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The inhibitors okadaic acid (OA), fostriecin (FOS) and cyclosporin A (CsA), were used to investigate the roles of protein phosphatases in regulating exocytosis in rat brain synaptosomes by measuring glutamate release and the release of the styryl dye FM 2-10. Depolarization was induced by 30 mM KCl, or 0.3 mM or 1 mM 4-aminopyridine (4AP). OA and FOS produced a similar partial inhibition of KCl- and 0.3 mM 4AP- evoked exocytosis in both assays, but had little effect upon exocytosis evoked by 1 mM 4AP. In contrast, CsA had no effect upon KCl- and 0.3 mM 4AP-evoked exocytosis, but significantly enhanced glutamate release but not FM 2-10 dye release evoked by 1 mM 4AP. None of the phosphatase inhibitors changed calcium signals from FURA-2-loaded synaptosomes either before or after depolarization. Pretreatment with 100 nM phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate abolished the inhibitory effect of OA on exocytosis induced by 0.3 mM 4AP. Taken together, these results show that exocytosis from synaptosomes has a phosphatase-sensitive and phosphatase-insensitive component, and that there are two modes of phosphatase-sensitive exocytosis that can be elicited by different depolarization conditions. Moreover, these two modes are differentially sensitive to phosphatase 2A and 2B.  相似文献   
The effects of an increase in intracellular cAMP concentration on proteoglycan (PG) synthesis by peritubular (PT) cells from immature rat testis were investigated. In the presence of dBcAMP for 72 h, the [3H]-hexosamine incorporation in secreted PG and in cellassociated PG was reduced, whereas [35S]-sulfate radioactivity was enhanced in secreted PG and not affected in cell-associated PG. Cholera toxin and IBMX, known to generate high intracellular cAMP levels, induced similar changes. Cyclic AMP did not alter PG protein moiety synthesis but enhanced PG turnover. Cholera toxin and dBcAMP profoundly modified PG characteristics: (1) Apparent molecular weight of PG was increased. (2) This was due to an increase in glycosaminoglycans (heparan sulfate (HS) and chondroitin sulfate (CS)) length. (3) The number of glycosaminoglycan chains was presumably reduced. (4) Heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate chains of medium and cell layer-associated PG appeared oversulfated. (5) The pattern of cell layer associated PG was modified with a decrease in HSPG and a correlative increase in CSPG. Cholera toxin and dBcAMP also dramatically stimulated hyaluronan synthesis by possible phosphorylation induced activation of hyaluronan synthase(s).  相似文献   
Quantitative protein expression profiling is a crucial part of proteomics and requires methods that are able to efficiently provide accurate and reproducible differential expression values for proteins in two or more biological samples. In this report we evaluate in a direct comparative assessment two state-of-the-art quantitative proteomic approaches, namely difference in gel electrophoresis (DiGE) and metabolic stable isotope labeling. Therefore, Saccharomyces cerevisiae was grown under well defined experimental conditions in chemostats under two single nutrient-limited growth conditions using (14)N- or (15)N-labeled ammonium sulfate as the single nitrogen source. Following lysis and protein extraction from the two yeast samples, the proteins were fluorescently labeled using different fluorescent CyDyes. Subsequently, the yeast samples were mixed, and the proteins were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Following in-gel digestion, the resulting peptides were analyzed by mass spectrometry using a MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer. Relative ratios in protein expression between these two yeast samples were determined using both DiGE and metabolic stable isotope labeling. Focusing on a small, albeit representative, set of proteins covering the whole gel range, including some protein isoforms and ranging from low to high abundance, we observe that the correlation between these two methods of quantification is good with the differential ratios determined following the equation R(Met.Lab.) = 0.98R(DiGE) with r(2) = 0.89. Although the correlation between DiGE and metabolic stable isotope labeling is exceptionally good, we do observe and discuss (dis)advantages of both methods as well as in relation to other (quantitative) approaches.  相似文献   
Scavenger receptor Class B type 1 (SR-B1) is a lipid transporter and sensor. In intestinal epithelial cells, SR-B1-dependent lipid sensing is associated with SR-B1 recruitment in raft-like/ detergent-resistant membrane domains and interaction of its C-terminal transmembrane domain with plasma membrane cholesterol. To clarify the initiating events occurring during lipid sensing by SR-B1, we analyzed cholesterol trafficking and raft-like domain composition in intestinal epithelial cells expressing wild-type SR-B1 or the mutated form SR-B1-Q445A, defective in membrane cholesterol binding and signal initiation. These features of SR-B1 were found to influence both apical cholesterol efflux and intracellular cholesterol trafficking from plasma membrane to lipid droplets, and the lipid composition of raft-like domains. Lipidomic analysis revealed likely participation of d18:0/16:0 sphingomyelin and 16:0/0:0 lysophosphatidylethanolamine in lipid sensing by SR-B1. Proteomic analysis identified proteins, whose abundance changed in raft-like domains during lipid sensing, and these included molecules linked to lipid raft dynamics and signal transduction. These findings provide new insights into the role of SR-B1 in cellular cholesterol homeostasis and suggest molecular links between SR-B1-dependent lipid sensing and cell cholesterol and lipid droplet dynamics.  相似文献   
Albicidin is a pathotoxin produced by Xanthomonas albilineans, a xylem-invading pathogen that causes leaf scald disease of sugarcane. Albicidin is synthesized by a nonribosomal pathway via modular polyketide synthase and nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) megasynthases, and NRPS adenylation (A) domains are responsible for the recognition and activation of specific amino acid substrates. DNA fragments (0.5 kb) encoding the regions responsible for the substrate specificities of six albicidin NRPS A domains from 16 strains of X. albilineans representing the known diversity of this pathogen were amplified and sequenced. Polymorphism analysis of these DNA fragments at different levels (DNA, protein, and NRPS signature) showed that these pathogenicity loci were highly conserved. The conservation of these loci most likely reflects purifying selective pressure, as revealed by a comparison with the variability of nucleotide and amino acid sequences of two housekeeping genes (atpD and efp) of X. albilineans. Nevertheless, the 16 strains of X. albilineans were differentiated into several groups by a phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences corresponding to the NRPS A domains. One of these groups was representative of the genetic diversity previously found within the pathogen by random fragment length polymorphism and amplified fragment length polymorphism analyses. This group, which differed by three single synonymous nucleotide mutations, contained only four strains of X. albilineans that were all involved in outbreaks of sugarcane leaf scald. The amount of albicidin produced in vitro in agar and liquid media varied among the 16 strains of X. albilineans. However, no relationship among the amount of albicidin produced in vitro and the pathotypes and genetic diversity of the pathogen was found. The NRPS loci contributing to the synthesis of the primary structure of albicidin apparently are not involved in the observed pathogenicity differences among strains of X. albilineans.  相似文献   
Defective attachment of dermatosparactic fibroblasts to collagens I and IV   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Attachment of fibroblasts from dermatosparactic sheep and cattle to collagenous substrates (types I and IV) is defective (30-50%) when compared with fibroblasts from normal or heterozygous animals. The difference was independent of the amount of substrate, incubation time and protein synthesis. No differences were observed in the binding to fibronectin or laminin. Reduced attachment to collagen can be partially restored by adding fibronectin. The polygonal morphology of dermatosparactic cells was, however, not altered by attachment and growth on dishes coated with different collagens or fibronectin. Reduced interaction with collagens could be due to changes in specific receptors and may represent a further pathological change in dermatosparactic animals.  相似文献   
Due to the pivotal role that dendritic cells (DC) play in eliciting and maintaining functional anti-tumor T cell responses, these APC have been exploited against tumors. DC express several receptors for the Fc portion of IgG (Fcγ receptors) that mediate the internalization of antigen-IgG complexes and promote efficient MHC class I and II restricted antigen presentation. In this study, the efficacy of vaccination with DC pulsed with apoptotic B16 melanoma cells opsonized with an anti-CD44 IgG (B16-CD44) was explored. Immature bone marrow derived DC grown in vitro with IL-4 and GM-CSF were pulsed with B16-CD44. After 48 h of pulsing, maturation of DC was demonstrated by production of IL-12 and upregulation of CD80 and CD40 expression. To test the efficacy of vaccination with DC+B16-CD44, mice were vaccinated subcutaneously Lymphocytes from mice vaccinated with DC+B16-CD44 produced IFN-γ in response to B16 melanoma lysates as well as an MHC class I restricted B16 melanoma-associated peptide, indicating B16 specific CD8 T cell activation. Upon challenge with viable B16 cells, all mice vaccinated with DC alone developed tumor compared to 40% of mice vaccinated with DC+B16-CD44; 60% of the latter mice remained tumor free for at least 8 months. In addition, established lung tumors and distant metastases were significantly reduced in mice treated with DC+B16-CD44. Lastly, delayed growth of established subcutaneous tumors was induced by combination therapy with anti-CD44 antibodies followed by DC injection. This study demonstrates the efficacy of targeting tumor antigens to DC via Fcγ receptors.  相似文献   
The lipid dynamics of the adrenocortical microsomal membranes was studied by monitoring the fluorescence anisotropy and excited state lifetime of a set of anthroyloxy fatty acid probes (2-, 7-, 9- and 12-(9-anthroyloxy)-stearic acid (AP) and 16-(9-anthroyloxy)palmitic acid (AS). It was found that a decreasing polarity gradient from the aqueous membrane interface to the membrane interior, was present. This gradient was not modified by the proteins, as evidenced by comparison of complete membranes and derived liposomes, suggesting that the anthroyloxy probes were not in close contact with the proteins. An important change of the value of the mean rotational relaxation time as a function of the position of the anthroyl ring along the acyl chain was evidenced. In the complete membranes, a relatively more fluid medium was evidenced in the C16 as compared to the C2 region, while the rotational motion appeared to be the most hindered at the C7–C9 level. In the derived liposomes, a similar trend was observed but the mobility was higher at all levels. The decrease of the mean rotational relaxation time was more important for 12-AS and 16-AP. Temperature dependence of the mean rotational relaxation time of 2-AS, 12-AS and 16-AP in the complete membranes revealed the existence of a lipid reorganization occurring around 27°C and concerning mainly the C16 region. The extent to which the acyl chain reacted to this perturbation at the C12 level depended on pH. The presence of proteins increased the apparent magnitude of this reorganization and also modified the critical temperature from approx. 23°C in the derived liposomes to approx. 27°C in the complete membranes. Thermal dependence of the maximum velocity of the 3-oxosteroid Δ54-isomerase, the second enzyme in the enzymatic sequence, responsible for the biosynthesis of the 3-oxo4-steroids in the adrenal cortex microsomes, was studied. The activation energy of the catalyzed reaction was found to be low and constant (2–5 kcal · mol?1) in the temperature range 16–40°C at pH 7.5, 8.5 and 9, corresponding to the minimum, intermediate and maximum rate, respectively. A drastic increase of the activation energy (20 kcal · mol?1) was observed at temperature below 16°C at pH 7.5. A correlated change of the pKESapp as function of temperature was detected; at 36°C pKESapp = 8.3 while at 13°C the value shifted to 8.7. The pH range of the group ionization was narrower at 13°C. In contrast with the behaviour of the 3β-hydroxy5-steroid dehydrogenase, the 3-oxosteroid Δ54-isomerase was apparently unaffected by the lipid reorganization at 27°C. It is suggested that this enzyme possesses a different and more fluid lipid environment than the bulk lipids.  相似文献   
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