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Titanium dioxide (TiO2)reflects ultraviolet light, and so could beexpected to protect the occlusion bodies (OBs)of nucleopolyhedroviruses (NPVs) fromdegradation by sunlight. However, in thepresence of sunlight and water, TiO2catalyzes the formation of hydrogen peroxide,which can degrade OBs. We tested microfineTiO2 that had been photostabilized(particles were coated to prevent catalyticactivity), as a UV protectant for the OBs ofthe NPV of Helicoverpa zea (Boddie). Inthe absence of UV, activity of the OBs wasreduced by nonphotostabilized TiO2 but wasunaffected by photostabilized TiO2 or byzinc oxide (ZnO). None of these materialsinfluenced larval feeding rates. Undersimulated sunlight, photostabilizedTiO2 protected the OBs to a greater degreethan did ZnO. Photostabilized TiO2 wascompatible with a viral enhancer, thefluorescent brightener Blankophor HRS. Undersimulated sunlight, both materials increasedactivity of the OBs, relative to OBs withneither material, in a largely additive manner. In bioassays of foliage collected from fieldplots of lima bean plants sprayed with OBs withor without one or both of these materials,TiO2 increased persistence of the OBs, butBlankophor HRS had no significant effect.  相似文献   
Aluminum is associated with etiology of many neurodegenerative diseases specially Alzheimer’s disease. Chronic exposure to aluminum via drinking water results in aluminum deposition in the brain that leads to cognitive deficits. The study aimed to determine the effects of aluminum on cholinergic biomarkers, i.e., acetylcholine level, free choline level, and choline acetyltransferase gene expression, and how cholinergic deficit affects novel object recognition and sociability in mice. Mice were treated with AlCl3 (250 mg/kg). Acetylcholine level, free choline level, and choline acetyltransferase gene expression were determined in cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala. The mice were subjected to behavior tests (novel object recognition and social novelty preference) to assess memory deficits. The acetylcholine level in cortex and hippocampus was significantly reduced in aluminum-treated animals, as compared to cortex and hippocampus of control animals. Acetylcholine level in amygdala of aluminum-treated animals remained unchanged. Free choline level in all the three brain parts was found unaltered in aluminum-treated mice. The novel object recognition memory was severely impaired in aluminum-treated mice, as compared to the control group. Similarly, animals treated with aluminum showed reduced sociability compared to the control mice group. Our study demonstrates that aluminum exposure via drinking water causes reduced acetylcholine synthesis in spite of normal free choline availability. This deficit is caused by reduced recycling of acetylcholine due to lower choline acetyltransferase level. This cholinergic hypofunction leads to cognitive and memory deficits. Moreover, hippocampus is the most affected brain part after aluminum intoxication.  相似文献   
Promotion of hyperphosphorylation by frontotemporal dementia tau mutations   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mutations in the tau gene are known to cosegregate with the disease in frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17). However, the molecular mechanism by which these mutations might lead to the disease is not understood. Here, we show that four of the FTDP-17 tau mutations, R406W, V337M, G272V, and P301L, result in tau proteins that are more favorable substrates for phosphorylation by brain protein kinases than the wild-type, largest four-repeat protein tau4L and tau4L more than tau3L. In general, at all the sites studied, mutant tau proteins were phosphorylated faster and to a higher extent than tau4L and tau4L > tau3L. The most dramatic difference found was in the rate and level of phosphorylation of tau4L(R406W) at positions Ser-396, Ser-400, Thr-403, and Ser-404. Phosphorylation of this mutant tau was 12 times faster and 400% greater at Ser-396 and less than 30% at Ser-400, Thr-403, and Ser-404 than phosphorylation of tau4L. The mutated tau proteins polymerized into filaments when 4-6 mol of phosphate per mol of tau were incorporated, whereas wild-type tau required approximately 10 mol of phosphate per mol of protein to self-assemble. Mutated and wild-type tau proteins were able to sequester normal tau upon incorporation of approximately 4 mol of phosphate per mol of protein, which was achieved at as early as 30 min of phosphorylation in the case of mutant tau proteins. These findings taken together suggest that the mutations in tau might cause neurodegeneration by making the protein a more favorable substrate for hyperphosphorylation.  相似文献   
Abstract: Microtubule-associated protein τ is abnormally hyperphosphorylated and aggregated in affected neurons of Alzheimer disease brain. This hyperphosphorylated τ can be dephosphorylated at some of the abnormal phosphorylated sites by purified protein phosphatase-1, 2A, and 2B in vitro. In the present study, we have developed an assay to measure protein phosphatase activity toward τ-1 sites (Ser199/Ser202) using the hyperphosphorylated τ isolated from Alzheimer disease brain as substrate. Using this assay, we have identified that in normal brain, protein phosphatase-2A and 2B and, to a lesser extent, 1 are involved in the dephosphorylation of τ. The K m values of dephosphorylation of the hyperphosphorylated τ by protein phosphatase-2A and 2B are similar. The τ phosphatase activity is decreased by ∼30% in brain of Alzheimer disease patients compared with those of age-matched controls. These findings suggest that a defect of protein phosphatase could be the cause of the abnormal hyperphosphorylation of τ in Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   
Experiments were performed to determine whether seed priming with different concentrations (100, 150, and 200 mg/L) ofauxins (indoleacetic acid (IAA), indolebutyric acid (IBA), or their precursor tryptophane (Trp)) could alter salinity inducedperturbances in salicylic acid and ion concentrations and, hence, growth in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, namelyM. H.-97 (salt intolerant) and Inqlab-91 (salt tolerant). Primed and non-primed seeds were sown in Petri dishes in a growthroom, as well as in a field treated with 15 dS/m NaCl salinity. All priming agents, except IBA, increased the final germinationpercentage in both cultivars. The seedlings of either cultivar raised from Trp-treated seeds had greater dry biomass whenunder salt stress. In field experiments, Trp priming was much more effective in mediating the increase in grain yield,irrespective of the cultivar, under salt stress. The alleviatory effect of Trp was found to be associated with reduced uptakeof Na~ in the roots and subsequent translocation to the shoots, as well as increased partitioning of Ca~(2 )in the roots ofsalt-stressed wheat plants. Plants of both cultivars raised from Trp-and IAA-treated seeds accumulated free salicylic acidin their leaves when under salt stress. Overall, the Trp priming-induced improvement in germination and the subsequentgrowth of wheat plants could be related to ion homeostasis when under salt stress. The possible involvement of salicylicacid in the Trp priming-induced better growth under conditions of salt stress is discussed.  相似文献   
In Alzheimer disease brain the activities of protein phosphatase (PP)-2A and PP-1 are decreased and the microtubule-associated protein tau is abnormally hyperphosphorylated at several sites at serine/threonine. Employing rat forebrain slices kept metabolically active in oxygenated artificial CSF as a model system, we investigated the role of PP-2A/PP-1 in the regulation of some of the major abnormally hyperphosphorylated sites of tau and the protein kinases involved. Treatment of the brain slices with 1.0 microM okadaic acid inhibited approximately 65% of PP-2A and produced hyperphosphorylation of tau at Ser 198/199/202, Ser 396/404 and Ser 422. No significant changes in the activities of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) and cyclin dependent protein kinases cdk5 and cdc2 were observed. Calyculin A (0.1 microM) inhibited approximately 50% PP-1, approximately 20% PP-2A, 50% GSK-3 and approximately 30% cdk5 but neither inhibited the activity of cyclin AMP dependent protein kinase A (PKA) nor resulted in the hyperphosphorylation of tau at any of the above sites. Treatment of brain slices with 1 microM okadaic acid plus 0.1 microM calyculin A inhibited approximately 100% of both PP-2A and PP-1, approximately 80% of GSK-3, approximately 50% of cdk5 and approximately 30% of cdc2 but neither inhibited PKA nor resulted in the hyperphosphorylation of tau at any of the above sites. These studies suggest (i) that PP-1 upregulates the phosphorylation of tau at Ser 198/199/202 and Ser 396/404 indirectly by regulating the activities of GSK-3, cdk5 and cdc2 whereas PP-2A regulates the phosphorylation of tau directly by dephosphorylation at the above sites, and (ii) that a decrease in the PP-2A activity leads to abnormal hyperphosphorylation of tau at Ser 198/199/202, Ser 396/404 and Ser 422.  相似文献   
Dairy manure and tillage effects on soil fertility and corn yields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Organic amendments have received renewed attention to improve soil fertility for crop production. A randomized complete block split plot experiment was conducted to evaluate the dairy manure (DM) amendments of soil for corn (Zea mays L. cv. Monsanto 919) production under different tillage systems. Main plot treatments were no-till (NT), conventional tillage (CT), and deep tillage (DT), and subplot treatments were chemical fertilization (DM(0)), and DM at 10Mgha(-1)yr(-1) (DM(10)) and 20Mgha(-1)yr(-1) (DM(20)) with supplemental chemical fertilization. Results show that tillage and DM had significantly reduced bulk density (rho(b)) with greater porosity (f(t)) and hydraulic conductivity (K(fs)) than soils under NT and DM(0). Manuring was effective to improve soil physical properties in all tillage treatments. While manure significantly increased C sequestration, the N concentration was influenced by both tillage and manure with significant interaction. The CT significantly increased P as did the addition of manure. However, with manure, K was significantly increased in all tillage treatments. While tilled soils produced taller plants with higher grain yields, and water-use efficiency than NT soils, manuring, in contrast, increased corn harvest index. Manure exerted significant quadratic effect on corn biomass N and K uptake. The variable effects of tillage and dairy manuring on soil properties and corn growth are most probably related to "transitional period" in which soil ecosystems may have adjusting to a new equilibrium.  相似文献   
Readily available chemical fertilizers have resulted in a decline in the use of organic manure (e.g., green manures), a traditionally sustainable source of nutrients. Based on this, we applied urea at the rate of 270 kg ha−1 with and without green manure in order to assess nitrogen (N) productivity in a double rice cropping system in 2017. In particular, treatment combinations were as follows: winter fallow rice-rice (WF-R-R), milk vetch rice-rice (MV-R-R), oil-seed rape rice-rice (R-R-R) and potato crop rice-rice (P-R-R). Results revealed that green manure significantly (p ≤ 0.05) improved the soil chemical properties and net soil organic carbon content increased by an average 117.47%, total nitrogen (N) by 28.41%, available N by 26.64%, total phosphorus (P) by 37.77%, available P by 20.48% and available potassium (K) by 33.10% than WF-R-R, however pH was reduced by 3.30% across the seasons. Similarly, net dry matter accumulation rate enhanced in green manure applied treatments and ranked in order: P-R-R > R-R-R > MV-R-R > WF-R-R. Furthermore, the total leaf dry matter transport (t ha−1 ) for the P-R-R in both seasons was significantly higher by an average 11.2%, 7.2% and 36 % than MV-R-R, R-R-R, and WF-R-R, respectively. In addition, net total nitrogen accumulation (kg ha−1 ) was found higher in green manure applied plots compared to the control. Yield and yield attributed traits were observed maximum in green manure applied plots, with treatments ranking as follows: P-R-R > R-R-R > MV-R-R > WF-R-R. Thus, results obtained highlight ability of green manure to sustainably improve soil quality and rice yield.  相似文献   
Bardet–Biedl Syndrome is a multisystem autosomal recessive disorder characterized by central obesity, polydactyly, hypogonadism, learning difficulties, rod-cone dystrophy and renal dysplasia. Bardet–Biedl Syndrome has a prevalence rate ranging from 1 in 100,000 to 1 in 160,000 births although there are communities where Bardet–Biedl Syndrome is found at a higher frequency due to consanguinity. We report here a Pakistani consanguineous family with two affected sons with typical clinical features of Bardet–Biedl Syndrome, in addition to abnormal liver functioning and bilateral basal ganglia calcification, the latter feature being typical of Fahr's disease. Homozygous regions obtained from SNP array depicted three known genes BBS10, BBS14 and BBS2. Bidirectional sequencing of all coding exons by traditional sequencing of all these three genes showed a homozygous deletion of 10 nucleotides (c.1958_1967del), in BBS10 in both affected brothers. The segregation analysis revealed that the parents, paternal grandfather, maternal grandmother and an unaffected sister were heterozygous for the deletion. Such a large deletion in BBS10 has not been reported previously in any population and is likely to be contributing to the phenotype of Bardet–Biedl Syndrome in this family.  相似文献   
In order to cope up with the reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by host innate immune response, most of the intracellular organisms express Catalase for the enzymatic destruction/detoxification of hydrogen peroxide, to combat its deleterious effects. Catalase thus, scavenges ROS thereby playing a pivotal role in facilitating the survival of the pathogen within the host, and thus contributes to its pathogenesis. Bacillus anthracis harbors five isoforms of Catalase, but none of them has been studied so far. Thus, this study is the first attempt to delineate the biochemical and functional characteristics of one of the isoforms of Catalase (Cat1.4) of B. anthracis, followed by identification of residues critical for catalysis. The general strategy used, so far for mutational analysis in Catalases is structure based, i.e. the residues in the vicinity of heme were mutated to decipher the enzymatic mechanism. However, in the present study, protein sequence analysis was used for the prediction of catalytically important residues of Catalase. Essential measures were adopted to ensure the accuracy of predictions like after retrieval of well-annotated sequences from the database with EC, preprocessing was done to remove irrelevant sequences. The method used for multiple alignment of sequences, was guided by structural alignment and thereafter, an information theoretic measure, Relative Entropy was used for the critical residue prediction. By exploiting this strategy, we identified two previously known essential residues, H55 and Y338 in the active site which were demonstrated to be crucial for the activity. We also identified six novel crucial residues (Q332, Y117, H215, W257, N376 and H146) located distantly from the active site. Thus, the present study highlights the significance of this methodology to identify not only those crucial residues which lie in the active site of Catalase, but also the residues located distantly.  相似文献   
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