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Ovules of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) were studied to discloseultrastructural features, which can facilitate nutrient transportto the embryo sac from 10 d after pollination (DAP) to the matureseed. Fertilization occurs during the first 24 h after pollination.The endosperm is a coenocyte, which is eventually consumed bythe embryo. By 10 DAP the inner integument is degraded and theouter integument adjoins the embryo sac boundary. The heart-shapedembryo approaches the embryo sac boundary at two sites, whichhere are named contact zones. Small integument cells in theneighbourhood of the first formed contact zones become separatedby prominent intercellular spaces. A heterogenous scatteringmaterial, probably representing secretion products accumulatesin these spaces. By 14-16 DAP the integument exudate disappears,and the suspensor degenerates. As the contact zones increasein size, wall ingrowths form a bridging network in the narrowspace between the embryo sac boundary and the extra-embryonicpart of the endosperm wall. The epidermal cells of the embryoseparate adjacent to these zones, and develop conspicuous wallingrowths. At 20 DAP vacuoles showing various stages in formationof protein bodies appear in the cells of the embryo.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Vicia faba, broad beans, ovule, seed, nutrient transport  相似文献   
Aim We combine evidence from palaeoniche modelling studies of several tree species to estimate the extent of Central American forest during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). In particular, we ask whether the distributions of these species are likely to have changed since the LGM, and whether LGM distributions coincide with previously proposed Pleistocene refugia in this area. Location Central American wet and seasonally dry forests. Methods We developed ecological niche models using two simulations of Pleistocene climate and occurrence data for 15 Neotropical plant species. We focused on palaeodistribution models of three ‘focal’ tree species that occur in wet and seasonally dry Central American forests, where recent phylogeographic data suggest Pleistocene differentiation coincident with previously proposed refugia. We added predictions from six wet‐forest and six seasonally dry‐forest obligate plant species to gauge whether Pleistocene range shifts were specific to habitat type. Correlation analyses were performed between projected LGM and present distributions, LGM distributions and previously proposed refugia. We also asked whether modelled palaeodistributions were smaller than their current extents. Results According to our models, the ranges of the study species were not reduced during the LGM, and did not correlate with refugial models, regardless of habitat type. Relative range sizes between present and LGM distributions did not indicate significant range changes since the LGM. However, relative range sizes differed overall between the two palaeoclimate models. Main conclusions Many of the modelled palaeodistributions of study species were not restricted to refugia during the LGM, regardless of forest type. While constrained from higher elevations, most species found suitable habitat at coastal margins and on newly exposed land due to lowered sea levels during the LGM. These results offer no corroboration for Pleistocene climate change as a driver of genetic differentiation in the ‘focal’ species. We offer alternative explanations for genetic differentiation found in plant species in this area.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas isolates from tropical environments have been underexplored and may form an untapped reservoir of interesting secondary metabolites. In this study, we compared Pseudomonas and cyclic lipopeptide (CLP) diversity in the rhizosphere of a cocoyam root rot disease (CRRD) suppressive soil in Boteva, Cameroon with those from four conducive soils in Cameroon and Nigeria. Compared with other soils, Boteva andosols were characterized by high silt, organic matter, nitrogen and calcium. Besides, the cocoyam rhizosphere at Boteva was characterized by strains belonging mainly to the P. koreensis and P. putida (sub)groups, with representations in the P. fluorescens, P. chlororaphis, P. jessenii and P. asplenii (sub)groups. In contrast, P. putida isolates were prominent in conducive soils. Regarding CLP diversity, Boteva was characterized by strains producing 11 different CLP types with cocoyamide A producers, belonging to the P. koreensis group, being the most abundant. However, putisolvin III-V producers were the most dominant in the rhizosphere of conducive soils in both Cameroon and Nigeria. Furthermore, we elucidated the chemical structure of putisolvin derivatives—putisolvin III-V, and described its biosynthetic gene cluster. We show that high Pseudomonas and metabolic diversity may be driven by microbial competition, which likely contributes to soil suppressiveness to CRRD.  相似文献   
A sensitive, simple, accurate and less expensive fluorimetric method was designed and validated for analysis of heptaminol HCl in both its pure and dosage forms, as well as in human plasma. The main principle used in the proposed approach was the condensation reaction between heptaminol's primary amino moiety and ethyl acetoacetate/formaldehyde reagents, giving a derivative that was highly fluorescent at 416 nm after excitation at 350 nm. Various experimental parameters that affected either the product's development or its stability were evaluated and optimized. The constructed calibration curve was linear over the range 0.2–2 μg/ml, with a good correlation coefficient (0.9996). Both the calculated limit of detection and limit of quantitation were 0.06 and 0.18 μg/ml, respectively. The presented approach was a success when used to determine Corasore® tablets and was validated according to International Council for Harmonisation guidelines.  相似文献   
Immune dysregulation is a hallmark of patients infected by SARS-CoV2 and the balance between immune reactivity and tolerance is a key determinant of all stages of infection, including the excessive inflammatory state causing the acute respiratory distress syndrome. The kynurenine pathway (KP) of tryptophan (Trp) metabolism is activated by pro-inflammatory cytokines and drives mechanisms of immune tolerance. We examined the state of activation of the KP by measuring the Kyn:Trp ratio in the serum of healthy subjects (n = 239), and SARS-CoV2-negative (n = 305) and -positive patients (n = 89). Patients were recruited at the Emergency Room of St. Andrea Hospital (Rome, Italy). Kyn and Trp serum levels were assessed by HPLC/MS-MS. Compared to healthy controls, both SARS-CoV2-negative and -positive patients showed an increase in the Kyn:Trp ratio. The increase was larger in SARS-CoV2-positive patients, with a significant difference between SARS-CoV2-positive and -negative patients. In addition, the increase was more prominent in males, and positively correlated with age and severity of SARS-CoV2 infection, categorized as follows: 1 = no need for intensive care unit (ICU); 2 ≤ 3 weeks spent in ICU; 3 ≥ 3 weeks spent in ICU; and 4 = death. The highest Kyn:Trp values were found in SARS-CoV2-positive patients with severe lymphopenia. These findings suggest that the Kyn:Trp ratio reflects the level of inflammation associated with SARS-CoV2 infection, and, therefore, might represent a valuable biomarker for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   
Populations are typically defined as spatially contiguous sets of individuals, but large populations of social species can be composed of discrete social communities that often overlap in space. Masai giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi) of Tanzania live in distinct social subpopulations that overlap spatially, enabling us to simultaneously explore environmental and social factors correlated with demographic variation in a metapopulation of >1,400 adult females and calves. We considered statistically distinct communities in the social network as subpopulations and tested for variation among the 10 subpopulations in adult female survival, calf survival, and reproductive rate (calf-to-adult female ratio). We then related variation in demographic rates among subpopulations to differences in vegetation, soil type, proximity to 2 types of human settlements, local giraffe population density, and social metrics of relationship strength and exclusivity among adult females. We did not find any among-subpopulation effects on adult female survival, suggesting adult female survival is buffered against environmental heterogeneity among subpopulations. Variation in calf demographic rates among subpopulations were correlated with vegetation, soils, anthropogenic factors, and giraffe population density but not with adult female relationship metrics, despite substantial spatial overlap. Subpopulations with more dense bushlands in their ranges had lower calf survival probabilities, and those closer to human settlements had higher reproductive rates, possibly because of spatial gradients in natural predation. Reproductive rates were higher in subpopulations with more volcanic soils, and calf survival probabilities were greater in subpopulations with higher local adult female densities, possibly related to higher-quality habitat associated with fertile soils or lower predation risk, or to greater competitive ability. The variation in fitness among subpopulations suggests that giraffes do not move unhindered among resource patches to equalize reproductive success, as expected according to an ideal free distribution. The differences in calf survival and reproductive rates could rather indicate intercommunity differences in competitive ability, perception, learning, or experience. Our approach of comparing demography among spatially overlapping yet distinct socially defined subpopulations provides a biologically meaningful way to quantify environmental and social factors influencing fine-scale demographic variation for social species. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The influence of climate change on the ecological impacts of invasive alien species (IAS) remains understudied, with deoxygenation of aquatic environments often-overlooked as a consequence of climate change. Here, we therefore assessed how oxygen saturation affects the ecological impact of a predatory invasive fish, the Ponto-Caspian round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), relative to a co-occurring endangered European native analogue, the bullhead (Cottus gobio) experiencing decline in the presence of the IAS. In individual trials and mesocosms, we assessed the effect of high, medium and low (90%, 60% and 30%) oxygen saturation on: (1) functional responses (FRs) of the IAS and native, i.e. per capita feeding rates; (2) the impact on prey populations exerted; and (3) how combined impacts of both fishes change over invasion stages (Pre-invasion, Arrival, Replacement, Proliferation). Both species showed Type II potentially destabilising FRs, but at low oxygen saturation, the invader had a significantly higher feeding rate than the native. Relative Impact Potential, combining fish per capita effects and population abundances, revealed that low oxygen saturation exacerbates the high relative impact of the invader. The Relative Total Impact Potential (RTIP), modelling both consumer species’ impacts on prey populations in a system, was consistently higher at low oxygen saturation and especially high during invader Proliferation. In the mesocosm experiment, low oxygen lowered RTIP where both species were present, but again the IAS retained high relative impact during Replacement and Proliferation stages at low oxygen. We also found evidence of multiple predator effects, principally antagonism. We highlight the threat posed to native communities by IAS alongside climate-related stressors, but note that solutions may be available to remedy hypoxia and potentially mitigate impacts across invasion stages.

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