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Large ex situ collections require approaches for sampling manageable amounts of germplasm for in-depth characterization and use. We present here a large diversity survey in sorghum with 3367 accessions and 41 reference nuclear SSR markers. Of 19 alleles on average per locus, the largest numbers of alleles were concentrated in central and eastern Africa. Cultivated sorghum appeared structured according to geographic regions and race within region. A total of 13 groups of variable size were distinguished. The peripheral groups in western Africa, southern Africa and eastern Asia were the most homogeneous and clearly differentiated. Except for Kafir, there was little correspondence between races and marker-based groups. Bicolor, Caudatum, Durra and Guinea types were each dispersed in three groups or more. Races should therefore better be referred to as morphotypes. Wild and weedy accessions were very diverse and scattered among cultivated samples, reinforcing the idea that large gene-flow exists between the different compartments. Our study provides an entry to global sorghum germplasm collections. Our reference marker kit can serve to aggregate additional studies and enhance international collaboration. We propose a core reference set in order to facilitate integrated phenotyping experiments towards refined functional understanding of sorghum diversity.  相似文献   
Environmental stimuli during the perinatal period can result in persistent individual differences in neural viability and cognitive functions. Earlier studies have shown that brief daily maternal separation and/or handling of rat pups during the first weeks of life reduces stress reactivity during adulthood and attenuates neuronal loss and cognitive decline during aging. In the present study we examined whether neonatal handling also affects the sensitivity of the adult brain to an acute neurotoxic insult. Postnatally handled and nonhandled control rats were left undisturbed from weaning onwards until the age of 11 months. At this age, the animals were subjected to a neurotoxic challenge by unilateral infusion of 60 mM of the glutamate analogue N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) into the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM). The brains were collected to measure cholinergic cell and fiber loss. In the nonlesioned side of the brain, cholinergic cell number in the NBM and fiber density in the cortex were not different between postnatally handled and control rats. However, in the lesioned hemisphere handled animals exhibited a significantly higher loss of choline-acetyltransferase-immunoreactive and acetylcholinesterase-positive fibers in the somatosensory cortex. The present results provide evidence for an enhanced vulnerability of postnatally handled rats to acute neurodegeneration in contrast to the previously reported attenuation of spontaneous aging-related neurodegenerative processes.  相似文献   
The matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin-2 is expressed in keratinocytes of the epithelial tongue of skin wounds, suggesting a role in keratinocyte migration. Here, we show that stromelysin-2 enhances migration of cultured keratinocytes. To gain insight into the in vivo activities of stromelysin-2 in epithelial repair, we generated transgenic mice expressing a constitutively active stromelysin-2 mutant in keratinocytes. These animals had no alterations in skin architecture, and the healing rate of skin wounds was normal. Histologically, however, we found abnormalities in the organization of the wound epithelium. Keratinocytes at the migrating epidermal tip were scattered in most sections of mice with high expression level, and there was a reduced deposition of new matrix. In particular, the staining pattern of laminin-5 at the wound site was altered. This may be due to proteolytic processing of laminin-5 by stromelysin-2, because degradation of laminin-5 by this enzyme was observed in vitro. The inappropriate matrix contact of keratinocytes was accompanied by aberrant localization of beta1-integrins and phosphorylated focal adhesion kinase, as well as by increased apoptosis of wound keratinocytes. These results suggest that a tightly regulated expression level of stromelysin-2 is required for limited matrix degradation at the wound site, thereby controlling keratinocyte migration.  相似文献   
Plant mitochondrial genomes exist in a natural state of heteroplasmy, in which substoichiometric levels of alternative mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecules coexist with the main genome. These subgenomes either replicate autonomously or are created by infrequent recombination events. We found that Arabidopsis thaliana OSB1 (for Organellar Single-stranded DNA Binding protein1) is required for correct stoichiometric mtDNA transmission. OSB1 is part of a family of plant-specific DNA binding proteins that are characterized by a novel motif that is required for single-stranded DNA binding. The OSB1 protein is targeted to mitochondria, and promoter-beta-glucuronidase fusion showed that the gene is expressed in budding lateral roots, mature pollen, and the embryo sac of unfertilized ovules. OSB1 T-DNA insertion mutants accumulate mtDNA homologous recombination products and develop phenotypes of leaf variegation and distortion. The mtDNA rearrangements occur in two steps: first, homozygous mutants accumulate subgenomic levels of homologous recombination products; second, in subsequent generations, one of the recombination products becomes predominant. After the second step, the process is no longer reversible by backcrossing. Thus, OSB1 participates in controlling the stoichiometry of alternative mtDNA forms generated by recombination. This regulation could take place in gametophytic tissues to ensure the transmission of a functional mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   
The agropine type Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain LBA9402 induced callus and roots on stems of greenhouse grown plants and on leaf disks of in vitro grown plantlets of chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvel.). In this callus and roots no opines were detected, nor were any of the other features of the hairy root syndrome observed. Experiments aimed to identify the nature of the tumour-like growth revealed that induction was correlated with the presence of the TR-DNA on the Ri-plasmid. Root induction was probably the result of auxin synthesis following transient expression of iaaM and iaaH genes, present on the TR-DNA. The chrysanthemum cultivar used, cv. Parliament, showed a high auxin sensitivity compared to tobacco. Analysis of early transformation events using the GUSintron reporter gene revealed that low efficiency gene transfer and transient gene expression took place, but most probably without stable integration of the T-DNA in the plant genome. The results presented here stress the fact that callus formation or root induction as measures for transformation efficiency should be used with caution.  相似文献   
This study sought to investigate the hourly and daily timescale responses of soil CO2 fluxes to temperature in a limed agricultural soil. Observations from different incubation experiments were compared with the results of a model combining biotic (heterotrophic respiration) and abiotic (carbonate weathering) components. Several samples were pre-incubated for 8–9 days at three temperatures (5, 15 and 25 °C) and then submitted to short-term temperature (STT) cycles (where the temperature was increased from 5 to 35 °C in 10 °C stages, with each stage being 3 h long). During the temperature cycles (hourly timescale), the soil CO2 fluxes increased significantly with temperature under all pre-incubation temperature (PIT) treatments. A hysteresis effect and negative fluxes during cooling phases were also systematically observed. At a given hourly timescale temperature, there was a negative relationship of the CO2 fluxes with the PIT. Using the combined model allowed the experimental results to be clearly described, including the negative fluxes and the hysteresis effect, showing the potentially large contribution of abiotic fluxes to total fluxes in limed soils, after STT changes. The fairly good agreement between the measured and simulated flux results also suggested that the biotic flux temperature sensitivity was probably unaffected by timescale (hourly or daily) or PIT. The negative relationship of the CO2 fluxes with the PIT probably derived from very labile soil carbon depletion, as shown in the simulations. This was not, however, confirmed by soil carbon measurements, which leaves open the possibility of adaptation within the microbial community.  相似文献   
A conventional class I (subclass a or b) ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) employs a tyrosyl radical (Y (*)) in its R2 subunit for reversible generation of a 3'-hydrogen-abstracting cysteine radical in its R1 subunit by proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) through a network of aromatic amino acids spanning the two subunits. The class Ic RNR from the human pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis ( Ct) uses a Mn (IV)/Fe (III) cofactor (specifically, the Mn (IV) ion) in place of the Y (*) for radical initiation. Ct R2 is activated when its Mn (II)/Fe (II) form reacts with O 2 to generate a Mn (IV)/Fe (IV) intermediate, which decays by reduction of the Fe (IV) site to the active Mn (IV)/Fe (III) state. Here we show that the reduction step in this sequence is mediated by residue Y222. Substitution of Y222 with F retards the intrinsic decay of the Mn (IV)/Fe (IV) intermediate by approximately 10-fold and diminishes the ability of ascorbate to accelerate the decay by approximately 65-fold but has no detectable effect on the catalytic activity of the Mn (IV)/Fe (III)-R2 product. By contrast, substitution of Y338, the cognate of the subunit interfacial R2 residue in the R1 <--> R2 PCET pathway of the conventional class I RNRs [Y356 in Escherichia coli ( Ec) R2], has almost no effect on decay of the Mn (IV)/Fe (IV) intermediate but abolishes catalytic activity. Substitution of W51, the Ct R2 cognate of the cofactor-proximal R1 <--> R2 PCET pathway residue in the conventional class I RNRs (W48 in Ec R2), both retards reduction of the Mn (IV)/Fe (IV) intermediate and abolishes catalytic activity. These observations imply that Ct R2 has evolved branched pathways for electron relay to the cofactor during activation and catalysis. Other R2s predicted also to employ the Mn/Fe cofactor have Y or W (also competent for electron relay) aligning with Y222 of Ct R2. By contrast, many R2s known or expected to use the conventional Y (*)-based system have redox-inactive L or F residues at this position. Thus, the presence of branched activation- and catalysis-specific electron relay pathways may be functionally important uniquely in the Mn/Fe-dependent class Ic R2s.  相似文献   
The quinone‐dependent alcohol dehydrogenase (PQQ‐ADH, E.C. from the Gram‐negative bacterium Pseudogluconobacter saccharoketogenes IFO 14464 oxidizes primary alcohols (e.g. ethanol, butanol), secondary alcohols (monosaccharides), as well as aldehydes, polysaccharides, and cyclodextrins. The recombinant protein, expressed in Pichia pastoris, was crystallized, and three‐dimensional (3D) structures of the native form, with PQQ and a Ca2+ ion, and of the enzyme in complex with a Zn2+ ion and a bound substrate mimic were determined at 1.72 Å and 1.84 Å resolution, respectively. PQQ‐ADH displays an eight‐bladed β‐propeller fold, characteristic of Type I quinone‐dependent methanol dehydrogenases. However, three of the four ligands of the Ca2+ ion differ from those of related dehydrogenases and they come from different parts of the polypeptide chain. These differences result in a more open, easily accessible active site, which explains why PQQ‐ADH can oxidize a broad range of substrates. The bound substrate mimic suggests Asp333 as the catalytic base. Remarkably, no vicinal disulfide bridge is present near the PQQ, which in other PQQ‐dependent alcohol dehydrogenases has been proposed to be necessary for electron transfer. Instead an associated cytochrome c can approach the PQQ for direct electron transfer.  相似文献   
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