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We have used fluorescence in situ hybridization to map the positions of the different repetitive DNA sequences from the region forming the lampbrush loop pair Nooses on the Y chromosome of Drosophila hydei. This region harbours a megabase cluster of tandemly organized repeats of the Y-specific ay1 family and a megabase cluster of tandem repeats of the related Y-specific YsI family. In addition, ay1 repeats also occur in short blocks that are interspersed by other repetitive DNA sequences that we call Y-associated, since they have additional copies on other chromosomes. Using specific probes for ay1, YsI and Y-associated DNA sequences, we show that there is one large proximal cluster of YsI repeats and one, more distally located, large cluster of ay1 repeats. The Y-chromosomal copies of the Y-associated sequences are located in the most distal part of the ay1 cluster. This is consistent with the juxtaposition of ay1 and Y-associated sequences in more than 300 kb of cloned genomic DNA. Since both ay1 and Y-associated sequences have been shown to be transcribed in the Nooses, the lampbrush loop is formed in a distal region of the short arm of the Y chromosome, adjacent to the terminally located nucleolus organizer region. The clusters of homogeneous ay1 and YsI repeats are of no functional significance for the formation of the lampbrush loop.  相似文献   
We have recently cloned three DNA fragments (In-2.6, In-1.0, and In-0.6) of the noncultured, bacterial-like organism (BLO) associated with citrus greening disease. Nucleotide sequence determination has shown that fragment In-2.6 is part of therplKAJL-rpoBC gene cluster, a well-known operon in eubacteria. The DNA fragment upstream of and partially overlapping with In-2.6 could be isolated and was shown to be thenusG gene. InEscherichia coli, nusG is also immediately upstream ofrplKAJL-rpoBC. Fragment In-1.0 carries the gene for a bacteriophage type DNA polymerase. Fragment In-0.6 could not be identified.When In-2.6 was used, at high stringency, as a probe to detect greening BLO strains in infected plants, hybridization was obtained with all Asian strains tested, but not with the African strain examined. At lower stringencies, In-2.6 was able to detect also the African strain. The implications of these reults in the taxonomical position of the greening BLO are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary N6-benzyl-adenine (BA) enhanced phyllogenesis and axillary bud development of Paeonia suffruticosa during in vitro culture allowing good propagation while N6-(2isopentenyl)adenine (iP) did not. During the first five days of culture, the mitotic activity of BA-treated explants was higher than in the iP-treated ones. High BA levels were detected in the BA-treated explants, and this was correlated with the absence of or the low indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) content. The low iP levels measured in iP-treated explants were correlated with high endogenous IAA content; the new cytokinin / auxin ratio could explain the lack of axillary buds and the development of only one leaf. Abscisic acid (ABA) was detected neither in the controls nor in the cytokinin-treated explants during the first week. However, intensive restoration of ABA accumulation was observed in controls from the third week onwards. Both BA and iP-treated explants accumulated less ABA than the controls but this hormone appeared later in the BA-treated explants than in the iP-treated ones.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - BA N6-benzyl-adenine - BHT butyl-hydroxy-toluene - ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbent assay - FM fresh mass - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - iP N6-(2-isopentenyl)adenine - MI mitotic index - 9RBA 9-ß-D-ribofuranosyl-BA - 9RiP 9-ß-Dribofuranosyl-iP - 9RZ 9-ß-D-ribofuranosyl-zeatin - Z zeatin  相似文献   
To investigate the physiological roles of translation initiation factor IF3 and ribosomal protein L20 inEscherichia coli, theinfC, rpmI andrpIT genes encoding IF3, L35 and L20, respectively, were placed under the control oflac promoter/operator sequences. Thus, their expression is dependent upon the amount of inducer isopropyl thiogalactoside (IPTG) in the medium. Lysogenic strains were constructed with recombinant lambda phages that express eitherrpmI andrplT orinfC andrpmI in trans, thereby allowing depletion of only IF3 or L20 at low IPTG concentrations. At low IPTG concentrations in the IF3-limited strain, the cellular concentration of IF3, but not L20, decreases and the growth rate slows. Furthermore, ribosomes run off polysomes, indicating that IF3 functions during the initiation phase of protein synthesis in vivo. During slow growth, the ratio of RNA to protein increases rather than decreases as occurs with control strains, indicating that IF3 limitation disrupts feedback inhibition of rRNA synthesis. As IF3 levels drop, expression from an AUU-infC-lacZ fusion increases, whereas expression decreases from an AUG-infC-lacZ fusion, thereby confirming the model of autogenous regulation ofinfC. The effects of L20 limitation are similar; cells grown in low concentrations of IPTG exhibited a decrease in the rate of growth, a decrease in cellular L20 concentration, no change in IF3 concentration, and a small increase in the ratio of RNA to protein. In addition, a decrease in 50S subunits and the appearance of an aberrant ribosome peak at approximately 41–43S is seen. Previous studies have shown that the L20 protein negatively controls its own gene expression. Reduction of the cellular concentration of L20 derepresses the expression of anrplT-lacZ gene fusion, thus confirming autogenous regulation by L20.  相似文献   
To gain insight into the mutational events responsible for the extensive variation of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) within the green algal genus Chlamydomonas, we have investigated the chloroplast gene organization of Chlamydomonas pitschmannii, a close relative of the interfertile species C. eugametos and C. moewusii whose cpDNAs have been well characterized. At 187 kb, the circular cpDNA of C. pitschmannii is the smallest Chlamydomonas cpDNA yet reported; it is 56 and 105 kb smaller than those of its C. eugametos and C. moewusii counterparts, respectively. Despite this substantial size difference, the arrangement of 77 genes on the C. pitschmannii cpDNA displays only three noticeable differences from the organization of the corresponding genes on the collinear C. eugametos and C. moewusii cpDNAs. These changes in gene order are accounted for by the expansion/contraction of the inverted repeat and one or two inversions in a single-copy region. In land plant cpDNAs, these kinds of events are also responsible for gene rearrangements. The large size difference between the C. pitschmannii and C. eugametos/C. moewusii cpDNAs is mainly attributed to multiple events of deletions/additions as opposed to the usually observed expansion/contraction of the inverted repeat in land plant cpDNAs. We also found that the mitochondrial genome of C. pitschmannii is a circular DNA molecule of 16.5 kb which is 5.5 and 7.5 kb smaller than its C. moewusii and C. eugametos counterparts, respectively.  相似文献   
A longitudinal survey was carried out during a 2 year period in Western France to assess the infestation level of grazing pastures byIxodes ricinus ticks. Four farms were visited once a month and each of the grazing pastures was sampled in the centre and at the border using the blanket dragging method. A total of 3562I. ricinus (34 adults, 900 nymphs and 2628 larvae) were collected and the infestation was significantly higher during the first year (p<0.0001). The infestation level byI. ricinus varied between grazing pastures and farms. Grazing pastures in the vicinity of forest were more infested than the others, all through the study. The seasonal distribution of ticks showed peaks, with low fluctuations between farms, years and stages. Tick abundance could not be related to vegetation, but only to the vicinity of woods.  相似文献   
In the bivalve mollusc Pecten maximus, the size of the mitochondrial DNA molecules ranges from 20 to 25.8 kbp. This variability is mainly correlated with the occurrence of a variable domain composed with two to five 1.6-kbp repeated units tandemly arrayed in the genome. DNA fragments spanning the 1,586-base-pair-long repeated element and the nearest flanking gene have been cloned and sequenced. This sequence was analyzed regarding its base composition and potential secondary structures. The repeated unit domain was positioned and oriented with regard to the known flanking gene. It ends 2 base pairs upstream relative to the beginning of the tRNAgly gene. The peculiar properties of the repeated unit were compared with those of the 1,442-bp repeated element found in the mitochondrial genome of the deep sea scallop Placopecten magellanicus. This comparison provided evidence for the absence of nucleotide conservation, except for a small sequence engaged in a secondary structure, but argued for a strong pressure maintaining domains with specific nucleotide content. A possible role for the conserved sequence is discussed.Correspondence to: A. Rigaa  相似文献   
Partial cDNA sequencing to obtain expressed sequence tags (ESTs) has led to the identification of tags to about 8000 of the estimated 20 000 genes in Arabidopsis thaliana . This figure represents four to five times the number of complete coding sequences from this organism available in international databases. In contrast to mammals, many proteins are encoded by multigene families in A. thaliana . Using ribosomal protein gene families as an example, it is possible to construct relatively long sequences from overlapping ESTs which are of sufficiently high quality to be able to unambiguously identify tags to individual members of multigene families, even when the sequences are highly conserved. A total of 106 genes encoding 50 different cytoplasmic ribosomal protein types have been identified, most proteins being encoded by at least two and up to four genes. Coding sequences of members of individual gene families are almost always very highly conserved and derived amino acid sequences are almost, if not completely, identical in the vast majority of cases. Sequence divergence is observed in untranslated regions which allows the definition of gene-specific probes. The method can be used to construct high-quality tags to any protein.  相似文献   
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