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Abstract 1. Desiccation of needles following oviposition by Neodiprion lecontei in Pinus resinosa caused high egg mortality. Eight-five per cent of pine needles into which sawflies oviposited subsequently desiccated, compared with 2.5% of needles without eggs. No larval emergence occurred from desiccated needles.
2. Within affected shoots, the probability of desiccation increased with the extent of oviposition. In paired comparisons of needles, 41.2% of needle length was occupied by eggs in desiccated needles, compared with 24.0% of needles without desiccation.
3. Both density-dependent and density-independent factors may contribute to desiccation of egg-laden needles. The likelihood that needle vasculature will be severed by ovipositing females probably increases with population density. Drought, which was high during the observations, probably increases the incidence of needle desiccation following mechanical injury caused by oviposition.  相似文献   
Raffa KF  Hobson KR  Lafontaine S  Aukema BH 《Oecologia》2007,153(4):1009-1019
Predators and parasites commonly use chemical cues associated with herbivore feeding and reproduction to locate prey. However, we currently know little about mechanisms by which herbivores may avoid such natural enemies. Pheromones are crucial to many aspects of herbivore life history, so radical alterations of these compounds could be disadvantageous despite their exploitation by predators. Instead, minor modifications in pheromone chemistry may facilitate partial escape while maintaining intraspecific functionality. We tested this hypothesis using Ips pini, an endophytic beetle that develops in the phloem tissue of pine trees. Its predominant predators in the Great Lakes region of North America are Thanasimus dubius and Platysoma cylindrica, both of which are highly attracted to I. pini’s pheromones. However, there are significant disparities between prey and predator behaviors that relate to nuances of pheromone chemistry. Thanasimus dubius is most attracted to the (+) stereoisomer of ipsdienol, and P. cylindrica is most attracted to the (−) form; Ips pini prefers racemic mixtures intermediate between each predator’s preferences. Further, a component that is inactive by itself, lanierone, greatly synergizes the attraction of I. pini to ipsdienol, but has a weak or no effect on its predators. A temporal component adds to this behavioral disparity: lanierone is most important in the communication of I. pini during periods when its predators are most abundant. The difficulties involved in tracking prey are further compounded by spatial and temporal variation in prey signaling on a local scale. For example, the preferences of I. pini vary significantly among sites only 50 km apart. This chemical crypsis is analogous to morphological forms of camouflage, such as color and mimicry, that are widely recognized as evasive adaptations against visually searching predators. Presumably these relationships are dynamic, with predators and prey shifting responses in microevolutionary time. However, several factors may delay predator counter adaptations. The most important appears to be the availability of alternate prey, specifically I. grandicollis, whose pheromone ipsenol is highly attractive to the above predators but not cross-attractive with I. pini. Consistent with this view, the specialist parasitoid, Tomicobia tibialis, has behavioral preferences for pheromone components that closely correspond with those of I. pini. These results are discussed in terms of population dynamics and coevolutionary theory. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 subunits encode for the muscarinic-regulated current (I(KM)), a sub-threshold voltage-dependent K+ current regulating neuronal excitability. In this study, we have investigated the involvement of I(KM) in dopamine (DA) release from rat striatal synaptosomes evoked by elevated extracellular K+ concentrations ([K+]e) and by muscarinic receptor activation. [3H]dopamine ([3H]DA) release triggered by 9 mmol/L [K+]e was inhibited by the I(KM) activator retigabine (0.01-30 micromol/L; Emax = 54.80 +/- 3.85%; IC50 = 0.50 +/- 0.36 micromol/L). The I(KM) blockers tetraethylammonium (0.1-3 mmol/L) and XE-991 (0.1-30 micromol/L) enhanced K+-evoked [3H]DA release and prevented retigabine-induced inhibition of depolarization-evoked [3H]DA release. Retigabine-induced inhibition of K+-evoked [3H]DA release was also abolished by synaptosomal entrapment of blocking anti-KCNQ2 polyclonal antibodies, an effect prevented by antibody pre-absorption with the KCNQ2 immunizing peptide. Furthermore, the cholinergic agonist oxotremorine (OXO) (1-300 micromol/L) potentiated 9 mmol/L [K+]e-evoked [3H]DA release (Emax = 155 +/- 9.50%; EC50 = 25 +/- 1.80 micromol/L). OXO (100 micromol/L)-induced [3H]DA release enhancement was competitively inhibited by pirenzepine (1-10 nmol/L) and abolished by the M3-preferring antagonist 4-diphenylacetoxy N-methylpiperidine methiodide (1 micromol/L), but was unaffected by the M1-selective antagonist MT-7 (10-100 nmol/L) or by Pertussis toxin (1.5-3 microg/mL), which uncouples M2- and M4-mediated responses. Finally, OXO-induced potentiation of depolarization-induced [3H]DA release was not additive to that produced by XE-991 (10 micromol/L), was unaffected by retigabine (10 micromol/L), and was abolished by synaptosomal entrapment of anti-KCNQ2 antibodies. Collectively, these findings indicate that, in rat striatal nerve endings, I(KM) channels containing KCNQ2 subunits regulate depolarization-induced DA release and that I(KM) suppression is involved in the reinforcement of depolarization-induced DA release triggered by the activation of pre-synaptic muscarinic heteroreceptors.  相似文献   
Mini-chromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins form ring-like hexameric complexes that are commonly believed to act as the replicative DNA helicase at the eukaryotic/archaeal DNA replication fork. Because of their simplified composition with respect to the eukaryotic counterparts, the archaeal MCM complexes represent a good model system to use in analyzing the structural/functional relationships of these important replication factors. In this study the domain organization of the MCM-like protein from Sulfolobus solfataricus (Sso MCM) has been dissected by trypsin partial proteolysis. Three truncated derivatives of Sso MCM corresponding to protease-resistant domains were produced as soluble recombinant proteins and purified: the N-terminal domain (N-ter, residues 1-268); a fragment comprising the AAA+ and C-terminal domains (AAA+-C-ter, residues 269-686); and the C-terminal domain (C-ter, residues 504-686). All of the purified recombinant proteins behaved as monomers in solution as determined by analytical gel filtration chromatography, suggesting that the polypeptide chain integrity is required for stable oligomerization of Sso MCM. However, the AAA+-C-ter derivative, which includes the AAA+ motor domain and retains ATPase activity, was able to form dimers in solution when ATP was present, as analyzed by size exclusion chromatography and glycerol gradient sedimentation analyses. Interestingly, the AAA+-C-ter protein could displace oligonucleotides annealed to M13 single-stranded DNA although with a reduced efficiency in comparison with the full-sized Sso MCM. The implications of these findings for understanding the DNA helicase mechanism of the MCM complex are discussed.  相似文献   
Diatoms represent one of the most abundant groups of microalgae in the ocean and are responsible for approximately 20% of photosynthetically fixed CO2 on Earth. Due to their complex evolutionary history and ability to adapt to different environments, diatoms are endowed with striking molecular biodiversity and unique metabolic activities. Their high growth rate and the possibility to optimize their biomass make them very promising ‘biofactories’ for biotechnological applications. Among bioactive compounds, diatoms can produce ovothiols, histidine-derivatives, endowed with unique antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and occurring in many marine invertebrates, bacteria and pathogenic protozoa. However, the functional role of ovothiols biosynthesis in organisms remains almost unexplored. In this work, we have characterized the thiol fraction of Phaeodactylum tricornutum, providing the first evidence of the presence of ovothiol B in pennate diatoms. We have used P. tricornutum to overexpress the 5-histidylcysteine sulfoxide synthase ovoA, the gene encoding the key enzyme involved in ovothiol biosynthesis and we have discovered that OvoA localizes in the mitochondria, a finding that uncovers new concepts in cellular redox biochemistry. We have also obtained engineered biolistic clones that can produce higher amount of ovothiol B compared to wild-type cells, suggesting a new strategy for the eco-sustainable production of these molecules.  相似文献   

Bacterial cellulose is composed of an ultrafine nanofiber network and well-ordered structure; therefore, it offers several advantages when used as native polymer or in composite systems.

In this study, a pool of 34 acetic acid bacteria strains belonging to Komagataeibacter xylinus were screened for their ability to produce bacterial cellulose. Bacterial cellulose layers of different thickness were observed for all the culture strains. A high-producing strain, which secreted more than 23 g/L of bacterial cellulose on the isolation broth during 10 days of static cultivation, was selected and tested in optimized culture conditions. In static conditions, the increase of cellulose yield and the reduction of by-products such as gluconic acid were observed. Dried bacterial cellulose obtained in the optimized broth was characterized to determine its microstructural, thermal, and mechanical properties. All the findings of this study support the use of bacterial cellulose produced by the selected strain for biomedical and food applications.

Forest conservation strategies and plans can be unsuccessful if the new habitat conditions determined by climate change are not considered. Our work aims at investigating the likelihood of future suitability, distribution and diversity for some common European forest species under the projected changes in climate, focusing on Southern Europe. We combine an Ensemble Platform for Species Distribution Models (SDMs) to five Global Circulation Models (GCMs) driven by two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs), to produce maps of future climate‐driven habitat suitability for ten categories of forest species and two time horizons. For each forest category and time horizon, ten maps of future distribution (5 GCMs by 2 RCPs) are thus combined in a single suitability map supplied with information about the “likelihood” adopting the IPCC terminology based on consensus among projections. Then, the statistical significance of spatially aggregated changes in forest composition at local and regional level is analyzed. Finally, we discuss the importance, among SDMs, that environmental predictors seem to have in influencing forest distribution. Future impacts of climate change appear to be diversified across forest categories. A strong change in forest regional distribution and local diversity is projected to take place, as some forest categories will find more suitable conditions in previously unsuitable locations, while for other categories the same new conditions will become less suited. A decrease in species diversity is projected in most of the area, with Alpine region showing the potentiality to become a refuge for species migration.  相似文献   
The molecular mechanisms that underlie maturation and egress of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) virions are only partially characterized. We have recently shown that the BFRF1 gene, the EBV positional homolog of herpes simplex virus type 1 and pseudorabies virus UL34, is expressed early during EBV lytic replication and that it is found predominantly on the nuclear membrane (A. Farina, R. Santarelli, R. Gonnella, R. Bei, R. Muraro, G. Cardinali, S. Uccini, G. Ragona, L. Frati, A. Faggioni, and A. Angeloni, J. Virol. 74:3235-3244, 2000). These data suggest that the BFRF1 protein might be involved in viral primary envelopment. To precisely determine the function of this protein, we have constructed an EBV mutant devoid of the BFRF1 gene (BFRF1-KO). 293 cells carrying BFRF1-KO showed no differences in comparison with wild-type EBV in terms of DNA lytic replication or expression of late viral proteins upon induction of the lytic cycle. However, binding assays and infection experiments using cell lines or human cord blood lymphocytes showed a clear reduction in the viral mutant titers. Complementation experiments with BFRF1-KO and a BFRF1 expression vector restored viral titers to levels similar to those for the wild-type control, showing that the modifications that we introduced were limited to the BFRF1 gene. Electron microscopic observations showed that the reduction in viral titers was due to sequestration of EBV nucleocapsids in the nuclei of lytically induced cells. This suggests that BFRF1 is involved in transport of the maturing virion across the nuclear membrane. This hypothesis was further supported by the observation that BFRF1 is present in maturing intracellular virions but not in their extracellular counterparts. This implies that BFRF1 is a key protein for EBV maturation.  相似文献   
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