Nucleotides are important for RNA and DNA synthesis and, despite a de novo synthesis by bacteria, uptake systems are crucial. Streptococcus pneumoniae, a facultative human pathogen, produces a surface-exposed nucleoside-binding protein, PnrA, as part of an ABC transporter system. Here we demonstrate the binding affinity of PnrA to nucleosides adenosine, guanosine, cytidine, thymidine and uridine by microscale thermophoresis and indicate the consumption of adenosine and guanosine by 1H NMR spectroscopy. In a series of five crystal structures we revealed the PnrA structure and provide insights into how PnrA can bind purine and pyrimidine ribonucleosides but with preference for purine ribonucleosides. Crystal structures of PnrA:nucleoside complexes unveil a clear pattern of interactions in which both the N- and C- domains of PnrA contribute. The ribose moiety is strongly recognized through a conserved network of H-bond interactions, while plasticity in loop 27–36 is essential to bind purine- or pyrimidine-based nucleosides.Further, we deciphered the role of PnrA in pneumococcal fitness in infection experiments. Phagocytosis experiments did not show a clear difference in phagocytosis between PnrA-deficient and wild-type pneumococci. In the acute pneumonia infection model the deficiency of PnrA attenuated moderately virulence of the mutant, which is indicated by a delay in the development of severe lung infections. Importantly, we confirmed the loss of fitness in co-infections, where the wild-type out-competed the pnrA-mutant. In conclusion, we present the PnrA structure in complex with individual nucleosides and show that the consumption of adenosine and guanosine under infection conditions is required for virulence. 相似文献
The aim was to determine whether probiotics-feeding can affect the expression and localization of avian beta defensins (AvBDs) and proinflammatory cytokines in response to Salmonella minnesota lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the gastrointestinal tract. One-day-old male Chunky broiler chicks were fed with or without 0.4% probiotics for 7 days (P-group and non-P-group, respectively). Then, they were orally challenged with no LPS (0-LPS), 1 µg LPS (1-LPS), or 100 µg LPS (100-LPS) (n = 5, each), in experiment 1, and with no LPS and 1 µg LPS (n = 6, each) in experiment 2. Five hours after LPS challenge, the proventriculi and ceca were collected. A total of seven and eight AvBDs were identified in proventriculus and cecum, respectively. The density of ir-AvBD12 in the surface epithelium of proventriculus increased in the P-group in response to 1-LPS and 100-LPS stimulation. In experiment 1, the expression of two AvBDs in the proventriculus and six AvBDs in the cecum of 1-LPS chicks was higher in P-group than in the non-P-group. Results of experiment 2 showed similar tendency to experiment 1. These results suggest that probiotics-feeding may enhance the immunodefense system mediated by AvBDs but not by cytokine, against infection by Gram-negative bacteria.
One of the most severe diseases of cultivated tomato worldwide is caused by tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), a geminivirus transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Here we describe the application of antisense RNAs to interfere with the disease caused by TYLCV. The target of the antisense RNA is the rare messenger RNA of the Rep protein, encoded by the C1 gene. Transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plants expressing C1 antisense RNA were obtained and shown to resist infection by TYLCV. Some of the resistant lines are symptomless, and the replication of challenge TYLCV almost completely suppressed. The transgenes mediating resistance were shown to be effective through at least two generations of progeny. 相似文献
A number of reports indicate that a long-chain free fatty acid export system may be operating in mitochondria. In this study, we sought evidence of its existence in rat heart mitochondria. To determine its potential role, we also sought evidence of its activation or inhibition in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rat heart mitochondria. If confirmed, it could be a novel mechanism for regulation of long-chain fatty acid oxidation (FAO) in mitochondria. To obtain evidence of its existence, we tested whether heart mitochondria presented with palmitoyl-carnitine can generate and export palmitate. We found that intact mitochondria indeed generate and export palmitate. We have also found that the rates of these processes are markedly higher in STZ-diabetic rat heart mitochondria, in which palmitoyl-carnitine oxidation is also increased. Since mitochondrial thioesterase-1 (MTE-1) hydrolyzes acyl-CoA to CoA-SH + free fatty acid, and uncoupling protein-3 (UCP-3), reconstituted in liposomes, transports free fatty acids, we examined whether these proteins are also increased in STZ-diabetic rat heart mitochondria. We found that both of these proteins are indeed increased. Gene expression profile analysis revealed striking expression of mitochondrial long-chain fatty acid transport and oxidation genes, accompanying overexpression of MTE-1 and UCP-3 in STZ-diabetic rat hearts. Our findings provide the first direct evidence for the existence of a long-chain free fatty acid generation and export system in mitochondria and its activation in STZ-diabetic rat hearts in which FAO is enhanced. We suggest that its activation may facilitate, and inhibition may limit, enhancement of FAO. fatty acid oxidation; diabetes; lipotoxic cardiomyopathy; gene array 相似文献
Cancer is an evolutionary process characterized by the accumulation of somatic mutations in a population of cells that form a tumor. One frequent type of mutations is copy number aberrations, which alter the number of copies of genomic regions. The number of copies of each position along a chromosome constitutes the chromosome’s copy-number profile. Understanding how such profiles evolve in cancer can assist in both diagnosis and prognosis.
We model the evolution of a tumor by segmental deletions and amplifications, and gauge distance from profile \(\mathbf {a}\) to \(\mathbf {b}\) by the minimum number of events needed to transform \(\mathbf {a}\) into \(\mathbf {b}\). Given two profiles, our first problem aims to find a parental profile that minimizes the sum of distances to its children. Given k profiles, the second, more general problem, seeks a phylogenetic tree, whose k leaves are labeled by the k given profiles and whose internal vertices are labeled by ancestral profiles such that the sum of edge distances is minimum.
For the former problem we give a pseudo-polynomial dynamic programming algorithm that is linear in the profile length, and an integer linear program formulation. For the latter problem we show it is NP-hard and give an integer linear program formulation that scales to practical problem instance sizes. We assess the efficiency and quality of our algorithms on simulated instances.
In this study, we provide genetic, morphological, and geographical comparisons for 11 species of the southwestern Arabian radiation of Hemidactylus geckos, nine of which are endemic to the region. By using a coalescence-based species-tree reconstruction in combination with divergence time estimations and speciation probability testing, we show that most of the speciation events occurred in the Pliocene, which is more recent than previously thought based on calibrations of concatenated data sets. The current dating indicates that the changing climate at the beginning of the Pliocene, from hot and dry to cold and wet, is likely responsible for increased speciation in Hemidactylus. Analyses of geographic and altitudinal overlap of the species and their morphological differentiation show that most species do not occur in sympatry. Those that overlap geographically are usually differentiated by their altitudinal preference, head shape, body size, or their combination. Our results indicate that the topographically complex mountains of southwestern Arabia support a significant radiation of Hemidactylus geckos by allowing multiple allopatric speciation events to occur in a relatively small area. Consequently, we describe two new species endemic to the Asir Mountains of Saudi Arabia, H. alfarraji sp. n. and H. asirensis sp. n., and elevate two former subspecies of H. yerburii to a species level, H. montanus and H. pauciporosus. 相似文献
Tritrpticin and indolicidin are short 13-residue tryptophan-rich antimicrobial peptides that hold potential as future alternatives for antibiotics. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) has been applied as the main tool in this study to investigate the thermodynamics of the interaction of these two cathelicidin peptides as well as five tritrpticin analogs with large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs), representing model and natural anionic membranes. The anionic LUVs were composed of (a) 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol (POPE/POPG) (7:3) and (b) natural E. coli polar lipid extract. 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) was used to make model zwitterionic membranes. Binding isotherms were obtained to characterize the antimicrobial peptide binding to the LUVs, which then allowed for calculation of the thermodynamic parameters of the interaction. All peptides exhibited substantially stronger binding to anionic POPE/POPG and E. coli membrane systems than to the zwitterionic POPC system due to strong electrostatic attractions between the highly positively charged peptides and the negatively charged membrane surface, and results with tritrpticin derivatives further revealed the effects of various amino acid substitutions on membrane binding. No significant improvement was observed upon increasing the Tritrp peptide charge from +4 to +5. Replacement of Arg residues with Lys did not substantially change peptide binding to anionic vesicles but moderately decreased the binding to zwitterionic LUVs. Pro to Ala substitutions in tritrpticin, allowing the peptide to adopt an alpha-helical structure, resulted in a significant increase of the binding to both anionic and zwitterionic vesicles and therefore reduced the selectivity for bacterial and mammalian membranes. In contrast, substitution of Trp with other aromatic amino acids significantly decreased the peptide's ability to bind to anionic LUVs and essentially eliminated binding to zwitterionic LUVs. The ITC results were consistent with the outcome of fluorescence spectroscopy membrane binding and perturbation studies. Overall, our work showed that a natural E. coli polar lipid extract as a bacterial membrane model was advantageous compared to the simpler and more widely used POPE/POPG lipid system. 相似文献
During the outbreak of SARS in 2002/3, a prototype virus was isolated from a patient in Frankfurt/Germany (strain Frankfurt-1). As opposed to all other SARS-Coronavirus strains, Frankfurt-1 has a 45-nucleotide deletion in the transmembrane domain of its ORF 7b protein. When over-expressed in HEK 293 cells, the full-length protein but not the variant with the deletion caused interferon beta induction and cleavage of procaspase 3. To study the role of ORF 7b in the context of virus replication, we cloned a full genome cDNA copy of Frankfurt-1 in a bacterial artificial chromosome downstream of a T7 RNA polymerase promoter. Transfection of capped RNA transcribed from this construct yielded infectious virus that was indistinguishable from the original virus isolate. The presumed Frankfurt-1 ancestor with an intact ORF 7b was reconstructed. In CaCo-2 and HUH7 cells, but not in Vero cells, the variant carrying the ORF 7b deletion had a replicative advantage against the parental virus (4- and 6-fold increase of virus RNA in supernatant, respectively). This effect was neither associated with changes in the induction or secretion of type I interferon, nor with altered induction of apoptosis in cell culture. However, pretreatment of cells with interferon beta caused the deleted virus to replicate to higher titers than the parental strain (3.4-fold in Vero cells, 7.9-fold in CaCo-2 cells). In Syrian Golden Hamsters inoculated intranasally with 10e4 plaque forming units of either virus, mean titers of infectious virus and viral RNA in the lungs after 24 h were increased 23- and 94.8-fold, respectively, with the deleted virus. This difference could explain earlier observations of enhanced virulence of Frankfurt-1 in Hamsters as compared to other SARS-Coronavirus reference strains and identifies the SARS-CoV 7b protein as an attenuating factor with the SARS-Coronavirus genome. Because attenuation was focused on the early phase of infectionin-vivo, ORF 7b might have contributed to the delayed accumulation of virus in patients that was suggested to have limited the spread of the SARS epidemic. 相似文献