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Howland and Baker Islands are two small, isolated reef and sand islets located near the equator in the central Pacific Ocean that are situated approximately 60 km apart. In 2004 and 2006, species-level monitoring at multiple sites, coupled with towed-diver surveys in 2002, 2004, and 2006 on both of these federally protected islands, revealed diverse fish, coral, macroinvertebrate, and algal assemblages. This study examines inter- and intra-island spatial and temporal differences in community composition among sites and presents baseline biological community parameters for two of the least impacted reef systems in the world. Despite similarities in species composition, permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) and multidimensional scaling ordinations (nMDS) suggest biological communities at the two islands are distinct with Baker Island containing a greater percent cover of branched Acroporid corals and turf algae and Howland Island containing a greater percent cover of crustose coralline red algae and small, compact genera of coral. Both islands also contained considerable cover of non-invasive macroalgae. PERMANOVA further revealed benthic and fish species composition to differ between forereef and reef shelf sites from different sides of each island. When islands were considered as a whole, temporal changes were not noted between 2004 and 2006; however, temporal changes at select sites did occur, with coral cover decreasing significantly along the west side of Baker Island from 2004 to 2006.  相似文献   
Raster image correlation spectroscopy (RICS) is a noninvasive technique to detect and quantify events in a live cell, including concentration of molecules and diffusion coefficients of molecules; in addition, by measuring changes in diffusion coefficients, RICS can indirectly detect binding. Any specimen containing fluorophores that can be imaged with a laser scanning microscope can be analyzed using RICS. There are other techniques to measure diffusion coefficients and binding; however, RICS fills a unique niche. It provides spatial information and can be performed in live cells using a conventional confocal microscope. It can measure a range of diffusion coefficients that is not accessible with any other single optical correlation-based technique. In this article we describe a protocol to obtain raster scanned images with an Olympus FluoView FV1000 confocal laser scanning microscope using Olympus FluoView software to acquire data and SimFCS software to perform RICS analysis. Each RICS measurement takes several minutes. The entire procedure can be completed in ~2 h. This procedure includes focal volume calibration using a solution of fluorophores with a known diffusion coefficient and measurement of the diffusion coefficients of cytosolic enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and EGFP-paxillin.  相似文献   


We sought to evaluate agreement between a new and widely implemented method of temperature measurement in critical care, temporal artery thermometry and an established method of core temperature measurement, bladder thermometry as performed in clinical practice.


Temperatures were simultaneously recorded hourly (n = 736 observations) using both devices as part of routine clinical monitoring in 14 critically ill adult patients with temperatures ranging ≥1°C prior to consent.


The mean difference between temporal artery and bladder temperatures measured was -0.44°C (95% confidence interval, -0.47°C to -0.41°C), with temporal artery readings lower than bladder temperatures. Agreement between the two devices was greatest for normothermia (36.0°C to < 38.3°C) (mean difference -0.35°C [95% confidence interval, -0.37°C to -0.33°C]). The temporal artery thermometer recorded higher temperatures during hypothermia (< 36°C) (mean difference 0.66°C [95% confidence interval, 0.53°C to 0.79°C]) and lower temperatures during hyperthermia (≥38.3°C) (mean difference -0.90°C [95% confidence interval, -0.99°C to -0.81°C]). The sensitivity for detecting fever (core temperature ≥38.3°C) using the temporal artery thermometer was 0.26 (95% confidence interval, 0.20 to 0.33), and the specificity was 0.99 (95% confidence interval, 0.98 to 0.99). The positive likelihood ratio for fever was 24.6 (95% confidence interval, 10.7 to 56.8); the negative likelihood ratio was 0.75 (95% confidence interval, 0.68 to 0.82).


Temporal artery thermometry produces somewhat surprising disagreement with an established method of core temperature measurement and should not to be used in situations where body temperature needs to be measured with accuracy.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to evaluate the utility of gross morphologic examination of larval mouthpart defects as a diagnostic screening test to detect Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection in four California, USA, anuran species. We examined mouthparts of 2,034 tadpoles of Bufo boreas, Pseudacris regilla, and Rana catesbeiana collected in 2003 and 2004 and Bufo canorus collected in 2004. Data were recorded for three morphologic features: upper toothrows, lower toothrows, and combined jaw sheaths. Mouthpart defects were observed in all four species (n=757), but only two species were infected with B. dendrobatidis (n=84). Sensitivity and specificity of the mouthparts test were 76% and 58%, respectively. Forty-two percent of B. dendrobatidis-negative animals would have been designated positive based on mouthpart defects. Observed prevalence was 43%, and true prevalence was 3.0%. Tests of the null hypothesis using logistic regression analysis showed that anuran larval mouthpart defects were not associated with B. dendrobatidis infection whether mouthparts scores were tested by individual morphologic feature or in combination (P=0.37). We conclude that B. dendrobatidis infection and anuran larval mouthpart defects are two separate processes that may occur concurrently and that evaluation of tadpole oral morphology is neither an accurate nor a reliable diagnostic test for B. dendrobatidis infection for the four species tested.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to evaluate the nitrogen (N) biogeochemistry of an 18–22 year old forested watershed in western Maryland. We hypothesized that this watershed should not exhibit symptoms of N saturation. This watershed was a strong source of nitrate (NO3 ) to the stream in all years, with a mean annual export of 9.5 kg N ha−1 year−1 and a range of 4.4–18.4 kg N ha−1 year−1. During the 2001 and 2002 water years, wet deposition of inorganic N was 9.0 kg N ha−1 year−1 and 6.3 kg N ha−1 year−1, respectively. Watershed N export rates in 2001 and 2002 water years were 4.2 kg N ha−1 year−1 and 5.3 kg N ha−1 year−1, respectively. During the wetter water years of 2003 and 2004, the watershed exported 15.0 kg N ha−1 year−1 and 18.4 kg N ha−1 year−1, rates that exceeded annual wet deposition of N by a factor of two (7.5 kg N ha−1 year−1 in 2003) and three (5.5 kg N ha−1 year−1 in 2004). Consistent with the high rates of N export, were high concentrations (2.1–3.3%) of N in foliage, wood (0.3%) and fine roots, low C:N ratios in the forest floor (17–24) and mineral soil (14), high percentages (83–96%) of the amount of mineralized N that was nitrified and elevated N concentrations (up to 3 mg N l−1) in soil solution. Although this watershed contained a young aggrading forest, it exhibited several symptoms of N saturation commonly observed in more mature forests.  相似文献   
In a model of human chorioamnionitis, fetal sheep exposed to a single injection, but not repeated injections, of intra-amniotic endotoxin develop lung injury responses. We hypothesized that repeated exposure to intra-amniotic endotoxin induces endotoxin tolerance. Fetal sheep were given intra-amniotic injections of saline (control) or Escherichia coli LPS O55:B5 (10 mg) either 2 days (2-day group, single exposure), 7 days (7-day group, single exposure), or 2 plus 7 days (2- and 7-day repeat exposure) before preterm delivery at 124 days gestation (term=150 days). Endotoxin responses were assessed in vivo in the lung and liver, and in vitro in monocytes from the blood and the lung. Compared with the single 2-day LPS exposure group, the (2 plus 7 days) repeat LPS-exposed lambs had: 1) decreased lung neutrophil and monocyte inducible NO synthase (NOSII) expression, and 2) decreased lung cytokine and liver serum amyloid A3 mRNA expression. In the lung, serum amyloid A3 mRNA expression decreased in the airway epithelial cells but not in the lung inflammatory cells. Unlike the single 7-day LPS exposure group, peripheral blood and lung monocytes from the repeat-LPS group did not increase IL-6 secretion or hydrogen peroxide production in response to in vitro LPS. Compared with controls, TLR4 expression did not change but IL-1R-associated kinase M expression increased in the monocytes from repeat LPS-exposed lambs. These results are consistent with the novel finding of endotoxin tolerance in preterm fetal lungs exposed to intra-amniotic LPS. The findings have implications for preterm infants exposed to chorioamnionitis for both responses to lung injury and postnatal nosocomial infections.  相似文献   
The hemopoietic specific adapter protein ADAP (adhesion and degranulation-promoting adapter protein) positively regulates TCR-dependent, integrin-mediated adhesion and participates in signaling pathways downstream of the TCR that result in T cell activation. The specific role of ADAP in regulating Ag-dependent T cell interactions with APCs and T cell activation following Ag stimulation is not known. We used ADAP-/- DO11.10 T cells to demonstrate that ADAP promotes T cell conjugation to Ag-laden APCs. Complementary in vitro and in vivo approaches reveal that ADAP controls optimal T cell proliferation, cytokine production, and expression of the prosurvival protein Bcl-xL in response to limiting Ag doses. Furthermore, ADAP is critical for clonal expansion in vivo independent of Ag concentration under conditions of low clonal abundance. These results suggest that ADAP regulates T cell activation by promoting Ag-dependent T cell-APC interactions, resulting in enhanced T cell sensitivity to Ag, and by participating in prosurvival signaling pathways initiated by Ag stimulation.  相似文献   
Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) has multiple roles in coordinating the behavioral and endocrine responses to a host of environmental challenges, including social stressors. In the present study we evaluated the role of CRH in mediating responses to a moderate social stressor in Wied's black tufted-eared marmosets (Callithrix kuhlii). Male and female marmosets (n=14) were administered antalarmin (a selective CRH-1 receptor antagonist; 50 microg/kg, p.o.) or vehicle in a blind, counterbalanced, crossover design. One hr after treatment, marmosets were separated from long-term pairmates and then housed alone in a novel enclosure for 7 hr. Behavior was recorded during separation and upon reunion with the partner, and urine samples for cortisol assay collected before, during, and after the intervention. Separation from partners elevated urinary cortisol concentrations over baseline for both conditions, but antalarmin treatment reduced the magnitude of the elevation. Antalarmin also lowered rates of behavioral patterns associated with arousal (alarm and "e-e" vocalizations, object manipulate/chew), but had no effect on contact calls, locomotory activity or alertness. Although most patterns of social behavior upon reunion with the partner were not affected by antalarmin, antalarmin-treated marmosets displayed more sexual behavior (mounts and copulations) upon reunion. These data indicate that antagonism of the CRH-1 receptor acts to reduce the magnitude of both endocrine and behavioral responses to a moderate social stressor without causing any overall reduction in alertness or general activity. This supports the hypothesis that CRH, acting through its type 1 receptor, is involved in coordinating the responses to anxiety-producing events. These results further suggest that the marmoset is a useful model for exploration of the role of CRH in mediating the behavioral and neuroendocrine responses to psychosocial stressors, particularly in the context of heterosexual social relationships.  相似文献   
The role of microbial immigration in the veinal colonization pattern of Aureobasidium pullulans on the adaxial surface of apple leaves was investigated in two experiments at two periods (early and late seasons) in 2004 by applying green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged blastospores to the foliage of orchard trees. Individual leaves were resampled by a semidestructive method immediately after inoculation (t0) and about 1 (t1), 2 (t2), and 3 (t3) weeks later. At t0, there were no significant (P ≤ 0.05) differences in densities (cells/mm2) on veinal (excluding midvein) sites and those on interveinal sites, but at all points thereafter, densities were significantly higher on veins. GFP-tagged A. pullulans cells remained primarily as singletons on interveinal regions (≥90% at all points), while ≥20% of cells over veins at t3 were in colonies of ≥4 cells. The colonies that developed from single cells placed on midveins and other veins were significantly larger than those that developed on interveinal regions of detached field and seedling leaves incubated under controlled conditions. Colonies primarily developed linearly along veins, reaching average colony sizes (72 h) of 24.4 ± 12.7 (mean ± standard deviation) cells. In contrast, colonies on interveinal regions tended to average only 2.9 ± 1.3 cells, with less linearity. To examine the potential role of A. pullulans growth-inhibiting factors associated with interveinal features, single GFP-tagged A. pullulans cells in droplets previously incubated on interveinal sites were placed on midveins and compared to midvein colonies derived from cells in a water-only suspension. No differences in colony size resulted. Our results indicate that immigration limitation and growth-inhibiting factors are not the primary factors responsible for A. pullulans veinal colonization patterns in the field. Rather, indirect evidence suggests that growth-promoting substances occur locally in the veinal areas.  相似文献   
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