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Rapid and efficient DNA-based tools are recommended for the evaluation of the insect biodiversity of high-altitude streams. In the present study, focused principally on larvae of the genus Diamesa Meigen 1835 (Diptera: Chironomidae), the congruence between morphological/molecular delimitation of species as well as performances in taxonomic assignments were evaluated. A fragment of the mitochondrial cox1 gene was obtained from 112 larvae, pupae and adults (Diamesinae, Orthocladiinae and Tanypodinae) that were collected in different mountain regions of the Alps and Apennines. On the basis of morphological characters 102 specimens were attributed to 16 species, and the remaining ten specimens were identified to the genus level. Molecular species delimitation was performed using: i) distance-based Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD), with no a priori assumptions on species identification; and ii) coalescent tree-based approaches as the Generalized Mixed Yule Coalescent model, its Bayesian implementation and Bayesian Poisson Tree Processes. The ABGD analysis, estimating an optimal intra/interspecific nucleotide distance threshold of 0.7%-1.4%, identified 23 putative species; the tree-based approaches, identified between 25–26 entities, provided nearly identical results. All species belonging to zernyi, steinboecki, latitarsis, bertrami, dampfi and incallida groups, as well as outgroup species, are recovered as separate entities, perfectly matching the identified morphospecies. In contrast, within the cinerella group, cases of discrepancy arose: i) the two morphologically separate species D. cinerella and D. tonsa are neither monophyletic nor diagnosable exhibiting low values of between-taxa nucleotide mean divergence (0.94%); ii) few cases of larvae morphological misidentification were observed. Head capsule color is confirmed to be a valid character able to discriminate larvae of D. zernyi, D. tonsa and D. cinerella, but it is here better defined as a color gradient between the setae submenti and genal setae. DNA barcodes performances were high: average accuracy was ~89% and precision of ~99%. On the basis of the present data, we can thus conclude that molecular identification represents a promising tool that could be effectively adopted in evaluating biodiversity of high-altitude streams.  相似文献   
Dyckia ibiramensis is a naturally rare, endemic and threatened bromeliad which occurs naturally on 4 km of rocky river outcroppings in Southern Brazil. For this study, subpopulations of the species were characterized based on size and genetics, to compile information for in situ and ex situ conservation strategies. A census of the rosettes was undertaken for each subpopulation and seven allozyme polymorphic loci were used to estimate genetic diversity and structure of adults and offspring and assess the mating system. In general, the subpopulations were small and most of the rosettes were aggregated into clumps. The species showed a high genetic diversity ([^(H)]e = 0.219 \hat{H}_{e} = 0.219 ) and significant fixation index ([^(f)] = 0.642, \hat{f} = 0.642, P ≤ 0.05). The estimate of differentiation among all adult subpopulations indicate pronounced genetic structure ([^(G)]ST = 0.674 \hat{G}^{\prime}_{ST} = 0.674 ). D. ibiramensis has a mixed mating system and multilocus outcrossing rates [^(t)]m \hat{t}_{m} were variable between subpopulations. This study demonstrates the importance of in situ preservation of all subpopulations for the maintenance of species diversity. For effective ex situ conservation, it would be necessary to collect seeds from 52 to 99 seed-rosettes, depending on the target population.  相似文献   
This study was designed to understand the high variability characterizing primary production rates of microphytobenthos. The photosynthetic efficiency (αB) and photosynthetic capacity (PBmax) of the microphytobenthos were measured at different times of the day on two different dates (8 May and 7 July 1990). In July, unusually low light conditions were caused by the development of a brown tide (chrysophytes). Both light-limited and light-saturated photosynthesis changed at hourly and monthly scales. There was a linear relationship between αB and PBmax, suggesting a common response to environmental factors [αB= 0.0075(±0.00063)·PBmax+ 0.00097(±0.0071), R2= 0.94]. Incident irradiance at the sediment-water interface was the primary physical factor that explained variability of both αB (84%) and PBmax (92%). Temperature had a negative but minor effect that explained an extra 8% and 2% of the variance, respectively. There was no diel rhythm of αB and PBmax and incident irradiance was regulated by wind-induced currents. Therefore, microphytobenthos photosynthesis seemed to be primarily controlled by wind events in Baffin Bay.  相似文献   
Internal ribosomal entry sites (IRESs) are structured cis‐acting RNAs that drive an alternative, cap‐independent translation initiation pathway. They are used by many viruses to hijack the translational machinery of the host cell. IRESs facilitate translation initiation by recruiting and actively manipulating the eukaryotic ribosome using only a subset of canonical initiation factor and IRES transacting factors. Here we present cryo‐EM reconstructions of the ribosome 80S‐ and 40S‐bound Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) IRES. The presence of four subpopulations for the 80S•HCV IRES complex reveals dynamic conformational modes of the complex. At a global resolution of 3.9 Å for the most stable complex, a derived atomic model reveals a complex fold of the IRES RNA and molecular details of its interaction with the ribosome. The comparison of obtained structures explains how a modular architecture facilitates mRNA loading and tRNA binding to the P‐site. This information provides the structural foundation for understanding the mechanism of HCV IRES RNA‐driven translation initiation.  相似文献   
Candidemia is a major infectious complication in neonatal patients. The isolation of yeasts from blood is still the ??gold standard?? for its diagnosis, but other laboratory markers (i.e., circulating antigens) have been studied with varying specificities and sensitivities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of procalcitonin for the diagnosis of candidemia in neonatal patients at high risk. To verify if the use of different commercial methods can highlight dissimilar results of sensitivity and/or specificity, the determination of procalcitonin serum levels was estimated by two systems. Overall, 90 patients from a Neonatal Intensive Care Units were enrolled, of whom six developed Candida bloodstream infection. Four of six infants with candidemia had slight increase of procalcitonin values (0.5?C1?ng/mL). Only one baby showed very high levels but he had fungal and bacterial sepsis at the same time, while no elevation was observed in the sixth patient. No statistically significant difference was observed between two different methods at the time of monitoring (p?>?0.643). Both methods showed a sensitivity of 83.3?% at diagnosis, while the specificity was 73.8 and 63.1?% by methods A and B, respectively. In the light of the low sensibility and specificity of this assay, we can assume that the determination of procalcitonin would not seem to play a significant role in the diagnosis of fungal infection in neonatal patients.  相似文献   
A retrospective study was conducted in 22 episodes of candidemia in 445 patients with acute leukemia (AL) (incidence 4.9%) observed at our Institution between February 1996 and November 2003 to evaluate the variables related to the onset and outcome of infection. Of 22 patients, 20 (90.9%) had refractory/relapsed AL. C. albicans was responsible for 7/22 of the fungemia cases (32%) and C. non albicans for 15/22 (68%). The median absolute neutrophil count was 0.1 x10(9)/L (range 0.04-0.3) at the time of the candidemia diagnosis. The fungemia responded to antifungal therapy in 15/22 (68.1%) patients; among patients with a positive outcome of the fungemia, in 14/15 (93.3%) the neutrophil count recovered within 7 days after the diagnosis of candidemia (p < 0.05). The mortality rate due to candidemia was 31.9% (1/7: 14.2% and 6/15: 40% in the C. albicans and C. non albicans groups, respectively). In our experience the determinants of a positive outcome of fungemia were infection by the C. albicans species and recovery of the neutrophil count.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of L-4F, an apolipoprotein A-1 mimetic peptide, alone or with pravastatin, in apoE-/-Fas-/-C57BL/6 mice that spontaneously develop immunoglobulin G (IgG) autoantibodies, glomerulonephritis, osteopenia, and atherosclerotic lesions on a normal chow diet.


Female mice, starting at eight to nine weeks of age, were treated for 27 weeks with 1) pravastatin, 2) L-4F, 3) L-4F plus pravastatin, or 4) vehicle control, followed by disease phenotype assessment.


In preliminary studies, dysfunctional, proinflammatory high-density lipoproteins (piHDL) were decreased six hours after a single L-4F, but not scrambled L-4F, injection in eight- to nine-week old mice. After 35 weeks, L-4F-treated mice, in the absence/presence of pravastatin, had significantly smaller lymph nodes and glomerular tufts (PL, LP < 0.05), lower serum levels of IgG antibodies to double stranded DNA (dsDNA) (PL < 0.05) and oxidized phospholipids (oxPLs) (PL, LP < 0.005), and elevated total and vertebral bone mineral density (PL, LP < 0.01) compared to vehicle controls. Although all treatment groups presented larger aortic root lesions compared to vehicle controls, enlarged atheromas in combination treatment mice had significantly less infiltrated CD68+ macrophages (PLP < 0.01), significantly increased mean α-actin stained area (PLP < 0.05), and significantly lower levels of circulating markers for atherosclerosis progression, CCL19 (PL, LP < 0.0005) and VCAM-1 (PL < 0.0002).


L-4F treatment, alone or with pravastatin, significantly reduced IgG anti-dsDNA and IgG anti-oxPLs, proteinuria, glomerulonephritis, and osteopenia in a murine lupus model of accelerated atherosclerosis. Despite enlarged aortic lesions, increased smooth muscle content, decreased macrophage infiltration, and decreased pro-atherogenic chemokines in L-4F plus pravastatin treated mice suggest protective mechanisms not only on lupus-like disease, but also on potential plaque remodeling in a murine model of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and accelerated atherosclerosis.  相似文献   
The codling moth (Cydia pomonella (L.)) is an invasive pest of pome fruits introduced to the Americas in the 19–20th centuries. This pest is widespread on both sides of the Andes range separating Argentina and Chile. We performed an analysis of the population genetic variability and structure of Cpomonella in Argentina and Chile using 13 microsatellite markers and sampled C. pomonella from apple as the main host plant along its distribution area (approx. 1,800 km). A total of 22 locations (11 from Chile and 11 from Argentina) were sampled. Significant genetic differentiation was observed among samples from Argentina and Chile (FSC = 0.045) and between all localities (FST = 0.085). Significant isolation by distance (IBD) was found for each country and when samples from both sides of the Andes range were pooled, although a lower correlation coefficient was observed. The Mantel test showed that the geographic distance and highest altitude of the mountains between locations were significantly associated with the pairwise FST when samples from both sides of the Andes range were pooled. According to a Bayesian assignment test (STRUCTURE), samples from Argentina and Chile conformed to two distinct genetic clusters. Our results also suggest that the recent invasion of Cpomonella in the southernmost localities (Aysén Region in Chile and Santa Cruz Province in Argentina) originated in populations from the respective sides of the Andes range. Our results indicate a genetic exchange of Cpomonella within each country and significant genetic differentiation between countries, which could be explained by dispersal mediated by human activities related to fruit production within each country with little exchange between them. A possible explanation is that the Andes range could be a significant barrier for dispersal by flight, and quarantine barriers could prevent the movement of plant material or infested fruit between countries.  相似文献   
Telomere attrition has been proposed as a biomarker and causal factor in aging. In addition to causing cellular senescence and apoptosis, telomere shortening has been found to affect gene expression in subtelomeric regions. Here, we analyzed the distribution of age‐related differentially expressed genes from the GTEx RNA sequencing database of 54 tissue types from 979 human subjects and found significantly more upregulated than downregulated genes in subtelomeric regions as compared to the genome‐wide average. Our data demonstrate spatial relationships between telomeres and gene expression in aging.  相似文献   
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