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Vitellogenin has been identified in the ant Camponotus festinatus, both in queens and workers. In the workers, it is already present before adult eclosion in low concentrations (less than 1 microgram/microliter hemolymph). Vitellogenin and vitellin are immunologically identical and are composed of a single type of apoprotein with an apparent Mr = 185,000. The molecular weight of the native molecules was estimated as approximately 460,000 by pore limiting gradient electrophoresis. Vitellogenin was detected as a major protein in the hemolymph of young workers, both under queenright and queenless conditions. Thus, in spite of their sterility in the presence of the queen, C. festinatus workers are able to synthetize vitellogenin which is identical both in size and immunologically to the queen vitellogenin. About 6-7 weeks after adult eclosion, however, vitellogenin was usually undetectable in the hemolymph of queenright workers, particularly the minor workers, while it constituted about 30% of total protein in queenless workers. Protein concentration in the hemolymph of queenless insects increased up to 20-fold as compared to 1-day-old insects. Queenless workers also developed large amounts of perivisceral fat body, while queenright workers, particularly the minor workers, showed a dramatic fat body regression about 6 weeks after emergence.  相似文献   
We have established PCR assays for the genes coding for the major proteins of the desmosome type of cell junction, the desmosomal cadherins DGI (desmoglein) and DGII/III (desmocollins), and the plaque proteins DPI/II (desmoplakin) and DPIII (plakoglobin) and used them to test human-mouse and human-rat somatic cell hybrids with different contents of human chromosomes. From these data we were able to assign DGI to chromosome 18 (DSG), DGII/III to chromosome 9p (DSC), DPI/II to chromosome 6p21-ter(DSP), and DPIII to chromosome 7 (JUP).  相似文献   
Biosynthetically, bovine N-acetylglucosainine ß 1,4-galacto-syltransferase(GalT) catalyses the transfer of galactosyl residues from UDP-Galto the 4-position of GlcNAc units, resulting in the productionof N-acetyllactosamine sequences. UDP-Glc and UDP-GalNAc werealso found to act as donors for this enzyme, allowing the preparationof ßGlc(14)-ßGlcNAc and ßGalNAc(14)ßGlcNActerminating structures on the milligram scale. GalT could thusbe used to add ßGalNAc to ßGlcNAc(12)Manterminating structures, converting them to the ßGalNAc(14)ßGlcNAc(12)Mansequences found on glycoprotein hormones. GalT did not transferGlcNAc residues from UDP-GlcNAc, but it could utilize UDP-GlcNH2as a donor. Synthesis of ßGlcNAc(14)ßGlcNAcsequences could therefore be accomplished by transfer of GlcNH2from its UDP derivative, followed by N-acetylation of the productamino-disaccharide using acetic anhydride in methanol. The productsof the enzymatic reactions were characterized by 1H-NMR-spectroscopyand fast-atom bombardment mass spectrometry. This work expandsthe scope of the combined chemical-enzymatic synthesis of complexcarbohydrates, using glycosyltrans-ferases, to the productionof oligosaccharides different from those for which these enzymeswere designed. These unnatural reactions should find applicationin glycoprotein and glycolipid remodelling. galactosyltransferase chemica1-enzymatic synthesis of oligosaccharides oligosaccharide analogues sugar-nucleotide analogues carbohydrate remodelling  相似文献   
Macrocystis pyrifera gametophytes were exposed in batch culture to varying mass concentrations of buried, sewage-contaminated, historically discharged sediment that had been sampled from two sites off Palos Verdes Peninsula, California. Significant gametophytic vegetative growth inhibition was detected in six days, using digital image analysis at sediment loadings ranging from 0.15 to 14.5 g in 500 mL nutrient-enriched seawater. Inhibition declined at low sediment loadings and increased at high loadings as cultures aged. Sediments corresponding to the historic emissions peak taken 2 km from the Joint Water Pollution Control Plant outfall inhibited vegetative growth more than did sediments sampled 13 km distant. Analysis showed elevated aqueous Cd(II), Cr(II) and p,p-DDE concentrations in high sediment-loading culture medium. Inhibition by Zn(II) alone was observed at similar concentrations in other experiments, but synergism or antagonism by other toxicants remains possible.  相似文献   
Monoterpene cyclases catalyze the divalent metal ion-dependent conversion of the acyclic precursor geranyl pyrophosphate to a variety of monocyclic and bicyclic monoterpene skeletons. Examination of the kinetics of inhibition of cyclization by the pyrophosphate ester of (E)-4-[2-diazo-3-trifluoropropionyloxy]-3-methyl-2-buten-1-o l, a photolabile structural analog of the substrate, using a partially purified preparation of geranyl pyrophosphate:(+)-pinene cyclase and geranyl pyrophosphate:(+)-bornyl pyrophosphate cyclase from common sage (Salvia officinalis) evidenced (under dark conditions) strictly uncompetitive inhibition with K'i values of 3.2 and 4.7 microM, respectively. These values are close to the corresponding Km values for the substrate with these two enzymes. This novel property of the substrate analog was also examined in the presence of two other inhibitors which bind to different domains of the cyclase active site (inorganic pyrophosphate and a sulfonium ion analog of a cyclic carbocationic intermediate of the reaction sequence (dimethyl-(4-methylcyclohex-3-en-1-yl)sulfonium iodide)) in order to address the mechanistic origins of the uncompetitive inhibition of cyclization. It was not possible, however, to rule out either an induced-fit mechanism or a sequential binding mechanism since the substrate is recognized by at least two binding domains and because direct examination of the effects of binding on cyclase conformation is currently not feasible. The substrate analog, although photoactive, did not give rise to light-dependent enzyme inactivation of greater magnitude than that obtained from ultraviolet light alone. The unusual behavior of the analog was attributed to intramolecular interaction of the electron-rich carbonyl group of the diazoester with the required divalent metal ion that is chelated by the pyrophosphate group. A photostable analog of geraniol that resembled the photoactive substrate analog in bearing a carbonyl function at C6 (6-oxo-3,7-dimethyloct-2(trans)en-1-ol) was prepared. Following foliar application to rapidly growing sage plants, this analog was seemingly activated to the corresponding pyrophosphate ester in vivo and selectively inhibited the activity of several cyclases in this tissue as evidenced by diminished production of the corresponding monoterpene end products.  相似文献   
The activity of amino acid transport System A in avian fibroblasts was increased following incubation of the cells in a medium in which most of the NaCl normally present had been isoosmotically replaced by sucrose. This increase was detectable after 2 h of incubation, reached a maximum at about 4 h, and remained constant thereafter. Transfer of treated cells back to a normal medium resulted in decay of the induced transport activity, with a half-life of less than 2 h. Kinetic analysis revealed that the increase in transport activity arose from an increase in Vmax, with little change in Km. This induction of System A activity did not occur if an inhibitor of either RNA or protein synthesis was present in the modified medium. The use of various different solutes as replacements for NaCl in the incubation medium showed that, although each replacement caused a decrease in both cellular Na+ content and protein synthesis, only disaccharides produced the increase in amino acid transport activity. In addition, estimates of cell volume indicated that, even under iso-osmotic conditions, incubation in the sucrose-containing medium caused initial cell shrinkage, followed by swelling. It is concluded that this induction of System A activity is associated with a volume regulatory process and that this process probably accounts for the parallel responses previously observed when cells were incubated in hyperosmolar media. Induction of amino acid transport activity by this process is distinct from adaptive regulation, caused by amino acid starvation; but the two processes are not strictly additive, and so appear to converge at some step.  相似文献   
Automated assays for catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and superoxide dismutase are presented. The assay for catalase is based on the peroxidatic activity of the enzyme. The glutathione peroxidase and reductase assays measure the consumption of NADPH following the reduction of t-butyl hydroperoxide and oxidized glutathione, respectively. The assay for superoxide dismutase is based on the reduction of cytochrome c. All assays utilize the Cobas FARA clinical automated analyzer and provide considerable time savings over the manual assays.  相似文献   
Structure and developmental expression of the chicken NGF receptor   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of a cDNA clone of the chicken NGF receptor (NGFR) is reported and is compared with sequences of mammalian NGF receptors. A model is presented in which monodentate or bidentate binding of NGF dimers to repeated cysteine-rich sequence elements of the receptor yields low- or high-affinity NGF binding, respectively. In situ hybridization is used to characterize expression of NGFR in developing chick from 40 hr to 10 days of embryogenesis. NGFR mRNA expression is detected in premigratory neural crest cells, in epibranchial placode cells, and in all sensory, sympathetic and parasympathetic derivatives of these structures. In the embryonic CNS, NGFR mRNA is detected in the mantle zone but not the periventricular germinal zone throughout most of the neural tube. By Embryonic Day 8, NGFR mRNA is detected in a substantial fraction of cells in every brain region, with highest levels present in developing motor neurons. NGFR mRNA also is transiently expressed in many mesenchymal cell populations including cells in branchial arch, sclerotome, muscle anlagen, and feather follicles. The functional significance of wide-spread embryonic expression of the NGF receptor is discussed.  相似文献   
The developmental profiles of four glycosidase enzymes (-D-glucosidase, -D-glucuronidase, -D-N-acetylglucosaminidase and -D-galactosidase) in the cochleas, cochlear nuclei and inferior colliculi of four strains of mice were investigated. The strains used were an audiogenically seizure-susceptible strain (DBA/2) and three non-susceptible strains (BALB/c, C3H/He and Swiss/A2G). The enzymic activities fell to varying degrees from 7 to 28 days of age. Two significant observations were made—-D-glucuronidase was low in the regions of the C3H/He strain, and -D-galactosidase was particularly low in the regions of the DBA/2 strain. The very low activity of -D-galactosidase in the DBA/2 mice is discussed in relation to the ganglioside patterns known to be present in these seizure-susceptible mice. Studies on the DNA contents of these auditory regions in the four strains showed no correlation with seizure sensitivity.This paper is dedicated to Dr. Derek Richter on his seventy-fifth birthday.  相似文献   
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