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From a laboratory stock of Drosophila melanogaster (Oregon), reared for more than 20 years at 18° C, a new population was derived and maintained at 28° C for 8 years. The chromosomal and cytoplasmic contribution to genetic divergence between the two populations was estimated. Six body traits and reproductive fitness were taken into account. The third chromosome is responsible for the adaptive difference for temperature between the two lines. Temperature-selected genes which control body size are located on the second and third chromosomes, although the contribution of each chromosome depends on the environment in which the flies develop. The correlation between the chromosomal and cytoplasmic contributions to different traits and fitness, changes with temperature. At 28° C the correlation between fitness and each body trait is proportional to the response to selection exhibited by each of them, but this is not true at 18° C. Body size has, therefore, an adaptive significance in relation to temperature, which is expressed only in the environment where selection occurs. Cytoplasmic genes affect almost all characters to an extent similar to that of chromosomal genes. Inter-chromosomal and nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions are present and also change with temperature. In general, genes selected in a given environment produce greater phenotypic changes in that environment than in another. The population that experienced both temperatures is fitter in both environments, suggesting that the capacity to adapt to warm temperatures depends on genes other than those which are involved in the adaptation to cold.  相似文献   
Several recent reports have described large numbers of monoclonal antibodies that cross-react with toxins A and B ofClostridium difficile; this suggests that the toxins share major epitopes. Our results show that monoclonal antibodies (MAb) against other antigens bind nonspecifically to both toxins. Therefore, we believe that the cross-reacting MAb bind by this manner and not by a true immune reaction.  相似文献   
Agonists modulation of Mg2+-dependent adenylate cyclase activity has been studied in guinea-pig superior cervical ganglion crude membrane preparations. In the absence of receptors ligands, Mg2+ stimulates the enzyme in a concentration-dependent manner. The dose-activation curve shows heterogeneity and two components with higher and lower apparent affinity states, are extrapolated. In the presence ofD-Ala2-met-enkephalinamide only one component is present and the apparent affinity of the ganglionic adenylate cyclase system for the divalent cation as well as Vmax are inhibited. On the contrary, prostaglandin E2 increases affinity and Vmax values of the lower and, to a lesser extent, of the higher Km component. When the two drugs are tested in combination, not only the inhibitory effect of the opiate is overcome, but a large increase of the apparent affinities and Vmax values for both components is obtained, suggesting the involvement of the Mg2+-regulated subunits of the adenylate cyclase system in the supra-additive stimulation mechanism of the enzyme.  相似文献   
The protective effect of zinc against slight teratogenical action, exerted by low cadmium concentrations, was evaluated inBufo arenarum embryos treated simultaneously with both cations or preincubated with Zn before Cd treatment. Data on survival, malformations, and delay in development pointed out that Zn could prevent the-deleterous effects of Cd in previous and simultaneous treatments with that heavy metal.  相似文献   
By means of gel electrophoresis of tissue extracts we have studied protein polymorphism inEligmodontia typus. The analysis was performed on specimens from five population samples collected at different sites in Patagonia (Argentina). Mean heterozygosity (\-h) and proportion of polymorphic loci (P) were determined on the basis of 19 loci. Considering all individuals as one sample, \-h gave a value of 0.16 and P was 70%. Although these values are much higher than those reported for most rodent species, they are very similar to those obtained by us for four species of the genusCalomys and forGraomys griseoflavus. There is a striking genetic identity (IN=0.99) among populations from regions with different environmental conditions, indicating that the species possesses a common genic pool. Genetic distance with other species of the Phyllotini was estimated. DN was lower betweenE. typus andCalomys (mean DN=0.88) than betweenE. typus andGraomys griseoflavus (DN=1.01). The high morphological similarity between these last two species, especially regarding those characters related to desert life adaptation, could be assigned, at least in part, to convergent evolution.  相似文献   
Leaf decomposition of the exotic evergreen Eucalyptus globulus (eucalyptus), and three native deciduous tree species, Alnus glutinosa (alder), Castanea sativa (chestnut) and Quercus faginea (oak), was compared in a second order stream in Central Portugal. Changes in dry weight, nitrogen and polyphenolic compounds and microbial colonization were periodically assessed for three months.Negative exponential curves fit the leaf weight loss with time for all leaf species. Mass loss rate was in the order alder (K = 0.0161) > chestnut (K = 0.0079) > eucalyptus (K = 0.0068) > oak (K = 0.0037). Microbial colonization followed the same pattern as breakdown rates. Evidence of fungal colonization was observed in alder after 3 days in the stream, whereas it took 21 days in oak leaves to have fungal colonization. Fungal diversity was leaf species-dependent and increased with time. In all cases, percent nitrogen per unit leaf weight increased, at least, at the initial stages of decay while soluble polyphenolics (expressed as percentage per unit leaf weight) decreased rapidly in the first month of leaves immersion.Intrinsic factors such as nitrogen and polyphenolic content may explain differences in leaf decomposition. The possible incorporation of eucalyptus litter into secondary production in a reasonable time span is suggested, although community balance and structure might be affected by differences in allochthonous patterns determined by eucalyptus monocultures.  相似文献   
The transformation capacity of Achillea millefolium L. ssp. millefolium (yarrow) cell suspension cultures was investigated using geraniol (50mg/l) and borneol, menthol, thymol and farnesols (25mg/l) as substrates. Apart from converting these substrates into several biotransformation products, the cell suspension cultures were also able to glycosylate both the substrates and the biotransformation products. aa]Key Words bb]Achillea millefolium L. ssp. millefolium bb]Yarrow bb]Compositae bb]Biotransformation bb]Glycosylation bb]Geraniol bb]Borneol bb]Menthol bb]Thymol bb]Farnesols  相似文献   
We have investigated the substrate subsite recognition requirement of the xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase/xyloglucan-specific endo-(14)--d-glucanase (NXET) from the cotyledons of nasturtium seedlings. Seed xyloglucans are composed almost entirely of the Glc4 subunits XXXG, XLXG, XXLG and XLLG, where G represents an unsubstituted glucose residue, X a xylose-substituted glucose residue and L a galactosyl-xylose-substituted glucose residue. Thus in the xyloglucan sequence shown below, the xylose (Xyl) residues at the backbone glucose (Glc) residues numbered — 3,— 2, + 2 and + 3 may be galactose-substituted, and NXET cleaves between the unsubstituted glucose at — 1 and the xylose-substituted glucose at + 1, which never carries a galactosyl substituent. We have isolated the xyloglucan oligosaccharides XXXGXXXG and XLLGXLLG from NXET digests of tamarind seed xyloglucan, have modified them enzymatically using a pure xyloglucan oligosaccharide-specific -xylosidase from nasturtium seeds to give GXXGXXXG and GLLGXLLG, and have identified and compared the products of NXET action on XXXGXXXG, GXXGXXXG, XLLGXLLG and GLLGXLLG. We have also compared the molar proportions of XXXG, XLXG, XXLG and XLLG in native tamarind and nasturtium seed xyloglucans with those in NXET digests of these polysaccharides. Using these and existing data we have demonstrated that NXET action does not require xylosesubstitution at glucose residues — 4, — 2, + 1 and + 3 and that xylose substitution at + 2, is a requirement. There may also be a requirement for xylose substitution at — 3. We have demonstrated also that galactosyl substitution of a xylose residue at + 1 prevents, and at — 2 modifies, chain-cleavage. A partial model for the minimum substrate binding requirement of NXET is proposed.Abbreviations G unsubstituted glucose residue - X xylose-substituted glucose residue - L galactosylxylose-substituted glucose residue - F fucosyl-galactosylxylose-substituted glucose residue - Gal galactose - Glc glucose - HPAE high-performance anion-exchange chromatography - NXET nasturtium xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase or xyloglucan-specific endo-(14)--d-glucanase - Xyl xylose This work was funded jointly by Unilever UK and the Department of Trade and Industry (UK) via the LINK initiative Agro-Food Quality.  相似文献   
A rapid method to evidence urease activity is described. Urea hydrolysis and consequent production ammonia are detected by a chemical reaction producing a blue phenol compound (indophenol blue). Three hundred and three yeast were tested. Out of 107 urease-positive organisms detected by Christensen's Urea Agar Test (CUAT) 102 were positive by our method. No false negatives were observed by this method when testing 87 Cryptococcus strains. Ths practical screening test for presumptive identification of Cryptococcus neoformans is simple, unaffected by pH changes and requires 15 minutes to be performed.  相似文献   
The presence of heat shock mannoproteins (HSMPs) reactive with sIgA was demonstrated in several C. albicans strains. The subculture of the C. albicans isolated from mucosal surfaces on Sabouraud's dextrose agar at 25 °C switched off the HSMP expression. A re-expression of the HSMPs was obtained in the same medium by shifting the temperature of incubation to 37 °C. However, expression of HSMPs in two strains isolated from deep infections was maintained during several subcultures on Sabouraud's dextrose agar at 25 °C. A glycoprotein of 200 kDa seemed to be the main HSMP reacting with vaginal sIgA. The data presented in this study suggest that factors other than temperature can influence the expression of C. albicans HSMPs and therefore these antigens should be referred as stress mannoproteins.Abbreviations HSMPs heat shock mannoproteins - MAb monoclonal antibody - sIgA secretory IgA  相似文献   
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