleus is dynamic. This dynamic is very complex and involves a multitude of phenomena that occur on very different time and size scales. Using an original light scattering experimental device, we investigated the global internal dynamics of the nucleus of a living cell according to the phases of the cell cycle. This dynamic presents two different and independent kinds of relaxation that are well separated in time and specific to the phase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   
Rapid diagnosis of the etiology of infection is highly important for an effective treatment of the infected patients. Bacterial and viral infections are serious diseases that can cause death in many cases. The human immune system deals with many viral and bacterial infections that cause no symptoms and pass quietly without treatment. However, oncology patients undergoing chemotherapy have a very weak immune system caused by leukopenia, and even minor pathogen infection threatens their lives. For this reason, physicians tend to prescribe immediately several types of antibiotics for febrile pediatric oncology patients (FPOPs). Uncontrolled use of antibiotics is one of the major contributors to the development of resistant bacteria. Therefore, for oncology patients, a rapid and objective diagnosis of the etiology of the infection is extremely critical. Current identification methods are time‐consuming (>24 h). In this study, the potential of midinfrared spectroscopy in tandem with machine learning algorithms is evaluated for rapid and objective diagnosis of the etiology of infections in FPOPs using simple peripheral blood samples. Our results show that infrared spectroscopy enables the diagnosis of the etiology of infection as bacterial or viral within 70 minutes after the collection of the blood sample with 93% sensitivity and 88% specificity.  相似文献   
Pulsed NMR techniques have been applied to the study of the relaxation parameters characterizing 23Na within frog striated muscle. Experiments were performed at 3°C, 22–24°C and 39°C at a Larmor frequency of 15.7 MHz; at 22–24°C, measurements were obtained both at 15.7 MHz and at 7.85 MHz.As previously reported, only a single spine-lattice relaxation time (T1) was observed, but both slow (T2)I and fast (T2)II components of the spin-spin relaxation time were measured. The effect of temperature (θ) upon (1/T1) was qualitatively similar to that reported for 23Na in free solution; (θ) did not significantly affect (1/T2) over the range of temperatures studied. (1/T2)I, and to a lesser degreee, (1/T1) exhibited a modest inverse dependence of doubtful significance on the Larmor frequency.The data are examined within the framework of a simple specific model; a conservative values in assumed for the quadrupolar coupling constant characterizing immobilized intracellular Na+. Within this framework, the results suggest that the fraction of bound ions whose molecular tumbling is severely restricted does not exceed some few percent of the total sodium population.  相似文献   
More than 16 000 grains of small-grained grasses were retrieved at Ohalo II, a submerged 23 000-year-old site on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, Israel. The grains were part of a very large archaeobotanical assemblage, unique for its period and region, as well as its exceptionally good preservation. This paper proposes that these grains were a staple food at Ohalo II, based on several lines of evidence: 1. the large number of grains found; 2. the fact that all grains were fully mature; and 3. ethnographic parallels for the use of small-grained grasses in hunter-gatherers’ societies as well as among present-day agriculturalists.  相似文献   
The issue of multiparametric analysis of complex single cell assays of both static and flow cytometry (SC and FC, respectively) has become common in recent years. In such assays, the analysis of changes, applying common statistical parameters and tests, often fails to detect significant differences between the investigated samples. The cluster pattern similarity (CPS) measure between two sets of gated clusters is based on computing the difference between their density distribution functions' set points. The CPS was applied for the discrimination between two observations in a four-dimensional parameter space. The similarity coefficient (r) ranges between 0 (perfect similarity) to 1 (dissimilar). Three CPS validation tests were carried out: on the same stock samples of fluorescent beads, yielding very low r's (0, 0.066); and on two cell models: mitogenic stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), and apoptosis induction in Jurkat T cell line by H2O2. In both latter cases, r indicated similarity (r < 0.23) within the same group, and dissimilarity (r > 0.48) otherwise. This classification and algorithm approach offers a measure of similarity between samples. It relies on the multidimensional pattern of the sample parameters. The algorithm compensates for environmental drifts in this apparatus and assay; it also may be applied to more than four dimensions.  相似文献   
The ability to deliver genes as therapeutics requires an understanding of the vector pharmacokinetics similar to that required for conventional drugs. A first question is the half-life of the vector in the bloodstream. Retroviral vectors produced in certain human cell lines differ from vectors produced in nonhuman cell lines in being substantially resistant to inactivation in vitro by human serum complement (F. L. Cosset, Y. Takeuchi, J. L. Battini, R. A. Weiss, and M. K. Collins, J. Virol. 69:7430-7436, 1995). Thus, use of human packaging cell lines (PCL) may produce vectors with longer half-lives, resulting in more-efficacious in vivo gene therapy. However, survival of human PCL-produced vectors in vivo following systemic administration has not been explored. In this investigation, the half-lives of retroviral vectors packaged by either canine D17 or human HT1080 PCL were measured in the bloodstreams of macaques and chimpanzees. Human PCL-produced vectors exhibited significantly higher concentrations of circulating biologically active vector at the earliest time points measured (>1, 000-fold in chimpanzees), as well as substantially extended half-lives, compared to canine PCL-produced vectors. In addition, the circulation half-life of human PCL-produced vector was longer in chimpanzees than in macaques. This was consistent with in vitro findings which demonstrated that primate serum inactivation of vector produced from human PCL increased with increasing phylogenetic distance from humans. These results establish that in vivo retroviral vector half-life correlates with in vitro resistance to complement. Furthermore, these findings should influence the choice of animal models used to evaluate retroviral-vector-based therapies.  相似文献   
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