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Fire is a major disturbance event that affects biomes worldwide, altering vegetation structure and flora and fauna assemblages. Here, we investigated the effects of an extensive wildfire (~?6240 ha) on small mammal assemblages in savanna woodland (cerradão) at two spatial scales (meso- and macrohabitat) in a neotropical savanna (Brazilian Cerrado). At each spatial scale, we assessed relationships between habitat structure and small mammal species composition and abundance before and after the fire in four natural patches (one burned, three unburned) using partial redundancy analysis. From July 2009 to October 2013, we captured 1319 individuals belonging to 14 species. Our results showed that the fire had consequences for small mammal assemblage at both scales. After the fire, the burned patch differed from the other patches in vegetation attributes and species composition. At a fine scale, fire increased the herbaceous layer and decreased the litter layer and understory obstruction. On a larger scale, the main consequences of fire on vegetation structure were increased variation in litter depth, tree diameter, and distance to the nearest tree. We observed a relationship between mesohabitat structure and the abundance of species with different habitat requirements during the post-fire succession. Fire favored the invasion of generalist species from open Cerrado habitats (rodents Calomys tener, Calomys expulsus, Cerradomys scotti, and Necromys lasiurus) at the expense of more specialized forest species. Our results reinforce the relevance of incorporating multi-scale habitat heterogeneity in future studies assessing the effects of fire on wildlife.  相似文献   
Niche segregation between similar species will result from an avoidance of competition but also from environmental variability, including nowadays anthropogenic activities. Gulls are among the seabirds with greater behavioural plasticity, being highly opportunistic and feeding on a wide range of prey, mostly from anthropogenic origin. Here, we analysed blood and feather stable isotopes combined with pellet analysis to investigate niche partitioning between Audouin's gull Larus audouinii and yellow‐legged gull Larus michahellis breeding in sympatry at Deserta Island, southern Portugal, during 2014 and 2015. During the breeding season there was considerable overlap in the adults’ diet, as their stable isotope values of blood and primary feather (P1) did not differ, and their pellets were comprised mainly by marine fish species. However, Audouin's gulls presented higher occurrences of pelagic fish, while yellow‐legged gulls fed more on demersal fish, insects, and refuse. SIAR mixing models also estimated a higher proportion of demersal fish in the diet of yellow‐legged gulls. We also found differences between the two gull species in chicks’ feathers, suggesting that Audouin's gull adults selected prey with lower carbon isotope values to feed their young. Secondary feather (S8) of Audouin's gull presented higher isotope values compared to yellow‐legged gulls, indicating different foraging areas (δ13C) and/ or trophic levels (δ15N) between the two species in the non‐breeding season. During both the all‐year and non‐breeding periods the yellow‐legged gull showed a broader isotopic niche width than Audouin's gull in 2013, and in 2014 the two gull species exhibited different isotopic niche spaces. Our study suggests that both gull species foraged in association with fisheries during the breeding season. In this sense, a discard ban implemented under the new European Union Common Fisheries Policy may lead to a food shortage, therefore future research should closely monitor the population dynamics of Audouin's and yellow‐legged gulls.  相似文献   
Breast cancer frequently metastasizes to the bone, often leading to the formation of osteolytic lesions. This work compares the paracrine-induced osteoclastogenesis mediated by four human breast cancer cell lines, the estrogen-receptor positive T47D and MCF-7 and the estrogen-negative SK-BR-3 and Hs-578T cell lines. Human osteoclast precursor cells were cultured in the presence of conditioned media from the breast cancer cell lines (10% and 20%), collected at different culture periods (48 h, 7 days, and 14 days). Cultures performed in the absence or the presence of M-CSF and RANKL served as negative and positive control, respectively. Results showed that the cell lines differentially expressed several osteoclastogenic genes. All cell lines exhibited a significant osteoclastogenic potential, evidenced by a high TRAP activity and number of osteoclastic cells, expression of several osteoclast-related genes, and, particularly, a high calcium phosphate resorption activity. Differences among the osteoclastogenic potential of the cell lines were noted. T47D and MCF-7 cell lines displayed the highest and the lowest osteoclastogenic response, respectively. Despite the variability observed, MEK and NF-κB signaling pathways, and, at a lesser extent, PGE2 production, seemed to have a central role on the observed osteoclastogenic response. In conclusion, the tested breast cancer cell lines exhibited a high osteoclastogenic potential, although with some variability on the cell response profile, a factor to be considered in the development of new therapeutic approaches for breast cancer-induced bone metastasis.  相似文献   
Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) is caused by aberrant ribosomal biogenesis due to ribosomal protein (RP) gene mutations. To develop mechanistic understanding of DBA pathogenesis, we studied CD34+ cells from peripheral blood of DBA patients carrying RPL11 and RPS19 ribosomal gene mutations and determined their ability to undergo erythroid differentiation in vitro. RPS19 mutations induced a decrease in proliferation of progenitor cells, but the terminal erythroid differentiation was normal with little or no apoptosis. This phenotype was related to a G0/G1 cell cycle arrest associated with activation of the p53 pathway. In marked contrast, RPL11 mutations led to a dramatic decrease in progenitor cell proliferation and a delayed erythroid differentiation with a marked increase in apoptosis and G0/G1 cell cycle arrest with activation of p53. Infection of cord blood CD34+ cells with specific short hairpin (sh) RNAs against RPS19 or RPL11 recapitulated the two distinct phenotypes in concordance with findings from primary cells. In both cases, the phenotype has been reverted by shRNA p53 knockdown. These results show that p53 pathway activation has an important role in pathogenesis of DBA and can be independent of the RPL11 pathway. These findings shed new insights into the pathogenesis of DBA.  相似文献   
New methods are needed to eradicate or prevent Chlamydia trachomatis infections. Blockade of epithelial membrane protein 2 (EMP2) by genetic silencing or neutralizing polyclonal antibody reduced chlamydial infectivity in vitro . This study tests the prediction that recombinant anti-EMP2 diabody could reduce early chlamydial infection of the genital tract in vivo . In a murine infection model, pretreatment with anti-EMP2 diabody, as compared with control diabody, significantly reduced bacterial load, tissue production of inflammatory cytokines, recruitment of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and local tissue inflammation. These findings support EMP2 as a potential preventative and therapeutic target for genital chlamydial infection.  相似文献   
Like most double‐stranded (ds) DNA phages, mycobacteriophage Ms6 uses the holin‐endolysin system to achieve lysis of its host. In addition to endolysin (lysA) and holin (hol) genes, Ms6 encodes three accessory lysis proteins. In this study we investigated the lysis function of Gp1, which is encoded by the gp1 gene that lies immediately upstream of lysA. Escherichia coli lysis was observed after coexpression of LysA and Gp1 in the absence of Ms6 holin. Gp1 does not belong to the holin class of proteins, and we provide evidence that it shares several characteristics with molecular chaperones. We show that Gp1 interacts with LysA, and that this interaction is necessary for LysA delivery to its target. In addition, PhoA fusions showed that, in Mycobacterium smegmatis, LysA is exported to the extracytoplasmic environment in the presence of Gp1. We also show that Gp1 is necessary for efficient M. smegmatis lysis, as Ms6 gp1 deletion results in host lysis defects. We propose that delivery of Ms6 endolysin to the murein layer is assisted by Gp1, a chaperone‐like protein, in a holin‐independent manner.  相似文献   
In 2009, the Marine Biodiscovery Laboratory was set-up at the Marine Institute with funds from the Marine Institute and the Beaufort Marine Biodiscovery Research Programme. The Marine Biodiscovery Laboratory has already processed over 130 marine specimens from coastal zones and from the Deep Sea (≤3,000 m) within the Marine Irish Exclusive Economic Zone. Beaufort Biodiscovery funded taxonomists are involved in species identification and elucidation of evolutionary relationships. The project approach links sampling, systematics, extraction, microbial metagenomics and biomaterials. The Laboratory consists of approximately 56 m2 including an extraction and a bioassay suite. The Laboratory samples and assesses marine biological diversity geared towards developing natural products for drug discovery, advanced material applications and bio-medical devices. Samples are tracked from sample log-into right through to extraction and bioassay using a customised Marine Biodiscovery Database. The extraction procedure is described along with the anti-bacterial bioassay selected for routine use. The Marine Biodiscovery Database manages the data generated and links the data collected by the project’s stakeholders to existing biodiversity, genetic and chemical resources. The system uses in-house developed software tools to merge biodiscovery data collected with other MI resources and external databases and for the data mining and visualisation of biogeographical, genetic and chemical information aimed at the identification of potential biodiversity and bioactivity “hotspots”.  相似文献   
Skin biopsy specimens were taken from 29 postmenopausal women who had not been given hormone replacement therapy and from 26 women who had been treated with oestrogen and testosterone implants for two to 10 years. The mean hydroxyproline content and therefore the mean collagen content in the skin was found to be 48% greater in the treated than the untreated women, who were matched for age. This difference was significant (p less than 0.01). The implication of this finding is that oestrogen or testosterone, or both, prevents the decrease in skin collagen content that occurs with aging and protects skin in the same way as it protects bone in postmenopausal women.  相似文献   
The “Outwelling Theory” states that salt marshes play a major role in exporting production to adjacent estuarine and coastal ecosystems. However, it has been found that some marshes act as net importers instead of net exporters of organic matter and nutrients. Once we include mangroves and refine the analysis to comprehend bacterioplankton, organic and stable isotope tracers, the picture became, more complex, making room for a revival of the outwelling idea. The exchanges between the Castro Marim salt marsh and the main estuary were tentatively established determining periodically, in a selected cross-section, the concentrations of TSS, FSS, VSS, NH4, NO2, NO3, NKjeldhal, SiO4, PO4, TDP, Chlorophyll a and Pheopigments, measuring their fluxes along tidal cycles and computing the corresponding budgets. Apparently, the sedimentary behaviour of the marsh will be close to equilibrium during the period of study. However, it will import mainly inert matter and export mainly organic matter in the same period. Moreover, extrapolating these results to the entire Guadiana salt marshes, the exchanges of sediment do not seem to be significant. Particularly, the marshes will not trap a significantly amount sediment transported by the main river (0.5%). It also seems to follow, that in a general way, the Guadiana salt marshes might have a more significant role than was anticipated in the system economy of OM and nutrients and their outwelling to coastal waters, assuring outputs that could amount to something like 6% of the river load of N, 1.2% of the river load of P, and 20-57% of the river load of TOC, for an average year, and 42% of the river load of N and 35% of the river load of P in a dry year. These findings suggest that a more detailed investigation, over an extended period of time, is certainly worthwhile.  相似文献   
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