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APOBEC3G (APO3G) is a cytidine deaminase that restricts replication of vif-defective human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Like other members of the cellular deaminase family, APO3G has the propensity to form homo-multimers. In the current study, we investigated the functional determinants for multimerization of human APO3G and studied the role of APO3G multimerization for catalytic activity, virus encapsidation, and antiviral activity. We found that human APO3G is capable of forming multimeric complexes in transfected HeLa cells. Interestingly, multimerization of APO3G was exquisitely sensitive to RNase treatment, suggesting that interaction of APO3G subunits is facilitated or stabilized by an RNA bridge. Mutation of a conserved cysteine residue (C97) that is part of an N-terminal zinc-finger motif in APO3G abolished multimerization of APO3G; however, the C97 mutation inhibited neither in vitro deaminase activity nor antiviral function of APO3G. These results suggest that monomeric APO3G is both catalytically active and has antiviral activity. Interference studies employing either catalytically inactive or packaging-incompetent APO3G variants suggest that wild-type APO3G is packaged into HIV-1 particles in monomeric form. These results provide novel insights into the catalytic function and antiviral property of APO3G and demonstrate an important role for C97 in the RNA-dependent multimerization of this protein.  相似文献   


Most epidemiological studies exploring the association between smokeless tobacco (SLT) use and coronary heart disease (CHD) have been in Western populations, and have focused on SLT products used in those countries. Few studies come from South Asian countries. Our objective was to determine the association between SLT use and CHD among non-smoking adults in Bangladesh.


A matched case-control study of non-smoking Bangladeshi adults aged 40–75 years was conducted in 2010. Incident cases of CHD were selected from two cardiac hospitals. Community controls, matched to CHD cases, were selected from neighbourhoods, and hospital controls were selected from outpatient departments of the same hospitals. The Rose Angina Questionnaire (RAQ) was also used to re-classify cases and controls.


The study enrolled 302 cases, 1,208 community controls and 302 hospital controls. Current use was higher among community controls (38%) compared to cases (33%) and hospital controls (32%). Current use of SLT was not significantly associated with an increased risk of CHD when community controls were used (adjusted OR 0.87, 95% CI 0.63–1.19), or when hospital controls were used (adjusted OR 1.00, 95% CI 0.63–1.60), or when both control groups were combined (adjusted OR 1.00, 95% CI 0.74–1.34). Risk of CHD did not increase with use of individual types except gul, frequency, duration, past use of SLT products, or using the RAQ to re-classify cases and controls. There was a significant association between gul use and CHD when both controls were combined (adjusted OR 2.93, 95% CI 1.28–6.70).


There was no statistically significant association between SLT use in general and CHD among non-smoking adults in Bangladesh. Further research on the association between gul use and CHD in Bangladesh along with SLT use and CHD in other parts of the subcontinent will guide public health policy and interventions that focus on SLT-related diseases.  相似文献   
Live attenuated Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi Ty21a (Ty21a) is an important vaccine strain used in clinical studies for typhoid fever and as a vaccine vector for the expression of heterologous antigens. To facilitate the use of Ty21a in such studies, it is desirable to develop improved strategies that enable the stable chromosomal integration and expression of multiple heterologous antigens. The phage λ Red homologous recombination system has previously been used in various gram-negative bacteria species to mediate the accurate replacement of regions of chromosomal DNA with PCR-generated ‘targeting cassettes’ that contain flanking regions of shared homologous DNA sequence. However, the efficiency of λ Red-mediated recombineering in Ty21a is far lower than in Escherichia coli and other Salmonella typhimurium strains. Here, we describe an improved strategy for recombineering-based methods in Ty21a. Our reliable and efficient method involves the use of linear DNA-targeting cassettes that contain relatively long flanking ‘arms’ of sequence (ca. 1,000 bp) homologous to the chromosomal target. This enables multiple gene-targeting procedures to be performed on a single Ty21a chromosome in a straightforward, sequential manner. Using this strategy, we inserted three different influenza antigen expression cassettes as well as a green fluorescent protein gene reporter into four different loci on the Ty21a chromosome, with high efficiency and accuracy. Fluorescent microscopy and Western blotting analysis confirmed that strong inducible expression of all four heterologous genes could be achieved. In summary, we have developed an efficient, robust, and versatile method that may be used to construct recombinant Ty21a antigen-expressing strains.  相似文献   
促分裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogen-activated protein kinase, MAPK)在植物的胁迫反应应答方面占有重要地位。本文就MAPK的基本组成、分类、激发子和两种可能的机理的最新进展作了综述。并介绍了近年来此领域中的研究方法,包括MAPK活性测定的方法、免疫沉淀法、酵母双杂交、基因突变、RNA干涉和网络模式法。  相似文献   
转几丁质酶基因黑杨的获得   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以G1黑杨幼叶为外植体建立了组织培养高频再生体系 ,对传统的农杆菌介导法进行了改进 ,用来自于菜豆的几丁质酶基因 (CH5B)进行转化 ,经PCR和PCR Southern杂交鉴定 ,证实CH5B基因已整合入G1黑杨核基因组中。  相似文献   
Maternal thyroid hormones (THs) have been proven crucial for embryonic development in humans, but their influence within the natural variation on wild animals remains unknown. So far the only two studies that experimentally investigated the potential fitness consequences of maternal THs in birds found inconsistent results. More studies are thus required to assess the general effects of maternal THs and their influences on more behavioral and physiological parameters. In this study, we experimentally elevated yolk TH content in a wild migratory passerine species, the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis, to investigate the effects on hatching success, nestling growth and oxidative stress. We found that TH‐injected eggs had a higher hatching success, and the nestlings hatched from TH‐injected eggs were heavier and larger than control nestlings, but only during the early postnatal period. These differences vanished by fledging. Nestlings from TH‐injected eggs exhibited lower activity of the glutathione‐s‐transferase, a major antioxidant enzyme, than control nestlings at day 12, a few days before fledging, but they did not differ in oxidative damage and overall intracellular oxidative state. These results suggest that the early growth‐enhancing effects incurred no observable oxidative stress. We hypothesize that such a transient growth‐enhancing effect might be adaptive in advancing the development and maturation of the offspring so they are well‐prepared in time for the upcoming migration. Further studies investigating whether such advancing effects can influence long‐term fitness, will be more than valuable.  相似文献   
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