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Summary Two hybrid embryos of intergeneric origin between Triticum aestivum cv Fukuho (2n=6x=42, AABBDD) and Psathyrostachys juncea (2n=2x=14, NN) were successfully rescued. One hybrid plant had the expected chromosome number of 28 (ABDN), whereas the second plant had 35 chromosomes. The average meiotic chromosome pairing in the 35-chromosome hybrid was 21.87 univalents + 6.38 bivalents + 0.11 trivalents + 0.009 quadrivalents, which indicates that two copies of the N genome were present. Chromosome pairing in the 28-chromosome hybrid was low (1.35 bivalents), and pointed out the lack of homology between the wheat genomes and the P. juncea genome. These new hybrids showed some necrosis and chlorosis, which caused severe floral abortion in the plant that had 35 chromosomes. These problems became gradually less severe after 18 months.Contrib. no. 372  相似文献   
The structural requirements for the binding of dynorphin to the kappa-opioid receptor are of profound clinical interest in the search for a powerful nonaddictive analgesic. These requirements are thought to be met by the membrane-mediated conformation of the opioid peptide dynorphin A-(1-13)-peptide, Tyr1-Gly2-Gly3-Phe4-Leu5-Arg6-Arg7-Ile8-Arg9-Pro10- Lys11-Leu12-Lys13. Schwyzer has proposed an essentially alpha-helical membrane-mediated conformation of the 13 amino acid peptide [Schwyzer, R. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 4281-4286]. In the present study, circular dichroism (CD) studies on dynorphin A-(1-13)-peptide bound to an anionic phospholipid signified negligible helical content of the peptide. CD studies also demonstrated that the aqueous-membraneous interphase may be mimicked by methanol. The 500- and 620-MHz 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of dynorphin A-(1-13)-peptide in methanolic solution were sequence-specifically assigned with the aid of correlated spectroscopy (COSY), double-quantum filtered phase-sensitive COSY (DQF-COSY), relayed COSY (RELAY), and nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY). 2-D CAMELSPIN/ROESY experiments indicated that at least the part of the molecule from Arg7 to Arg9 was in an extended or beta-strand conformation, which agreed with deuterium-exchange and temperature-dependence studies of the amide protons and analysis of the vicinal spin-spin coupling constants 3JHN alpha. The results clearly demonstrated the absence of extensive alpha-helix formation. chi 1 rotamer analysis of the 3J alpha beta demonstrated no preferred side-chain conformations.  相似文献   
The structure of the vasoactive intestinal peptide 1-28 in 40% 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol was investigated by two-dimensional 1H-nmr spectroscopy. All 1H resonances, except the gamma, delta, and epsilon protons of the lysine residues, could be sequentially assigned. Numerous intraresidual as well as short-range interresidual nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy connectivities were observed. Using a variable-target function minimization, a molecular model consisting of two helical stretches involving residues 7-15 and 19-27 connected by a region of undefined structure was calculated. The existence of an undefined structure between residues 16 and 18 confers mobility to the peptide molecule.  相似文献   
Muscle inactivation: assessment of interpolated twitch technique   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Behm, D. G., D. M. M. St-Pierre, and D. Perez. Muscleinactivation: assessment of interpolated twitch technique.J. Appl. Physiol. 81(5):2267-2273, 1996.The validity, reliability, and protocol for theinterpolated twitch technique (ITT) were investigated with isometricplantar flexor and leg extension contractions. Estimates of muscleinactivation were attempted by comparing a variety of superimposed withpotentiated evoked torques with submaximal and maximal voluntarycontraction (MVC) torques or forces. The use of nerve and surfacestimulation to elicit ITT was reliable, except for problems inmaintaining maximal stimulation with nerve stimulation at 20°plantar flexion and during leg extension. The interpolated twitchratio-force relationship was best described by a shallow hyperboliccurve resulting in insignificant MVC prediction errors withsecond-order polynomials (1.1-6.9%). The prediction error under40% MVC was approximately double that over 60% MVC, contributing topoor estimations of MVC in non-weight-bearing postimmobilized anklefracture patients. There was no significant difference in the ITTsensitivity when twitches, doublets, or quintuplets were used.The ITT was valid and reliable when high-intensity contractions wereanalyzed with a second-order polynomial.

It is increasingly clear that nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are involved in immune regulation, and that their activation can protect against inflammatory diseases. Previous data have shown that nicotine diminishes the numbers of peripheral monocytes and macrophages, especially those of the pro-inflammatory phenotype. The goal of the present study was to determine if nicotine modulates the production of bone marrow -derived monocytes/macrophages. In this study, we first found that murine bone marrow cells express multiple nAChR subunits, and that the α7 and α9 nAChRs most predominant subtypes found in immune cells and their precursors. Using primary cultures of murine bone marrow cells, we then determined the effect of nicotine on monocyte colony-stimulating factor and interferon gamma (IFNγ)-induced monocyte production. We found that nicotine lowered the overall number of monocytes, and more specifically, inhibited the IFNγ-induced increase in pro-inflammatory monocytes by reducing cell proliferation and viability. These data suggested that nicotine diminishes the ratio of pro-inflammatory versus anti-inflammatory monocyte produced in the bone marrow. We thus confirmed this hypothesis by measuring cytokine expression, where we found that nicotine inhibited the production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNFα, IL-1β and IL-12, while stimulating the secretion of IL-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine. Finally, nicotine also reduced the number of pro-inflammatory monocytes in the bone marrow of LPS-challenged mice. Overall, our data demonstrate that both α7 and α9 nAChRs are involved in the regulation of pro-inflammatory M1 monocyte numbers.  相似文献   
Mn, Fe, Cu, and Cd concentrations are reported for Lake Vanda, a closed-basin, meromictic, Antarctic lake and for its single major inflow, the Onyx River. Trace metal distributions in the upper lake and annual metal fluxes from the Onyx River were used to estimate chemical residence times in the mixed zone above the chemocline. Residence times, based on total metal loads, were 9.4 years for Mn; 1.4 years for iron; 174 years for copper; and 82 years for cadmium. Controls on the steady state concentrations of metals in this system are likely to include: particle settling of Fe and Mn; scavenging of minor elements on metal oxide surfaces; sulfide precipitation from the anoxic brine; and possibly uptake of metals on the surface of benthic algal mats. Model calculations show that metal removal by sinking phytoplankton can account for only a small fraction of the annual loss.  相似文献   
Neurotensin (NT) (1 X 10(-8) - 1.5 X 10(-6) g ml-1) caused a transient, dose-dependent increase in perfusion pressure in the rat perfused hindquarter. The vasoconstrictor effect of NT was associated with a short-lived, dose-dependent release of histamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in the hindquarter effluent. Compound 48/80, a classical mast cell secretagogue, also elicited a vasoconstrictor effect in, and release of histamine from, the rat hindquarter. The vasoconstrictor effect and the release of histamine and 5-HT evoked by NT were much smaller in hindquarters derived from rats pretreated with compound 48/80 for 4 days to cause mast cell depletion than in hindquarters derived from control rats. The mast cell inhibitor cromoglycate (4 mg ml-1) inhibited by about 50% the histamine releasing effect and vasoconstriction produced by the lowest concentrations of NT utilized. The histamine releasing effect of compound 48/80 was more sensitive to blockade by cromoglycate than that of NT. The steroidal antiinflammatory and antiallergic drug dexamethasone did not affect the histamine and 5-HT releasing effect of NT. The vasoconstrictor effects of NT, compound 48/80 and 5-HT were markedly reduced by the 5-HT receptor antagonist methysergide (1 X 10(-7) g ml-1). Histamine (1 X 10(-6) - 10(-4) g ml-1) evoked a decrease in perfusion pressure in hindquarters pre-exposed to noradrenaline. The results suggest the participation of mast cell 5-HT in the vasoconstrictor effect of NT in the rat perfused hindquarter.  相似文献   
A simple graphical method for calculating stoichiometric and site binding constants for systems with two initially equivalent interacting sites is derived from a modified Scatchard equation. The binding constants can be calculated from Scatchard plots (r/[A] as a function of r) using the values of r/[A] (r is the molar ratio of bound ligands to total protein and [A] is the equilibrium concentration of free ligand) when r = 0 and r = 1 (half-saturation). The applicability of the method to the adsorption of bilirubin by peptide pendants immobilized on a polyacrylamide support is demonstrated.  相似文献   
Hydroxylation at the C-16 position of the indole alkaloid tabersonine has been suggested as the first step toward vindoline biosynthesis in Catharanthus roseus. Tabersonine 16-hydroxylase (16-OH) activity was detected in total protein extracts from young leaves of C. roseus using a novel coupled assay system. Enzyme activity was dependent on NADPH and molecular oxygen and was inhibited by CO, clotrimazole, miconazole, and cytochrome c. 16-OH was localized to the endoplasmic reticulum by linear sucrose density gradient centrifugation. These data suggest that 16-OH is a cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenase. The activity of 16-OH reached a maximum in seedlings 9 d postimbibition and was induced by light. The leaf-specific distribution of 16-OH in the mature plant is consistent with the localization of other enzymes in the tabersonine to vindoline pathway. However, in contrast to enzymes that catalyze the last four steps of vindoline biosynthesis, enzymes responsible for the first two steps from tabersonine (16-OH and 16-O-methyltransfersase) were detected in C. roseus cell-suspension cultures. These data complement the complex model of vindoline biosynthesis that has evolved with respect to enzyme compartmentalization, metabolic transport, and control mechanisms.  相似文献   
Neurotensin (NT) was found to elicit a dose-dependent contractile effect in the isolated rat portal vein. This effect was not inhibited by phentolamine, atropine, methysergide, a mixture of diphenhydramine and cimetidine, or by [Leu8]-angiotensin II, but it was markedly reduced or abolished by various antiinflammatory drugs such as indomethacin, acetylsalicylic acid, mefenamic acid, hydrocortisone and by mepacrine, an inhibitor of phospholipase A2. The concentrations of antiinflammatory drugs used to inhibit NT, also antagonized the venoconstrictor effects of bradykinin and angiotensin, but did not affect the responses of the vein to noradrenaline. [D-Trp11]-NT, a previously described NT antagonist, was found to inhibit selectively and dose-dependently the stimulant effect of NT in the portal vein. The results suggest the existence of specific receptors for NT in the isolated rat portal vein. The response of this tissue to NT, and possibly to other peptides, appears to be dependent upon the presence of a functional PG biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   
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